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A biweekly history podcast covering the last great war. Join Ray Harris Jr as he explores World War Two in intimate detail.
The History of WWII Podcast is produced and narrated by Ray Harris Jr. Ray has a degree in history from James Madison University. I’ve been obsessed with the events and people from WWII since I first learned of them. I’ve been waiting years for someone to do a podcast on WWII and couldn’t wait any longer.
The podcast The History of WWII Podcast is created by Ray Harris Jr. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
The attack against northern Stalingrad fairs well, still the defenders on holding on. But Stalin is unsatisfied, he wants counter attacks. It will waste men and ammunition, but no one argues with Stalin.
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As Gen. Paulus’ second major attack on Stalingrad gets underway, he’s even more impatient as he had been offered a promotion. But first, he must take the city.
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Now that German forces are inside Stalingrad, the fighting centers around the Main Ferry Terminal, the Grain Elevator and the heights of Mamayev Kurgan Park. Both sides will take these locations only to lose them again and again.
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Axis forces enter Stalingrad. But the Germans, unused to urban warfare, adapt as best they can. Whereas the new local commander of the defenders, Vasily Chuikov, will fight like a cornered rat and will quickly devise tactics to counter German advantages.
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Though Army Group B approaches Stalingrad, all does not go according to plan. Thus Gen. Paulus calls on Field Marshal Wolfram von Richthofen and his Fliegerkorps 8 to bomb Stalingrad for 48 hours. The destruction is terrible, still, the defenders will not yield. And while Marshal Zhukov readies Stalingrad’s defenses, Berlin starts taking men from Army Group South as they are needed elsewhere.
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Dividing Army Group South, both the Baku Oil Fields and Stalingrad are to be captured. Berlin believes this will weaken Soviet Russia’s war effort. But between Gen. Zhukov’s leadership and Lend Lease material reaching Russia by June 1942, Gen. Paulus’ 6th Army is in for a surprise.
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First, a summary of Stalin’s late winter, early spring 1942 counter attacks, along the entire Eastern Front. They mostly fail and cost hundreds of thousands of Soviet lives, but the Germans are checked once again. Then we turn to the Axis losing one of their own, in Operation Anthropoid.
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As President Roosevelt knew his New Deal policies would be unpopular with the business owners, he sought to explain himself directly to the people. Thus his fireside chats were born. But then came another crisis, the outbreak of WWII. Over the years, FDR would keep his fellow citizens informed of the country’s failures and successes, but ever striving for victory.
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Using overwhelming artillery, the Germans close in on Sevastopol. Petrov does what he can, but the Stavka stop giving him reinforcements, thinking, the enemy can’t attack for more than 2 weeks at a time. But through daring risks, the Germans get closer, though lose staggering amounts of men, enough, to disrupt Hitler’s larger plans for the area.
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During WWII many civilians became resisters, rebels and they would strike at their oppressive governments in any way they could. For some, it will be boycotts, for others, they will choose to pick up weapons. Tyranny should never be allowed an easy victory.
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Though outmanned, Gen. Manstein will brilliantly use what he has to out maneuver the Soviet forces on the eastern half of Crimea. It will take time, but soon the defenders are bottled up, their reinforcements cut off by the Luftwaffe. And on May 8, 1941, the final blows start against Gen. Kozlov’s forces.
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Of all Gen. Manstein’s Infantry Divisions, Maj. Gen. Ludwig Wolff’s 22nd Division will get the closest to Sevastopol. But Petrov’s regular flow of reinforcements will devour these wolves seeking to take the vital port city.
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Masters of Propaganda, the German state employs William Joyce to broadcast news, in a taunting tone, to the Allied Nations. His objective, to demoralize the Allied soldiers and the civilians supporting them, to give up the fight.
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With the Battle of Ishun lost, the Soviets retreat, in all directions. Soon, Crimean cities are falling and prisoners are being scooped up in the thousands. At Sevastopol, the first line of defense is lost, but does that mean defeat for the massive port city. One man thinks, no.
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The German 11th Army comes at Ishun, but Gen. Kuznetsov is ready or as ready as he can be. But with three attacking forces, Gen. Erich von Manstein only needs one to get through. What follows is Russian mistakes, followed by folly, followed by German determination.
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After a quick and merciless victory just above the Sea of Azov, Gen. Eric Hansen readies his 6 infantry divisions to take the Crimea. But the naval infantrymen of Odessa are shipped over. The battle ground is marshy and limited so the Germans will attack all three land bridges and hope one of them is a winner. Meanwhile, Gen. Kuznetsov deploys his men and hopes for the best as well.
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Army Group South reaches the opening of the Crimea. But waiting for the invaders are 3 lines of defense. Yet as there is no other way to gain access, the Germans will come straight at the Tatar Wall.
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The story of the Crimea had seen tragedies for centuries. Nothing would improve with Operation Barbarossa. Yet, the why of the importance of the Crimea to Hitler was the Stavka’s own doing.
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The Rzhev salient seems to be contained, but the new threat is near Vyazma. Can the Germans hold onto it, for the Soviets have the man power to attack from multiple vectors. German professionalism will be tested as will the heart of every Russian soldier.
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As the Germans keep attacking the Rzhev Salient, another Soviet thrust comes up at Vyazma from the South East. Both sides are undermanned and under equipped. It is a time for heroes, as long as the hero doesn’t mind sacrificing himself.
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Though Stalin’s great counter attack has failed, he refuses to see it as such. More attacks are ordered but the Heer or German Army is getting stronger by the day. The german troops around Rzhev even start up their own newspaper. Clearly, they plan to stay here until winter is over. But Stalin has thousands of more men to throw at them.
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Stalin sought an encirclement of the northern half of Army Group Center. Instead he would get two encirclements, the second, larger than the first. But then fate, inexperience, bad weather and seemingly personal vendettas stepped in. The situation changed rapidly from there.
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Journalist Betina Anton comes on the show to discuss her book, Hiding Mengele: How a Nazi Network Harbored The Angel of Death. After experimenting and killing thousands of people in Auschwitz, Mengele flees Europe and hides in South America. As the years go by, various agencies hunt for the SS Doctor.
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Stalin’s second wave of massive counter attacks get underway in January 1942. Yet the Germans are a bit more prepared this time. Not that Gen. von Kluge will not have to fire numerous commanders as Army Group Center is threatened with encirclement.
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Ryan Fairfield and Tony "The Tiger" Lupo return to the show, bringing interview clips from WWII Veterans. We cover incredible moments from D-Day and the 8th Army Air Force.
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As both sides still think they can win in the East, Germany and Soviet Russia will clash along the entire line of fighting. But no where more intensely than Rzhev. It will become a black hole of human lives and war equipment.
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Stalin, not giving up winning the war by early 1942 has ordered a massive attack across the Volkhov River, to the SE of Leningrad. Meanwhile, Hitler’s troops have finally cut the rail line feeding supplies to Leningrad. The Russians have the numbers and the desire, but they lack practically everything an army needs to stay in the fight.
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Stalin, tasting a bit of success, now launches massive counter attacks up and down the line of all three German Army Groups. Yet, he will find out, in war, as in life, some things can not be rushed.
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Army Group Center commander Von Kluge goes round and round with Hitler about retreating. Hitler’s reasons become more wild, but events on the ground take over. And while Stalin is happy to take arms from the Western countries, he did all he could to make sure war would erupt between the U.S. and the Empire of Japan.
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Astronaut Jan Davis' book tells of her father's time as a B-17 pilot and POW. His can do attitude that gets challenged in a German prisoner Camp. Then, Army Group Center is under constant attack. There are breaches and encirclements along 4th Army’s lines. So whether official or not, Kluge starts ordering pull backs as his suspects the OKH of not telling Hitler the full story. But when 4th Army’s entire line starts to pull back, Stalin orders an increase in attacks.
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From painful experiences during the Spanish Civil War and the Winter War against Finland, Soviet Russia started several sniper schools. Hence when the Axis came and the Eastern Front was born, these men and women took the fight to the enemy. But not as much as their greatest sniper, Ivan Sidorenko. He was self taught and would go on to teach hundreds more of the craft of snipping.
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2 Ep Special! 1st, Interview with Shannon Monaghan about her book, A Quiet Company of Dangerous Men: The Forgotten British Special Operations Soldiers of WW2. Then, as Christmas approaches, the Germans continually fall back, unable to face the onslaught of Zhukov’s attacks. The Holiday will be bleak for the fighting men, but rather lively for the officers far away. And Hitler will find out that his defiant speeches have been for nothing as he is told his men lack enough of anything, but mostly, winter clothing.
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Writer Robert Hutton comes on to discuss his latest book, The Illusionist: The true story of the man who fooled Hitler. Early in the war, the British need every advantage they could get, including military deception, which brings in Dudley Clarke. And of all his tricks, his greatest is tricking Rommel right before Monty attacks at El Alamein.
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As Hitler battles his generals about when to stop retreating, Gen. Zhukov starts his phase 2 of the great counter attack. For Army Group Center has a weak point and the Soviets have found it.
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Hitler is determined to make a stand with Army Group Center. And those that do not share his resolve or see his wisdom will be removed. Positions are soon vacated. Whereas Gen. Zhukov wants to keep attacking Army Group Center, to which Stalin is agreeable. But Zhukov will be given no additional troops. Stalin has plans for them.
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As Army Group Center continues its retreat, clearly, the momentum has shifted. But Berlin needs it back or the Army Group will disintegrate. Thus Hitler will make a bold decision, shocking the Wehrmacht.
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Just as Army Group Center goes over to a defensive stance, Stalin launches his counter attack. The first battle goes well, so more units are activated. Stalin is ready to attack the entirety of Army Group Center, but Gen. Zhukov tempers his ambition. The Germans can be beaten for now, but now destroyed. That will have to wait.
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As Army Group Center winds down its offensive during Operation Typhoon, due to a lack of supplies, exhaustion and cold, the Soviets around Moscow are building up their reserves and they all have adequate clothing. Hence on December 5th, Gen. Zhukov will launch a massive counter attack, to drive the enemy away from the Communist Capital.
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Out of the Internment Camps, thousands of Nisei Japanese Americans volunteer for the U.S. Armed Forces. Their contributions will save thousands of GI’s and shorten the war. Here are some of their exploits during and after the war.
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The attack on Pearl Harbor was a dark day for the U.S. But this was followed by another bleak period in the U.S. The creation and forced removal of Japanese Americans along the West Coast, to be placed in Interment Camps. Fear gripped the nation and the reaction was extreme and illegal, but tolerated by many.
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Army Group Center is finally making a play for Moscow, but their advance will grind to a halt. The question then is, what comes next. But before Field Marshal Von Bock can get his men going again, the Soviets make their move.
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The Soviet front around Kiev is crumbling fast. Over 40 divisions are cut off and surrounded. No help is coming and Stalin has forbade a retreat. Most of these men will perish, but the real question is, how many of the enemy can they take with them?
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Many new innovations were created during the war. Some were good, some were bad. This is the story of the less than perfect ones.
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Ryan Fairfield and Tony Lupo, hosts of The Warrior Next Door Podcast come back on, this time invited, to discuss the Top 5 WW2 movies. You may not agree, hell, we probably won't agree with each other, but it will be a good time. The video version will be on YouTube.
Want to go beyond the battlefield with The History of WWII Podcast? Dive deeper into the war with exclusive bonus episodes, expert interviews, and commercial-free listening for just $5/month! Every penny supports the show and keeps the history coming. Sign up now.
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As Gen. Guderian comes south and Gen. von Kleist rushes north, if no one stops them, then Kiev and all its defenders will be trapped. Thus soviet troops along the Desna and Dneiper Rivers give it their all. Will it be enough?
Want to go beyond the battlefield with The History of WWII Podcast? Dive deeper into the war with exclusive bonus episodes, expert interviews, and commercial-free listening for just $5/month! Every penny supports the show and keeps the history coming. Sign up now.
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As Axis forces build up to capture Kiev, the bridges over the Dnieper River are contested. Fierce fighting follows, but in the end, the Germans take enough bridges to continue East, after Kiev has fallen. Meanwhile, Gen. Guderian is on his way with his panzers to help trap Kiev.
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So far, Army Group South had done a tremendous job, but now they come upon Kiev. And protecting Kiev’s western approaches in almost 20 miles of anti tank works and barbed wire. Thus another way will be needed, but first, Hitler wants the guts ripped out of the area’s defenders and von Kleist had come up with a clever plan to make this happen.
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Operation Barbarossa is launched, but the soviets don’t have their best men in place as they have been killed by Stalin’s purges. In time they will learn but for now, one city after another falls to the Axis. Still, there are moments of heroism but also incompetence, certainly among the NKVD, who know politics, but not warfare.
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Michel Paradis returns to the show to discuss his latest book, The Light of Battle: Eisenhower, D-Day, and the Birth of the American Superpower. A new biography of Ike, the book focuses on the 6 months leading up to D-Day and all the fighting behind the scenes to pull off this once in a life time amphibious landing.
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Ken Aedy was a teenager when WW2 broke out. He joins the RAF and his life is changed forever. His son Mark joins me to discuss his father's many adventures during and after the war. This is a delightful story of a young man who does his duty and stays in the RAF and travels the world, meeting Douglas MacArthur and dancing with Rita Hayworth.
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Even before the attack on Pearl Harbor, Superman and Batman were declaring themselves against Hitler and his ways, while the American Bund, a pro Nazi organization, wanted the U.S. to be more like Nazi Germany. After Pearl Harbor, those same comic book heroes and many more were encouraging everyone to buy War Bonds to fight the Axis Powers. Meanwhile, Captain America is letting his fists do the talking for him.
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Historian Damien Lewis comes on to discuss his book about Churchill’s secret warriors who will take the fight to the Nazis. Now a major motion film starring Henry Cavill, we cover the brave men and women of Operation Postmaster and other operations that wear down the Axis in Europe.
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The final episode of the Siege of Odessa. The port city will fall, but not before tying down over 300,000 Axis troops for months. Odessa will be the first Hero City of the Soviet Union. And in their evacuation, the Soviets leave several nasty surprises for the city’s new owners.
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Both sides pull tricks out of their hats, trying to gain an advantage. The result, the Axis dominate the Black sea and the air, the Soviets, the ground around Odessa. Through ingenuity and a can do attitude, the soviets turn their tractors into tanks, which contributes to Odessa’s high water mark of defense.
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Want to go beyond the battlefield with The History of WWII Podcast? Dive deeper into the war with exclusive bonus episodes, expert interviews, and commercial-free listening for just $5/month! Every penny supports the show and keeps the history coming. Sign up now.
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First, Jason Bell comes on to discuss his book, Cracking the Nazi Code: The Untold Story of Agent A12 and the Solving of the Holocaust Code. Then, back to the Siege of Odessa. The Romanians, fearing German anger, throw everything they have at the Soviet city.
Want to go beyond the battlefield with The History of WWII Podcast? Dive deeper into the war with exclusive bonus episodes, expert interviews, and commercial-free listening for just $5/month! Every penny supports the show and keeps the history coming. Sign up now.
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As Army Group South advances east, Berlin needs Odessa taken. But the defenders of that Black Sea port city are willing to give all to deny this. What follows is unbelievable carnage just beyond Odessa’s defensive lines.
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Wave after wave of Romanian troops come at Odessa’s defenses. Also, squadrons of Messerschmidt’s attempt to dominate the skies above. But organization and determination tell and the invaders are held off, but for how long?
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As 11 German and Romanian divisions, with 100 tanks and 100 airplanes come at Odessa, the people there, military and civilian, indeed, school children, prepare their city to defy the enemy. It will be a siege that will test the endurance of both sides.
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A 2 Episode Special! First, an interview w/ Mike Croissant, author of Bombing Hitler’s Hometown. Then, before the Siege of Odessa began, a small Soviet offensive took place against Romania, which explains why the Axis right flank was so slow. But in the end, the Soviet Rifle divisions are ordered to pull back. As for the southern end of Barbarossa, Odessa would be the next target and even harder to crack.
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Focusing on the southern most part of Operation Barbarossa, we watch as the Black Sea city of Odessa stands defiant against Army Group South and the Romanians. This will cause a delay in Berlin’s plans, which will require Gen. Guderian and his panzers to come help take Kiev.
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As it seems Kiev is about to fall, the panzers suddenly turn south and head for Uman. There, a massive soviet response is building, but will it be enough to save Kiev, Uman and stop the Axis Forces from crossing the River Bug?
