187 avsnitt • Längd: 65 min • Veckovis: Måndag
An archive of speeches, lectures, and interviews compiled by Ian Anderson and published by Sina Rahmani.
For educational purposes only. This feed will not be monetized and all materials used in the episodes can be found free online.
The podcast The Anti-Imperialist Archive is created by The Anti-Imperialist Archive. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Report back on last month's trip to Istanbul by the Gaza Freedom Flotilla which was challenging Israel's seventeen-year siege on Palestine. The Flotilla's mission was to deliver 5,500 tons of aid directly to the Palestinians, but was not able to get the ships out of port due to U.S. pressure. The Flotilla is still working, however, to overcome the difficulties and complete the project. The program opens with a prayer shared by Dakota Elder and Historian Chris Mato Nunpa. who is followed by former FBI agent Coleen Rowley and Veterans for Peace members Barry Riesch and Jeff Berger. Jeff had recently spent two weeks in Washington on a hunger strike for Gaza taking up the baton from Airman Larry Hebert when he returned to active duty.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
A fascinating talk on the history of Syria--from post-WWII till the current quagmire of war, ISIS, and the battleground amongst the powerful military countries.
Recorded by Global Voices for Justice
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Binghamton June 9, 2009
Professor James Petras talks about the disastrous effects of neoliberalism on Latin America, the forces which constrain it, and how the people and governments of that region are fighting back. Sponsored by Broome County Peace Action
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
On today's show we feature an interview with Charlotte Kates, coordinator of the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, courtesy of the Canadian broadcast "Voice of Palestine" hosted by Hanna Kawas. In this interview Kates talks about the work of Samidoun, and the conditions of Palestinian political prisoners, including the case of Lina Khattab, a young 18 year old media student at Bir Zeit University, and a folkloric dancer with the dance troup El Funoun. Lina was recently sentenced to 6 months in prison on charges of throwing stones, and participating in an unlawful demonstration. This Voice of Palestine interview was originally broadcast on February 20, 2015. Go to Voice of Palestine to view and listen to VOP episodes.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Archbishop Atallah Hanna of Jerusalem gave a talk about the current situation in Palestine and Syria during his visit in Los Angeles, California, on 11 September, 2014.
This was recorded by Global Voices for Justice
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
This UNAC sponsored video heard from Dr. Marwa Osman from Lebanon, Dr. Amal Wahdan from Ramallah and Dr. Adnan Azzouz from Aleppo. They speak about the Israeli/US war on their countries and people.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
The Summit for Accountability in Social Justice Movements, platformed on https://imixwhatilike.org/ and Juneteenth Archive, moderated by Jared Ball and Joy James, will be held Saturday, June 12, 2021, 2-4pm (US eastern). The origins for the 2021 Summit come from organizers and/or impacted families who have watched opportunistic politics and revenue streams emerge from Black freedom movements for decades.
Contributing activists with interlocking struggles: Black Panther Party veteran; parents seeking justice for children killed by state violence; anti-slavery abolitionists; women’s march organizers; recent resistance movement organizers in Louisville, KY and Ferguson, MO; former local chapters of Black Lives Matter Global Network. With their critiques, we discuss past mobilizations, current crises/contradictions, and map strategies for political analyses that increase the stability and security of our communities as we demand and practice accountability in social justice for black liberation.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Dr. Anaheed Al Hardan interviewed about her new book 'Palestinians in Syria: Nakba Memories of Shattered Communities'. Dublin South Fm, 20th October 2016
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Virginia Tilley is a Political Science professor at SIU-Carbondale studying racial conflict. Sherif Fam was the long time beloved host of This Week in Palestine.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
This feature length investigation by Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit exposes Israeli war crimes in the Gaza Strip through the medium of photos and videos posted online by Israeli soldiers themselves during the year long conflict. The I-Unit has built up a database of thousands of videos, photos and social media posts. Where possible it has identified the posters and those who appear. The material reveals a range of illegal activities, from wanton destruction and looting to the demolition of entire neighbourhoods and murder. The film also tells the story of the war through the eyes of Palestinian journalists, human rights workers and ordinary residents of the Gaza Strip. And it exposes the complicity of Western governments – in particular the use of RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus as a base for British surveillance flights over Gaza. “The west cannot hide, they cannot claim ignorance. Nobody can say they didn’t know,” says Palestinian writer, Susan Abulhawa.This is “the first livestream genocide in history … If people are ignorant they are wilfully ignorant,” she says.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Cockburn back from 10 days in Syria, says government not near collapse, but unable to defeat foes; criticizes media for accepting rebel reports uncritically; speaks of ability to drive major roads safely; of rebel and government atrocities, of minority fears of Sunni takeover; of Kurds seizing opportunities; of class and countryside vs. city conflicts; of contradiction in US policy of supporting opposition but labeling al-Nusra front, its best fighting force, as terrorist; sees chemical weapons hype akin to Iraq WMD; thinks conflict, like Lebanon civil war, likely to go on for years.
Interviewer: Jeff Blankfort
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh has just begun a televised address, accusing Israel of committing “genocide” in the Gaza Strip. “Our enemy is doing this with the US administration and some European countries,” he said. “The people of Gaza are staying in their land. They will never leave Gaza or flee,” he added. “I salute the people of Gaza who are facing the barbaric machine of the Zionist machine. They are committed to their lands.”
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Within the framework of the International Human Rights Day, the Embassy of the Plurinational State of Bolivia hosted a conversation meant to remember the massacres carried out by the military forces against the civilian populations of Sacaba and Senkata. In 2019, the constitutional order was broken in Bolivia after a police mutiny and the Armed Forces pressure to the elected president to resign, a situation that led to the illegitimate possession of Jeannine Añez as de facto president. Faced with growing popular protests against the regime, Añez promulgated a decree that exempted the military from criminal responsibility, giving them carte blanche to repress the popular protest. On November 15 and 18, in the face of growing mobilizations against the unconstitutional government of Añez, the military massacred the population of Sacaba and Senkata that was exercising its right to protest in defense of democracy, staining the country with blood and mourning. The Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI) of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (CIDH), which carried out an investigation into what happened in the country, concluded that massacres by military and police forces against civilians were recorded in Bolivia, including summary executions, where at least 37 people lost their lives and hundreds received serious injuries, both physical and psychological. At the Embassy we believe that these types of activities are fundamental for the construction of a process of memory, truth and justice, so that we never again allow the violation of human rights by the armed and security forces that are owed to the people and are there to defend it and not repress it.
Thomas Becker is a Senior Clinical Supervisor at the University Network for Human Rights. He has spent most of the past two decades working on human rights issues in Bolivia. He has conducted human rights work around the world, investigating torture and extrajudicial killings of Adivasis in India and Sahrawis in Western Sahara; documenting war crimes in Lebanon and Nagorno-Karabakh; examining land rights in South Africa and Palestine; exposing death squads in Honduras and Colombia. Before joining University Network, Becker taught as a Clinical Instructor at Harvard Law School’s International Human Rights Clinic. His work has been featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Guardian, The Nation, The Atlantic, Le Monde, El País, Vice Magazine, Al Jazeera, BBC, NPR, and Univision, among others. His book, Coup: A Story of Violence and Resistance in Bolivia, co-authored with Linda Farthing, was a finalist for the Duke University Juan E. Mendez Book Award for Human Rights.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
#Africa4Palestine webinar series: Roberto Hernández is an associate professor at San Diego State University and an actively engaged, community-based researcher, scholar, teacher and writer. His publications and teaching focus on the intersections of colonial and border violence, the geopolitics of knowledge and cultural production, decolonial political theory, social movements, hemispheric indigeneity, masculinity and comparative border studies. He joins our webinar series to talk about "Indigenous-Palestinian Solidarity".
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
In the opinion of the US Department of State, Cuba is a “terrorist state." It is part of a list of a few countries determined by the United States to receive that designation. This list is used as a way to punish countries that the US is in conflict with. At the coffee hour we will focus on the list and its impact on Cuba. This list has damaged the people of Cuba and similarly affected other countries on the list. We are pleased to have as our primary speaker David Ramírez Álvarez, Second Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Cuba in Washington, D.C. who will speak about the impact of the list on Cubans and their economy.
We will also have brief talks about how the US State Sponsors of Terrorism list impacts people in other countries on the list. We are delighted to be joined by Sima Shakhsari, co-founder of the No Sanctions on Iran Coalition and Chair and Director of Graduate Studies at the Departmentt of Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies at the University of Minnesota, and Wyatt Miller, a member of the Anti-War Committee who recently traveled to Syria with the Syria Solidarity Movement and Arab-Americans 4 Syria. We will encourage participants to take action to remove Cuba from the US State Sponsors of Terrorism list and provide them with tools to take action. Sponsors: Solidarity Committee on the Americas (SCOTA), Minnesota Cuba Committee, Witness for Peace Solidarity Collective, Veterans for Peace, Chapter 27, Twin Cities CPUSA, Minnesota Peace Action Coalition.
Lebanon and Israel have agreed on a historic maritime border deal. The new demarcations will help both sides exploit oil in the Mediterranean. The lead negotiator from Lebanon is the Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of Lebanon, Elias Bou Saab. He explains the role of Hezbollah in the Lebanese government and negotations as well
Interviewer: Ghadi Francis of WIONews
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Interview with today's special guest, Palestinian OB/GYN and peace and justice activist Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, whose daughters and niece were recently murdered by Israeli bombers.
This Week In Palestine (a weekly part of Truth and Justice Radio) is a three-quarter-hour segment of news from Palestine and discussion of issues relevant to the Palestinians' struggle for freedom from Israel's brutal military occupation and colonization, and now bombing, devastation, and murder, of their homeland.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Criminalizing Peoples' Liberation Movements: Scrap the so-called terrorist list This public forum calling for an end to the designation of liberation movements as "terrorist" took place in Vancouver on February 15, at Simon Fraser University, organized by the Red Sparks Union. Here, Khaled Barakat speaks on impact of 'terror' designations and lists on Arab people's struggles and Arab communities in Canada. Khaled Barakat is a Palestinian activist, journalist and writer based in Vancouver. His writing on current events and Palestinian issues are widely published in Arabic media. (2013)
#Africa4Palestine webinar series: Khaled Barakat, a Palestinian writer and activist. His work is widely published in Arabic and English in a variety of publications. He is the international coordinator of the Campaign to Free Ahmad Sa’adat. He joins the webinar series to discuss "The Plight of Palestinian Political Prisoners" (2020)
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Glen Ford, the editor in chief of Black Agenda Report, speaking at Black Is Back Conference.
Glen passed away in 2021 - but his legacy, words, and work remain. This is our election day special in his honor
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Jon Elmer provides an in depth look at Yahya Sinwar's life and death. This is a segment from The Electronic Intifada's day 383 livestream. Ali Abunimah, Nora Barrows-Friedman, Jon Elmer and Asa Winstanley were joined by writer and analyst Justin Podur. You can watch the entire broadcast here: https://youtube.com/live/cor7VqVAtxE
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Over the past few years, Israel's ongoing military occupation of Palestinian territory and repeated invasions of the Gaza strip have triggered a fierce backlash against Israeli policies virtually everywhere in the world -- except the United States. The Occupation of the American Mind takes an eye-opening look at this critical exception, zeroing in on pro-Israel public relations efforts within the U.S.
Narrated by Roger Waters and featuring leading observers of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and U.S. media culture, the film explores how the Israeli government, the U.S. government, and the pro-Israel lobby have joined forces, often with very different motives, to shape American media coverage of the conflict in Israel's favor. From the U.S.-based public relations campaigns that emerged in the 1980s to today, the film provides a sweeping analysis of Israel's decades-long battle for the hearts, minds, and tax dollars of the American people in the face of widening international condemnation of its increasingly right-wing policies.