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Backing up a bit, we cover the Romanian’s early involvement in Barbarossa. But before Kiev can be taken, the Romanians want their lands back, taken by Stalin in 1939.
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The fighting only grows in intensity, with Kiev being threatened. But the German’s right flank is holding operations up. Still, in time, but with much loss, Gen. Kirponos pulls back his men and sets up a new defensive line, from Kiev to Uman.
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Soviet Gen. Kirponos does reasonably well in defending his SW Front, when he is told what is going on. But that is irregular at best. Soon, Lvov falls and all know that the next major battle will take place along the Stalin Line.
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Army Group South advances but Stalin believes the main German thrust will happen here, so plans accordingly.
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Gen. Zhukov has outsmarted and outlasted Gen. Von Bock to the north, south and now, in front of Moscow. The Germans will take a rest. But then the Soviets say, my turn.
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With the panzers attacking on the flanks, Von Bock’s main thrust is coming right at Moscow. But between the weather, a lack of fuel and Gen. Zhukov’s determination, Army Group Center can’t seem to close the deal.
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First, historian James Holland comes on to discuss Italy’s final phase as an Axis Partner. However, bad timing on the Allies part will cause the Italian Campaign to become a long slog. Then back to the regular series: Stalin reinforces the lines in front of Moscow, but the Germans miss this. So launch their supposed final attack against Stalin’s capital. Despite the lack of fuel and winter clothing, the Germans can’t help but think this is all about to be over. It had only begun.
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Operation Typhoon is launched. Surely, there can’t be that many defenders still before Moscow. But what Berlin will miss is when Stalin starts recalling entire experienced divisions from the Far East. And one group of soviet fighters figures out a way to combat the dreaded panzers.
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Though desiring an economic knockout blow provided by his panzers, Hitler will eventually return to the capture of Moscow. Which means Army Group Center will need to destroy whatever is in front of them. But Moscow has learned a thing or two and will salvage what they can before the battle of Moscow begins.
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The Battle of Smolensk is over. Another German victory, but before the panzers can move out again, many of them are sent to help the other Army Groups and Gen. Timoshenko is about to launch a series of massive of counter attacks against Von Bock. Enough, to drive the Germans back for the first time.
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First, T. Martin Bennett comes on to talk about how faith helps the man who led the attack against Pearl Harbor finds peace after his country is defeated. And an American POW is able to survive his imprisonment.
As one Soviet city after another falls, Army Group Center is well on its way to Moscow. That is, until Hitler decides to send Center’s panzers to the other Army Groups, as they clearly need help. And if Hitler’s plan of take the Ukraine and the Crimea works out, it may not be necessary for Moscow to be attacked at all.
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Army Group Center is surging ahead. But Stalin will keep throwing in entire armies to stop the invaders from reaching Moscow. By the end of June, Hitler is shocked to realize, there are still millions of enemy troops in front of him. Plus a bonus episode as Ryan Fairfield and Tony Lupo from The Warrior Next Door Podcast comes on with more clips of veteran interviews.
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Louise Endres Moore comes on to talk about her dad’s combat journey as she finds out he was more than a barber and translator. He operated a machine gun on the front lines. But you would never know it by what he didn’t say for the rest of his life. He was at the Battle of the Bulge, but that was only one of his 5 campaigns.
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Still catching up to where we left off on the Eastern Front, now we turn to Army Group Center. At first, Moscow was not von Bock’s main goal, but rather the destruction of all Soviet forces in Western Russia. If that could happen, then victory was assured. But one Soviet officer will fly into the Bialystok pocket to lead the men in a massive counter attack.
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Two Episodes! First, Historian Angus Konstam comes on to discuss his newest book, The Convoy: HG-76: Taking the Fight To Hitler's U-Boats and then we return to the Eastern Front. Army Group North is making headway toward Leningrad, but Stalin continues to put entire Armies in their path. This episode is read by Guest Podcasters Ryan Fairfield and Tony Lupo from The Warrior Next Door Podcast. Images and more at https://bit.ly/40tY5Yp
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Historian Roger Moorhouse comes on to discuss the incredible story of the Polish Ambassador in Switzerland who tried to save trapped Jews in Soviet occupied Poland. Word of this gets out and thousands more requests comes in. He who saves one life, saves the world entire. More info at https://bit.ly/3MrW4pM
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This is the first in a recap of the Eastern front. Germany’s Army Group North will cut through the Baltic states with relative ease. Still, there are a few moments of panic for the panzers that are only a foretaste of what is to come.
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Here are three stories to hold you over until I can get back to the Eastern Front. Enjoy!
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The conclusion of Operation Jubilee, the Dieppe Raid. The nightmare on the beach is over, but it’s repercussions have only begun in London, Ottawa and Berlin. But two years later, the Allies will be back and Dieppe will be liberated. Not that the war of words will end with the war.
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With the survivors back in Britain, questions are being asked, facts and figures are being compiled. Canada has questions but they will not like the answers. Meanwhile, Churchill is meeting with Stalin about fighting Nazi Germany together.
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A Two Episode Special! First, NPR's Scott Simon come on to discuss his audiobook/book Swingtime for Hitler: From Goebbels’s Jazzmen to Tokyo Rose to AI, the Eternal Allure of Propaganda. And then we continue with Operation Jubilee: Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat. To hear Swingtime for Hitler on Scribd, go to try.scribd.com/scottsimon for a 60 day free trial, use code SIMON60.
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Operation Jubilee has failed, but now the men have to be rescued. Yet the Germans are determined not to let a single man, ship or plane leave without having fought their way out.
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Military Historian John C. McManus comes on to discuss his US Army in the Pacific Trilogy. Then, the Rileys come ashore at White Beach, but it goes no better for them. It is now a make or break moment and Gen. John “Ham” Roberts has decided to throw in his reserves. The day may yet be saved.
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As the flanking attacks to either side of Dieppe have had mixed results, it’s now time for the direct attack on the town. Here, the Germans are well dug in, but coming ashore are 30 Canadian tanks to challenge for supremacy of the beach. Yet there is a slight delay before the tanks land and the Germans use that to slaughter the Essex Scottish.
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First, interview w/ Andrew Nagorski about his latest book, Saving Freud, The Rescuers Who Brought Him to Freedom and then we continue with the Dieppe Raid. Now it’s Green Beach’s turn. Here the men will find some success, but too few get ashore and their small arms are no match for what the Germans have in store. Operation Jubilee is starting to unravel.
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Now that the two attacking flanks had landed men, one went well, the other was a debacle, it was time to land men at Blue Beach, just east of Dieppe. And it would be here that would determine if Operation Jubilee would be a success or not. But the Germans were ready.
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The Commandos land on the far flanks of Dieppe. The attack at the Orange Beaches will see their initial objectives met, but men will be lost. As for Yellow Beach to the East, the commandos will be met with death and the loss of the majority of their team.
Images for this episode can be found on the History of WWII Podcast website at https://worldwariipodcast.net/2023/08/14/episode-431-the-father-and-mother-of-all-explosions/
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Professor Tom Holm discusses Ira Hayes, his time with the Marines, his fighting on Iwo Jima and Mt. Suribachi and his tragic life after the raising of the American flag.
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As the 200 plus ships of Operation Jubilee reach the French coast, a single event occurs, ruining all the plans of Combined Operations. Still, the Allied force moves forward, hoping to make the best of a bad situation. Which is when it gets much worse.
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A desperate Churchill green lights the raid on Dieppe. And though it has been scaled back to avoid entanglements with panzers, it is still complex and dependent on everything going to plan and on time. A rare event in battle. Still, on August 18th, the ships with the Canadians, Commandos, Free French and 50 US Rangers on board, set out.
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The Dieppe Raid planning continues as Churchill needs something to show the Americans and Soviets. The Canadians are tapped to assist the Commandos as Combined Operations wants an overwhelming attack. But the Germans are more than prepared. But Operation Rudder will have growing pains, until it dies. Canada, this one is for you.
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With Lord Mountbatten in charge of Combined Operations, the plan to soften up the enemy’s coastline defenses is underway. But there is much to learn and lessons here are normally accompanied by death. As Commando raids take place, the British and their Commonwealth Allies gear up for something much larger, a raid on Dieppe.
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In building up to Operation Sledgehammer, Mountbatten’s arrival is a whirlwind for Combined Operations. Their numbers will grow as will the number of their raids. But soon, the commandos are too few. Churchill wants larger raids, as does Mountbatten. The Canadians on the island are ready do anything to get this war over. Thus they will be tapped.
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Operation Pedestal would ensure that Malta stayed in the fight. But Stalin is not appeased. He wants a Second Front. So does Gen. George Marshall and he’s coming to London to say so. The British had to come up with a plan, big enough to impress the Russian and the American, but good enough not to get everyone killed. Enter the new head of Combined Operations, Lord Louis Mountbatten.
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The final episode of Operation Pedestal. Through luck and determination and American engineering, the Ohio holds together long enough, to bring her in to Valletta Harbor. And so the various machines of war on Malta have a new lease on life. They can continue to harass the supply convoys heading for Rommel. Truly an ironic turn of events.
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As everyone on Malta and in Britain and in the US and in North Africa wait, the tanker Ohio, carrying much needed oil to the island, slowly crawls towards Valletta Harbor. Yet at any moment, an Axis air attack could come or the tanker may simply split in two, given her damage. The people of Malta need a miracle. Fortunately for them, it was August 15th, the day the Catholic Maltese celebrate the Feast of the Assumption.
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When the sun rises on August 14th, the Stuka’s and Italian bombers are back. It would only take one bomb landing true to break the Ohio in half. But manning her AA guns are volunteers from previously lost ships who are determined, this will not happen again. Meanwhile, Churchill’s meeting with Stalin goes badly as the Prime Minister has no good news to deliver.
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As the Americans enter the war after the events of Pearl Harbor, the Western Allies have to decide how to fight the war. The Americans have the industry, the British, the experience. But both will have to give to get along so that Hitlerism can be destroyed. Mr. Conroy’s book covers the Casablanca Conference and the one small detail that almost changed the war and the world.
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Some of the merchant ships enter Grand Harbor and Adm. Burrough turns around to make for Gibraltar. But the Maltese notice that only three ships came with Burrough. Where were the others and most importantly, where was the tanker Ohio. She was still a few hours away, with no way to move under her own power. And between the oil on board, not to mention the tons of water now inside her, from the ship’s ripped side, the destroyers were still trying to figure something out. Either way, when the sun rose on August 14th, the Axis fighters and bombers would be back. Something had to happen and soon.
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As the escorting destroyers fill up with rescued crewmen, now it’s the Ohio’s turn as her engines give up the ghost. But the men in this story are determined to get her to Malta, by hook or by crook. For her fuel is the difference to whether Malta endures or surrenders to the not so tender mercies of the Axis Powers.
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Craig Nelson's book V is For Victory has it all: FDR's early days of combatting the Great Depression, restoring faith in the country and gearing up for a war that many hoped would never come. But it was FDR putting the country on the right path that got the US ready to aid the Allies and eventually enter the war. And win it.
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When the sun rose on August 13th, the Axis forces in the Mediterranean knew they had one last day to stop Operation Pedestal. As such, the Axis air formations came in hot and heavy, with their normal level of accuracy. This wasn’t over yet and more ships would be lost.
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Within a four hour period of darkness, Pedestal will lose many ships. By morning, 7 of the 14 merchants were gone. Still if the rest can get through, then Pedestal would be considered a success. And yet, the rising sun brings whole scores of Luftwaffe planes, vying to finish off Churchill’s last hope of resupplying Malta.
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As August 13th turns into the 14th, more ships of Pedestal are lost. Some fought bravely during their last moments, other’s not. But Adm. Syfret’s orders are that all ships are to try. And Commander Gibbs of the destroyer HMS Pathfinder and his crew enter into the history books as the ablest crew ever to sail a ship. Still, when the sun rises on August 14th, there are fewer ships to protect and fewer to protect them.
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The ships of Pedestal have entered The Narrows. Waiting for them are Italian E-boats that rule the night. But Keith Park, Malta’s Air Arm commander, has an ace up his sleeve. Well, at least a great poker face. Meanwhile Kesselring and the Italians argue from sun rise, past sun set on whether Adm. Da Zara’s attack fleet should have air cover. What’s the worst the planes on Malta could do to them?
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Churchill visits Stalin for the first time, only to give him bad news. There will be no Second Front in 1942. Then, back to Pedestal as the merchant ships have been scattered. The destroyers will try to round them up, but some captains don’t want to finish the trip. And the tanker Ohio is still limping towards Malta, but now she’s on her own.
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As Pedestal nears the Narrows, more escorts and merchant ships are lost to Axis planes and submarines. The convoy had been laid on heavily, to make up for any anticipated losses, but the losses about to take place would strain the very reason for London even trying.
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As Force Z leaves Force X and Pedestal to their fate, Italian subs and torpedo boats line up in the narrow Sicilian Narrows to finish off the merchantmen. Adm. Burrough is confident that he can get through, until a lone but lucky Italian sub launches 4 torpedoes that changes the odds.
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It’s still August 12, 1942 and after two large attacks, the Axis now launch their main attack, that afternoon. There were to be Axis dive bombers, torpedo bombers, high level bombers, submarines and torpedo boats. A potpourri of death for the Pedestal Convoy. Yet the Allied carriers did sterling work that day. But one of them will pay the price.
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The early afternoon of August 12th would be hell for the defenders of Pedestal. Several air attacks take place, in between U-boat attacks. And the Italians have their own technologically advanced surprise for the ships of Pedestal. But can they pull it off?
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Chloe Melas, granddaughter of the author, comes on to discuss the book, Luck of the Draw. Frank Murphy, a navigator was shot down and became POW for 18 months. His camp was liberated by Gen. Patton. Frank Murphy will be one of the characters in Tom Hank's new series, Masters of the Air.
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It’s August 12, 1942 and it’s a beautiful day. Which makes Axis reconnaissance flights ideal. Soon, Rome knows all it needs to and its various ships, subs and planes are sent out, all to converge on the convoy. Pedestal will need a miracle just to make it to noon.
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HMS Furious having delivered its Spitfires to Malta, turns around with its escort. But they are not out of danger yet. Meanwhile, as the ships of Pedestal get closer to Malta, the Allies launch several distractions. Some are a waste of time, but one gives the British an edge that a certain Italian admiral would come to loath. But surviving a war or not truly is, the luck of the draw. Check out investmentcaster.com and use promo code History, for $10 off your first purchase.
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Churchill pushes to have the largest convoy thus far, sent to Malta. Yet the Germans and Italians are ready. Before the Merchantmen and the tanker Ohio can reach Malta, they will have to survive both enemy's air forces and U-boats, not to mention Italy's cruiser squadrons. Not everyone is expected to make it through. Then again, that was expected as well. It's crunch time for Malta.
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Join me in listening to the first episode of William Clark's exploration of The French Revolution, from the Grey History Podcast. Clark goes deep and explores the grey areas around all history and certainly of Revolutionary France. The following is the episode that got the whole thing going. Prepare to binge!
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Rommel gathers his panzers in the south for another attack. But he has gone to the well, one time too many. Monty predicts this and plans his own cauldron trap. The question is, can the Afrika Korps be tricked into taking the bait? And for the first time, the U.S. Army Air Force helps take on The Desert Fox.
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Monty comes to grips with the type of fighter Rommel is and plans accordingly. More men are brought forward and a trap is set for the Axis forces. Meanwhile, Churchill brings the Allies closer together with a visit to Stalin in Moscow. The bad news is there will be no cross channel attack in 1942. The good news is that the Americans will soon land in North Africa.
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First, Brad Meltzer and Josh Mensch come to discuss The Nazi Conspiracy: The Secret Plot to Kill Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill. For the second episode: Auchinleck is out, Monty and Harold Alexander are in. They all know that Rommel is going to attack and soon, so Monty gets to work, ordering forward more men and telling 8th Army: We are here to win, not try. Thus all trucks on standby for a retreat, will be sent away. Meanwhile, Keith Park takes over air operations on Malta and decides, now is the time to go back on the offensive.
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Though both sides are depleted, Churchill wants Auchinleck to attack again, so he does. As not much has changed, the result is another loss of men, material and fuel, with nothing to show for it. Meanwhile, Rommel is asking for more of everything as he is so close to Cairo and finally taking North Africa for the Axis. But soon, there will be another actor on the stage as the Americans make plans to land on the African continent.
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With the First Battle of El Alamein over, the two generals settle for smaller battles while their reinforcements arrive. C in C, ME Auchinleck will take a page from Rommel’s book, by forcing The Desert Fox to react to him. But then Rommel shows why he’s worth studying, by turning the tables on Ruweisat Ridge.
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With the First Battle of El Alamein, Rommel’s building desperation clashes with Auchinleck’s determination to finally make a stand. But it’s the mistakes made by Afrika Korps that will determine the success or failure of The Desert Fox’s latest attack. Not that Rommel is ready to concede any territory he has conquered. Meanwhile, Churchill is getting more frustrated with Auchinleck.
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Another 2 Episode Special! First, my interview with Iain MacGregor about his book, The Lighthouse at Stalingrad: The Hidden Truth at the Heart of the Greatest Battle of WWII. An excellent single source of the battle. Then, Prelude to the 1st Battle of El Alamein. With the coming battle at El Alamein, C in C Auchinleck knows he has to win, because Alexandria is only 70 miles or 112 kms away. If Egypt falls, then the entire Middle East is at risk. And though the Allied dispositions and forts are far from perfect, the BBC lends a hand by declaring El Alamein a fortified defensive line of the first order, which gives Rommel pause.
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As Tobruk has fallen, the next defensive line is set up at Mersa Matruh, but C in C, ME Auchinleck has little faith in Gen. Ritchie’s latest plan. Thus Auchinleck takes over the battle himself, but is frustrated by bad communications and Gen. Gott’s misreading of the situation. Please see previous episode cover for additional map.
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With Tobruk lost, 8th British Army falls back to the Egyptian border. But C in C Claude Auchinleck is still not convinced that they are safe from Rommel, so agrees to another pull back to Mersa Matruh. Gen. Ritchie sets up his defenses, but Auchinleck has another line established even further back at El Alamein. Meanwhile, Rommel’s men travel 100 miles in 24 hours and soon the two sides are face to face once again.
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First, Ryan Fairfield and Tony Lupo, the hosts of The Warrior Next Door Podcast return to share more clips of WWII Veterans and their experiences. The Second Episode: Now that the Battle of Gazala is over and the bulk of the 8th British Army was back along with Egyptian border, Rommel is ready to go after Tobruk. And his speed will amaze and overawe the defenders. Meanwhile, Gen. Ritchie and C in C Auchinleck think they have weeks to prepare their counter attack. But in the end, PM Churchill will receive the soul crushing news that Tobruk has fallen. The mighty British Empire was being chipped away by her enemies.
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Two Episode Special! James Shone comes on to share what Taiwan, then Formosa was going through during, but also, before the war. Then, as Rommel prepares to surround Tobruk, Churchill and the War Cabinet decide to once again, try to get supplies to Malta. What follows is more disaster and death. The dark year that is 1942 continues.
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First, Dr. Paul Gill Jr. comes on to talk about his dad’s book about his life and war time adventures, Armageddon in The Arctic Ocean: Up the Hawse Pipe from Galley Boy to Third Mate on a Legendary Liberty Ship in the Biggest Convoy Battle of WWII and then the North Africa campaign continues with Tobruk is Surrounded.
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First, historian Taylor Downing comes on to talk about his new book, 1942: Winston Churchill and Britain’s Darkest Hour and then we pick up with Rommel and Ritchie battling it out in North Africa. The Desert Fox will push his men to the breaking point, but the Axis Forces will win the Battle of Gazala.
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With the Battle of Bir Hakeem over Rommel is ready to drive on Tobruk, but first he has to get passed the Knightsbridge Box, where the 2nd and 4th Armored Brigades are waiting. What follows is mistakes by both sides, but Rommel reacts more quickly because he is with his men. Meanwhile, 8th Army Commander Ritchie is far away and has no idea what’s going on.
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Historian Saul David talks about his latest book, Devil Dogs: From Guadalcanal to the Shores of Japan. King Company of the legendary 1st Marine Division will take part in 4 major battles in the Pacific; Guadalcanal, New Britain, Peleliu and Okinawa. But first comes the Canal. The Marines were only meant to establish a beach head and pave the way for others to fight. Instead, they will be on Guadalcanal for 4 long months with never enough food, support or men. Still, they have a job to do, hold at all costs.
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Here’s a preview of Bad Women: The Blackout Ripper. Over a single week in February 1942, a depraved serial killer stalked London’s dark and WWII bomb-ravaged streets, hunting for victims in the city’s bars and clubs. Using new research from police files, court transcripts and exhaustive genealogical studies, season 2 of Hallie Rubenhold’s Bad Women reconstructs the lives of the women The Blackout Ripper brutally attacked and murdered. These were women who were dismissed as asking for trouble for choosing to lead independent lives. Bad Women: The Blackout Ripper examines what placed these women at the margins of society and why the war years were perilous for so many women. Listen to Bad Women at https://podcasts.pushkin.fm/bwblackout?sid=war.
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Now that the Battle of the Cauldron was over, Rommel could come for the Free French at Bir Hakeem, to his SW. With this outpost removed, Africa Corps would be free to drive to the NE and take Tobruk. But the Desert Air Force would strive mightily to save the French, now dubbed, The Fighting French. And those men, a mixed bag of nationalities would show the Nazis and the world, the heart of a warrior.
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Rommel anticipates British 8th Army’s attack and prepares. The attack, Operation Aberdeen is launched, but will come to a sad end. This allows Rommel to commence his own attack, scattering thousands of Allies troops before him. The Battle of the Cauldron was supposed to be the beginning of end of The Desert Fox. Instead, it will be the beginning of the end of Gen. Neil Ritchie.
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Writer Damien Lewis returns to discuss his latest book about the beautiful Josephine Baker. She has found everything she wanted in France, but soon the country is over run by Nazis. Now she will be enlisted to spy for the Allies so France can, one day, return to its position as one of Europe's most powerful countries.
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Rommel’s lunge at Tobruk causes his panzers to get trapped. So the Desert Fox changes his plans and 8th Army Commander Ritchie gives Rommel days of freedom, while the Commonwealth troops set up to push on to Libya. Rommel uses this time to attack the isolated 150th Brigade Group over and over.
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This graphic novel by Jonathan Sandler covers the story of a young Jewish British citizen on vacation in NY when Pearl Harbor is attacked. Soon he is swept up in the US Army fighting for Uncle Sam, while his family back in Leeds worries over his safety. The story is taken from the main character’s real wartime experiences and unofficial memoir.
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The day of battle is here. Both sides have made flawed plans. The question is who can adapt faster. Still, the first phase of the Battle of Gazala goes to The Desert Fox. But there is always the question of fuel.
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Retired Naval Officer Dale A. Jenkins, who served in the Pacific has a book coming out in December: Diplomats and Admirals. Today he sets up and examines the two battles, Coral Sea and Midway, then how their outcomes affected the rest of the Pacific War. His website is https://daleajenkins.com.
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As The Allies and Axis prepare for a battle at Gazala, Rommel and Gen. Ritchie both feel confident that their plan is best. Yet both sides have weaknesses: Rommel doesn’t know where all the Allied formations are and the British led forces think they have it easier in only defending their positions. Both sides will make mistakes, but who will exploit them better?
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Rommel is able to take Cyrenaica back from the British 8th Army, but between his fuel issues and C in C, ME Auchinleck’s personnel changes, the two sides will stare at each other for a while. But the combat will return as North Africa’s fate will determine the future of the Middle East and the Suez Canal. It’s all or nothing, but having to deal with the Japanese Empire, now in the war, is stretching the Allies to the breaking point.
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With the failure of Gen. Auchinleck's Operation Crusader, at the end of 1941, Rommel resupplies and heads out again, before the British can start Operation Acrobat, the drive on Tripoli. As it was a year ago, the Allies are stretched far too thin and the men are under trained and under staffed. Rommel hopes to take Cyrenaica, then Tobruk, all in preparation for a much larger offensive that will finally end the war in North Africa, Egypt and possibly, the Middle East.
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Before moving on to Operation Pedestal and then the Eastern Front, Gen. Charles De Gaulle’s moves in West Africa have to be covered. He seeks to rebuild the French Empire by grabbing African lands that went with the Vichy Government after France fell to German forces.
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In this one off episode, Iceland and Greenland’s participation in the war is covered. Denmark leads these two islands to the north, but when Nazi Germany occupies Denmark, the islands are on their own. Churchill, as the First Lord of the Admiralty decides that these two islands must come under British control. But it will take American and Canadian help to pull it off, for once Hitler finds out about any talks, Berlin will react as they did in Norway, with their own invasion force. At the end is a recording of FDR and listen how he leads the American people into believing, it's only a matter of time before the US has to fight, because the Nazis are set on world domination.
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In the mold of Adrian Warburton, one George Beurling comes to Malta in July. Like Warby, George or Screwball as he is called, does not care for much for anything really, only flying and fighting. And in a short time, he will cause hell for the Axis pilots. However, Kesselring has ordered Fliegerkorps II to be given more pilots. The overwhelming air attacks on Malta are gearing up again. But this time, it will be Vice Air Marshall Keith Park leading the defense of Malta.
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Lord Gort will have his own Quisling to deal with as a Malta youth comes ashore to spy for Mussolini. Meanwhile, another convoy is attempted, but it too will fail. Gort has no choice but to reduce rations further. His biggest fear is if the Maltese people want to give up or will his soldiers give up the fight before a massive supply convoy can finally make it through.
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As Field Marshall Kesselring loses some of his planes to other theaters, Malta, thanks to Churchill, gets a large influx of Spitfires. The defenders may be able to retake control of their skies, but this does nothing to bring in food, fuel and ammunition. The people of Malta are suffering and the military’s ability to project power is still weak. A convoy is desperately needed, but nothing is expected for months.
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As April 1942 comes to an end, a spot of hope is dashed as the Axis continue their daily bombing of Malta. The ships and subs have been driven away, the island’s air force is weak. The only thing holding the invaders back is Malta’s AA gun crews and they are running out of ammunition. Gen. Kesselring’s plan of breaking Malta is working.
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As Field Marshall Albert Kesselring ramps up his attacks on Malta, Adm. Andrew Cunningham and others will leave the theatre as they are beyond exhausted. Still, the fight goes on. And those still defending the island are about to experience hell on earth, for months. Kickstarter for Don't Shoot the Messenger-https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/anthonytroli/dont-shoot-the-messenger
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MORO WARRIOR tells the remarkable true story of the Philippine Muslim (Moro) resistance fighters of World War II—the most successful and least-known guerrillas of the Pacific Theater. It is the story of Mohammad Adil, a sword-wielding warrior chieftain commissioned as a junior officer in Douglas MacArthur’s guerrilla army while still a teenager. Confident in his secret protective powers learned from a Sufi master, Adil roamed the highland rainforests with a price on his head, attacking Japanese outposts, surviving ambushes, and gaining a reputation as a man who could not be killed. www.morowarrior.com
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Former Labour MP Peter Bradley comes on the show to discuss his book that covers his family's history during WWII. This retelling of their lives also forced him to dig into the history of the Holocaust and of Anti-Semitism for the last 2000 years.
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We’re shaking things up today and sharing a preview from Car Show!, a new podcast from our friends at Pushkin Industries. Longtime Car and Driver editor Eddie Alterman tells the stories of the vital cars — the ones that have changed how we drive and live, whose significance lies outside the scope of horsepower or miles per gallon. In this episode, Eddie talks about the military background of the Jeep, a vehicle made for the battlefields of World War II, and its lasting popularity in America decades after the war. You can listen to the full episode and more from Car Show! at https://podcasts.pushkin.fm/carshow?sid=ww2.
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Writer and White House Correspondent Paul Brandus comes on the show to cover FDR's brilliant use of the media, before Pearl Harbor. Also, we discuss the significance of the Battle of Midway.
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Writer Damien Lewis comes on the show to discuss his new book Churchill's Great Escapes: Seven Incredible Escapes Made by WWII Heroes. During the war, there was no standing order for Allied Officers to try to escape a POW Camp. However, the men of the British Special Forces saw it differently. What follows is a testament to the courage and endurance of humans with a clear goal and unflappable belief in their cause.
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Desperate, Adm. Cunningham arranges another convoy for Malta. But the Italian Fleet and German Air Arm are ready. The result, a tiny fraction of supplies will get through. Malta’s days as a forward base are coming to an end.
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Professor Brandon Gauthier comes on to discuss his book Before Evil, where he examines the making of 20th Century’s greatest tyrants. He reminds us to never forget that the world’s monsters are humans too, with dreams, fears, ambitions and childhoods. That they were the hero in their own story. Stalin was trying to bring Russia up to date, Hitler was carving out an empire for himself and the German people, Mussolini wanted to be great and at the head of a new roman empire. And Mao wanted to bring order to the chaos around him.
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The RAF on Malta actually run out of Hurricane fighters on March 3rd. Fortunately, the promised Spitfires arrive. But how are 15 Spitfires supposed to hold back the entirety of Kesselring’s air arm of Italian and German planes. The dark time for Malta are far from over.
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As 1942 opens up the Axis have the upper hand. Still, those in London make plans to invade Sicily. What follows only fills up Davie Jones' locker all the more.
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The host of several well known podcasts, Lindsay Graham, of History Daily, American Scandal and American History Tellers, is allowing me to share with you, his coverage of the day that will live in Infamy. Here is the three episode arc from The History Daily Podcast.
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Author Michael Benson comes on the show to talk about his latest book, Gangsters vs Nazis: How Jewish Bobsters Battled Nazis in Wartime America. Some of the most notorious Jewish gangsters, Meyer Lansky, Charles Lucky Luciano, Mickey Cohen and Bugsy Siegel team up with the more respectable side of American politics to take on the growing trend that is the Pro Hitler German American Bund.
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Edward Aldrich comes on the show to discuss his book that covers the highly effective teamwork of Secretary of War Henry Stimson and Army Chief of Staff George Marshall. Once they are both in position, they will have 17 months to ready the American Armed Forces before Pearl Harbor. Not that they know this. What they do know is war is coming, yet half of the country wants to stay out and FDR can’t say much to publicly support to their efforts.
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As winter sets in on the Eastern Front, Field Marshal Albert Kesselring is given Luftflotte 2, submarines and motor torpedo boats. His task is to subdue Malta. And he is well on his way as the Italians launch a daring underwater raid on Adm. Cunningham’s Mediterranean Fleet at Alexandria and London is loath to send Spitfires, the only plane the British have to take on the vaunted Messerschmitt 109s.
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As the war goes on, some key personnel leave Malta, heading for new assignments or some much needed rest. But as winter comes, Hitler will send his German pilots back to Sicily. Malta will need help and soon. Instead, Adm. Cunningham looses the carrier Ark Royal.
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Adm. Cunningham is given Force K, a gift from Churchill. And right away Force K will prove itself by annihilating an entire convoy, looking to resupply Rommel.
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Malta based subs and planes are having a surge of success against Axis shipping heading to North Africa, but increased operations means more fuel is needed. Thus, another convoy is headed to the Mediterranean. This one will be the largest so far, but the Italians will send a massive force to intercept it.
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Philip Martin comes on the show to talk about the book he wrote with RAF Pilot Denis Elliott. Denis' early life was full of pain, which caused a lack of confidence. But then comes the war and young Denis will find himself and grow in belief in himself as a part of the RAF, fighting the Japanese.
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Robert Child, an Emmy® Nominated Producer / Director comes on the show to discuss his latest book, Immortal Valor. The Black Medal of Honor winners of WWII. Just over one million African Americans participated in the war against The Axis, but only 7 of them were given the nation’s highest award. And it took decades.
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Though Operation Substance successfully resupplied Malta in July 1941, the Allies lost planes, ships and men. What followed was the Battle of Valletta, as the Italians try to finish off the convoy while in the Grand Harbor. Paying in kind, sub commander Shrimp Simpson will send 3 subs, HMS Unique, P32 and P33 to Tripoli to wipe out the latest Axis convoy, bound for Rommel. Both sides draw blood and many lives are lost.
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Adm. Cunningham begins to believe that he may loose Malta. The Germans are gone, but he only has half his normal fleet and the Axis are not slowing down in transporting men to Rommel in North Africa. Picture-HMS Olympus, a part of the Magic Carpet Service. She lost all but 9 men of her crew and passengers out of 98 on May 8, 1942, 7 miles out from Malta after hitting a mine. She was discovered in 2019.