Narrated by Roger Waters / Featuring Amira Hass, M.J. Rosenberg, Stephen M. Walt, Noam Chomsky, Rula Jebreal, Henry Siegman, Rashid Khalidi, Rami Khouri, Yousef Munayyer, Norman Finkelstein, Max Blumenthal, Phyllis Bennis, Norman Solomon, Mark Crispin Miller, Peter Hart, and Sut Jhally.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Statement by the ISM - Prison for 100,000 at the stroke of a Pen: Israeli Military Unmasks New Plan for Wall to Surround Tulkarem The town of Tulkarem has been dealing with the devastating consequences of the Apartheid Wall since its construction started last year. On the morning of 29th January 2003 farmers arrived at their fields to find that the future of the local community is being further assaulted. A new military order had been nailed to their trees. It informed them that their land will be confiscated in order to build a 9.9 km long wall. It demanded that the farmers attend a meeting later that day or forfeit their right to compensation. Many will not attend such meetings, refusing to recognize the right of the Israeli occupation forces to determine the future of Palestinians' land. This latest Apartheid Wall will complete the encirclement of Tulkarem and make the population of the city prisoners -requiring them to pass through a gate in the wall every time they travel. This policy of caging a large community has already been enforced in the city of Qalqilya with a devastating impact on the community. It is widely believed that the erection of this wall constitutes part of a long planned strategy of the Israeli regime to "encourage transfer" or ethnically cleanse the area by making it practically impossible to live in the city. Communities which will have land destroyed by this latest Wall include Nor Shamis refugee camp, Bala'a, Iktaba, Shofi, Ezbit, Shofi, Kufur Labad, Anabta, Jaroshiea, Mas Qafi and Shweka. Already many greenhouses, olive trees, wells and agricultural land have been destroyed or separated from their Palestinian owners in the first stage of the Apartheid Wall's construction, representing a massive de facto annexation of Palestinian land. This new second stage of the Apartheid Wall will continue this destruction and further the 'Ghettoization' of the West Bank. According to the Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committee over 236 dunums of land will be lost by the actual construction of the Wall around Tulkarem while over 23,000 dunums will be included in the enclosed area. The Wall will also destroy a large part of the Nor Shamis forest, a natural habitat for a variety of rare birds. ISM will be steadfast in its support of Palestinian non-violent resistance to this latest illegal attack on the land of Palestine. We call on the Israeli regime to abandon this latest step towards further ghettoizing Palestinian communities and violating basic human rights. We call on the Israeli people to oppose the grave violations of human rights being committed in their name. We call upon all supporters of human rights around the world to boycott Israeli goods and lobby their governments to impose trade and diplomatic sanctions until it abandons the construction of the Wall and withdraw from the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, which it has illegally occupied since 1967.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Listen to an interview with Mohamed Omar, an independent Palestinian journalist from Rafah refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. Mohamed is the creator of the independent news website Rafah Today, which documents life and death in the Gaza Strip. Mohamed, whose home was recently demolished by the Israeli military, speaks about the importance of an independent media movement in Palestine to document and uncover the often hidden realities of the Israeli occupation. The interview outlines the current situation in Rafah, focusing on the constant Israeli Occupation Forces incursions into Rafah refugee camp, while also exploring the aftermath of the massive Israeli military incursion dubbed Operation Rainbow in late May 2004. The Israeli incursion made international headlines, bringing condemnation from the United Nations and the majority of nations throughout the world. During the late May incursion many Palestinians were killed, while hundreds of homes were destroyed, leaving thousands homeless until today.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
On Sunday October 13th anti-apartheid activist Na'eem Jeenah presented a lecture at McGill University in Montreal entitled "The African Apartheid and the Palestinian Plight." During his lecture Jeenah made mention of various practices of the South African government during apartheid and showed how these practices share commonalities with the current Israeli government's treatment of the Palestinian people. Jeenah, a South African Muslim, is also an author, journalist, community leader, and post-graduate student, and is currently on a North American speaking tour as the spokesperson for the South African based Palestinian Solidarity Committee and the recently formed International Anti-Apartheid Movement Against Israel. According to a communique from the organizers, the purpose of the tour is "to draw a clear understanding of the reality of occupation and exploitation currently being inflicted upon the Palestinian people by the Israelis. Jeenah highlighted a set of six demands, including the immediate and urgent international protection for the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, dismantling of all Jewish settlements in the Occupied Territories, and the right of return and reparations for 4.5 million Palestinian refugees.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Khalida Jarrar is a leading member of the PFLP, deputy at the PLC (Palestinian Legislative Council), heads the PLC’s prisoners’ committee and acts as the Palestinian representative in the Council of Europe, an international organization promoting human rights and democracy around the world.
Khalida, who has spent 34 months of the last four years in Israeli jails, speaks of her imprisonment without trial by the Israeli military courts that control Palestinian lives, Israel's limiting of Red Cross inspections of Israeli prisons so as to facilitate abuse and torture of political prisoners, how Israel refuses family visits, uses collective punishment, denial of water, denial of privacy in showers. She argues the need to fight occupation and oppression from Israel and also aspects of traditional Palestinian society that deny women equal rights. She ends by asking us to "raise our voices" for the freedom of the Palestinians.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Discussion centers on SNCC, voting registration in Lowndes County, the Black Panthers, Malcolm X, Bayard Rustin, Martin Luther King Jr.'s views on the Vietnam War, the tactic of nonviolence, the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., the James Meredith March and many other subjects.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
(2012) This is Hassan Nasrallah's his first interview in the West since 2006. From a secret location in Lebanon, Nasrallah gives Assange a rare and frank insight into his vision for the future of the Middle East.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Original Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jhqt0Agklg
Black Liberation Media can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/@BlackLiberationMedia Joining and speaking with Ajamu were Erica Caines, Kamau Franklin, and Hiram Rivera - all important organizers in their own right. The Remix Morning Show airs Friday mornings 8-10 EST.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Masseer Especial Journal, which belongs to Khamenei.ir, has conducted an interview with Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary-General of Lebanon's Hezbollah, which is published for the first time. The following is part one of the interview:
In an extensive interview with an Especial Journal belonging to Khamenei.ir, Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah elaborated on formerly unrevealed issues regarding the relations between Lebanon’s Hezbollah and the Islamic Republic of Iran. In the second part of the interview, the Secretary-General of Hezbollah points out Imam Khamenei’s prediction regarding the Oslo Accord as well as Netanyahu’s error concerning the accord.
In an extensive interview with Masseer Especial Journal--which belongs to Khamenei.ir-- Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah pointed out formerly undisclosed facts regarding relations between Lebanon's Hezbollah and the Islamic Republic of Iran as well as Imam Khamenei's command of international issues. The first and second part of the interview have been published over the past few days. In the third part of the interview, the Secretary-General of Hezbollah makes reference to a letter by Imam Khamenei which was deliver to him through General Ghasem Soleimani before the war with the Zionist Regime began.
In an extensive interview with Masseer Especial Journal--which belongs to Khamenei.ir-- Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah pointed out formerly undisclosed facts regarding relations between Lebanon's Hezbollah and the Islamic Republic of Iran as well as Imam Khamenei's command of international issues. Parts one to three of this interview have been published over the past few days. In the fourth part, the Secretary General of Hezbollah has talked about the behind-the-scenes of the war on Syria as well as Imam Khamenei’s promise regarding the collapse of the Saudi regime.
In an extensive interview with Masseer Especial Journal--which belongs to Khamenei.ir-- Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah pointed out formerly undisclosed facts regarding relations between Lebanon's Hezbollah and the Islamic Republic of Iran as well as Imam Khamenei's command of international issues. In the fifth and final part of the interview, the Secretary-General of Hezbollah of Lebanon elaborates on previously undisclosed facts regarding the tough war by Iran, Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq against the U.S.-backed ISIS.
Pt1: https://english.khamenei.ir/news/7053/Interview-with-Sayyid-Hassan-Nasrallah-the-Secretary-General
Pt5: https://english.khamenei.ir/news/7061/How-did-we-defeat-the-U-S-in-its-ISIS-project
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
The leader of the Palestinian movement Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, sacked as Prime Minister by President Mahmoud Abbas, has launched an appeal for a long-term ceasefire with Israel. In an exclusive interview with EuroNews:, he also urged Europe to play an active role in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Colin Edwards interviews Miss Leila Khaled, a young Palestinian woman who has become a heroine to the whole Arab world through leading a two-man team in taking over a TWA airliner between Rome and Athens and ordering it to proceed first to Lydda, to circle over her homeland to challenge the Israelis, and then to Damascus where she blew up the entire front end. A member of the Marxist-Leninist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, she describes the origins of that movement, its philosophy, its strategy and its tactics, as well as her memories of the hijacking. Recorded just after she surfaced in Beirut following her release from 44 days of detention in Syria, where other PFLP guerillas have suffered imprisonment.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
On 25th March 2011, Palestinian activist Maha Rahwanji hosted a mesmerising evening in conversation with Ramzy Baroud, the editor-in-chief of the Palestine Chronicle, about his recent book 'My Father Was A Freedom Fighter - Gaza's Untold Story'. The book can be described as a 'peoples history' of Palestine - by following the lives of one family - the authors, the heart-rending history of the Palestinian people from the ethnic cleansing of the Nakba, to growing up as refugees under Israeli occupation, and living and dying under siege in Gaza is laid bare in a very accessible form.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Chairman Omali speaks on the current crisis of US Imperialism and the Presidential elections. The Chairman explains how Barack Obama's run for US presidency is essentially another case of White Power in Black Face.
Omali Yeshitela live on Uhuru Radio.com on Nov. 9, 2008 discussing the election of Barack Obama as U.S. president and the growing movement for African Liberation. With Black Agenda Report Executive Editor Glen Ford, Chernoh Alpha M. Bah, Luwezi Kinshasa, Nyabinga D'zimbabwe and Penny Hess.
The Chairman of the African Nation answers the burning question of Kamala Harris selection as Democratic Party candidate for U.S. Vice President. How does this occurrence factor into the struggle for African liberation?
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Long documentary about kids in Palestine (one of them in Dheisheh Refugee camp) arrested, beaten, interrogated, tortured, and imprisoned by Israeli forces. (Nora Barrows-Friedman, 47 minutes)
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
1: "Portrait of a 'terrorist' (Robert Mugabe)" (1980)
2: "Not In A 1000 Years (Mugabe)" (1983)
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Joseph Massad teaches Modern Arab Politics and Intellectual History at Columbia University. He is the author of Colonial Effects: The Making of National Identity in Jordan (Columbia University Press, 2001), The Persistence of the Palestinian Question: Essays on Zionism and Palestinian Nationalism (Routledge, 2006), Desiring Arabs (University of Chicago Press, 2007). His book Desiring Arabs received the Lionel Trilling Book Award in 2008. Professor Massad has written extensively on the Palestinian Question in academic journals and books. He also writes columns on Palestinian and Arab affairs to Al-Jazeera English's website, Al-Ahram Weekly, and the Lebanese daily Al-Akhbar. His forthcoming book is titled Islam in Liberalism.
The Right of Return Conference was held at Boston University on April 6 and 7, 2013. The conference featured keynote presentations by Dr. Salman Abu Sitta, Dr. Joseph Massad, Noura Erakat (Badil) and Liat Rosenberg (Zochrot).
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
World Pride, an international queer celebration and festival, was scheduled to take place in the city of Jerusalem from August 18-28, 2005. Under the slogan 'love without borders", the event aimed to bring queer people from all over the world to Jerusalem, one of the most militarized, divided, and segregated cities in the world. Here, we speak with Kate Raphael-Bender, a Palestine solidarity activist based in San Francisco, and a member of QUIT - Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism. QUIT recently launched an international boycott of World Pride, and many groups signed on. Recenlty, the organizers of World Pride decided to postpone the event for at least one year, due to this summer's Gaza withdrawal.
Kate will reflect on the inherent contradictions of holding World Pride in Jerusalem, and how to bring about real freedom for all.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Audio taken from the Syrian Conflict Conference in Sydney Australia.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Quick note - this is a preview, the full interview will be released shortly
Dr Sinanan and I get into her background and connect these heritages back to the ongoing genocide (and revolution) happening in Gaza.
Dr Sinanan is currently working to produce a new edition of The History of Mary Prince (1831)
https://ageofrevolutions.com/2020/06/10/blm-2020-breathing-resistance-and-the-war-against-enslavement/ Calls to defund or abolish the police at this level during BLM 2020, represented a new aspect of these protests, one that asks us to consider the protests themselves as part of the centuries-long continuum of slave rebellion. https://digitalcommons.usf.edu/abo/vol13/iss1/11/ "Mary Prince’s Undisciplining Lessons: Counter-Narrative and Testimonio in The History," ABO: Interactive Journal for Women in the Arts, 1640-1830: Vol.13: Iss.1, Article 11. This essay discusses teaching The History of Mary Prince at a Hispanic Serving Institution via Ethnic Studies praxis. It develops Nicole Aljoe’s definition of Prince’s narrative as counter-story and testimonio and explores the undisciplining effects of reading Prince’s history as relevant to the lives of Borderlands students. To understand the multiple meanings of “undisciplining’ this essay draws on the theory of Sylvia Wynter and shows how Prince’s testimonio offers an alternative to Western epistemologies via communal resistance and resurgence. Several pedagogic tools are explored for teaching Prince in this way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmBNB8pN0sA What does it mean to learn, think with, and remember the Middle Passage? Artist KING COBRA (documented as Doreen Lynette Garner) and Dr. Kerry Sinanan discuss contemporary and historical glass, the violence of consumption, and the transatlantic slave trade.As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
With the war on Gaza now in its 10th month, we speak with journalist Jeremy Scahill about the state of negotiations for a possible ceasefire and hostage deal between Israel and Hamas. Scahill recently spoke to senior Hamas officials about the ongoing ceasefire negotiations and the group’s broader goals. He is a co-founder of The Intercept, and he recently announced he was leaving after more than a decade to launch a new investigative journalism outlet, Drop Site News, alongside colleague Ryan Grim. Scahill’s new article, “On the Record with Hamas,” examines the militant group’s motivations to launch the October 7 attacks in Israel, as well as its stance on the negotiations, based on interviews with a number of senior Hamas officials and other sources. “October 7 didn’t happen in a vacuum,” says Scahill. “The primary motivation, Hamas members told me, was to try to shatter the status quo on Gaza. They felt that the situation was becoming untenable.”
Democracy Now! is an independent global news hour that airs on over 1,500 TV and radio stations Monday through Friday. Watch our livestream at democracynow.org Mondays to Fridays 8-9 a.m. ET.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Co-founder Omar Barghouti makes the case for the global BDS campaign Omar Barghouti, a human rights activist and co-founder of the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel http://www.pacbi.org/ , said on a Canadian speaking tour, that he is among the most optimistic in the global BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) movement against Israeli apartheid, but is himself surprised at the rapidity of its growth. The support for BDS / PACBI campaign, launched in 2005 by Palestinian civil society groups, is growing among student activist groups on campuses around the world, human rights and community groups, major musicians (American rock band The Pixies, Britain's Elvis Costello, rock guitarist Carlos Santana, and poet-musician Gil Scott-Heron), leading academics and cultural figures, trade unions across the globe, queer groups (http://queersagainstapartheid.org/ ), and others. "We never thought we would get here so fast because in the South African experience of the anti-apartheid movement it took about 25 years... to see anything happen in the mainstream of Western society."
[part 2 of 11] Barghouti explains the dramatic growth of the BDS movement not only because of the "wonderful activists" in "saia, CAIA, QuAIA... Faculty for Palestine... Independent Jewish Voices and [groups in Palestine], but it's not just about that." There was also an "objective opening in the political spectrum" related to changes in public opinion, even in the establishment, that emerged in the wake of the United States and its allies' wars of aggression in Iraq and Afghanistan.