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Ray Boomhower has written about 3 important war correspondents, Richard Tregaskis, Ernie Pyle and Robert L. Sherrod. Today we discuss the young Tregaskis as he covers events like Midway, Guadalcanal, and the invasion of Sicily. Tregaskis will almost die in Italy, but will return to the Pacific to cover the approach to the Japanese home islands.
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Scott Rank comes on the show to discuss the more impactful events of the Pacific Campaign: The East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, The Battle of Midway, the Fire Bombing of Tokyo and the likely casualties of an Allied invasion onto the main Japanese Islands.
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As the Battle for the Atlantic is not going well for the Allies, Churchill’s War Cabinet puts into motion a plan to steal a Nazi Enigma machine. Bletchley Park has been trying to break the German Naval codes for years, but more is needed. Meanwhile Malta is about to get a reprieve from the Germans who are preparing for Operation Barbarossa. But one last air raid is needed. Pic-U-110 and the HMS Bulldog.
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With Crete falling so quickly Churchill and Adm. Cunningham have to assume that Malta is next. Still, ABC expects his subs, like the Upholder, to hold the line until Malta can be reinforced.
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Author Scott Bury joins us to talk about his Eastern Front Trilogy. The story centers around Maurice Bury, a Canadian who is forced to fight for Soviet Russia against Nazi Germany.
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We return to Malta as Adm. Cunningham is at his low point. Churchill wants total war, but Cunningham needs more of everything, including time. The short term answer seems to be more subs, but Malta will have to make do, for now. Doing his part is Lt. Commander Wanklyn and the sub HMS Upholder.
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Today's offering is an episode from Gary Arndt's Podcast, Everything Everywhere Daily. On this show, he covers the important contribution of Native Americans using their language to stump the Nazi Intelligence services from breaking the Allied Code.
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Today on the show, I talk to Tony Lupo and Ryan Fairfield about their show, The Warrior Next Door Podcast. Listen to the oral histories of World War II veterans from interviews conducted by Tony and Ryan as they provide historical context. Their efforts will help the experiences of these brave warriors live forever. Twitter - @WW2Podcaster. www.thewarriornextdoor.com
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Artist Joe Lee comes on the show to talk about his book, Forgiveness: The Story of Eva Kor, Survivor of The Auschwitz Twin Experiments. Find out what happens to Dr. Josef Mengele, the tormentor of Eva, her sister Miriam and the other twins of Auschwitz and the founding of Candles-Children of Auschwitz Nazi Deadly Lab Experiments Survivors.
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Jeffrey Jackson, professor of history at Rhodes College comes on the show to tell us about Lucy and Suzanne’s courage in defying the nazi occupation of the channel island Jersey. These two lovers, having developed their avant garde artistry in 1920 and 1930’s Paris, will put all their skill to work, when undermining the enemy troops on their island. Professor Jeffrey Jackson, author of Paris Under Water: How the City of Light Survived the Great Flood of 1910 describes how these two courageous women’s paper bullets made the Nazi’s question their own safety and why they were there at all.
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Former Ambassador to Luxembourg and before that, the Director of Policy Planning at the US department of State, Ambassador McKean is currently the senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the US in Washington, DC. Today he joins us to talk about how all but one of FDR’s ambassadors in Europe misjudged Hitler and his intentions.
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War reporter Jack Fairweather comes on to discuss his latest book A Rebel in Auschwitz. The story is of Witold Pilecki, a member of the Polish Resistance who is chosen to purposefully get arrested to be taken to the camp. Upon seeing the daily cruelty, Witold has to let the world know what is happening to the vanquished Polish people and later, the Jewish prisoners.
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PM Churchill wants Adm. Andrew Cunningham to sink supply ships heading for Rommel's North African Army. Cunningham wants more ships, but is told to make do with what he has. So in mid April, Cunningham sends out 4 destroyers under the Flagship HMS Jervis, with Capt. Phillip Mack in command.
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Writer and lecturer Chris Berman joins us to discuss the Night Witches, the female soviet pilots, cultural perceptions of warfare and the lady pilots of The United States and Great Britain. Check out his latest book, A White Star in a Red Sky.
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The Luftwaffe keeps trying different types of bombs until they find one that works well against Maltese buildings. And their Bf109 fighters are decimating the British Hurricanes. Malta is threatened. But Adm. Cunningham will engage the Italian Navy during the Battle of Cape Matapan to help even the odds.
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Churchill wants the Italians hit hard as the German's begin bombing Malta almost daily. This will include Operation Colossus and Commander Shrimp's sub, HMS Upholder heading out to interdict supplies heading to Rommel in North Africa. Pic-Lt. Comm. Wanklyn and second in command Tubby Crawford.
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After the successful raid against the Italy Naval Fleet at Taranto, Cunningham and Churchill wonder when the Italians will strike back and when Hitler’s Luftwaffe will join them. They will not have to wait long.
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Malta goes stronger each day, with Churchill's help and Adm. Cunningham's persistence. Still, the clouds grow darker as Mussolini invades Greece, which prompts Hitler to get involved in the Mediterranean.
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As Malta is pounded by Mussolini's Air Force, PM Churchill is determined not to give up on the island or any of the Mediterranean Sea. And Adm. Andrew Cunningham is in full agreement as the Battle of Calabria gets underway.
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For thousands of years, Malta has had numerous masters. But as WWII seems inevitable, the British and Maltese people come together to ready themselves to take on the Axis Powers. Not until Mussolini declares war against the Allies does Malta get attacked, but even then, her defenses are far from strong. Thus the Siege of Malta has begun.
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As most of Doolittle's Raiders make it home safely, one crew is soon in Stalin's hands and two others are captured by the Japanese. After this, go back and listen to Episode 299, to hear the end of the tale. Pic-Doolittle with President Roosevelt. Twitter-@WW2Podcaster. Facebook-A History of World War II Podcast.
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This episode covers the flight paths of the 16 Doolittle Raiders. A solid hour of hell is visited upon The Japanese Empire. Adm. Yamamoto and his Combined Fleet will send 6 carriers to chase down Adm. Halsey’s Task Force 16, but it is long gone. Tokyo learns that war is a two way street.
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As TF 16 under Admirals Halsey and Mitscher sail closer to the Japanese Home Islands, the Allies’ naval forces loose several vessels. It’s no longer a question of will Doolittle’s Raiders succeed, but rather, will the carrier Enterprise and Hornet make it safely back to Pearl Harbor.
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President Roosevelt, like the rest of America is reeling from the attack on Pearl Harbor. But his shock is soon joined by rage. He wants the Japanese Empire taught a lesson. The lessons of war. What is needed is a strike against Tokyo itself. Adm. Ernest J. King and his staff will answer the president’s call, by figuring out how to launch a bombing raid against the Land of the Rising Sun’s capital.
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Gen. Wainwright has set up his defenses for Corregidor as best he can, still, all involved know the outcome. It’s only a matter of playing it out, per his order from Gen. MacArthur. The defenders have a few tricks up their sleeve as Homma’s 4th Division lands on Corregidor.
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After Gen. Edward King’s surrender of Bataan, the Japanese focus on Corregidor and the three smaller islands below it. And now that the Battle of Bataan is over, Gen. Homma will send numerous Detachments to the Southern Islands.
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Generals Wainwright, King and Parker are seriously considering surrendering. The problem is that Gen. MacArthur has forbidden it. But the facts of the ground dominate. Months of starvation have robbed the defenders of their ability to fight any longer.
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Gordon Joseph Lippman was only 18 years old when he joined the army in 1943. Earning a spot in the 517th Parachute Regimental Combat Team, he would see action in Italy, Southern France and help Easy Company in The Battle of the Bulge. After the war, he would stay in the Army and fight in Korea and Vietnam. The winner of 17 Commendations, Gordon Lippman was a man anyone would be happy to have in their foxhole. The full title is Honor Through Sacrifice: The Story of One of America's Greatest Military Leaders.
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During the second battle of Bataan, Gen. Homma has a specific plan, whereas the Allies are simply trying to hold onto their defensive line. But the men on the line are far too weak to offer any real resistance. Sector D has been crushed and its Sector C’s turn. If it falls the war is all but over.
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Gen. Homma, now resupplied and reinforced, will come again. But this time, with MacArthur gone, the Japanese will face Gen. Edward P. King. And he is determined to hold out. But Homma’s plan is straightforward, to bombard the main defensive line to smithereens even before his men attack.
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As Gen. Homma’ reinforcements come in, his confidence grows. Yet his plan to conquer southern Bataan and Corregidor is flawed. Meanwhile, Gen. Jonathan Wainwright is doing all he can to prepare his men to fight the enemy.
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As Gen. Homma, commander of the Japanese forces in The Philippines brings in reinforcements and food, the American Government is finding it all but impossible to resupply Gen. Jonathan Wainwright, the new commander on Corregidor. Meanwhile, MacArthur is still trying to control the defense of Bataan from Australia.
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MacArthur finishes up his escape from Corregidor to Melbourne Australia. But the news waiting for him is not the General’s liking, basically, there are more troops back on Bataan than there are in the whole of Australia. But Gen. George Marshall will sooth MacArthur’s wounded pride with The Medal of Honor.
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It's time for MacArthur to leave Corregidor, but how? Submarine, plane or boat. MacArthur chooses an early departure over safety, thus he and his will suffer for 600 miles on a PT Boat. But the net around Corregidor is being drawn ever tighter by the Japanese. It's now or never.
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With the war of Bataan coming to a standstill, FDR and Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Marshall start to think of the future. MacArthur is too popular to let be captured by the Japanese. Besides, someone will have to lead US Army forces in the SE Pacific and there is only one man the American public would accept in that post, Gen. Douglas MacArthur. But how to extract him with his pride intact?
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During the Battle of the Points, Gen. Homma would attack Gen. Wainwright's western line. This allowed 1000 Japanese troops to get through. The Allied Command staff will soon find themselves dealing with 3 enemy forces in their rear. Hopefully the main defensive will hold while this threat is being dealt with.
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Gen. Homma has decided to hit the Allied line in two sections. Which means, in Gen. Parker's I Corps, on the eastern side of the Bataan Peninsula, Gen. Clifford Bluemel's Sector C will get all of Gen. Nara's attention. And Bluemel discovers a massive hole in his line just before the attack. The battle of Trail 2 gets underway.
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I am joined today by Richard Lim, host of This American President Podcast to discuss Franklin Roosevelt. Now that the Japanese have struck at Pearl Harbor, FDR must lead the U.S. to victory. But what kind of man and politician was FDR. Join us to find out.
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In attempting to smash MacArthur’s line on the Bataan Peninsula, Gen. Homma will send several amphibious end runs behind the lines. If all works out well, in this Battle of the Points, the Allies will loose all. If not, those Japanese troops may find themselves sacrificed, with nothing to show for it.
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Gen. Homma sends his forces at MacArthur's defensive line on Bataan. For days the line holds, until it doesn't. Falling back, the Allied try to keep cohesion, in order to stave off destruction.
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As Gen. Jonathan Wainwright conducts the battle of the 5 lines, Gen. MacArthur declares Manila an open city and continues to pressure Washington to send him supplies and reinforcements. All the while, Gen. Homma comes to control more and more of Luzon.
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With the defenses of Lingayen Gulf shattered, Gen. MacArthur has decided to retreat to the Bataan peninsula, though there are no waiting supplies there. So while there is fighting to the north and south of Manila, supplies and men are moved to the final defensive position. Yet, Gen. Homma increases the pressure with a fresh invasion at Lamon Bay.
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With MacArthur’s alteration to the American defensive plan for the Philippines left in tatters, he reverts back to Plan Orange: to move all available troops to the Bataan Peninsula. But first, he has to give his command staff enough time to make this happen. Thus a series of defensive lines will be set up between the Japanese troops and Manila, but how long can they hold against better trained and experienced troops?
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The main Japanese attack comes to Luzon on December 22nd, but Gen. Douglas MacArthur is overly confident. Besides, Gen. George Marshall is unable to help, as much as he wants to. This leaves the under trained and ill-equipped Philippine troops to guard the beaches of Lingayen Gulf. Also, the Asiatic Fleet will be of little help as their torpedoes, not that this is known yet, are mostly defective.
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As northern and southern Luzon becomes Japanese controlled territory, Gen. Douglas MacArthur finds himself trapped, besides which, his air arm has been devastated. The Allies’ only chance for survival are reinforcements, which are on their way from Pearl Harbor. But will this convoy make it to Manila. Meanwhile, Air Commander Gen. Brereton and Adm. Hart of the Asiatic Fleet are ordered to make for Australia. MacArthur stands alone.
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Even with a seven hour warning Gen. Douglas MacArthur seems paralyzed by the shocking news from Pearl Harbor. Commander of the air forces in The Philippines, Gen. Lewis Brereton knows how he wants to react, but is unable to get the green light from MacArthur or his chief of staff Gen. Richard Sutherland. Thus the initiative passes to the Japanese invasion force, who happily take up the challenge.
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With the Japanese Empire deciding to invade to the south, the American fighters and bombers, under Gen. Douglas MacArthur's command in The Philippines must be taken out first. Previously, the American defense plan had been to fight a holding action, but MacArthur has changed this to meet the enemy on the beaches of Luzon. Only time would tell if this was the correct course of action.
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As Gen. William Slim deals with the remains of Burma Corps, the American general Joseph "Vinegar Joe" Stilwell also has to find a way out. But the American commander of Chinese forces in Burma has decided he will walk out of the war zone, with his men. If he can make it out alive. Meanwhile Chiang Kai-shek's government feeds the American press false stories of all the Japanese armies Stilwell is defeating...on his way out.
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Gen. William Slim and Burma Corps finally reach India, as does several Chinese divisions. However the Battle of the Basin has to be fought first. Gen. Joseph Stilwell also has plans to leave Burma, but his route is cut off. As for Burma Corps, their entrance into India is not the reprieve they hoped it would be.
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Gen. William Slim and Burma Corps continue their retreat. But as hunger, fatigue and the coming Monsoons press down on the British General, his guard is dropped and the Japanese come rushing in.
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The British led forces are retreating from Burma. But first they must get to Mandalay and across the Ava Bridge there, all the while keeping the Japanese at bay. The most Gen. Slim and Stilwell can hope for is to get out of the fighting, mostly intact.
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Lesley MM Blume joins us to tell of the US Government coverup of the effects of the Atomic Bomb. The book: Fallout: The Hiroshima Cover Up and the Reporter Who Revealed It to the World
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It's the beginning of the end for the Allied defense of Burma. While Gen. Slim's men are pushed back, their Chinese Allies in the Shan States of Eastern Burma are set upon and scattered.. Their remnants head back to China. Still, Gen. Slim wants to stay and fight and plans to build on Gen. Joseph Stilwell's string of victories, but even these can not alter the course of the wider war.
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Gen. William Slim will have to use all his experience and cunning to survive this latest defeat and retreat. In the balance is the entire 1st Burma Division. Fortunately for the Allies, Chinese Gen. Sun Li-jen of the 38th Division had dreamed as a boy that he would win a great victory and bring glory to China. The Sun was about to shine bright!
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Michel Paradis joins us to talk about his book, Last Mission to Tokyo: The Extraordinary Story of The Doolittle Raiders and Their Final Fight for Justice. A few of the pilots are captured by the Japanese, tortured and sentenced to death. And it will be those Japanese officers connected with this cruelty, that will be tried by the American Government.
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The British lead Allies will suffer defeat on land, sea and in the air, but Gen. Slim will not give up. Moving his men north after loosing at Prome, the defenders set up a new line further to the north. The Chinese lend another force to this new defensive line, but what arrives is a far cry than the tough 500th Division.
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My web design guru Paul Finch of Scotland comes on as we discuss the WWII Podcast on its 10th Anniversary. Paul pitches the questions sent in by listeners and I answer them as best I can, with a pinch of humility. Thanks to everyone who listens and we should get this wrapped up...in another 10 years!
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Bryan Rigg talks about his book Flamethrower: Iwo Jima Medal of Honor Recipient and US Marine Woody Williams and His Controversial Award, Japan's Holocaust and the Pacific War. Iwo Jima must fall to the Americans to allow more intense bombing of the Japanese Home Islands. But Lt. Gen. Tadamichi Kuribayashi, the commander on Iwo Jima will move Heaven and Earth, not to mention break all precedent to inflict staggering casualties on the approaching US Marines.
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This episode brings in Gen. Joseph “Vinegar Joe” Stilwell as he “takes command” of Chinese Armies bound for Burma. Yet, as he will find, appearances can be deceiving. The RAF and AVG crews are pushed out of Burma as the Japanese 55th Division comes at Toungoo, to begin the battle of central Burma. But in their way, is the Chinese 200th Division of the 5th Army, the best that Chiang Kai-Shek has to offer. Oh and this is my 10th Anniversary Episode! Thanks for listening.
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This episode introduces Gen. William Slim of BurCorps. It would be his job to turn the tables on the Japanese in Burma, by working with American Gen. Joseph "Vinegar Joe" Stilwell. But first, we look back at Slim's experiences in the Middle East as the Allies subdue Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Iran.
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The Japanese 15th Army invades Burma, hoping to use speed to reach Rangoon. But several British officers hope to hold them off until reinforcements can arrive. The episode covers the fighting retreat from the Salween River, the fighting retreat from the Bilin River and the Battle of Sittang River, where the 17th Indian Division looses more than half of its troops due to bad planning and even worse communication. The situation is most dire before the arrival of Gen. William Slim and Gen. Joseph "Vinegar Joe" Stilwell.
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Although the British are unprepared to defend Burma, Wavell believes that the Japanese may have extended themselves too far with this invasion. But it’s wishful thinking as the 3 most southern British airfields quickly fall. With the invaders coming ever closer to Rangoon, it’s up to the Flying Tigers and RAF pilots at Rangoon to give hope to the Allies. And these men will deliver impressive defeats to the Japanese Air Arm. But the Japanese and Thai ground troops are still getting closer to the Burmese capital, where the Lend Lease material is waiting.
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This potpourri of an episode has lots from early 1942 in the Pacific. Covering the Admiralty, Marshall, Gilbert, Mariana, Caroline and Solomon Islands, we cover more Japanese victories, but also Washington's desire to strike back. Then asking the question, what was the turning point in the Pacific Campaign, Midway or the Solomon Islands Campaign. And finally, ending with Adm. Halsey and Adm. Fletcher as they lead air raids against the Marshall and Gilbert Islands.
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The Japanese determine that Burma must be occupied to protect their new possession of Malaya. It's up to Chiang Kai-Shek, American Gen. Joe Stilwell and British Gen. Wavell to stop them. The problem is the Allies don't trust each other, in regards to Burma's future. Churchill doesn't care about China right now, but FDR needs the massive country to stay in the fight. Or else the many Japanese divisions in China might be turned on Australia and the US General Staff have determined that Australia has to hold out, to serve as a base. From their Gen. Douglas MacArthur will plan his return to the Philippines.
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With Rabaul taken the Japanese go after locations in NE New Guinea, but will have to deal with Vice Adm. Wilson Brown and the US carriers Lexington and Yorktown. The Americans and Australians achieve a surprise air raid on Lae and Salamaua, now owned by the Japanese, but the later will not be deterred from planning their next strike against Port Moresby.
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The invasions of New Britain and New Ireland get underway. But are over just as quickly. Meanwhile, Australian PM John Curtain informs Churchill that his country will now tie its wagon to the US. Gen. Douglas MacArthur will be their overall commander. Lastly, the incredible story of the Lost Women of Rabaul is covered.
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Joining us is Damien Lewis, to talk about his latest book Churchill's Shadow Raiders: The Race to Develop Radar, WWII's Invisible Secret Weapon. Operation Biting's goal was to steal a German Radar Device, yet because of that very device, the Germans knew the British Commandos were coming. And as the raid is launched, Churchill's cabinet can not forget the first airborne operation, which many thought ended in disaster, Operation Colossus.
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With much of SE Asia conquered, the Japanese now focus on New Guinea, staring with the islands of New Britain and New Ireland. Lark Force at Rabaul will be sacrificed, but will do their duty.
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Despite Allied hopes that Timor would be left alone, the Japanese Empire has need of its airfields to bomb Australia. But what the invaders were not counting on was the tough Australian Commandos who stay behind and inflict impressive casualties until the end of 1942. Col. Doi, the Japanese officer in charge therefore, calls in the Tiger of Singapore.
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The Final of the Java series. East Java falls and what is left of the Java Allied Defense is trapped in the south at Tjilatjap.
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The Japanese come at Java but first must deal with the Combined Fleet of Dutch, Australian, British and American vessels. What follows is The Battle of the Java Sea and The Battle of Sundra Straight. Then the fall of western Java.
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Peter Lion joins up to talk about the incredible George Mergenthaler, the sole heir to a vast fortune, but after Pearl Harbor, he joined the US Army as a buck private, only wanting to do his part.
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With Sumatra lost the Allies know that Java is next. ABDA Commander Gen. Archibald Wavell prepares his meager forces as best he can. One asset is the heavy cruiser the USS Houston, but can this make up for the overwhelming Japanese forces coming their way.
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With Singapore all but taken, the Japanese start operations against Sumatra. The Dutch ask for help from ABDA Command, but it may be too little, too late. Still, the Allies have one chance to stop the invasion, as they launch 50 fighters and bombers at the coming invasion force. Yet the Japanese have their own surprise in store, paratroopers.
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Writer, Wes Tooke joins us to talk about the film Midway. We cover this pivotal turning point in the Pacific War, lead by Adm. Chester Nimitz. Young men like Dick Best, Wade McClusky and Clarence Dickinson lead the charge after the disastrous attack on Pearl Harbor.
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Needing another airfield to attack Java, the Japanese quickly work up a plan to take Bali. Dutch Rear Adm. Karel W. Doorman and ABDA Command respond with three separate naval groups of Dutch and American vessels to stop the invasion.
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During World War II, thousands of Axis prisoners of war were held throughout Nebraska in base camps that included Fort Robinson, Camp Scottsbluff and Camp Atlanta. Many Nebraskans did not view the POWs as "evil Nazis." To them, they were ordinary men and very human.
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With Singapore captured, the Japanese Empire sets its sights on Sumatra and Java. But first, the Celebes and Maluku Islands must fall, so Australia and other nearby locations can be targeted.
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Despite a 3 to 1 advantage in men, Archibald Percival, GOC Malay, is pushed by Churchill and ABDACOM Commander Gen. Wavell to defy the Japanese in trying to take Singapore. Yet Gen. Yamashita will continue defying the odds with audacity and speed.
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Bringing up the Australian 8th Infantry Division, it's hoped these fresh troops can stop the Japanese 25th Army from taking Johore and thus capturing all of the Malayan Peninsula. Yet Percival and Wavell are already thinking of abandoning the peninsula and focusing on the island of Singapore. Even then, Churchill wants the island fortress held until there is protracted fighting among the ruins of Singapore City.
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With reinforcements on the way, the British lead Commonwealth troops strive to keep the Japanese away from Singapore. And though exhausted, the Gurkhas, Punjabis, Hyderabad, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of the 11th Indian Infantry Division are on their own against Lt. Gen. Yamashita's 25th Army. It's a race between the arrival of help versus the capture of the port city.
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The Japanese 25 Army continues pushing the Malaya Command further south, ever closer to Singapore. But the latest stand will take place near Kampar yet here, the defenders have the enviable position of having their guns on the heights.
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The third of the Battle of Singapore series. The 11th Indian Infantry Division, operating on the west coast, as well as the 9th Indian Infantry Division, on the East, both find themselves unable to deal with a few Japanese Battalion and a few companies of light tanks. Within a week, half the Malayan peninsula is lost. Soon, Singapore will be open to direct bombing by nearby, land based enemy bombers. The order of the day is retreat.
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Acting Admiral Sir Tom Phillips of the British Royal Navy, hopes to begin a campaign that will save SE Asia. If he can stop the invasion of southern Thailand and Northern Malaya, then one day, Singapore could be the starting point of retaking western possessions. Yet it's not the invading Japanese force Phillips fears or the convoy carrying it, it's the land based bombers in southern Indo-China.
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Dr. David Stahel discusses his latest book, Retreat from Moscow, A New History of Germany's Winter Campaign, 1941-1942, in where he takes a new line on Operation Barbarossa's first winter.
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Though the British plans to defend Singapore with the Royal Navy and Air Force never materialize, Air Marshal Brooke-Popham and GOC Percival still want the British Far East possessions to hold out as long as possible. So Operation Matador and Operation Krohcol are created. But one will not be viable and the other, will be too little, too late.
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Professor Mikhal Dekel joins me to talk about her book, covering Jewish Polish refugees, as 1000 children make an incredible 13,000 mile journey from Eastern Europe to Palestine, via Tehran.
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The Japanese troops push the British led forces as well as the Dutch troops around Borneo, taking coastal towns and villages along the way. But not everything will go the invader's way, as the Dutch use their older bombers and fighters to resist. Not to mention, the US Navy makes an appearance. Still the Japanese win out. But then, both the defenders and the invaders have to content with the locals and some of them are headhunters.
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After the raid on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese send 2 destroyers to damage the American facilities at Midway Island. Then the island of Borneo is attacked and the British and Dutch forces there have no choice but surrender, but will first make the invaders work for their victory.
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Broken by overwhelming numbers, Gen. Maltby and Gov. Young surrender the cause of Hong Kong. But in some ways, the battle over the island is just beginning, as Chinese Communists and Nationalists come together to harass the occupiers of China and Hong Kong. Then comes the tragic tale of the Lisbon Maru, full of Commonwealth POWS, but sunk by an American sub.
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As Christmas approaches, the overwhelming Japanese forces reduce the British holdings throughout Hong Kong. Still, Gen. Maltby is unwilling to give up. One counter attack after another is launched.
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With the eastern half of Hong Kong Island practically lost, it's up to the West Brigade, under Brig. John Lawson to hold the invading Japanese troops back. But Lawson will deal with the same conditions as the defeated Brig. Wallis of the East Brigade, not enough troops and overwhelming enemy forces. Still, both sides will bleed over the Wongneichong Gap.
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Gen. Sakai begins his invasion of Hong Kong, but Gen. Maltby has his troops ready and his Motor Torpedo Boats, which will hopefully stop the invasion before it can begin. Still, the Japanese reach shore and so begins Japanese atrocities, but the end of Hong Kong resistance.
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With the Gin Drinker's Line pierced, Gen. Maltby pulls back his men to Hong Kong Island. The Japanese will ask the Commonwealth forces to surrender, but Gov. Young and Maltby give a one word answer, no. Now Gen. Sakai prepares to invade Hong Kong with a bombardment to weaken British defenses.
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As the Japanese military has been able to take the port cities of China by 1941, the British held Hong Kong is still free. But now its turn has come and Gen. Christopher Maltby and his mix of Canadian, British, Indian and Eurasians troops will try to hold out as long as possible. The Gin Drinkers Line, Maltby's first line of defense will be tested.
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London had decided that Hong Kong was to be sacrificed to the Japanese, but after Canada offered up two battalions, Churchill reversed this decision. Now, the hope was that the British Colony would hold out behind the Gin Drinker's Line, manned by Canadians, Indians and the men from a Hong Kong Chinese Regiment. Still, the odds were going to be 4 to 1.
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The marines on Wake Island are holding out, due to discipline and Japanese tactical mistakes. Yet Maj. Devereux is unaware of this and thus brings to fighting to an end. Yet the Japanese atrocities are only just beginning, against the marine and civilian POWs. As for Adm. Frank Fletcher's task force to save Wake, that suffers too, from the equally timid Vice Adm. Pye.
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Wake Island becomes the focal point of US resistance to Japanese aggression. Adm. Kimmel will send a relief force to Wake, but will it get there in time. Meanwhile, Rear Adm. Kajioka of the Imperial Japanese Navy, in command of the force that is to take Wake is reinforced by two of the carriers that led the Pearl Harbor attack. Pictured-1st Lt. John Kinney works himself into exhaustion trying to keep the marine's remaining Wildcat fighters operational. Who will get to Wake first, the Japanese or Task Force 14? This episode brought to you by ridgewallet.com/ww2.
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The Marines on Wake Island are down to four Wildcat fighters, but are determined to resist any Japanese invasion, no matter the odds. "Hammering Hank" and Maj. Putnam and their pilots score hit after hit, but the Japanese bombers and transports keep coming. Meanwhile Maj. Devereux comes up with his own surprises for the invaders.
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With MacArthur's airfields still smoldering, the Japanese attack Guam and Wake Island. But the Marines on Wake, though staggered after the first strike are determined to fight on.
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Gen. Douglas MacArthur, in command of all U.S. forces in The Philippines, is convinced that the Japanese will not attack until April of 1942 and plans accordingly. But as we have seen, Clark Field is ravaged and half of his B 17s are destroyed. Meanwhile, Adm. Tom Phillips of the British Royal Navy will take the warships Repulse and the Prince of Wales up, along the coast to check any Japanese landings. This episode is brought to you by www.ridgewallet.com/ww2.
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As Japan launches Operation No. 1, the invasion of SE Asia, numerous transport ships head out to attack The Philippines, Malaya and Thailand. The British believe themselves prepared while the Americans offer to help as much as they can, thinking themselves safe.
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Author Walter Borneman joins us to talk about his book, Brothers Down: Pearl Harbor and The Fate of the Many Brothers Aboard the USS Arizona
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As the Japanese invasion fleet comes closer to Malaya, the various plans established by each side will be tested. Yet, the invaders will find that, perhaps, the gods are on their side. Meanwhile President Roosevelt addresses Congress and asks for a declaration of war against the Japanese Empire.
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As Axis victories cause colonial powers to become vulnerable in the Far East, Japan decides to enter the war. With a quick strike at Pearl Harbor, Japanese forces will make for Malaya, Thailand, Hong Kong, Guam, the Philippines, Wake Island and Midway. All this, President Roosevelt will have to share with Congress as he tells of the death and destruction at Pearl.
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Here is the first part of the first episode of Espionage, the latest podcast from Parcast. Podcast.com/espionage
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With details of the Pearl Harbor attack still coming in, President Roosevelt knows he needs to inform but also calm his fellow Americans, who can only think of revenge. Japan declares war against the U.S. and Great Britain, but will FDR call for a war against Japan and Nazi Germany? What will Hitler do?
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The Second attack wave comes and goes at Pearl Harbor. Now, FDR, Adm. Nimitz, Adm. Halsey and Gen. Douglas MacArthur have to face what's coming next, the invasion of SE Asia.
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The Americans with Canadian help attempt to drive away or capture the Japanese troops stationed on Attu and Kiska. Yet the mysterious Battle of the Pips will aid the Japanese.
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The Americans continue to bomb Kiska, but the Japanese troops are not leaving. Worse, the Imperial Japanese High Command has sent reinforcements. So the US 7th Division from California, along with parts of the 13th Canadian Infantry Brigade have been chosen to land on Attu, to capture the enemy or push them into the sea.
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As the Japanese grab a second Aleutian Island, the US military, though denying the Japanese advance, makes plans to remove them. The result-The Kiska Blitz.
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Adm. Yamamoto wants to occupy the Midway Islands, but first needs to confuse his opponent Adm. Chester Nimitz with a diversionary attack on the Aleutian Islands. The attack on Midway does not go according to plan, but neither does the defense of Dutch Harbor, Attu or Kiska.
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Shot Down covers the events leading up to and after the crew of the B 17 Susan Ruth is shot down over the French/Belgium border on February 8, 1944. Of the ten man crew, some died, some ended up in prison camps, and some evaded capture. As for Pilot Howard Snyder, find out how he evaded capture from the Gestapo for 7 long months.
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As the carrier USS Enterprise is late for its return to Pearl Harbor, Adm. Bull Halsey sends on ahead Scouting and Bombing squadron 6. The 18 Douglas Dauntless SBDs are about to fly into the tragedy that is the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor. Also Lt. Gen. Walter Short, in overall command, realizes the unthinkable has happened. And Chaplin Lt. Howell M. Forgy of the USS New Orleans is about to utter his famous line, Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition.
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Dr. Jonathan Fennell discusses the importance of morale in his latest book: Fighting the People’s War: The British and Commonwealth Armies and The Second World War
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As the Japanese bombs and bullets begin to destroy American equipment and lives, the mostly young men are about to find out what they're made of. This episode focuses on the American's response at Kaneohe Bay Naval Air Station, the Marines' Mooring Mast Field at Ewa and Bellows Field.