[part 4 of 11] The BDS / PACBI campaign is based on the "application of international law consistently to everyone," and basic, liberal human rights principles. Its primary goals, says Barghouti, are to pressure Israel to uphold international law and end its illegal occupation of the Occupied Territories and to introduce universal human rights principles involving full equality rights for Palestinians: "The main aspect of the BDS call is its rights-based approach... Its focus is on three basic rights of the Palestinian people, which together constitute the minimum of the requirement to realize the right to self-determination: (1) [ending] the occupation of the 1967 Occupied Territories, all of them, (2) ending the system of racial discrimination within Israel, which is a system of apartheid, and (3) [instituting] the right of return for Palestinian refugees, who constitute the majority of the Palestinian people."
[part 4 of 11] Barghouti says, "Ultimately, as the indigenous population, the most generous offer we can give to our colonial settlers is equality, but nothing more. Don't ask for colonial privileges. You will not get it."
[part 6 of 11] In the Q&A period, Bargouti said the PACBI campaign is a mainstream, consensus movement focused squarely on BDS. Although Barghouti says he personally supports other progressive agendas, such as the anti-neoliberal globalization movement, women's rights, and so forth, the BDS movement focuses narrowly on BDS goals in order to remain broad-based and effective. It, however, defers to groups around the world on how to implement BDS in their local communities, whether they are full steps, half measures, 1/100th measures, anything that works. But Barghouti does not support the Sullivan Principles promoted by some in South Africa, which called for codes of conduct by transnational corporations in apartheid regimes, such as equal treatment of employees, regardless of race, because those companies' presence and taxes still support and legitimize apartheid in the state.
[part 8 of 11] He supports the critical statement Bishop Desmond Tutu made in reference to the Sullivan Principles: "We don't need anyone to polish our chains. We want to break the chains altogether."
The conversation with Barghouti, entitled "Questioning the Boycott of Israel: A Path to Justice or an Obatacle to Peace?" was presented by the University of Toronto Middle East History and Theory Workshop, and endorsed by the Political Spaces Research Cluster of the Department of Geography and the Graduate Students Union Social Justice Committee at the University of Toronto.
The event was introduced and moderated by Jens Hanssen, Associate Professor of Middle East and Mediterranean History at the University of Toronto. October 26th, 2010 Bahen Centre, University of Toronto
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Nada Elia - professor at Antioch University, Seattle, organizing committee member of USACBI and founding member of Arab women's activist groups gives the keynote address at Israeli Apartheid Week, Vancouver, BC 2012. Nada Elia is a diaspora Palestinian writer, grassroots organizer, and university professor. She is the author of Trances, Dances, and Vociferations: Agency and Resistance in Africana Women’s Narratives, and has contributed chapters to Palestine: A Socialist Introduction and The Case for Sanctions on Israel. She is a core member of the Palestinian Feminist Collective and has been the plenary presenter at major conferences such as the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights. Her articles have been published in Mondoweiss, Middle East Eye and Electronic Intifada amongst many other places.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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This title is taken from Alan Paton's Cry, the Beloved Country. In South Africa, racial problems have often been solved by government police. Dr. Pettigrew discussed the history of South Africa which led to the apartheid (separation of races) and then delves into that country's similarity with the American South. Jeffrey E. Butler, an English South African, who is a research associate in the African Studies Program, Boston University, is a guest participant.
Dynamics of Desegregation is an intensive study of race relations in the United States. With particular emphasis on the South, Harvard Professor, Thomas Pettigrew looks at the historical, political, psychological, personal and cultural aspects of segregation. Specific examples of discrimination toward the American Negro are cited, with special films and dramatic vignettes underscoring Dr. Pettigrews narrative. Special guests join the professor in several episodes to explain the integration movement in the South. This series is not without bias. It is, indeed, a strong statement in support of integration. Thomas F. Pettigrew is an assistant professor of social psychology at Harvard University. A white integration leader with national reputation, Dr. Pettigrew was born in the South. He is the co-author (with Ernest Campbell) of Christians in Racial Crisis, published in 1959 by Public Affairs Press, Washington D.C.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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An Israeli historian, Dr. Pappé is currently a professor at the College of Social Sciences and International Studies at the University of Exeter in the UK. He is also director of the university's European Center for Palestine Studies and co-director of the Exeter Center for Ethno-Political Studies. He obtained his PhD in history from the University of Oxford.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Note: This has been updated with an additional few pieces of audio and the original audio has been corrected for mistakes.
1st: Sherif Fam speaks to Greta Berlin on launch day. The Gaza Freedom Flotilla consists of six ocean vessels bearing about 10,000 tons of vital building and living materials and 700 unarmed civilians, pledged to nonviolent defiance of the Israeli blockade of Gaza, the only land in the world being denied access to its own sea. The passenger list includes prominent activists, even celebrities and parliamentarians from the world over. One such is a member of the Israeli Knesset, clearly facing prison or worse upon arrival back home. This exclusive historic interview was conducted and aired live from Cyprus just hours before the Gaza Freedom Flotilla launched and was later brutally attacked by Israeli gunfire in international waters, in defiance of international law and common decency. From reactions around the world, there is new hope that Israel has finally lost its impunity. We have not yet learned the names of the dead or the imprisonment/torture situation of the survivors. Various (mostly foreign) websites are carrying update information, among them: gazafreedommarch.org.
This Week In Palestine (a weekly part of Truth and Justice Radio) is a monumentally important program of news from Palestine and discussion of issues relevant to the Palestinians' struggle for freedom from Israel's brutal military occupation and colonization, and now bombing, devastation, imprisonment, and murder, of their homeland, thanks in part to U.S. "leaders" and U.S. taxpayer funding. It's part of Truth and Justice Radio, aired Sundays 6-9:30am ET on WZBC 90.3FM, Newton, MA, streaming (and also archived for two weeks) at wzbc.org. Our website, truthandjusticeradio.org, links to audio archives of 2008-2010 editions of This Week In Palestine
2nd: Kevin Neish, Flotilla survivor, speaks about his experiences abord the Mavi Marmara when it was attacked by Israeli commandos, and gives eyewitness accounts of the raid, and his time in detention.
3rd: Jesse Rosenfeld speaks on the media portrayal of the Gaza Flotilla Massacre Jesse is a Canadian print and video journalist based out of Ramallah and Tel Aviv-Jaffa since 2007. He is the print editor of The Daily Nuisance and has written from the Middle East for The Guardian, The Nation, The National (Abu Dhabi English language newspaper), Haaretz English, The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, NOW Magazine, Z Net and Electronic Intifada. He has also blogged forAllvoices.com, Mondoweiss and produced video content for The Daily Beast and The Real News.
4th: Farooq Burney is the Director of Al Fakhoora (http://www.fakhoora.org), an international campaign to defend the education rights of Palestinian students living in Gaza and the West Bank. He was transporting 65 computers to students in Gaza as part of the humanitarian mission.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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Attorney and activist Ahmad Abuznaid, Esq. discusses his experiences working for social justice for Black Americans in the U.S. and Palestinians in the occupied territories and in the diaspora. As the first event in our 2018 Palestine Center Summer Intern Lecture Series, this talk focuses on the broad theme of intersectionality between the Palestinian struggle and other contemporary social movements in America. Titled "Palestine and Us: Contextualizing Palestine in American Political Activism," this lecture series hopes to encourage the audience to see the Palestinian struggle within a larger concept of social justice.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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At a recent Palestine Center briefing, John Voll, associate director of the Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal Center for Christian-Muslim Understanding at Georgetown University, and Amjad Atallah, president of the Strategic Assessments Initiative, analyzed the historical and current political standing of Hamas. John Voll argued that Hamas represents crystallization of the Palestinian nationalist movement and political Islam as they have evolved respectively during the twentieth century. Amjad Atallah, speaking next, said Hamas is linking its steps with regional events but warned that only increased instability can result from attempts to overthrow either Hamas or Hizbollah because of their synchronized actions.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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Recorded February 8, 2024 - Law enforcement officers from a joint task force that included the Atlanta Police Department, FBI, GBI and ATF executed one arrest warrant and three search warrants on two homes in the Lakewood Heights area and one in the Starlight Heights neighborhood that police say are associated with the Stop Cop City movement. At a press conference, Atlanta Police Chief Darin Schierbaum said the search warrants were for evidence related to a series of arson and vandalism attacks that took place over the last few months. The arrest warrant was for an arson against police motorcycles that took place in July at an APD facility at 180 Southside Industrial Pkwy, and the arrested individual was charged with first degree arson. Chief Schierbaum also said he anticipated additional arrests related to the acts of arson in the coming weeks. A second individual was taken from one of the three houses and detained for several hours at police headquarters. Due to an ongoing outage of Fulton County e-services after a hacking attack in January, phone lines at Fulton County Jail and the county’s online detainee registry are both offline, and the status of the arrested individual cannot be confirmed at this time.
The Atlanta Community Press Collective obtained a copy of one of the search warrants, which were issued by a magistrate judge in United States District Court of Northern Georgia. Collected evidence included: laptops; cell phones; memory cards; a modem; and stickers, a flier, and a poster for Defend the Atlanta Forest. The search warrant alleged violation of federal statutes on destruction of motor vehicles or motor vehicle facilities, conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States, solicitation to commit a crime of violence, transfer of explosives knowing or believing it will be used to commit a crime of violence, interstate domestic violence, and interstate and foreign travel or transportation in aid of racketeering enterprises. Police did not announce any charges related to these statutes. “These raids are an escalation at the federal level and an attack on the movement to disappear dissenters against Cop City,” said media contacts within the opposition movement to Cop City. Residents of one of the houses searched by police say the FBI busted down a side door and called for everyone to come outside where they were put into flex cuffs, placed into police vehicles, and eventually photographed by GBI agents. All residents and guests of that home were allowed to leave on their own power.
A press release sent out by representatives of the Stop Cop City movement said that one officer found a nude photograph of resident of another house, which was then displayed to other officers. Another individual—who was not arrested—reported that policed dragged them by the hair while executing the search warrant. Representatives from the Atlanta Solidarity Fund told ACPC they plan to post bail for the arrested individual when possible. Activists announced a 5 p.m. press conference Thursday at 191 Peachtree Street, where the Atlanta Police Foundation is headquartered. The APF is the non-profit entity the city is using to build the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center, called “Cop City” by opponents. Many of the acts of arson that occurred over the last few months were directed at companies contracted to construct the training center, which is the subject of a multi-year protest movement. The arsons are just one tool amongst a “diversity of tactics” used by opponents of the training center. Since 2021, activists have provided dozens of hours of public comment in front of the Atlanta City Council, held teach-ins and learning sessions, and engaged in acts of civil disobedience. The Stop Cop City vote coalition says it collected over 116,000 signatures on a petition for a referendum question that would allow voters to decide the fate of the facility. Despite turning in the referendum signatures in September, the city has yet to begin the process of validating those signatures and has spent over $1.2 million in legal fees fighting the referendum and other legal challenges in federal courts.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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This ABC News special features the first interview granted by Nelson Mandela on his 1990 visit to the United States. Mr. Mandela speaks with Ted Koppel for 71 minutes and answers questions from the studio audience. Topics covered include his 27 years in South Africa's prisons, the struggle against apartheid and its eventual collapse, and the future of a united South Africa. News footage and analysis bookend the interview and place the viewer unfamiliar with events in context.
Note: A good deal of laughter and applause from the audience has been edited out, alongside a number of scheduled TV breaks
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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Dr. Roy Casagranda is a political science professor in Austin, Texas.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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Professor Salaita is at the centre of an international protest against academic censorship. Author of six books and many articles, he was “unhired” from a tenured position in American Indian studies at the University of Illinois when donors pressured the university because of Salaita’s tweets on his personal Twitter account about the Gaza massacre this past summer. Because this action is widely recognized as part of a broad effort to silence voices for Palestinian rights and justice, and as one incident in the long history of colonial treatment of indigenous peoples, the case has attracted international attention.