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This episode is a crossover from The Cold War Podcast that I co-host with Cameron Reilly. With us is historian Andrew Roberts as we discuss his new book, Churchill-Walking with Destiny.
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Back with us is Flint Whitlock as we discuss his book Depths of Courage:American Submariners at War with Japan, 1941-1945. With America's surface fleet and air arm crippled after Pearl Harbor, the few subs in the Pacific were tasked with keeping the Japanese Navy at bay.
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Laszlo Montgomery of The China History Podcast joins me to discuss Claire Chennault and the Flying Tigers. Just after the devastation of Pearl Harbor, the AVG are the only Americans taking the fight to the Japanese Empire.
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Please checkout The Parcast Network's latest hit: Assassinations. One death can change the world. Assassinations recounts history’s most dramatic deaths. Through little-known facts, “what-ifs?” and examining the assassin's motives, they explore how one murder can alter the course of history. https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/assassinations/id1441176049?mt=2
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With the Allies being held up in southern Italy by The Gustav Line, near the end of 1943, Gen. Mark Clark decides to do an end run. The force of British and American troops, led by Gen. John Lucas, will land just south of Rome. However, the Allies have few facts to go on and will be caught off guard by the number of troops Field Marshal Albert Kesselring will throw at the tiny beach head at Anzio.
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The 2nd Air Wave comes at Pearl Harbor to finish what the First Wave started. Yet, their target selection will be poor. Meanwhile, the Americans are as ready as they can be and as such, the invaders will suffer more than double the losses from the first attack. Still, the battleships Nevada and Pennsylvania will be heavily targeted. Pictured are the Cassin, Downes and in the rear, the flag ship Pennsylvania.
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While the official government story has always been that no Allied POWs were held in German concentration camps, 168 Allied airmen were beaten, experimented on, and otherwise mistreated in Buchenwald, where the famous rocket scientist Wernher von Braun obtained slave labor for his V-2 factory, the Mittelwerk. Here is the story of one of those airmen, Frederic Martini.
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This episode covers the first attack wave of Japanese aircraft, from the Japanese point of view. Battleship Row is hit, but Fuchida's plan is far from perfect. Then came the high level bombers, which inflicted damage on every battleship, sinking 3 of them.
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The first air wave of attacking Japanese warplanes reaches Oahu, on their way to Pearl Harbor. But before they reach Battleship Row, several civilian planes offer the excited pilots a chance to score their first kills. The locals and US Military personnel on the ground can't believe their eyes. They assume, it's the most life like war game ever put on by the Army and Navy Brass.
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Writer Robin Hutton talks about her latest book which tells of the animals who contributed to the Allied effort of WWII. There's Chips, who served as a sentry dog for the Roosevelt-Churchill conference; Ding, a paradog whose plane was hit by enemy fire on D-Day, ended up in a tree, and once on the ground still saved lives. G.I. Joe, who flew 20 miles in 20 minutes and stopped the planes on the tarmac from bombing a town that had just been taken over by allied forces, saving the lives of over 100 British soldiers. And Winkie, the first Dickin recipient, who saved members of a downed plane when she flew 129 miles with oil clogged wings with an SOS message that helped a rescue team find the crew. Hutton's previous book was Sgt. Reckless: America's War Horse. This episode is brought to you by Audible.com. Start a 30-day trial and your first audiobook is free. Go to audible.com/WORLDWAR2 or text WORLDWAR2 to 500500.
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In the predawn darkness, the Japanese Strike Force has prepared to launch its first wave of bombers and fighters. Meanwhile, the US Naval Base at Pearl Harbor sleeps. However, a strange looking submarine is spotted and fired upon near the entrance to Pearl, by the USS Ward. Word of this gets back to Adm. Husband Kimmel, who then has to decide how to react.
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Writer Mary Jo McConahay comes on the show to discuss her latest book, The Tango War: The Struggle for the Hearts, Minds and Riches of Latin America during WWII. We discuss Latin America's involvement in WWII, which includes Mexican Oil, Brazilian Rubber, The Smoking Cobras and Mickey Mouse.
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On December 7, 1941, Ambassador Nomura and Special Envoy Kurusu are about to give Secretary of State Hull and FDR Japan's response to the Hull Note. But really, it's a declaration of war. That is, until the Japanese Military changes the wording. All of America will find out about the attack on Pearl Harbor before the Japanese representatives do. Pictured is Nomura, Hull and Kurusu.
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Multiple Japanese Assault Fleets are on the move, but with so much incoming information, President Roosevelt and his cabinet do not pick up on the threat to Pearl Harbor. Besides, the military men advising FDR still can not imagine the smaller nation starting an all out war.
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Attacked on 30 July 1945, the heavy cruiser was torpedoed by the Imperial Japanese Navy submarine I-58, and sank in 12 minutes. However, the two authors seek nothing short than to tell the entire story and return the USS indianpolis to its rightful place as the proud and courageous flagship of the US 5th Fleet during WWII.
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Emperor Hirohito reluctantly gives his approval for the attack on Pearl Harbor. As Tojo said, "With war, if you don't try it, you can't know how it will turn out."
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Through MAGIC, the US's ability to read Japan's diplomatic messages, FDR learns of a final deadline and a coming Japanese attack. Pictured are Ambassador Nomura and special representative Kurusu.
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Tokyo and Washington seem to be making progress in their peace talks. And yet, the Japanese 1st Air Fleet departs for its attack on Pearl Harbor.
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Prince Konoye's government collapses as Gen. Tojo demands war with the U.S. Emperor Hirohito then orders Tojo to form his own government, hoping this will cause the Japanese Army to be more cautious. Meanwhile the alerts sent to Pearl Harbor by Washington remain vague.
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Dr. Vinogradova comes back to the show to discuss her latest book, Defending the Motherland: The Soviet Women Who Fought Hiter's Aces. This episode's sponsor: parcast.com/gone
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As the various issues with attacking Pearl Harbor are overcome, the Japanese Military evades telling the truth to Emperor Hirohito and PM Konoye. And they, in learn, deceive President Roosevelt's cabinet. Please support the show by checking out our sponson, mackweldon.com. Use "worldwar" promo code at checkout to say 20% off your first order.
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Washington and Tokyo continue their diplomatic dance but neither side is willing to give in. The Americans have broken the Japanese Diplomatic cypher codes, but so have the Japanese, of American Diplomatic codes. Then the Japanese Army finishes occupying the rest of French Indo-China. Of FDR's many responses, one is to reactivate Douglas MacArthur and send him to the Philippines.
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With Washington and Tokyo trying to bend the other to its will, President Roosevelt seeks to strangle Japan's aggression in China with a trade blockade while Adm. Isoroku Yamamoto begins to plan his attack on the U.S. Naval Base at Pearl Harbor. War seems imminent, but both sides still hope for peace through negotiations, on their own terms.
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Chiang Kai-Shek struggles to keep China in the war, knowing the Soviet-German Non Aggression Pact can not last. The question is what will Japan do, once Russia is brought low. Meanwhile, the Japanese attack French Indochina and force Churchill to close the Burma Road. 1941 goes by with the U.S. and Japanese Empire negotiating, hoping to bring the other to heel. Neither side is participating in good faith.
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Having chased Chiang Kai-Shek back to Chongqing, the Japanese Empire is still unable to get him to surrender. So, on to Chongqing it is, but events in Europe: The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, Nazi Germany’s invasion of Poland and then the war in the West will stymie one Japanese government after another. Which leaves Japan to head towards SE Asia and in conflict with the United States, setting up the attack on Pearl Harbor.
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Chiang Kai-Shek starts over, again, in Chongqing, as the Japanese military seek to deny him the east coast. First Canton will fall, then other port cities. Meanwhile, British controlled Burma and the Nationalists work together to construct the Burma…
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Chiang Kai-Shek is staking everything on his defense of Wuhan. As such, the various Japanese forces attempt to encircle the city. Chiang throws everything he has at the enemy, even scoring one major victory at Tai’erzhuang. However, this is not…delete
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As Chiang Kai-Shek moves his capital and military Head Quarters west and Hideki Tojo becomes directly involved in the war to the north, the Japanese troops move out from Shanghai to Nanjing. There, their pent up frustration over the Nationalists…
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Chiang Kai-Shek's forces are barely holding out. But when a second enemy Expeditionary Force lands, it spells the end of Shanghai's freedom. Stalin agrees to supply the Chinese Nationalists, but the Japanese forces then move on to the Chinese capital Nanjing. The Rape of Nanjing will be bring the horror of occupation to a whole new level.
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The Japanese Expeditionary Force continues to push south to gain access to Shanghai. Meanwhile, Chiang Kai-Shek's nationalist troops continue to retreat. Yet, to show the world its defiance and courage, Chiang will leave one Battalion north of the Suzhou River, to face the Japanese alone. Link for book-
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The Chinese Nationalists are loosing the battle of Shanghai. Yet, Chiang has to hold on as the League of Nations will soon be discussing the conflict. Then U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt steps into the fray by criticizing Japan's aggression. Still, it seems that Chiang's holdings north of Shanghai will have to be abandoned. Yet, to make sure the world doesn't forget about the Chinese, 1000 soldiers will be left near the Foreign Settlements, so the westerns can watch these men be slaughtered and write home. These victims will be remembered as China's Lost Battalion. Becoming Hitler-
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The Japanese Expeditionary forces set the stage for a much larger attack, once their reinforcements arrive. The plan is to cut Shanghai off from any assistance. Meanwhile, Chiang Kai-Shek has taken personal command of the 3rd War Zone.
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The Chinese Nationalist forces have pulled back from the coast, yet are determined to establish their own Maginot Line. But as both sides have reinforcements in route, the fighting around Shanghai will continue. Thus giving the world, its first large clash, using modern weapons within a civilian population, five years before Stalingrad.
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Dr. Lyuba Vinogradova discusses her research and the resulting book that covers the young women of Stalin's USSR, who are conscripted to the Sniper Corps.
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Chiang Kai Shek and his ordinary soldiers are more determined than ever to defend Shanghai in 1937. However, the officers in the middle, due to their experience, see the writing on the wall. Thus Nationalist China will adopt the famous policy of trading land for time.
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The Japanese invasion of Shanghai, nor their desire to teach the Chinese a lesson, is moving forward fast enough for Tokyo. So when the Expeditionary commander requests 5 additional divisions, the Japanese Imperial Staff and Navy acquiesce with alacrity. Their new goal is to expand their holdings and when reinforced to push west on a general front. However, Chiang Kai-Shek has reached an agreement with Stalin and soon Soviet military supplies will be on the way. For now the Chinese Nationalist forces have the single task of holding out, until then.
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The Japanese are unloading men and material at a frustratingly slow rate, due to the tides. Until they are ready to launch their assault, their navy and air force keep Chiang Kai-Shek's forces pinned down.
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The Japanese bring reinforcements to Shanghai as their marines are bogged down by Chiang Kai-Shek's best troops. Meanwhile, retired US Army Air Force Captain Claire Lee Chennault, finds the Chinese pilots woefully inadequate in deflecting the building assault. The Japanese invaders come ashore and now the fate of Shanghai is in the balance, as British and American civilians flee the International Settlement. Please fill out the survey at http://survey.libsyn.com/wwiipodcast.
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Chiang Kai-Shek decides that the time has come to openly fight back against Japan. His chosen site is the port city of Shanghai. Both sides build up their forces there, but the Chinese Nationalists will attempt to deliver a surprise attack. As the war enlarges, Stalin decides to assist the Chinese. Tokyo will widen the battle of Shanghai, as their first attempt is blunted. Please help me out and fill out a survey at http://survey.libsyn.com/wwiipodcast.
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Japanese forces bring war to the China main land.
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As we officially begin the Pacific Theatre, this episode covers the building tension between The Japanese Empire, dominated by the military and the Chinese Nationalist Government. From the Russo-Japanese War to the Mukden Incident, to the take over of Manchuria, to the fighting over Shanghai and at the Great Wall itself, Japanese desire for more and more Chinese territory, dominates relations between the two countries. The episode ends, with the beginning of the events at the Marco Polo Bridge.
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President Roosevelt sends Harry Hopkins, again to London, to set up a meeting between himself and Churchill. The U.S. still seems far from entering the war, but coordination is needed if Hitler is to be defeated. But Hopkins also ends up flying to Moscow to meet with Stalin, the first high ranking American to do so. Meanwhile, as Washington wonders what to do about the Japanese Empire, Tokyo decides on its own to take the initiative. Pictured is Harry Hopkins and Stalin during their first meeting.
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Nazi Germany launches its war against the USSR. As such, FDR hopes Germany's attention will slacken on the Atlantic. Yet, if Soviet Russia collapses, then Japan would be free to attack Siberia or Western held territory in Asia. FDR must decide it now is the time to move forcefully against Hitler. Meanwhile Churchill and FDR learn of the slaughter of the Jews in Poland.
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The Great War is over, but the Allies don't know what to do with Russia. So, the german troops in Russian territory are ordered to remain where they are. Lenin has the task of turning Marxism into a function government. Stalin faces accusations of his time in Tsaritsyn.
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With us is Sally Mott Freeman as we discuss her book, The Jersey Brothers: A Missing Naval Officer in the Pacific and His Family's Quest to Bring Him Home. We cover FDR's Map Room, Pearl Harbor, the Fall of the Philippines, MacArthur, Siapan, Guadalcanal and of course, the missing naval officer Barton Mott, who was captured by the Japanese after MacArthur's Retreat. The search for this young man is the core of the book.
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As Hitler tries to lower the tension between the U.S. and Nazi Germany, the opposite is happening between the Japanese Empire and the U.S. As such Adm. Yamamoto draws up plans to strike at U.S. Naval forces at Pearl Harbor. It's a gamble, but if a surprise strike can be made, then Japan will have the time it needs to consolidate more territory throughout SE Asia. Pictured is Adm. Yamamoto.
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President Roosevelt wins a third term, but the American people still refuse to commit to war. Meanwhile, FDR has to find a way to help the Chinese and the British fight off their enemies, until the US is strong enough or the Axis fire first.
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President Franklin Roosevelt succeeds in his 3rd term attempt and with the passage of Lend Lease, Hitler knows the war will be prolonged. His answer to continued British resistance and the eventual entry of the U.S., is to plan an attack against Stalin's USSR.
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With the Kaiser's forces coming ever closer to Petrograd and Moscow, many Russians lose confidence in Lenin and his Bolsheviks. As such, no party member is safe. Bolshevik members begin to disappear, or are openly murdered. Even Lenin is unsafe. This chaos eventually forms into the Russia Civil War. Fortunately, Stalin is far away in the south, gathering grain for the Russian peasants.
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Nazi Germany is not the only threat to U.S. peace as the Empire of Japan continues its attacks against China. Meanwhile President Roosevelt pulls out all the political tricks he can to weaken the isolationists and help Great Britain stay in the fight against Hitlerism.
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As the Nazi menace grows across Europe, President Roosevelt knows that America will be threatened one day. His best plan for keeping the United States out of the conflict is by helping Churchill defeat Hitler. But in his way are his country's neutrality laws and the isolationists.
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Lenin's Bolsheviks pull Russia out of the Great with the Brest Litovsk Treaty, but the Imperial German Army keeps advancing towards Petrograd, because there is no Russia army to stop them. Lenin orders a retreat to Russia's ancient capital, Moscow. Meanwhile, Stalin is given the task of feeding Petrograd and Moscow and will do anything to succeed, to further make Trotsky look weak.
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Mr. Miller's latest book, Agent 110: An American Spymaster and the German Resistance in WWII, covers America's attempt to build an espionage network after Pearl Harbor, which leads Allen Dulles to met up with a strange cast of characters, some want to help Germany end the war and some only want to help themselves. Those conspirators within Nazi Germany have to content with Hitler's popularity after his many military successes, but then get a chance after his failure in Russia, namely Operation Valkyrie. Joins us as we discover who was Allen Dulles and how early there was talk of getting rid of Hitler.
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This episode covers the naval battles between the British Royal Navy and the Kriegsmarine just prior to the Battle of Norway. It also touches on the Oscarborg Fortress protecting Oslo and the following submarine battles of the North Sea. Pictured, the Oscarborg Fortress.
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Back with us are Bob Drury and Tom Clavin, authors of Lucky 666: The Impossible Mission. Today we discuss, the Pacific Theatre in general and MacArthur's Retreat.
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As Lenin deflects others trying to take control of Revolutionary Russia, his Bolshevik Central Committee has to deal with the Central Powers and the Great War. The question posed, is peace worth any price. Lenin and Stalin believe the answer is yes, but Trotsky offers another option.
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With neither side trusting the other, both the Allies and Nazi Germany ready plans to invade Norway. For Episode 183, Lenin again proves he's a force of nature and willing to do anything to seize power and establish the Bolshevik Dictatorship. As for Stalin he is there every step of the way, but the tension between himself and Trotsky increases. Pictured-Hitler and Admiral Raeder.
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Commodore Donitz, in charge of the German submarines, plans a daring raid against the British battleships in Scapa Flow. In Episode 181, Lenin and the Bolsheviks take control of the Russia, but immediately have challengers. Picture, the HMS Royal Oak.
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Backing up a bit, we begin the story of the battle for the Atlantic, as German U-boats attempt to starve Britain into submission. Meanwhile, the U.S. moves closer to the Allied camp by selling arms to Britain and France.
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Gen. Rommel keeps winning battles but losses men and tanks, that are not replaced. Meanwhile, British 8th Army, refuses to give up, each time it's beaten and C in C Auchinleck makes sure the Commonwealth's losses are replaced. Rommel will have to decided what comes next for the Afrika Korps. Ep 178-Trotsky moves into a position to better serve Lenin, along with Stalin. And the Leninist's Bolsheviks find themselves on the edge of power, if they will but reach out and take it.
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Ep 175-As Gen. Rommel sends his panzers to surprise the British 8th Army near the Frontier Wire, Gen. Cunningham's forces finally reach Tobruk to help Gen. Scobie and his men escape. Ep 176-Lenin is on the cusp of power, but fails to take the final step. Lenin is then forced to hide from Kerensky of the Provisional Government, but Stalin steps up to lead their faction of the Bolshevik Party.
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Our guests today are writers Bob Drury and Tom Clavin to discuss their latest book, Lucky 666-The Impossible Mission. Mavericks or "Screw ups" Jay Zeamer and Joseph Sarnoski, sent to the Pacific Theater to help defend Australia from invasion by Japanese Imperial forces, will end up rebuilding a dilapidated B-17 and volunteering to photograph the western coast of Bougainville for the impending U.S. invasion. Little do they know that they will be involved in the longest dogfight in history. One of them will not make it back alive.
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Acting on misinformation, both generals, Rommel and Cunningham make plans for the next day, hoping to wipe out the other's armor. Yet Rommel is in a much better position to succeed. Cunningham just doesn't know poorly Operation Crusader is unfolding. Meanwhile, Lenin has to face down his own faction, including Stalin, to move his Bolsheviks closer to the desire of the Russian peasants.
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Ep 170-As Operation Crusader goes forward Gen. Cunningham feels confident as his tanks make it close to Tobruk. However Rommel feels threatened, even though his panzers have destroyed many of Cunningham's tanks. Meanwhile Gen. Scobie, the British commander in Tobruk readies to break out. Ep 171-Tsar Nicholas II tries to have his way even though he is loosing the throne and Lenin gets the help of Germany to finally come home.
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Gen. Auchinleck's Operation Crusader is finally launched, but Rommel does not react as predicted as his focus is still on taking Tobruk. AND Tsar Nicholas II guides Russia through the Great War. At its end, Stalin is freed.
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The British Western Desert Army is transformed into the 8th British Army proper. C in C ME Auchinleck has tapped Gen. Sir Alan Cunningham to lead it. His first order of business is to destroy Rommel's panzers and relieve Tobruk.
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Stalin will endure several more arrests, but while in exile, Lenin will maneuver to have Koba made a member of the newly created Bolshevik Central Committee.
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Stalin is newly married, but has little time for his wife and soon to arrive child. He is still focused on the Marxism revolution and his rise in the Bolshevik party, not to mention the destruction of the Menshevik faction. Vladimir Lenin choses the younger man to be his muscle as he defies the Socialist Democrats of Russia.
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With a new commander in the Middle East, Churchill wants the war against Rommel renewed, but C in C Auchinleck has his own ideas. Yet the Desert Fox will spoil everyone's plans with his own attack.
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Young Stalin begins to the learn of the wider world of international politics and the intrigues that comes with it. Lenin his hero, does not measure up upon their first face to face. And Koba goes through his own metamorphosis when he returns from the 4th Congress and marries a local Tiflis girl.
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In early 1942, the U.S. and Great Britain work together to develop the Atomic Bomb, but London needs to make sure Nazi Germany doesn't get there first. Today's guest is author Neal Bascomb. We discuss his new book, out today, The Winter Fortress: The Epic Mission to Sabotage Hitler's Atomic Bomb.
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Stalin, the young revolutionary, stumbles and is on the outs with the Georgian Social Democratic Worker's Party. Yet, after making another mistake, he is tepidly allowed to re-enter the group. Sent to a back water area, the workers there will soon strike and put the mining town and Stalin, at the center of the revolution.
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Leningraders volunteer in such numbers that the Stavka orders several divisions to be organized, to resist the German invaders. Yet the men are thrown in untrained, mostly weaponless, armed only with a desire for revenge.
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Ioseph Jughashvili, AKA Stalin, leaves the seminary under mysterious circumstances. Following the path of his mentor Lado Ketskhoveli, Soso becomes a revolutionary and learns the joy of mentoring the people but also to fear the police. Seeking refuge for himself, Stalin goes underground, after serving his first long prison sentence.
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The people of Leningrad take an affront to Nazi Germany invading their country. The men volunteer in droves for military service, the women are sent off to dig trenches. Though many of the men will die that summer of 1941, the Soviet Red Banner Baltic Fleet will undergo its own "Dunkirk" as a fleet of 228 vessels flee from Tallinn, Estonia, facing shore batteries, Finnish torpedo boats and miles of mines.
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Young Stalin begins the process of moving away from the Seminary and towards the life of a revolutionary. The picture is of Marx and Engels.
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Army Group South continues pressing closer towards the Soviet Capital. But General Secretary Stalin and General Zhukov attempt to defy the invaders. They are soon assisted by General Winter. Meanwhile, we catch up with Army Groups North and South, where Stalin has planned counter attacks as he knows the germans are focused on his capital.
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Sixteen year old Soso (Stalin) enters the Tiflis Theological Seminary, on his way to becoming a priest. But what the boy may not know is that, he has entered an intellectual battleground and being a good Georgian, there is only one side he can choose.
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With the mud now frozen hard, Army Group Center advances on Moscow, deciding the weak link is just to the NW of the city. This guess proves correct. As November 1941 comes to an end, the leading German units are just miles from the capital and can see the spires of the Soviet Capital.
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Stalin, the future Soviet leader is born, far from Moscow and begins his provincial life.
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This episode, narrated Tim Martin, of the newly launched Valiant: Stories of Heroes Podcast, covers Guderian's dash to Tula. Ray will be back next time, with full vocal ability in tow.
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OKH Chief Franz Halder makes plans for a modest end to 1941 for Operation Barbarossa, but Hitler overrides him and orders the capture of Moscow, before the heavy snows come. Yet, Stalin, finally taking an advisor's advice, allows several armies from the Russian Far East to transfer west and help with the defense of his capital.
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The Germans smash through the latest Soviet Defensive lines. The 4th Panzer Group, along with Gen. Kluge's 4th Army now have men just 128 KM or 80 miles from Moscow.
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Having shattered the Russian defensive line at Viaz'ma, the Germans expand on their ambitious attack plans, attacking to the north and south of the main road to Moscow. In the center is Zhukov's pathetic new defensive line.
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The Germans and Russians clash to the west of Moscow. But within mere days, the Soviet's three Fronts are either destroyed or encircled. The road to Moscow is left open.
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With Leningrad cut off and the far South stabilized, Hitler has decreed that the time has come to launch Operation Typhoon, Nazi Germany's attack against the Soviet Capital.
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Hitler has renewed the drive to Moscow, Operation Typhoon, and needs the panzers from Army Group North. Which means, Leningrad needs to be cut off from help, quickly. September and October become a battle of wills between Stalin and his attacker, as both try to control the area south of Lake Ladoga and the last rail line between Leningrad and Moscow.
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Leeb, commander of Army Group North launches his last major assault before having to turn over most of his motorized units to Army Group Center, as it readies itself for an attack on Moscow.
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The Germans come ever closer to Leningrad, so Stalin sends his best general to cope, Zhukov.
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Army Group Center makes its way East, past Minsk and now on to Smolensk. But waiting for them is the largest Soviet counter attack, to date. Meanwhile, Army Group North is ready to attack Leningrad.
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Douglas Waller's latest book, Disciples: The World War II Missions of the CIA Directors Who Fought for Wild Bill Donovan. OSS Agents penetrate Nazi Germany for information and acts of sabotage, then face the counter intelligence agents of Stalin's Soviet Russia.
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Stalin's lack of military training causes his country to loose everything to the South, west of the Dnieper River. The German Panzers race east and make for the Crimea. Kiev is encircled, as is the 850,000 soviet troops in the area.
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Marshal Mannerheim of Finland agrees to attack towards Leningrad and around Lake Ladoga, but not much more than that.
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Hitler manages to bring Finland into his attack against Soviet Russia, but the Finns are mostly concerned with recapturing lost land. Like the three Army Groups, the Germans to the north will advance, but lose many men along the way.
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The Panzers come ever closer to Leningrad, though losing men and machines along the way. Meanwhile, Army Group Center moves toward the Dvina River. As for Kiev, the writing is on the wall, yet Stalin is the only one who can't see it. Picture-Defense works before Leningrad.
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The German invaders are now in Russia, proper and are still advancing, but suffer heavier than expected losses. But in SE Russia, the Soviet 6th and 12th Armies become trapped, due to pathetic communications between them and Moscow.
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The three German Army Groups advance further into Russia, but Army Group Center has has the most success. Perhaps some of its panzers should be turned north or south to help the other two. But Army Group South isn't waiting for help. Field Marshal Rundstedt decides to turn some of his panzers away from approaching Kiev, to attack the Soviet troops above Odessa from behind and destroy the entire Soviet Southern Front.
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Now that Operation Barbarossa had been launched, Hilter attempts to convince the world that this battle is only in the defense of Nazi Germany. That Soviet Russia, in conlusion with Great Britain have set out to destroy the Nazi State. Yet Hitler nor his general have a true grasp of the situation before them, as they take on the largest country in the world.
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The leaders of the combatant countries react to Nazi Germany invading Soviet Russia. We also cover Army Group North and South's initial assaults.
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Before the sun rises on June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany unleashes Operation Barbarossa, its attack on Soviet Russia and Stalin.
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Earlier than most people think, Hilter started planning his war against Soviet Russia and Stalin. Operation Barbarossa begins to take shape during the Battle of Britain.
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FDR comes through his third election and the British are expectant. Yet there are still hurdles to overcome. But eventually, the president comes up with the way to help Great Britain.
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President Roosevelt continues his struggle against Congress and the Isolationists in trying to help the Allies. France falls from the fight.
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It becomes apparant to the U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt that Britian and France are going to need American war material and financial assistance to defeat the Axis. Yet, the British Empire only has so much gold and the current laws of the U.S. make it illegal for FDR to extend credit to the Allies, during their hour of need.
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With the failure of Operation Battle Axe and the bloody victory in Syria, Churchill finally rids himself of C in C Gen. Archibald Wavell. And wants his replacement, Field Marshal Sir Claude Auchinleck to attack Rommel forth with. Yet the two operations have taken away half of the Western Desert Force's tanks. No matter, Churchill wants action, but Auchinleck wants time. Picture-Auchinleck.
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Though Operation Exporter is stalled, Operation Battle Axe is launched. Yet the British attack plans are not very creative and Rommel can hear most of the wireless chatter coming from the British tanks.
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The Allies come up against stiff French (Vichy) resistence in Syria and Lebanon. But that was just to set up the counter attack, which commenced on June 16th. Yet the men of the 5th Indian Brigade do all they can to give some success to the invaders.
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Churchill and the Free French get their way, Vichy controlled Syria will be invaded. But C in C Wavell's Middle East Command is stretched as it is, resources are few. Yet, Churchill will have his way and those who oppose him, begin to disapear.
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Here is the last episode of the Battle of Crete. The Allies never contested for air superiority and thus the Germans were able to constantly push them back and eventually off the island. It was time again for another evacuation.
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The Allied defense under Gen. Freyberg continues to back pedal on Crete. Meanwhile Adm. Cunningham continues to lose ships, although the land battle is being won by the Axis. Yet Churchill insists on more action from the Royal Navy and the ANZAC forces.
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The Allied counter attack faulters, which allows the Germans to land more troops at Maleme. The Royal Navy is doing what it can, but suffering for it. Yet their efforts and loses will be for nothing.
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Gen. Student tries to figure out how to salvage the disaster that has befallen his airborne troops, during that first day of Operation Mercury. 1,800 had been lost that first day. And helping him mightily, are the ineffectual officers serving under Gen. Freyberg, who himself, refuses to see the situation as it really is.
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The Germans begin, Operation Mercury, their attack on the island, to further confuse Russia and keep the British away from Hitler's oil fields. Yet as the transport planes take off, the number of defenders on the island has be recalculated from 12,000 to 48,000.
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Back by popular demand! Winston S. Churchill.
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C in C M.E. Wavell gives into pressure from Churchill to attack Rommel, before the tanks and planes of Convoy Tiger can be off loaded. Next, the situation in Iraq comes to a head and we start the story of Crete and the end of Wavell.
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Rommel is ready to have another crack at Tobruk, but Berlin is focused on Operation Barbarossa. Yet, Rommel gets permission to move ahead and finish off the British holdout. Meanwhile, Wavell's dire prediction about the Middle East starts to come true as elements of the Iraqi Government side with the Axis.
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German forces complete their conquest of the Greek mainland. Meanwhile Rommel shocks the British led forces in North Africa.
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The Germans continue to drive south, the Greeks throw in the towell and the Allies make plans to evacuate. But wanting more Gen. Von List of the German 12th Army uses Airborne troops for a daring raid of Cornith, in trying to cut off some of the Allied troops in retreat.
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The Alikmon Line is breached, the Allies fall back. But the German forces are right behind them all the way. Greek General Papagos believes the end of the Battle of Greece has come, but BEF Commander General Wilson wants to give it one more try.
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Greece comes under attack on the same day as Yugoslavia, yet that country's quick demise, sets up the conquest of Greece. The war in the Greek NE is over by the third day, so the Commonwealth forces fall back, yet the Greeks in Albania are loath to follow their example.
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Nothing can be allowed to stand in the way of Operation Barbarossa, Hitler's plan to destroy Russia. Certainly not Yugoslavia and Greece. So Operation Retribution, aimed at Belgrade and Operation Marita, against Greece, commence.
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Lt. Gen. Rommel had decided the time has come to ignore his orders and move against the Allies. While he has his own problems, they are nothing compared to what Gen. Neame and Gen. O'Connor suffer.
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Lt. Gen. Rommel decides it's time to test the Allied forces within Cyrenaica, as well as his Italian and German superiors. Meanwhile Adm. Cunningham engages the Italians in the Battle of Matapan.
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The Allies, with Great Britain leading the way, rush all available troops to Greece. Yet, now that Lt. Gen. Erwin Rommel, the Desert Fox, is in North Africa, the Commonwealth forces are about to loose more then they thought possible.
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As the gods themselves seem to hate Mussolini and all his endeavors, with British Commonwealth forces and Greek soldiers destroying his troops, almost at will, Hitler has decided, enough is enough. The Axis has to be put right again and so, in steps Germany, in North Africa (Rommel) and in Greece.
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Here is the last episode of the Churchill Bio. Winston, looses his money, his influence and almost, his life. Listen carefully to the end. Did you win?
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Churchill returns from the U.S. to find his party up in arms about the India question and Tory leader Baldwin's pro Dominion stance concerning the sub-continent. So, Winston offers to take on the leader, alone.
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The disaffected British voters decide to give someone else a chance to deal with the country's dreary economy. Churchill finds he's been walking a lonely path for some time. Touring the world, Winston is in time to watch Vesuvius erupt and the NY Stock Exchange implode.
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Winston, now a private citizen, will stay this way for two years as British politics and his views take different paths. Intermingled during this time, are a series of heartbreaking losses for the man.