Steve can be found on Twitter @stevensalaita
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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The “brutality of the occupation is getting worse and worse,” said Dr. Jumana Odeh, director of the Palestinian Happy Child Center, at an 11 June 2001 Center briefing. She addressed the psychological dimensions of Israel’s occupation and the intifada, followed by Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi, director of the Health, Development, Information, and Policy Institute, who challenged the common myths about the origin and nature of the uprising.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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1: Clip from Liberation/Stop the War Coalition online event on March 26 2022: Yemen: A 7-Year-Long Crime – End the Conflict Now! https://liberationorg.co.uk/events/ye... Shireen refers to a video in her speech Hunger War - you can watch it here: https://www.hungerward.org/ More about Liberation: liberationorg.co.uk More about Stop the War Coalition: https://www.stopwar.org.uk/ (2022)
2: Professor Shireen Al-Adeimi explains the US-Saudi war on the Yemen people including why it’s happening, who is responsible and how we can stop it. (2018)
3: For the last six years, Saudi Arabia and its allies with American military assistance have conducted an inconclusive proxy war in Yemen that, according to the United Nations, has created the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, especially for children. President Biden has now withdrawn U.S. military assistance to Saudi Arabia, but this is not enough. We need to mobilize support from our senators and representatives to push our President to help end the war and to support humanitarian aid for the Yemeni people. The Peace Education Center of Greater Lansing has invited Dr. Shireen Al-Adeimi to give us a talk via Zoom on this topic. Dr. Shireen Al-Adeimi is an expert on the war and humanitarian crisis in her country of birth, Yemen, and has been advocating for an end to US involvement there since 2015. She writes for In These Times and has been featured on NBC, NPR/PRI, The New York Times, Aljazeera, The Nation, Current Affairs, and others. She is also an assistant professor of language and literacy at Michigan State University, where her research focuses on dialogic talk and student outcomes. (2021)
4: The United States and Britain launched dozens of military strikes on Yemen on Thursday, raising fears of an escalation of conflict in the region. The strikes, launched in response to Houthi attacks on ships in the Red Sea that have disrupted global trade, left at least five people dead. The Houthi movement began targeting ships in November "essentially using a naval blockade in the Red Sea to prevent the blockade against civilians in Gaza," according to our guest, Yemeni American scholar Shireen Al-Adeimi. "This is an offensive act. This is a breach of Yemeni sovereignty," she says about the U.S. coalition's strikes, which were launched without approval from Congress, and which Al-Adeimi additionally characterizes as "a defense of capitalism." (2024)
April, May, and June we've been pushing a good number of episodes a month - 12-13 average. It's a lot happening in a month, and we recognize that it can just keep up a pretty maddening pace. This month of July there will be eight total episodes - with the goal to go ahead and give folks a chance to catch up. Scroll back, check out what else is available! This is an archive - the point is not to listen in a linear format. This go, a new episode every four days
Anyway, if you have suggestions, requests, feedback, please contact us on twitter @antiimparchive, or email ([email protected])
Despite being the Arab world’s poorest country, Yemen has been one of the most active in confronting the Zionist Israeli regime in the al-Aqsa Flood operation. In an exclusive sit-down interview, Radio 786 explores the motivation for the action by Yemen’s Ansarullah (Helpers of Allah) Movement and the long-term plan as the struggle to liberate al-Aqsa continues. Guest: Hamid Rezk – Ansarullah Movement (Yemen)
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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1: Jon Elmer reports from Palestine on the Gaza Pullout (CKDU, 2005)
2: After six months in the Middle East, photojournalist Jon Elmer discusses the Gaza 'disengagement' and the shifting dynamics of the Israel-Palestine conflict with original reportage from on the ground in the Gaza Strip, West Bank and Jerusalem. (Speech, 2006)
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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Violence and resistance in the struggle for Palestine is a lecture by Palestinian refugee Fawaz Turki, who defends Palestinian use of violence as necessary opposition to a series of violent incidents incited by Zionists. Turki argues that an act of occupying power is always violent when directed against occupied people
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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Marwa Osman, 'Transformation of the Axis of Resistance at the Syrian Crossroad', Syrian Conflict Conference.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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CAIR Florida conducted an interview with Dr Al-Arian in 2020 while he is/was living in Turkey. It is part of their EXPOSED video series - the description is as follows:
EXPOSED series highlights Dr. Sami Al-Arian, a Palestinian activist who was silenced by the US government through imprisonment and “secret evidence.” He joined us from exile in Turkey. This video series was produced to further CAIR-FL’s mission by exposing Civil Rights abuses from political prisoners to police brutality. While the opinions expressed by guest speakers in this program series do not reflect any official opinion or position of CAIR-FL, CAIR-FL values the right for anyone and everyone to express their opinion. Watch the series and support CAIR-FL so we can continue to fulfill our mission. http://bit.ly/cairfloridaexposedseries
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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1: Sami Al-Arian interview (2002)
2: Press Conference at the Shabazz Center in Harlem for Sami Al-Arian. His daughter asks for his release and right to return to his family. (2008)
3: If Americans Knew collaboration with the Al-Arian family / collective for his freedom (2008)
4: Democracy Now Interview with Sami - Sami Al-Arian Released After 5.5 Years in Prison After more than five-and-a-half years behind bars, Palestinian professor and activist, Sami Al-Arian, has been released from prison. Immigration authorities released him on bail on Tuesday after they failed to explain his continued detention pending a trial for refusing to testify before a grand jury about a cluster of Muslim organizations in northern Virginia. But while he is out of prison, Sami Al-Arian is not free. He must remain under house detention at his daughter Laila's residence in Virginia, pending trial. Laila Al-Arian joins us from Virginia. (2008)
5: Journalist Laila Al-Arian speaks about her father, Dr. Sami Al-Arian. (2009)
6: Laila al-Arian speaking at the Inaugural Conference of the National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms in Washington DC on October 3, 2010. She is reading the words of her father, Dr. Sami Al-Arian, as he describes the struggle to end the use of secret evidence. (2010)
7: Days after his deportation from the United States, the Palestinian activist and professor Sami Al-Arian discusses the end of his ordeal as the target of one of the most controversial prosecutions of the post-9/11 era. Sami was accused of ties to a militant group, but a Florida jury failed to return a single guilty verdict on any of the 17 charges against him. After prosecutors refiled charges, Sami chose jail time and deportation rather than face a second trial. For much of the three years following his arrest in 2003, he was imprisoned in solitary confinement and reportedly abused by prison staff under conditions Amnesty International called "gratuitously punitive." In a broadcast exclusive, Sami joins us from Turkey for his first broadcast interview since being deported. We are also joined by his daughter Laila Al-Arian, a Peabody Award-winning journalist based in Washington, D.C. (2015)
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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The Beatings of Palestinians (1988): This Week Thames Television Peter Gill
Gaza in 1988: Report follows how Israeli occupation forces beat to death two Palestinian teenagers, including a Christian, following Israel's dove Rabin's orders to smash the bones of native Palestinians. Bernard Mills, Director of UN Operations in Gaza in 1988: They come to people's homes ... and [Israeli soldiers] beat the people inside... The vast bulk of the cases there has been no arrest. They have gone in. They have beaten up the young people, often the entire family.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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A national speaking tour featuring a South African reverend and Palestinian lawyer started off at the Palestine Center on Monday, 10 November 2008. The tour, sponsored by the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation (www.endtheoccupation.org), draws on the parallels between the South African and Israeli systems of apartheid. Apartheid, according to the International Criminal Court, refers to “an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime.” Ms. Buttu and Rev. Makue shared their experiences living under apartheid policies in South Africa, Israel, and the West Bank. Rev. Makue discussed his role in the historic struggle there. Ms. Buttu gave a presentation using maps to demonstrate Israel’s mechanisms of control in the West Bank, Jerusalem and Gaza. Ms. Diana Buttu formerly worked with the Negotiations Support Unit of the PLO. She currently does media outreach with the Institute for Middle East Understanding and teaches at Birzeit University in Ramallah.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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Documentary featuring commentary from Walid Khalidi, amongst other historians on the era leading up to the Nakba.
Notes: This is missing the 6th track, so continuity does not totally track midway (35:35) timestamp, jumps from part 5 to part 7.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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Leila Khaled put out a statement with the PFLP - it does come with a backing audio track that we could not totally isolate away from the speaking. Khaled is part of the PFLP international leadership council currently and resides in Jordan, released from Israeli prisons as part of a prisoner exchange.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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The second audio is from the 2015 National Press Club conference - Findley speaking on the AIPAC lobby.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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Episode S0136, Recorded on May 15, 1974 Guests: Fayez A. (Fayez Abdullah) Sayegh, William Orbach, Lynn Greenberg, Salah Almazani
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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Filmed a day after the Ted Koppel town hall meeting - Nelson Mandela speaks with Jim Lehrer on his work in America and for the ANC.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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Max Blumenthal, award-winning journalist and bestselling author of Republican Gomorrah: Inside the Movement that Shattered the Party and Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel, gives a talk at University of Liverpool for the highlight event of Israeli Apartheid Week 2015 hosted by the Liverpool University Friends of Palestine on the 25th of February 2015.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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1: PressTV release on the Greek blockade of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla per Israeli request
2: Democracy Now's Jihan Hafiz interviews participants of the Freedom Waves to Gaza that tried to reach Gaza from Turkey aboard the Tahrir.
3: Kathy Kelly Inteviewed by This Week in Palestine 07-17-2011. Today's show features a conversation with longtime peace activist Kathy Kelly of Voices for Creative Non-Violence on her participation in the recent Gaza Flotilla, and the Welcome to Palestine Campaign. VCNV seeks to end U.S. military and economic warfare. She and her companions at the Voices home office in Chicago believe that non-violence necessarily involves simplicity, service, sharing of resources and non-violent direct action in resistance to war and oppression. Kathy has brought this important message to war torn areas such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Palestine. For example, in 2003 Kathy and her companions lived in Baghdad throughout the "Shock and Awe" bombing. In 2009, she was part of a small delegation that reported from Gaza during Israel's brutal "Operation Cast Lead".
4: Ridgely Fuller interviewed about Gaza Flotilla II This Week in Palestine 7-10-2011
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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John Berger reads Ghassan Kanafani's Letter From Gaza. In an address to the inaugural Palestine Festival of Literature (2008)
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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Saree Makdisi is Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of California-Los Angeles. He is the author of Palestine Inside Out: An Everyday Occupation (2008; rev.ed. with Introduction by Alice Walker, 2010). He is also a well-known literary scholar, and the author of Romantic Imperialism (Cambridge, 1998), William Blake and the Impossible History of the 1790s (Chicago, 2003), and most recently Making England Western: Occidentalism, Race and Imperial Culture (Chicago, 2014). He is coeditor of The Arabian Nights in Historical Context (Oxford, 2008), and Marxism Beyond Marxism (Routledge, 1996).
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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An October 6, 1994 panel on Palestinian Refugees with Halim Barakat Hisham Sharabi Marc Ellis Muhammad Hallaj Don Peretz Rashid Khalidi Moderated by Samih Farsoun
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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A discussion on “The importance of solidarity with the Palestinian people in the context of the global crisis” with Italian activist Luisa Morgantini and Yanis Varoufakis MP (secretary of MeRA25, co-founder of DiEM25) as speakers. This discussion took place in the context of the one-day film festival titled “In the Mirror of Palestine: Images and sounds of a quotidian struggle for dignity and freedom”, on Tuesday 29 November 2022, on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, organised by mέta | the Centre for Postcapitalist Civilisation at “Trianon” cinema (Kodrigktonos 21, Athens). https://metacpc.org/en/activities/pal...
Luisa Morgantini was for two terms (1999-2009) a member of the European Parliament for the Italian party Rifondazione Communista. She is a figure with decades of struggles in the pacifist, women’s and trade union movements, as well as solidarity actions around the world, particularly in Palestine and the Mediterranean. She leads the Italian section of the anti-war organisation Women in Black.
Yanis Varoufakis MP is a member of the Hellenic Parliament, the Secretary-General of MeRA25, and a professor of economic theory at the University of Athens. He is the co-founder of DiEM25, member of the Progressive International’s Council, and the former finance minister of Greece. He is the author of several books, including the postcapitalist political sci-fi Another Now, as well as Adults in the Room and And The Weak Suffer What They Must?
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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At a 2006 Palestine Center briefing, Dr. Ghada Hashem Talhami addressed the political status of women in Palestine and the dynamic between their identity as women and the broader nationalist struggle against occupation. Speaking in honor of International Women’s Day (March 8), Talhami argued that Palestinian feminism can only be understood within the context of the Palestinian national struggle. Talhami is the author of several books, including Palestinian Refugees: Pawns to Political Actors (Nova Science Publishers, 2003); Syria and the Palestinians: The Clash of Nationalisms (University Press of Florida, 2001); and The Mobilization of Muslim Women in Egypt (University Press of Florida, 1996).
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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Matt Hooley is Assistant Professor at Dartmouth and his book Against Extraction can be pre-ordered now through Duke University Press.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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(19 Aug 1973) RR7333A MIDDLE EAST HABASH AND THE WAR OF TERROR Israel admitted that she hijacked the Lebanese plane on August 10th 1973 hoping to capture Goerge Habash, leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. With an exclusive interivew with Habash, this report examines PFLP attitudes and the continuing hyjacking and airport attacks, as in Dubai and Athens.
(19 Jan 1979) The leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, George Habash gives an interview in which he speaks about the refusing to have any relations with the United States government. He says that Israel is not the only problem but that American imperialism is.
(1 Apr 1978) The top radical Palestinian leader, George Habash said in a rare interview with UPITN that his organisation, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine or PFLP would continue fighting in South Lebanon and oppose anyone - even the Lebanese army - who kept them from hitting back at Israel.
(27 Nov 1984) Damascus, Syria Habash making press conference. Storyline: PLO 2nd-in-command, Dr.George Habash, in an interview. says he "regrets very much the split of the PLO". Habash promises to "increase the armed struggle against Israel in the Occupied Territories" and claims the actions of the PLO are not "terrorism", he calls them "legitimate" struggle.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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A Land Without a People is a documentary, partially narrated by Edward Said, that delves into the dispossession of Palestine through the Nakba and the history of the Palestinian people.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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Professor Daniel Drennan El-Awar speaks with AIA host Ian Anderson on his time in Lebanon during the 2006 war, culture and love.
Daniel can be found at:
Writing Jamaa Al-Yad Artists' Collective
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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WKCR student reporting on NYPD action taken at Columbia University on April 30, 2024. Recordings are time stamped 9:17pm-10:17pm, 11:30pm-12:30am, waiting for journalists to get back to the radio station, then a final sign off afterwards an hour later as everyone is recovered.
Anonymous interview discussing the occupation follows, and is recorded at 10am on May 2, 2024. Covers the occupation, and the April 30 NYPD police raid.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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Canada has punched below its weight on the international stage, voting with Panama and the Marshall Islands to block Palestinian statehood. Noted commentator and writer of the recent book, "The Globalization of NATO", Mahdi Nazemroya, discusses his latest article, "Not Black and White: The Chess Game Behind the recent Gaza-Israel War", including Qatar's sudden interest in Gaza: an attempt to lure Hamas into the fold. He also describes the contours of the NATO strategy in the Middle East: covert ops aimed at fostering sectarian bloodletting.
The Geopolitical Chess Game behind the Israeli Attack on Gaza
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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You can buy El-Kurd's book Rifqa here
Palestinian writer Mohammed El-Kurd talks to CNN (2021)
Appearance at the UN - The Palestinian Nakba — or catastrophe — happened decades ago, but the people of Palestine continue to suffer under Israeli colonialism, asserts writer and poet Mohammed El-Kurd. Following the air strikes of May 2021, the people of Gaza City have had their homes destroyed or occupied, facing homelessness and heartbreak. But change is still possible, says El-Kurd, as people protest and pressure their leaders to act. In a moving speech at the UN's event for the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, he called for justice, liberation and a free Palestine in his lifetime.
Democracy Now - October 10 2023 - Palestinian writer Mohammed El-Kurd says Western reaction to Israel’s assault on Gaza has once again highlighted the double standard when it comes to how Israeli and Palestinian lives are valued. Israel is bombarding the densely populated coastal territory in retaliation for Saturday’s Hamas attack on southern Israel, as well as tightening the existing siege even further. Israeli officials have vowed to wipe out Hamas despite warnings of massive civilian casualties inside Gaza. “One wonders how much bloodshed, how much Palestinian death is necessary for people to realize that violence begets violence and that the occupation and the colonization of Palestine, the blockade of the Gaza Strip needs to end for all of this violence to end.” El-Kurd also accuses Israeli officials and Western media outlets of using Islamophobic tropes by spreading as-yet-unverified claims of sexual violence and beheadings by Hamas fighters, while downplaying the documented death and devastation being inflicted on Gaza residents.
On November 1st 2023 the Palestine Festival of Literature staged a free, public event in New York titled: But We Must Speak: On Palestine and the Mandates of Conscience. Palestinian poet, activist and journalist, Mohammed El-Kurd opened the evening.
“When we try to dictate who is and who isn’t ‘mournable’, when we emphasise the death of women and children as though the death of our men isn’t heart-breaking we are shrinking the scope of humanity for everybody else” Palestinian writer, poet and journalist Mohmmed El-Kurd spoke at an event in London where he mourned the death of Palestinian academic Refaat ElAreer who was killed by an Israeli air strike in Gaza. (Dec 13, 2023)
Mohammed el-Kurd spoke about the current situation in Palestine at UMass-Amherst on November 13, 2023.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]We have AIA business cards with QR codes - please email or DM us to have one mailed to you
Palestianian activists inspired by the civil rights movement in the 1960s have been arrested after catching an Israeli-operated bus in the West Bank.
Fadi Quran, a nonviolent activist from Palestine, spoke to students about his participation in the 2011 Palestinian freedom rides as part of a talk held by Students For Palestinian Equal Rights (SPER) at Stanford University on April 16, 2012. Joining Fadi to speak about the role of nonviolent activism in finding a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict were Clarence Jones, US Civil Rights movement lawyer and speech writer for Martin Luther King, Jr., and Allen Weiner, co-director of the Stanford Center on International Conflict and Negotiation. See more of Fadi Quran in the documentary "Al Helm: Martin Luther King in Palestine" http://www.clarityfilms.org/mlk/
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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On February 7 2017, Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro, noted expert on Zionist ideology and history, conducted a lecture at the International Law Institute in Washington D.C., for members of the International Council for Middle East Studies, a think tank dedicated to issues pertaining to the middle east (ICMES.NET), titled "Has Zionism Hijacked Judaism?". The audience included a broad array of academics, scholars, and experts in middle eastern history,political science, international law and other related fields.
Key takeaways: The purpose of Zionism was to "normalize" the Jews against the effects of Judaism, essentially to change a nation of scholars and priests with religious aspirations, to a nation of warriors with nationalist aspirations. Judaism was the disease; Zionism was the cure. The Zionist character is the diametrical opposite of, and overcompensation for, the Jewish character. Jewish are neither nationality, nor a race, ethnicity, tribe, or blood family. Their only common characteristic is their religion. The Zionists however, falsely presented themselves - and still do - as the representatives of the Jewish people. Thus: Zionism was not the national liberation movement of the Jewish people but the national liberation movement of the Zionists; Israel is not the nation state of the Jewish people as it claims to be but rather the state of its own citizens. Zionist nationalism is unique in that it claims to represent and demands loyalty of people outside of its national borders and citizenship, by virtue of their being born Jewish. The intellectual origins of Zionism was mostly organic nationalism and Christian Restorationism. Different Zionists also adopted Russian workers' movements, and German Romanticism, and other philosophies popular at the time. A veneer of Judaism was assumed in order to attract Jews to the movement and to present themselves to the Christian restorations as representative of the Jewish people. Zionists elevated to holocaust to the defining moment of Jewish history, and even a defining characteristic of Jewish identity. This instills within receptive Jewish people a binary world view where the choices for the Jewish people are either a Jewish state or annihilation. The Zionists to this day are consumed with the desire to "never again" be like the traditional Torah Jew. This drives much of their seemingly incomprehensible behavior. The most efficient and effective way to negate Zionism is to deny and refute Israel's claim to represent world Jewry and to be the nation-state of the Jewish people. Israel is the nation-state of its citizens and represents them as any other country does. There is no organic connection between world Jewry and the state of Israel, Israel's connection to world Jewry is only a claim it makes. Once that claim is opposed, Zionism is defeated without a single casualty.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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ASWAT is the Palestinian Feminist Center for Gender and Sexual Freedoms, the first Palestinian org for lesbians.
“Remember me as a revolutionary communist.” The last words of Leslie Feinberg 1949-2014 We were deeply saddened to hear the news of the death of a great activist and a author and comrade Leslie Feinberg who died on November 15. Our thoughts are with her family and her partner, the poet Minnie Bruce Pratt. Feinberg identified as an anti-racist white, working-class, secular Jewish, transgender, lesbian, female and a revolutionary communist. Leslie was also very keen and advocated for the Palestinian struggle against the occupation. She was also a supporter of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel. It is such a great lose to Aswat, to LGBTQI communities and to humanity in general. In her memory, we attach her speech at Aswat’s first conference on the 28th of March 2007.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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1st: Laila and Dr al-Haddad speak to Don Lemon of CNN Jan 3rd.
Sunday, January 4th, 2009. Sherif Fam interviews Dr. Moussa al-Haddad from Gaza during the Battle of al-Furqan. Dr. El-Haddad is the father of well-known Palestinian journalist, photographer and blogger Laila Al-Haddad who has been featured in Democracy Now! the Guardian, AL-Jazeera and Electronic Intifada, among other publications.
This Week In Palestine (a weekly part of Truth and Justice Radio) is a three-quarter-hour segment of news from Palestine and discussion of issues relevant to the Palestinians' struggle for freedom from Israel's brutal military occupation and colonization, and now bombing, of their homeland. It's part of Truth and Justice Radio, aired Sundays 6-10am ET on WZBC 90.3FM, Newton, MA, streaming at wzbc.org; TJR's website, truthandjusticeradio.org, has a link to This Week In Palestine's 2008/2009 audio archives; earlier editions are obtainable by navigating through our playlists, or directly from radio4all.net.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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The Nakba: Sixty Years of Dispossession, Sixty Years of Resistance Keynote: Walid Khalidi (Co-founder of the Institute of Palestine Studies) From 1947 to 1897: From Partition to Basle.
21 & 22 Feb 2009, conference The Nakba at he Brunei Gallery - SOAS - University of London.
Palestine Society: http://www.thenakba.co.uk/
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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Journalist Jeremy Loffredo goes inside the grassroots Israeli campaign to block desperately needed aid to the besieged Gaza Strip and elicits the shockingly candid views of the Jewish Israeli nationalists manning the barricades. Setting out on a bus caravan through illegal Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank, Loffredo arrives at the Kerem Shalom crossing to Gaza, filming Israeli citizens as they physically block trucks loaded with flour and other essential goods. There, a reservist who served in the military assault on Gaza confesses to an array of war crimes, including blowing up the offices of UN centers dedicated to providing food to the local population.
Loffredo then joins nationalists on a march toward Gaza, where they hope to establish new settlements after the population is violently driven out. Find more reporting at https://thegrayzone.com
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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1st: Sherif Fam and Huwaida Arraf - 2008
Host Sherif Fam interviews Huwaida Arraf, one of 46 activists from 14 countries who recently sailed two small wooden boats (the SS Free Gaza and the SS Liberty) on an epic journey to Gaza without having to go through Israel or get its permission, albeit risking being shot. They took small quantities of food and medical supplies. Read more about this trip at freegaza.org and consider donating and getting involved.This Week In Palestine (a weekly part of Truth and Justice Radio) is a three-quarter-hour segment of news from Palestine and discussion of issues relevant to the Palestinians' struggle for freedom from Israel's brutal military occupation and colonization of their homeland. Truth and Justice Radio is aired Sundays 6-10am ET on WZBC 90.3FM, Newton, MA, streaming at wzbc.org; its website, truthandjusticeradio.org, will link you to weekly playlists and thence to audio archives of numerous editions of This Week In Palestine.
2nd: An in-depth interview with Attorney Arraf, giving special attention to her experience being illegally kidnapped and arrested from the boat "Spirit of Humanity" in international waters heading for Gaza. (2009)
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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Watch the full video here: https://youtube.com/live/gnXBZ01CuI4
The Community Church of Boston: A Peace and Justice Congregation Since 1920: http://www.communitychurchofboston.or...
Professor Gerald Horne spoke with CCB about the war in Gaza. Dr. Gerald Horne holds the Moores Professorship of History and African American Studies at the University of Houston. Prof. Horne is the author of numerous books, including W. E. B. Du Bois: A Biography, Paul Robeson: The Artist as Revolutionary, The Apocalypse of Settler Colonialism: The Roots of Slavery, White Supremacy and Capitalism in Seventeenth Century North America and the Caribbean, and many others.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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As Arafat's legitimacy continues to falter, the popularity of Marwan Barghouti, another Fateh veteran, continues to rise. Known as the "leader of the Intifada," Barghouti has emerged as a key figure during the last 15 months of uprising. He is a vocal opponent of the Israeli Occupation and a watchful critic of the Palestinian Authority a combination that has earned him widespread respect among Palestinians. Some believe that if Arafat should fall or choose to step down, Barghouti will be the successor.
Marwan Barghouti is a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council and the leader of Fateh's military wing. He was interviewed by Free Speech Radio News reporter, Raphael Krafft, in early December. They met at an undisclosed location in the West Bank, because Barghouti is in hiding from the Israeli authorities. Over the summer, he narrowly escaped several assassination attempts by the Israeli Defense Forces. And in early December, his house was stormed by Israeli soldiers. The raid came in apparent retaliation for an attack on a bus of Jewish settlers just days before.
Barghouti was captured by the IOF in April of 2002.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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As the controversy over Israel's refusal to allow Arafat to make his annual pilgrimage to Bethlehem continues to simmer, the Palestinian leader can look to some sympathy from home, but not much. Just this weekend, Palestinian unity came close to dissolving this weekend as clashes between Yasir Arafat's police and Palestinian civilians left six dead and dozens injured. The violence was sparked by Arafat's attempt to satisfy Israeli and US demands that he clamp down on organizations that advocate terrorism. It was the worst case of Palestinian-on-Palestinian violence since 1994, and it sparked fears of civil war.
Audio ends pre-emptively - this is not in our control.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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Collective Punishment in Gaza: The Palestinian/Israeli Conflict In Context with Rashid Khalidi, the Edward Said Professor of Arab Studies at Columbia University and the editor of the Journal of Palestine Studies, an adviser to the Palestinian delegation at the Madrid-Washington Palestinian-Israeli negotiations of 1991-93. His most recent book is Brokers of Deceit.
Chris Hedges is an American journalist specializing in American politics and society. Hedges is also known as the best-selling author of several books including War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning (2002) a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award for Nonfiction Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle (2009), Death of the Liberal Class (2010) and his most recent New York Times best seller, written with the cartoonist Joe Sacco, Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt (2012).
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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Dr. Ussama S. Makdisi delivers the 2019 Edward Said Memorial Lecture in which he unpacks the 1919 King-Crane Commission in light of its historical context and legacies for U.S. foreign policy regarding Palestine.
Dr. Ussama Makdisi is Professor of History and Chancellor’s Chair at the University of California Berkeley. Professor Makdisi’s most recent book Age of Coexistence: The Ecumenical Frame and the Making of the Modern Arab World was published in 2019 by the University of California Press. He is also the author of Faith Misplaced: the Broken Promise of U.S.-Arab Relations, 1820-2001 (Public Affairs, 2010). His previous books include Artillery of Heaven: American Missionaries and the Failed Conversion of the Middle East (Cornell University Press, 2008), which was the winner of the 2008 Albert Hourani Book Award from the Middle East Studies Association, the 2009 John Hope Franklin Prize of the American Studies Association, and a co-winner of the 2009 British-Kuwait Friendship Society Book Prize given by the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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Ghassan Kanafani was born in the city of Acre, Occupied Palestine in 1936. Following the Nakba in 1948, he and his family were forced into exile. Ghassan Kanafani became one of the most important Palestinian writers, a marxist, and the spokesperson for the PFLP. On July 8, 1972, Kanafani and his 17 year old niece, Lamees Najim, was murdered by a bomb planted in his car by Israel’s Mossad spy agency in Beirut, where he is buried.
Returning to Haifa: Returning to Haifa tells the story of a Palestinian couple who goes back to Haifa after the 1967 war to look for their baby, whom they were forced to leave behind in the war of 1948.
From the introduction: For nearly a century, politics, violence, and diplomacy have all failed to resolve the complex, mythified, and misunderstood clash that since 1948 has come to be known as the Arab-Israeli conflict. Certainly it is not for lack of study; books on the subject in English alone could fill a small-town library. Perhaps what has been missing - or ignored - throughout is the quotidian human reality underlying the vital history that continues to connect Palestinians everywhere to the land once called Palestine. Often, literature can provide the human dimension that the historian's work alone cannot. The literary works of the Palestinian writer Ghassan Kanafani resonate with precisely that human dimension.
This was read by Stonebluerue
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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There is a long history of Zionist collaboration with the Nazis. That history has been carefully hidden from public view.
Today, we have the privilege of exploring that history with Professor Mazin Qumsieh. Professor Qumsiyeh currently teaches and does research at Bethlehem and Birzeit Universities in occupied Palestine and is President of the Palestinian Center for Rapprochement between People.