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Churchill finds his Camelot and then works feverishly to fix it up as his Gwenivere is not impressed.
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Churchill's post war years are full of success, tragedy and despair. He changes positions within the British Cabinet and takes on the issues of a Jewish Homeland, Turkey and Ireland. And by the end he looses his appendix and something else, even more valuable.
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With us for this episode is writer Kathryn J. Atwood, arthor of Women Heroes of World War II and editor of Code Name Pauline: Memoirs of a World War II Special Agent and it is the later book we will be discussing. The protagonist, Pearl, Code Named Pauline, came from humble beginnings to do her part to as an SOE agent, behind enemies lines in Occupied France, to thwart the Nazi's before and after D-Day. For all those looking for strong female role models, Mrs. Atwood's books fit the bill beautifully.
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The following is my 100th Episode Celebration. After thanking those who have shared this journey with me, I interview Henry Niemann who grew up in Germany during the Nazi Period and was then drafted near the end of the war. Thank you to everyone who listens to my attempt at bringing this amazing story to the current generation and podcasting world.
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The Great War comes to an end. Churchill's family grows and life as Winston knew it, has been erased forever.
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Churchill is cleared of the Dardanelles disaster, gets himself back into the governement, but then almost loses it all as he finds himself at the front when Gen. Ludendorff launches his great offensive in the West.
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Warning! No history is covered here. But somehow, Laszlo of The China History Podcast ended up on the East Coast, in Virginia, in Charlottesville, 30 minutes from me. So...
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Winston's career seems all but over. Still, he finds solace in his family, painting and life in the trench.
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The Dardanelles Campaign starts off well enough, but through bad luck, worse weather and weaker souls, it collapses on itself. Then the British world collapses on Churchill.
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The British War Council decides on a Second Front to hopefully alter the slaughtering in France. Winston, with his personality, becomes of the face of the Aegean Campaign.
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With the outbreak of war, Churchill is ready, though the same can not be said of the rest of Britain. Winston will experience the lime light and the highs and lows of battle.
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The events of Sarajevo cause diplomatic tension to build throughout Europe but Churchill is determined that Britain will be ready, come what may.
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Churchill gets promoted to the Home Office, starts out well, but then becomes his own worst enemy. Now in the Admiralty, Winston comes into his own. Fortunately for Britain as Germany seeks to challenge G.B. on the seas.
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Winston finds love, fights the Tories, gets promoted, nearly dies three times and humbles some Lords.
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Winston, now in the House of Commons, plots his revenge against those who fought his father, Lord Randolph. Also, Churchill, goes through his own challenges as he takes on Joe Chamberlain, the PM Balfour and those abandoning Free Trade. He then crosses the gangway and becomes a Liberal.
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Churchill’s life is covered until the death of Queen Victoria.
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We are joined today by James Muller, professor of Political Science at the University of Alaska, Anchorage. We discuss Churchill’s 2nd book published, The River War, and Mr. Muller’s re-release of The River War’s first edition with commentary, illustrations, with all of its original text. The first edition has not been seen in over 100 years.
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Jack El-Hai joined me today for a conversation about his latest book, The Nazi and the Psychiartrist: Hermann Goring, Dr. Douglas M. Kelley, and a Fatal Meeting of Minds at the End of WWII. Mr. El-Hai’s book deals with the top 22 surviving Nazi officials and Dr. Kelley, an American Army Psychiatrist who was placed in charge of their mental health. His job was to ready the men for the Nuremberg Trails, but saw an opportunity to discover, if it existed, the Nazi personality.
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Winston is determined to leave the Army and make his way to Parliament as a hero/correspondent. But the majority of the military establishment is set against him. Churchill finds himself in Kitchener’s war in the Sudan and takes part in the last great cavalry charge of the British Empire.
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Churchill, having decided his course, willingly risks his life for his ultimate goal, the House of Commons. But he has to survive India first.
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Winston loses those in his life he holds most dear. And to defeat boredom, he travels to Cuba to see war up close, as the Spanish try to putdown a rebellion.
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Winston makes it into Sandhurst, taking a curious route. He nearly dies at least twice, but in the end another family member is taken from his life. And after Sandhurst, he is left up to his own devices. He is now a man at large.
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Churchill enters Harrow, but his defiant ways still exist. His father draws away from him but his mother will soon be coming to his side. At Harrow, young Winston breaks almost every rule: he keeps dogs, is constantly late for class, curses in front of the Headmaster and blows up a building.
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This episode covers Winston Churchill’s birth, his early school years and his parent’s or lack thereof, influence on the boy.
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This episode takes us through the war in East Africa through February 1941, which is the high water mark for The British Empire fighting the Axis without the Russians or America. The cover photo is of the Dongolaas Gorge.
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The various British commands in East Africa are ready to move against the Italians. Well, not really. But as the Italians retreat after Operation Compass, the British Commonwealth forces have no choice but to advance, ready or not. The cover picture is of the Duke of Aosta. AND I will be on Reddit.com June 19th, noon, EST.
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Gen. O’Connor is planning his next attack when the Italians decide to abandon Cyrenaica. The Race is on! Also, the Replica Newspaper contest.
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The British 13th Corps continues pushing west, now it’s Tobruk’s turn. The situation in East Africa causes only more tension between Wavell and Churchill.
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The Italians have been pushed out of Egypt and Gen. Richard O’Connor has lost his 4th Indian Division. Still, he decides to pursue the retreating Italian 10th Army. The Italians make it to the port city of Bardia before British armor can catch them, so that is the next place the Allies will attack, this time using Gen. MacKay’s Australians.
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Here is an Mp4 episode of my recent trip to the Military Aviation Museum in Virginia Beach, VA. Amazing place!
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After 6 months of planning, the British are ready to move against Marshal Graziani.
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Greek soldiers continue to dominate and push the Italian invaders back into Albania and closer to the sea. The RAF makes its presence felt by downing dozens of Italian aircraft. Mussolini can’t hide the backsliding of his troops from Hitler but Prime Minister Metaxas shields his own secret from his men and the world.
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The last episode covering the Battle of Taranto. The second attack wave of Swordfish make for the harbor, but only after overcoming problems of their own. Admiral Cunningham scores a major success and British moral is lifted. But the Italian Navy is not finished yet.
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Adm. Cunningham updates the plan to attack Taranto, but then suffers several setbacks. These are over come, the Italians are confused by the massive ship movements during the first ten days of November. Then the first of two attacks are launched by Swordfish at the Italian harbor.
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British Admiral Andrew B. Cunningham, commander of the Mediterranean Fleet has his orders: Maintain the sea lanes between Gibraltar and the Suez Canal. Holding on to Malta will allow the British to recon their main target, the port of Taranto. If the Italian war ships there can be neutralized, the Suez stays safe, Crete remains out of Axis hands and Britain’s vital passage to the far East remains open.
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We are joined by Steven Guerra of The History of the Papacy Podcast to discuss Italy’s attack on Greece, the Battle of Taranto and some of the what if’s of WWII.
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Italy has invaded Greece, but under Prime Mister Metaxas, the Greeks are ready. The Italians are drawn in and then the defenders use their mountains to launch counter attacks. The world is impressed, but Churchill is already committed to Egypt and the U.S. is committed to Britain. General Prasca’s leadership will last only 15 days.
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Mussolini and Hitler deceive each other over desired territory, while Prime Mister Metaxas of Greece tries to stay below Italy’s radar. يلا شوت Britain is through trying to salt dough handprint separate Italy from Germany and decides to support the smaller Aegean power, despite the prevailing opinion that the outcome will be nothing more gamf.net than a quick Italian victory.
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Mussolini would pay back Hitler “in his own coin” by invading Greece without first telling his Axis partner. But the Greek people, for all their worldblog.net industrial limitations were angry with the Italians and their Dictator Ioannis Metaxas, had the experience to salt dough handprint ready his people and country to their limit. The photo is of Greek Dictator Metaxas.
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Here is an overview of my recent visit to the D-Day Memorial in Bedford, VA. This episode is in an Mp4 format, so please enjoy the pictures. At the end, is the drawing anagazawe.com for the replica newspaper from December 8, 1941.
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By 1940, Great Britain had several possessions in the anagazawe.com Mediterranean Sea, that they would use to project power against the Axis. But exactly how did Britain obtain them?
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Andrew Lambert, Laughton Professor of Naval History in the Department of War Studies at King’s College London, joins us to discuss the Royal Navy’s position in the Mediterranean Sea. Outgunned but not outmanned, the British Navy under Admiral Cunningham takes the fight to the Italian Fleet and quickly dominates the Eastern and Central Med. Until the Luftwaffe and U-boats arrive.
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We are joined by Luke Whitehorn, special effects artist from the movie Iron Sky. WWII and Sci Fi! What’s not to love. يلا شوت We cover episodes 62 and 63 and Luke brings a good perspective to our story so far in North Africa.
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The British plan their attack against General Graziani and the Italian 10th Army. Hitler and Franco meet to discuss an attack on Gibraltar. And General Charles de Gaulle moves to restore Free France and his reputation.
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Marshall Graziani FINALLY moves into Egypt, but then stops. Gen. De Gaulle is in place to take Dakar in West Africa. Finally, a quick look at the Italian Navy.
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The events of Sarajevo cause diplomatic tension to build throughout Europe but Churchill is determined that Britain will be ready, come what may.
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This time, we cover the tension between Churchill and two of his three service leaders in North Africa and the Mediterranean. Marshall Graziani is poised like a statue to invade Egypt. But, like a statue, he doesn’t move. And Admiral Cunningham takes his weaker naval vessels and reminds the Italians what war means. The cover photo is of Graziani.
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Mussolini wants his Roman Empire in Africa. But the British refuse to yield. Gen. Archibald Wavell is asked to do much, with very little. France is out of the war, so the battle for the Mediterranean Sea and North Africa is between Great Britain and Italy. For now.
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Here is the Final Episode of The Battle of Britain series. We sum up the Luftwaffe’s chances of ever really getting across the English Channel, Dowding’s future, Chamberlain’s end and the next step in Hitler’s plan for European domination.
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The Germans are convinced that Fighter Command is on its last leg. Waiting out the foul English weather, the Luftwaffe, Kesselring and Goering, finally get their chance to wipe the RAF out of the skies. But Keith Park of 11 Group will prove to be their tactical master.
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Unable to break Fighter Command by the needed date for Operation Sea Lion, the Luftwaffe changes their tactics and will go after London. Dowding and Park will do their best to protect the capital, but in a moment on honesty, are relieved that their air fields will be spared. Now the people of London must [...]
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September brings the beginning of the end of The Battle of Britain. London will become the Luftwaffe’s target as Germany needs the war to end. Soon Goering will take a personal hand in the war over the Channel.
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As tired as everyone is, Kesselring of Luftflotte Two steps up the intensity of the attacks on RAF airfields, especially those near London. And Hitler will release the Luftwaffe to attack London, as the battle is not going in Nazi Germany’s favor. Also Group Commanders Keith Park and Leigh-Mallory have their own feud over how [...]
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London becomes more of a target for the German bombers, until Goering warms them away. But it’s too late. Churchill and the War Cabinet decide to bomb Berlin. The war will shift into it’s final phase.
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This episode covers 4 missed or lightly treated subjects: Operation Pied Piper- the evacuation of Britain’s children, the disaster of the Lancastria, the occupation of The Channel Islands by the Nazis and the Italian Conquest of British Somaliland.
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C in C of the Luftwaffe Goering calls his young bloods to Karinhall to devise a new strategy to destroy Fighter Command. The result is a reinforced Kesselring pitted against Keith Park of 11 Group. But during a lull in the fighting, Park and his superior, Air Marshal Dowding make their own plans for defense. [...]
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This episode covers August 16 to the 18th. Goering plans on finishing Fighter Command on August 18th, by using almost every fighter and bomber from Luftflottes 2 and 3. The idea is simply to overwhelm the shrinking RAF forces. But Radar still plays a major role in helping Dowding and his Fighter Groups. Their real [...]
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August 15th was one of the greatest days of battle in The Battle of Britain. Goering makes his plans for improved attacks against the RAF but Dowding and Park stay with their tried method. The fighting continues over the channel while Churchill has his own combat within the walls of the Commons. Meanwhile, the British [...]
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The RAF and Luftwaffe size each other up and ready for Adlertag. The war in North Africa has started and the British will have to withdraw, like Dunkirk, for now. But they know Egypt must be kept safe. But Mussolini wants his African Empire. Goering is ready for Phase Two, but the RAF is still [...]
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The brave men and women behind the RAF pilots and Fighter Command. The British people come together to defend their island: Anti-Aircraft guns, balloon barrage, BAM Fuel, Private companies working ahead of the government, the Air Transport Auxiliary and the Home Guard. The Battle of Britain is covered through August 1st, when Hitler issues Directive [...]
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This episode gives a glimpse into the daily routine of Luftwaffe pilots fighting over the English Channel. The Straights of Dover are now being called Hellfire Corner from the number of sunken convoy ships. Also July 26th-28th of the Battle of Britain is covered. Dowding rests his men and their aircraft, while Luftwaffe leader Goering [...]
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The Me 109E will bring Nazi Germany to greatness and to the water’s edge at the English Channel. It came before the Hurricane and Spitfire and was faster. But it was also without armor, at first. The Luftwaffe is still testing the RAF: its air craft, pilots and RDF system. Both sides will draw blood
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This episode covers the beginning of the RAF and Fighter Command. Air Marshal Dowding is Fighter Command’s first Commander in chief. Through trial and error, radar is developed and a detection and respond system is worked out to defend the Channel coast. The Battle of Britain, from July 20th to July 22nd. The Spitfire and [...]
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German tactics, English weather and the Spitfire.
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A close up of the Hawker Hurricane and the Battle of Britain, July 11th-15th.
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Hitler is ready to end the war, but not Churchill.
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Britain and France clash and Churchill settles the question of the French fleet once and for all.
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Petain’s government signs the Armistice Treaty with Nazi Germany.
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Petain rushes to find peace, giving little thought of the price.
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Reynaud falls and Marshal Petain takes over.
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Rescue operations come to a close as the Germans advance on the Allied perimeter.
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British civilians help rescue troops from Dunkirk.
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The clouds and smoke roll away and Dunkirk is exposed to the Luftwaffe.
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The anxious British troops wait on the beaches and the Mole to be rescued.
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The British, seemingly pushed into the sea, organize to save their troops to fight another day.
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Allied forces in Belgium are cut off as the German panzers reach the coast.
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Rommel crosses the Meuse north of Sedan and helps destroy the French 9th Army.
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German panzers attack through the Ardennes, head for the Meuse River and the town of Sedan.
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The Long March, 1934-1935. Mao and the Chinese Communist Party are saved by running through the mountains and jungles, fleeing from Chiang Kai-shek and his Nationalist troops.
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The Phony War has undermined what eagerness there was to fight Germany.
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Landlocked Denmark surrenders, but Norway resists. The British try to help but are not organized or equipped properly.
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The Allies wait for Hitler and Stalin uses the war to attack Finland. But the Soviet Army is far from ready.
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Hitler’s bluffing to gain an empire is over. He will have to fight from now on.
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Diplomatic wrangling rages over Europe during the summer of 1939.
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Britain and France are finished giving in to Hitler.
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Hitler’s sabre rattling earns him Austria and the Munich Agreement.
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Europe 1933-1937: Ethiopia, Rhineland, Spanish Civil War.
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The Nazi Party implements Hitler’s vision as written in Mein Kampf.
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Hitler, now in power, removes his enemies and defies the international community.
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Japan struggles to define its policy on China, but events take the decision out the military’s hands.
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Japan continues to expand their operations into China and find themselves facing Chairman Mao, backed by the Soviet Union and Chiang Kai Shek.
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Japan is opened up to western ways, but the government loses control of the military. Covers from 1853 to 1936.
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Episode covers the first 10 years of Mussolini as Dictator.
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Episode covers Mussolini from the end of WWI to his being elevated to power.
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Episode covers the early life of Mussolini.
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Episode covers German politics and the rise of the Nazi Party from the Great Depression until Hitler comes to power in January 1933.
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This episode covers Germany from the end of World War I to the advent of The Great Depression. REFERENCES: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William ShirerDelivered From Evil by Robert LeckieThe Rising Sun by John TolandMussolini by R.J.B. Bosworth
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