Finally the second half of our recent interview with Brenner. The focus of discussion is the sordid history of Zionist cooperation and collaboration with the Nazi empire.
Sherif Fam lived from 1936 to 2010 - and ran This Week in Palestine for the years leading up to his death. He wrote this about Gaza in 2006, eeriely echoing the current state of the besieged strip of land.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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First clip is from Noor Elashi, daughter of Ghassan Elashi - video published prior to the trial in 2007.
Soon after the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in 2001, the largest Muslim charity in the United States - the Holy Land Foundation - was shut down, its assets frozen and five of its senior staff arrested by the FBI. The charity was founded in California in 1989 and provided aid to a number of Palestinian causes. It also offered help to refugee communities in Jordan, Lebanon and other needy people across the Middle East and the rest of the world. As the charity grew and revenue increased, claims emerged against the foundation. The 1990s saw groups like the Anti-Defamation League and politicians such as the former Governor of New York City, Eliot Spitzer, and former Congressman Anthony Wiener lobby against the charity. These groups appealed to the Clinton administration to shut the charity down, but failed. The US government eventually responded to similar accusations, allegedly made by the state of Israel. The claims made were that the charity was a front for an illegal money-laundering operation, diverting funds to Hamas via zakat committees in the Occupied West Bank. Hamas, in turn, had been designated "a terrorist organisation" by the US government. "It was a huge record that the government created, an administrative record - and it was basically garbage. It was newspaper articles, interviews that were translated from Arabic to Hebrew to English," says Nancy Hollander, one of the lawyers defending Shukri Abu Baker, a founder of the foundation. "And we discovered when we did our own translations that their translations were completely wrong, that the government was relying on information that was completely false. But it didn't matter." The five foundation founders were charged with providing "material support" to Hamas.
During the first trial in 2007, their defence team struggled to deal effectively with two secret expert witnesses called by the prosecution whose "evidence" was not shared in advance. Nonetheless, the jury failed to agree on the charges brought against them and the judge declared a mistrial. "More than 8,000 documents and the United States government didn't have a single American document that condemns the Holy Land Foundation. They might have had circumstantial evidence or doubts, but the only evidence was Israeli. And these documents were forged," says journalist Osama Abu Irshaid. The former US Consul General in Jerusalem also points out that the US Agency for International Development funded the same zakat committees named in the indictment of the foundation and continued to do so for three years after the charity was shut down. The Holy Land Five is a two-part documentary looking at the controversial trial of the Holy Land Foundation leaders. The films use interviews with defence and prosecution lawyers, family members, phone calls with the men themselves in jail - and reconstruction of court proceedings, to examine the case against the five men.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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Edmund Ghareeb spoke at the Palestine Center about the American media and their coverage of Palestine.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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Rachel Corrie was a 23-year-old American peace activist who was crushed to death in Gaza by an Israeli bulldozer on March 16, 2003. On Reality Asserts Itself, Craig and Cindy Corrie tell Paul Jay, "we inherited from our daughter a cause"; her experiences "completely changed our view of the whole situation."
On Reality Asserts Itself, Craig and Cindy Corrie tell Paul Jay, "people find hope in the work that we're doing and in the fact that Rachel was there that day, and stood against what was happening to all of those families in the Gaza Strip"
On Reality Asserts Itself, Craig and Cindy Corrie tell Paul Jay that in ruling against their claim, the Israeli Supreme Court essentially said that Israel is beyond international law. TRNN Replay of our 2015 interview on the 16th Anniversary of Rachel Corrie’s Murder.
Interview with The Real News Network (2015)
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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Thirty years ago, after decades of conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, a prospect for peace emerged. It was September 1993, and a handshake between Yitzhak Rabin, the then Israeli prime minister, and Yasser Arafat, the then leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization, on the lawn of the White House raised hopes that peace would finally come to the Middle East. This two-part series traces the secret road to the Oslo Accords, telling the story of negotiations that took place in the political shadows and a search for common ground in the midst of a region in constant turmoil. At the centre of it all was an unlikely mediator: the Scandinavian country of Norway.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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Khalidi speaks on the history of occupying forces the Middle East and how it relates to the United States' invasion of Iraq. He makes several points. First, nothing that Germany and Japan occupations were accepted by the people and that Americans do not have first-hand experience with occupation, he argues that illegitimate Military occupations always produce opposition. Second, he says the people of the Middle East have strongly resisted Western country over two centuries. He argues that America's intentions are irrelevant, that it only matters how the occupied people perceive America's actions. Third, he says there is a strong tradition of constitutionalism in the Middle East for over a century. Fourth, he notes that oil has been controlled by outsiders for most of the 20th Century in the context of the Bush administration's history in the oil business. He believes the war is at least partially about oil rights. Fifth, he notes that the question of Palestine has alienated people in the Middle East regarding the West. Sixth, he believes that people in the Middle East base their opinions on the West on the acts of the West, not words, recalling previous Western occupiers' words. Seventh, he mentions that the United States used to enjoy a popular reputation in the Middle East as it was seen as an anti-colonial body. However, he now believes there is a new era of American foreign policy where it forces outcomes upon others when all other forms of diplomacy have failed. Being extremely critical of the Bush administration's, particularly Paul Wolfowitz, conduct of the war, calling it a faith-based, fact-free policy in Iraq. He calls for a complete withdraw of American forces and for America to hand Iraq over to the international community.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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Audio is taken from Refaat Alareer's youtube channel - a zoom call between Mosab Abu Toha and Refaat talking about Mosab's book of poems about Gaza.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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Documentary on the history, development, and ideology of the PLO. Includes interviews with PLO spokesman Rhashid Khalidy and TV director Ehud Ya'ari.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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A lecture on the history of Palestine and its struggle to achieve a national identity. Hallaj was a member of the Palestinian National Council
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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The Houthis have been at the forefront of the conflict in Yemen, labelled by the UN as the world’s worst humanitarian crisis in modern history. Who are the Houthis and what are their political ambitions? This documentary explores the history of the Houthis and the role they have played in resisting the Saudi-led aggression on Yemen
Documentary by Ahlubayt Originals, main speaker is Kim Sharif, Yemeni activist, arabic speaking is Ahmed Moaiad, also featuring Annelle Sheline
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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There are two aspects to the Middle East problem: Israel's occupation of territories that belong to Syria and Egypt, and the uprooting of the Palestinian people. The latter is the result of Zionist settlement of Palestine and the creation of the state of Israel on the national soil of the Palestinian people. This constitutes the core of the Middle East conflict. The speaker discusses the intentions of Zionist colonists, the recognition of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1974, and Israels policy toward the Palestinian people, which he believes consists of eight negatives. The national rights of the Palestinians must be recognized before any serious peace discussions can begin.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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What challenges face the Palestinian educational system today in light of the daily and cumulative frustrations of a decades-long occupation? How have Palestinian academics, teachers, and higher education officials produced a population considered by many Arabs one of the most highly educated in the Middle East? What strategies does Al Quds University employ to meet the needs of its student body and broader community, particularly on the Abu Dis campus where Israel's separation Wall confiscates land, prevents expansion, and inhibits student attendance? Mohammed Dajani will speak on these and other issues facing Palestinian educators today. Dajani was appointed professor of political science and founded the American Studies Institute at Al-Quds University in Jerusalem in September 2000, a position he holds to this day. His appointment came within weeks of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's controversial visit with armed guards to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, a holy place for Muslims, which set off the second Palestinian popular uprising that continues to this day. Dajani was born in Jerusalem in 1946, two years prior to the Arab-Israeli war and creation of the state of Israel. Dajani holds a PhD in international political relations from the University of Texas, Austin and a PhD in political science from the University of South Carolina, Columbia. He holds a Bachelor's and Master's in communication from the American University of Beirut. 13 April 2005 www.palestinecenter.org
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*Disclaimer: This is a Zionist American military general!*
General George Catlett Marshall, a Zionist US military official, speaks on the third anniversary of the foundation of Israel and the birthday of Dr. Chaim Weizmann. He compares the pioneers settling the United States to the people currently settling in Israel. He speaks of the United States providing military material to Israel for fighting that occurred in Palestine.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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In July 1983, fighting broke out in Lebanon between pro- and anti-Arafat forces. The Amal militia and anti-Arafat factions besieged the Palestinian camps in Beirut and southern Lebanon in an on-and-off onslaught that would last three years and become known as the Camps War.
Al Jazeera looks at the events leading to the intifada and Arafat's formal declaration of the Palestinian state in 1988.
In the last episode of this six-part series, Al Jazeera looks at the PLO's peace negotiations and the events that led to the second intifada, the PLO's decline and Arafat's death.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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Masters of their own Destiny is the first episode in Al Jazeera's six-part series on the history of the Palestine Liberation Organisation. It looks at the challenges encountered as Palestinians sought to wrest control of their own destiny from Arab regimes and create an independent Palestinian organisation that would lead the struggle for a national home.
In the second episode of this six-part series, Al Jazeera looks at the events that led to the PLO's expulsion from Jordan and the birth of the Black September Organisation.
In the third episode of this six-part series, Al Jazeera looks at the Lebanese civil war and the events that led to the PLO being driven out of Beirut after more than 10 years in Lebanon.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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AnsarAllah’s Resistance to the Business of Empire
A webinar with Dr. Isa Blumi
Who are AnsarAllah (“the Houthis”)? Why are they fighting so hard against the Saudi regime’s military onslaught – and why should Americans care deeply about it? Here at last is a presentation that puts Yemen’s devastation in a global, historical context. Dr. Blumi’s talk unveils the transnational origins of the war, placing it in the context of Yemen’s relationship with major powers since the Cold War. He tells an even larger story of Yemen’s place in today’s political economy of global capitalism, development, and the war on terror as disparate actors intersect in Arabia. Isa Blumi is an Associate Professor in the Department of Asian, Middle Eastern, and Turkish Studies at Stockholm University. Author of seven books and dozens of articles, his work spans the larger Islamic world with special interest in comparing transformations in the Balkans and Arabia from the 19th century to the present day. He has written two books dedicated to explaining the violence in contemporary Yemen, the first being Chaos in Yemen (2010) and more recently, Destroying Yemen (University of California Press, 2018), which puts Yemen’s devastation since an invasion of the country by a coalition in 2015 in a global, historical perspective.
Sponsored by the (Anti-)Raytheon Antiwar Campaign and Massachusetts Peace Action on August 20, 2020
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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Sayegh believes Arab-Israeli differences are based on profound grievances. Unless these grievances are remedied, he argues, one party will have to capitulate and the other dominate, leading to continuous confrontation and conflict. He questions if it is proper for Israelis to persecute Arabs in return for the world persecuting Jews, arguing Israel exists because of Europe's guilty conscious. He calls for peace based on justice.
Sayegh's book Zionist Colonialism can be read here
Sayegh presents his critique of the United States policy in the Middle East, which he states is based on a U.S. failure to recognize that intervention in the region created a situation of injustice that cannot be ignored. Sayegh focuses on Palestine, Israel, and the Soviet Union entry into the region. He believes the ongoing occupation of Arab territory by Israel is enabled by the U.S., noting that the U.S. voted against the United Nations General Assembly resolution that recognized the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination. Sayegh sees a double standard in the U.S. view that states have rights over people in the Middle East, while the U.S. is founded on the concept that individuals have primacy over states.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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"Arabs have lived in the land of Palestine for more than 1,300 years, establishing a unique culture there. They respect and have sympathy for Jews and other refugees of the war, but do not appreciate the aggressive activities the Zionists have engaged in to seize power in the land."
Date: April 11, 1947
Speaker: Dejany, Abuney W.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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Between 2006 and 2011, a high-stakes negotiated prisoner exchange took place between Israel and Hamas, the group that governs the Gaza Strip. During that time, the two sides did not have any direct contact, so mediators from Egypt, Germany and Ireland were involved. At stake were the terms of exchange between one captured Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, and a large number of Palestinian prisoners. This film goes behind the scenes of that remarkable five-year operation. Al Jazeera Arabic reporter Tamer Almisshal and his team secured access to those at the centre of the complex negotiations, including a rare interview with senior Hamas leader Marwan Issa as well as former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. It is a story of deadlines, brinksmanship, intelligence and ultimately of deal-making: in exchange for the release of Shalit, Israel released 1,027 Palestinian prisoners. In early 2021, Hamas claimed to hold a further four Israeli prisoners, captured in the 2014 war. While Israel disputed their full claim, it raised the question of whether a new round of prisoner exchange negotiations may be on the cards.
A portion of the documentary is in Arabic - if you want to watch the documentary it can be found here: https://youtu.be/y4AwzA8x5sE?si=JQwH5p7mLloAEQxT
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Professor Samir Amin discuses with Aijaz Ahmad on developments in Egypt over the last one year. Samir Amin details the correlation of forces in Egypt today and identifies the current phase as the beginning of a long period of democratic change with its ups and downs.
Professor Samir Amin in conversation with Aijaz Ahmad on the realignment of the reactionary forces -- the US and NATO, the Monarchies in the region, and Israel. As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]We have AIA business cards with QR codes - please email or DM us to have one mailed to you
1990 Town Hall Meeting with Nelson Mandela on Palestine, Cuba and other issues. The clip is a collection of extracts from a 1990 town hall meeting, held in New York City and chaired by Ted Koppel of ABC Networks. The meeting formed part of Nelson Mandela's first visit to the USA immediately following his release from prison.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]We have AIA business cards with QR codes - please email or DM us to have one mailed to you
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What have we learned from Edward Said on the Question of Palestine?
On the twentieth anniversary of his passing, Francesca Albanese explores Said’s profound legacy by delving into Israel’s settler colonial rule in the occupied Palestinian territory. Through a rigorous examination of international law within the context of global empire, Albanese confronts Israel’s colonial injustice and charts a course of action for legal and humanist resistance. Embracing Said’s work within the legal discipline entails upholding the principles of human rights and dignity, challenging oppressive systems and advocating for justice.
Francesca Albanese delivers the lecture alongside respondent Nadia Abu El-Haj.
Francesca Albanese is an Affiliate Scholar at the Institute for the Study of International Migration at Georgetown University, and a Senior Advisor on Migration and Forced Displacement for the think tank Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development (ARDD), where she co-founded the Global Network on the Question of Palestine (GNQP), a coalition of renowned professional and scholars engaged in/on Israel/Palestine. She has published widely on the legal situation in Israel/Palestine; her latest book, Palestinian Refugees in International Law (Oxford University Press, 2020), offers a comprehensive legal analysis of the situation of Palestinian refugees from its origins to modern-day reality. She regularly teaches and lectures on International Law and Forced Displacement in European and Arab universities, and speaks frequently at conferences and public events on the legal situation of Palestine. She worked for a decade as a human rights expert for the United Nations, including the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Relief and Work Agency for Palestine Refugees. In these capacities, she advised the UN, governments, and civil society across the Middle East, North Africa, and the Asia Pacific, on the enforcement of human rights norms, especially for vulnerable groups including refugees and migrants. She holds a Law Degree (with honors) from the University of Pisa and an LLM in Human Rights from the University of London, SOAS. She is currently completing her PhD in International Refugee Law at Amsterdam University Law Faculty.
Nadia Abu El-Haj is Ann Whitney Olin Professor in the Departments of Anthropology at Barnard College and Columbia University, Co-Director of the Center for Palestine Studies at Columbia. Among other publications, she is the author of Facts on the Ground: Archaeological Practice and Territorial Self-Fashioning in Israeli Society (University of Chicago Press, 2001), which won the Albert Hourani Annual Book Award from the Middle East Studies Association in 2002; The Genealogical Science: The Search for Jewish Origins and the Politics of Epistemology (University of Chicago Press, 2012); and, most recently, Combat Trauma: Imaginaries of War and Citizenship in Post-9/11 America (Verso, 2022).
The annual Edward W Said London Lecture series is supported by The Mosaic Rooms/AM Qattan Foundation and the London Review of Books. Find out more about the series and previous speakers here: mosaicrooms.org/edward-w-said-london-lecture/
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Mohammed al-Bukhaiti tells BBC that they are at war with the US and the UK.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]We have AIA business cards with QR codes - please email or DM us to have one mailed to you
In a series of extraordinary interviews with both Palestinians and Israelis, John Pilger weaves together the issue of Palestine. He speaks to the families of suicide bombers and their victims; he sees the humiliation of Palestinians imposed on them at myriad checkpoints and with a permit system not dissimilar to apartheid South Africa's infamous pass laws. He goes into the refugee camps and meets children who, he says, "no longer dream like other children, or if they do, it is about death."
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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Ahead of Wednesday's crucial elections, jailed leader Marwan Barghouti gave an exclusive English interview (2006)
Interview with Fadwa Barghouti - Marwan fought for Palestinian independence (2015)
Interview with Arab Marwan Barghouti - About 1,000 Palestinians are fasting in a protest launched on April 17 by jailed Palestinian leader Marwan Barghouti. Marwan Barghouti's son Arab Marwan Barghouti weighs in on his father's current situation. (2017)
Suheir Barghouti - Among the 240 Palestinians released in exchange for Israeli women and children taken hostage in Gaza is the matriarch of a family that's been fighting Israel for decades. Just hours after Suheir Barghouti returned to her village in the West Bank, she spoke to 7.30's Adam Harvey. (Dec 2023)
Suheir is his mother, Fadia is his wife, Arab is his son
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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A film which has been produced by a group of Australian journalists has sparked an international outcry against Israel after it explicitly detailed Tel Aviv's use of torture against Palestinian children. The film, titled ‘Stone Cold Justice’ documents how Palestinian children, who have been arrested and detained by Israeli forces, are subjected to physical abuse, torture and forced into false confessions and pushed into gathering intelligence on Palestinian activists. Australia's foreign minister Julie Bishop has spoken out against Israeli's use of torture stating that “I am deeply concerned by allegations of the mistreatment of Palestinian children”. Last year a report by the United Nations International Emergency Children's Fund or UNICEF concluded that Palestinian children are often targeted in night arrests and raids of their homes, threatened with death and subjected to physical violence, solitary confinement and sexual assault. The film Stone Cold Justice has sparked an international outcry about Israel's treatment of children in Israeli jails. However, rights groups have criticized Tel Aviv for not doing anything to create a policy that protects Palestinian children against arbitrary arrest and torture.
This documentary is produced by ABC Australia
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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In 2000 Mourid Barghouti published I Saw Ramallah, the acclaimed memoir that told of returning in 1996 to his Palestinian home for the first time since exile following the Six-Day War in 1967. I Was Born There, I Was Born Here takes up the story in 1998 when Barghouti returned to the Occupied Territories to introduce his Cairo-born son, Tamim, to his Palestinian family. Ironically, a few years later Tamim had himself been arrested for taking part in a demonstration against the impending Iraq War. He was held in the very same Cairo prison from which his father had been expelled from Egypt to begin a second exile in Budapest when Tamim was only a few months old.
Palestinian poet Mourid Barghouti gives a reading (Al Jazeera, 2010)
Mourid Barghouti in conversation with Githa Hariharan (2016)
Mourid Barghouti reads his poems at The Prague Writers' Festival 2009
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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A Liturgy of Lament
Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac
Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church Bethlehem
Saturday December 23rd, 2023
Munther Isaac (PhD, Oxford Centre for Mission Studies) is the academic dean of Bethlehem Bible College in Palestine and director of the Christ at the Checkpoint conference. He is also pastor of Christmas Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bethlehem. He has written The Other Side of the Wall.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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Roger Waters on Joe Rogan (October 2022)
Roger Waters West Bank AP footage (2009)
Roger Waters UN Address Nov 29 2012
Composer, performer and co-founder of Pink Floyd, Roger Waters, speaks in Vancouver about why Canada should Boycott, Divest and Sanction the State of Israel until human right of Palestinians are fully implemented. October 26, 2017
Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters with the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (2018)
Roger Waters Democracy Now Appearance - After a judge ruled a panel can move forward Saturday at the University of Massachusetts Amherst on “Israel, Free Speech, and the Battle for Palestinian Human Rights,” we speak with one of the event’s scheduled participants: Roger Waters, co-founder of Pink Floyd, one of the most popular rock bands of all time. He says he welcomes the lawsuit that challenged the event, because “what it does is it serves to shine a light on the predicament of the Palestinian people.” (2019)
Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters, who faced a censorship campaign and hotel ban during his Latin America tour due to his pro-Palestine stance, spoke to TRT World in Santiago, Chile in an exclusive interview. (2023)
Segment from the film "We." where Arundhati Roy speaks about the Israeli occupation and the Palestinian struggle in the middle east. Historic references, who funds it, and more. (2006)
Arundhati Roy was speaking after receiving the third P.Govinda Pillai memorial national award instituted by the PG Samskrithi Kendram to perpetuate the memory of Marxist ideologue P. Govinda Pillai here on Wednesday. (Dec 13, 2023)
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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Interview can be found here
AIA's Ian Anderson spoke with Daniel Drennan El-Awar on Lebanon, the 2006 war, AUB, and culture - and of course how this all relates back to the current moment of Palestinian resistance to the Zionist genocide.
Live recording from Dead Air Live of Somerville Community Access TV, recorded in 1984. Panel includes Jean Butterfield, Mustafa Hassan, Alia Arisuli, and Bob Lange.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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The audio from this video has been edited and cleaned up
Kwame Ture's "Stokely Speaks" is an incredible read and is a compilation of his various speeches and essays from earlier in his life
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
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160. INSIDE ISRAEL Israeli citizen and Peace Now activist Ilan Ziv gives us startling insights into the psychology of his country's leaders and citizens. He also evaluates the peace movement in Israel and the peace protests within the Israeli armed forces. Most revealing, however, is his analysis of the great affect the Holocaust had on the Israeli psyche--particularly that of this generation of Israeli leaders- which has caused severe psychological distortions, resulting in a country and leadership unlike no other on earth. News: April, 1985 Recorded August, 1982
We almost never see anything on television about what life is like in Isreal from the point of view of the Palestinians who are living there. New York activist Dan Walworth presents such information with his documentary "Nazareth in August". Filmed in Israel, the documentary shows the impoverished living conditions of the Palestinians and the discrimination which they face daily. The history of Israel is provided, emphasizing what happened to the Palestinians in the process, especially the confiscations of their lands. Also shown are the various ways of self-help which the Palestinians have undertaken in the attempt to improve their situation. Not only are Palestinian spokespeople presented, but "liberal Israelis" speak out against the domestic and foreign policies of Israel.
"Nazareth in August" copyright 1986 Copyright Apr., 1986
398. PALESTINIAN UPDATE A Palestinian woman who is now a U.S. citizen and a Jewish woman who was born in Palestine and came to America at the end of the British mandate discuss the current situation in the occupied territories of the West Bank and Gaza. We get an update containing startling information as to what is happening in the Intifada and the opposition among Israeli citizens to the occupation and behavior of the Jewish settlers and army. The women also analyze the reaction to the situation by Jews in the U.S. who are torn between loyalty to Israel and their own sense of ethics and justice. Additionally, we discuss the American mass media, which do not present criticism of Israel, even though there is criticism in the Israeli press itself. News: February 13, 1990 Recorded: October, 1989
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Refaat's Twitter account was @itranslate123, he was a Palestinian writer, poet, professor, and activist from the Gaza Strip. He taught literature and creative writing at the Islamic University of Gaza and cofounded the organization We Are Not Numbers.
First: Robin Brickner (our beloved social media manager) reads excerpts from the 972mag article on the Israeli "mass assassination factory"
Second: Refaat at TedxShujaiya (2015)
included blurb: Refaat Alareer’s major concern was that older people’s stories aka the oral history is dying out because due to modern technology we stopped caring about stories. “I am the man I am because of the stories told to me by my mother and grandmother,” he states. As Palestinians under occupation, storytelling transcends the didactic value to an urgent need to owning our narrative, something that gives back power to the people rather than the elite. Stories that people can tell about a land are proofs of their right to that land.
Editor of "Gaza Writes Black", RefaatAlareer teaches Creative Writing and World Literature at the Islamic University, Gaza. Alareer has an MA in Comparative Literature from University of London. After the Israeli aggression of 2008 on Gaza, Alareer expanded his interest to include young Palestinian writers in storytelling as a form of growth, understanding and resistance. Refaat believes in storytelling and its role in building and shaping individuals and communities. "We are what stories have been told to us," he says. In Gaza, storytelling, an activity that has been diminishing recently, has always been women's strategy to exercise power and overcome men's dominance.
Third: I Am You, a poem by Refaat AlAreer, read by a guest (2022)
Fourth: Refaat's appearance on the Electronic Intifada Podcast (2022)
included blurb: On episode 63, we speak to Refaat Alareer, a professor, writer and father in Gaza, about the latest Israeli military assault on Gaza that killed nearly 50 Palestinians, including 17 children, in early August. "What Israel is doing is nonstop campaigns of mowing the lawn, killing as many Palestinians and putting us [in] a corner where we can’t do anything to defend ourselves and our rights,” Alareer tells us. He wrote a striking feature for The Electronic Intifada during the assault, expressing the difficulty of parenting his young children during Israel’s incessant attacks and the ongoing siege on Gaza. But he also described the resilience of the ongoing liberation struggle and Palestinian resistance. Alareer explains to us that Israeli politicians frequently launch attacks on Gaza in the lead-up to elections, but that it’s wrong to assume that Israel only kills when elections are on the horizon. He says that these regular killings are part of a century-long strategy to eliminate Palestinians despite political theater. “They know how to win votes, they know how to win seats, they know how to do it – by killing Palestinians, by making our life miserable,” he says. “It was [former Prime Minister Naftali] Bennett who said ‘I killed Arabs, I’m proud of it.’ Because he knows, despite [that] this could resonate horribly globally, they don’t care about the public opinion – because there will not be punishment, and there will not be consequences for what they do.” We also talk about Israel’s rampant arrest raids and attacks across the West Bank, as well as the ransacking of seven Palestinian human rights groups’ offices by Israeli soldiers just two weeks ago.
Fifth: Refaat appearance on Democracy Now on the status of the bombing campaign by October 10th (2023)
included blurb: As hospitals in Gaza are overwhelmed by those killed and wounded in Israel’s massive bombing campaign, we go to Gaza City to speak with Palestinian academic and writer Refaat Alareer about conditions inside the besieged territory. Israel announced Monday it was completely cutting off all food, fuel and electricity to Gaza amid airstrikes of unprecedented intensity, launched in response to Saturday’s surprise attack by Hamas militants on southern Israel. Hamas has threatened to begin killing hostages if civilians inside Gaza are targeted without warning. “No one is safe. No place is safe. Israel is bombing everywhere,” says Alareer, who describes his own children as “shaking out of fear” amid the assault. “Why is this happening? Because we refuse to live under occupation. We refuse to live in total submission. We want freedom.”
Sixth: Refaat appearance on EI livestream (9.29-35.33)
included blurb: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcY2KlllgPo "The whole room is filled with gunpowder. … We don’t deserve this. We’re not animals like the Israelis think. Our kids deserve better." This is what our contributor Refaat Alareer, an academic and writer in Gaza City, told us on a special livestream broadcast of The Electronic Intifada Podcast. Alareer spoke to us on Monday evening from his home, as relentless Israeli bombs exploded in the background. You can watch the entire broadcast above. Israel pounded the Gaza Strip from air, land and sea overnight Sunday as a major confrontation that began with a surprise assault launched by Hamas stretched into its third day. The health ministry in Gaza said that there were at least 413 fatalities in the territory by the end of the day on Sunday. Israel killed multiple members of several families when it bombed their homes over their heads without warning, rights groups said. Meanwhile, Israel’s war minister Yoav Gallant promised more genocidal attacks and collective punishment against Gaza’s population and infrastructure, which are war crimes. “It’s very bleak, it’s very dark, there’s no way out,” Alareer added. “If there is no water, there is no way out of Gaza. What should we do, drown? Commit mass suicide? Is this what Israel wants?” “We believe that if we give up, then everybody is going to say, ‘Look at the Palestinians. They gave up. Why don’t you behave like the Palestinians? Why don’t you bow down?’” he said.
Seventh: Refaat appears on NDTV October 12th (2023)
included blurb: Educator at the Islamic University in Gaza, Refaat Alareer, said that the siege of Gaza is horrible and that Israel is systematically bombing Gaza. He said that as Israel is an occupying power, it has no right to defend itself.
Final: A reading of Refaat's final poem, read by a Palestinian woman (credit rejected)
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt discuss their book "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy," at Cambridge Forum. They argue that a group of pro-Israel activists are manipulating U.S. foreign policy. This talk was taped on October 29, 2007. Mearsheimer is one of the foremost political scientists and teaches at the University of Chicago.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
In his book "Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom," Norman Finkelstein argues that Israel, with U.S. backing, has caused a "humanitarian disaster" in Gaza, and that international human rights groups have failed to uphold justice for its besieged people
In part three of our interview on his new book "Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom," Norman Finkelstein discusses the legality, and utility, of Hamas' armed resistance to Israel's occupation
In his new book "Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom," Norman Finkelstein argues that Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the UN Human Rights Council, and other defenders of international law have succumbed to Israel's pressure and whitewashed its crimes in the Gaza Strip
Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help support their work by donating at http://therealnews.com/donate. Aaron Mate is the interviewer.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Life in Gaza is a constant gauntlet of Israeli sniper fire, military rockets and army bulldozers. No one is safe, least of all the children. This documentary is a hard-hitting exposé of life in the occupied territories. We speak to the children caught in the crossfire and find out the true cost of Israel's targeted assassinations policy. The feeling in Gaza is that the West accepts this type of action. It doesn't matter how much so called 'collateral damage' it causes.
For more information, visit https://www.journeyman.tv/film/1653
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Israel's Vietnam? (1997): A look at Israel's war with Lebanon, one which became grossly unpopular with the public. In a graveyard in Tel Aviv, a mother weeps as her soldier son is lowered into his grave. Like so many others he was killed in a Hezbollah attack. For the Jewish State, the defence of the so-called 'security zone' in south Lebanon has been its Vietnam, a thoroughly unpalatable battle in tune with military strategy but not public sentiment. "We no longer want to send our sons off to die in a meaningless war," is the word from typical families. In this report we take a rare look inside the security zone, assessing the possible outcomes should Israel pull out of Lebanon before reaching agreement with Syria over the Golan Heights. A premature withdrawal from Lebanon could well induce a frustrated Syria to crank-up the violence of Hezbollah.
Lebanon - Readying for War (1999): A new generation of Palestinian die-hards are training in Lebanon's refugee camps in preparation for confrontation with Israel. Inside the training camp of the hard-line '13th September Group' a commander hardens up a group of freshly armed teenage recruits by firing at their feet. Later there are lessons on using Katyusha rockets. Abu Khaled, chief of another radical Palestinian group, explains how he co-ordinates attacks with Hezbollah. Recognizing the popularity of resistance, the Amal movement, a rival Shia Muslim group to Hezbollah, has also resumed it's attacks against Israel. Watching the Amal fighters fire on an Israeli position, it is clear they are well trained and well armed.
Forgotten Palestinians (September 2000) - After half a century in exile, the Palestinians in Lebanon still live in appalling conditions. It's a cynical move to ensure the refugees remain visitors and not citizens. More than 300,000 Palestinians in Lebanon still live in subhuman conditions. That is more than in any other Arab country. The plight of these people was once a central concern of the Arab world, but today, they feel forgotten. They are unwanted in Lebanon and have no place in the new Palestine.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
One of the problems that people face when trying to understand the conflict in Palestine/Israel is that the information usually lacks context. This talk will put all aspects of the conflict in context so that the chain of events are clear and we can clearly see the beginning, the middle, and through that, understand what it will take to end this conflict. Miko Peled is an Israeli peace activist, author, and has written one book, "The General's Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine".
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Included are several episodes taken across different years in the 80s from Alternative Views, a public access TV show in Austin, Texas.
159. INSIDE LEBANON In an interview and a documentary we get an intimate feel for the situation in Lebanon from both the Israeli and Palestinian sides. Israeli citizen and Peace Now activist Ilan Ziv is a photo-journalist who made a documentary inside Lebanon during the fighting. He talks with Israeli soldiers as well as Palestinian refugees. Ziv captures the entire atmosphere and feeling of this tragic war and provides new insights into the thinking of the Israelis and the Palestinians. Recorded August, 1982
556. UNDER SIEGE (PART I) English surgeon, Dr. Pauline Cutting, and Dutch nurse, Ben Alofs, went through almost unbelievable times in Lebanon during a siege of their Palestinian camp, Bourj al-Barajneh, by the Amal militia. For six months they tried to keep their hospital running despite starvation, disease and military attacks. People were reduced to eating cats and dogs, and finally were considering cannibalism before the siege was finally lifted. Cutting was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. In Part One we show some history of the area by presenting sections of previous documentaries on the Israeli invasion of Lebanon and the effects it had on the people. Included is footage of the massacre at Sabra and Shatilla and of the visciousness of the Israeli attacks in other areas of Lebanon. Ben Alofs recounts his experiences in the area at the time. Interview recorded 1987 557. UNDER SIEGE (PART II) The final hour is devoted completely to what happened in Bourj al-Barajneh and what all the people endured.
Interview recorded 1987
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
This lecture titled "The Hundred Year War in Palestine" was given by Rashid Khalidi (Columbia University) at the Centre for Palestine Studies at SOAS University of London on 11 March 2016. The Balfour Declaration of 1917 launched what amounts to a hundred years of war against the Palestinians. This war had a unique nature – it was formally sanctioned and authorized by the great powers of the day at different times during this century, and via different fora, such as the League of Nations and the United Nations, but it was mainly waged by other actors. A much distorted and maligned feature of this long war has been the Palestinians’ continuing resistance, against heavy odds, to what amounts to one of the last ongoing attempts at colonial subjugation in the modern world. Rashid Khalidi is Edward Said Professor of Arab Studies and Chairman of the Department of History at Columbia University.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
ABC Aus interview with Ashrawi (2011)
Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, a compelling and influential voice in the contemporary theatre of Middle Eastern politics, has been a central player in the struggle for a Palestinian homeland. Series: "Conversations with History"
Second clip unknown source
Palestinian scholar Hanan Ashrawi says Israel’s latest assault on Gaza is turning life in the besieged territory into “sheer hell,” aided by U.S. military and diplomatic support. “Israel has total license to use unbridled power to kill and destroy and maim and get away with it,” Ashrawi says. We also speak with Rashid Khalidi, Edward Said professor of modern Arab studies at Columbia University, who says President Joe Biden’s continued defense of Israeli actions reflects long-standing erasure and dehumanization of Palestinians. “One wonders what proportion you have to have of Arab deaths, of Palestinian deaths, over Israeli deaths. Is it 20 to 1 before the United States finally begins to recognize that this is not legitimate self-defense?” Khalidi says. “This is a perfect illustration of the bias that has been a feature of American policy for many, many years.” (Democracy Now, 2021)
Hanan Ashrawi is a former member of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation’s Executive Committee and has been a central figure in Palestinian policies for four decades. As Netanyahu's 12 -year tenure ends, she says he has 'created a situation where the chances of peace have become all the more difficult, if not impossible'. Sky's Mark Stone spoke to her. (2021)
Sky's Mark Austin discusses the current crisis between Israel and Hamas with the Palestinian politician and activist Hanan Ashrawi. She told him it would be impossible to wipe out Hamas in Gaza as the group was not solely a military organisation. She was speaking from the Palestinian city of Ramallah in the West Bank. (2023)
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
In this episode of Sidebar (Al-Jazeera), senior Hamas official Osama Hamdan dismisses accusations that the movement killed babies or used civilians as human shields. Hamdan says that Hamas’ attack on October 7th was a preemptive one based on information the Al-Qassam Brigades had of an imminent war on Gaza being planned by Israel.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
In this year’s Edward Said Memorial Lecture, Susan Abulhawa will provide valuable insight into Israel’s global arms trade and exports, and how this ties into Israeli settler colonialism and oppression of Palestinians.
Susan's website is https://susanabulhawa.com/
per her own bio: susan abulhawa is a novelist, poet, essayist, scientist, mother, and activist. Her debut novel Mornings in Jenin (Bloomsbury, 2010), translated into 30 languages, was an international bestseller and is considered a classic in Palestinian literature. Its reach and sales has made abulhawa the most widely read Palestinian author. Her second novel, The Blue Between Sky and Water (Bloomsbury, 2015), was likewise an international bestseller. Against the Loveless World was published in August 2020 by Simon & Schuster to much acclaim. She is also the author of a poetry collection, My Voice Sought The Wind (Just World Books, 2013), contributor to several anthologies, political commentator, and frequent speaker.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
The first of two lectures by Ilan Pappé based on his book, of the same name as this lecture, and a semester long course that he teaches. In this lecture Pappé historicizes the Zionist movement, he discusses the historical period leading up to and proceeding the end of the British mandate in Palestine. Pappé discusses the US State Department's definition of ethnic cleansing, and argues that the forced removal of Palestinians from their homes and the destruction of Palestinian towns and villages meets this definition of ethnic cleansing. He discusses the 1967 war, and dissects the complexities of the conflict, based on recently released historical documents on decisions made by the Israeli government. This event was co-sponsored by Global Studies at UW-Madison.
The second of two lectures by Ilan Pappé based on a semester long course that he teaches. This lecture continues the history of Israel and Palestine after 1967, focusing on the "Peace Process." He argues that the to break out of the existing dead lock, actors must redefine the basic premises of peace constructed after the 1967 war.
Ilan Pappé is a fellow of the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies at the University of Exeter. He is the director of the European Center for Palestine Studies and the co-director of the Exeter Center for Ethno-Political Studies. His recent books include: Gaza in Crisis (Haymarket, 2011), with Noam Chomsky; The Husaynis: The Rise and Fall of a Palestinian Dynasty (California University Press, 2011); and The Forgotten Palestinians: A History of the Palestinians in Israel (Yale University Press, 2011). He is also the author of A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples (Cambridge University Press, 2004) and The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (Oneworld 2007). A native of Haifa, Professor Pappé obtained his BA degree from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem in 1979 and the D. Phil from the University of Oxford in 1984. He founded and directed the Academic Institute for Peace in Givat Haviva, Palestine between 1992 and 2000, and was the Chair of the Emil Tuma Institute for Palestine Studies in Jaffa between 2000 and 2006. Professor Pappé was a senior lecturer in the department of Middle Eastern History and the Department of Political Science in Jaffa University, Palestine between 1984 and 2006.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Decolonizing Israel - Full speech given by Ilan Pappe (Professor of History and Palestinian Studies at the University of Exeter) discussing how Zionist myths have shaped and perpetuated the Israel Lobby, and the need to change the lense which the Israel/Palestine conflict is viewed through in order to overcome these myths and resolve the conflict at the "Israel Lobby and American Policy" conference on March 24th, 2017 at the National Press Club.
How the Mainstream Media Depicts the Conflict in Israel and Palestine - Talk by Ilan Pappe author of "Ten Myths About Israel" recorded May 22, 2017 at Town Hall Seattle.
Malvern Festival of Ideas - Gaza in Crisis (2019)
Israeli scholar and historian Ilan Pappe argues the media's demonization of Hamas provides Israel cover for continuing its siege and occupation of Palestinian territories (2014)
Ilan Pappé is the Professor of History and Director of the European Centre for Palestine Studies in the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter. He founded and directed the Academic Institute for Peace in Givat Haviva, Israel, from 1992 to 2000, and was the Chair of the Emil Tuma Institute for Palestine Studies in Haifa between 2000 and 2006. His research focuses on the modern Middle East and in particular the history of Israel and Palestine. He has also written on multiculturalism, Critical Discourse Analysis and on Power and Knowledge in general. He is author of many books, including Ten Myths About Israel (2017); The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (2007); The Biggest Prison on Earth: The History of the Israeli Occupation (2016) and (with Noam Chomsky) Gaza in Crisis: Reflections on Israel's War Against the Palestinians (2011).
Part 2 will be up at the start of next month!
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Salman Abu Sitta is best known for his work in geographically situating the Palestinian cause and how a practical Right of Return would restore the Palestinian people to their lands and homes.
AlternateFocus feature:
Professor Salman H. Abu-Sitta of the London-based Palestine Land Society gives a personal account of how he became a refugee in Palestine in 1948. Using data from his research, Abu-Sitta shows how over 600 Palestinian villages were systematically depopulated by the advancing Israeli forces, leaving many others dismembered by an arbitrary cease-fire line. With maps and demographic statistics, Abu-Sitta shows that, in effect, Zionist policies were an ethnic cleasing campaign that resulted in a massive transfer of native Palestinians to the countries bordering Israel, where thousands remain within 100 miles from their original communities. Producer: Ed Sweed (from 2006)
"Mapping Palestine: For its Survival and Destruction" with Dr. Salman Abu Sitta. Dr. Abu Sitta discusses his new atlas which spans from 1917-1966 and includes 700 pages of detailed information from British Mandate era Palestine through the Nakba and beyond. (from 2013)
PYM: From Nakba To Return: The Ongoing Struggle for Palestinian Liberation - Dr Salman Abu Sitta feature (from 2020)
Sitta is on twitter @salman_sitta
(unfeatured) Transcript for Palestine: Reversing Ethnic Cleansing lecture found here
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Early in the morning of April 9, 1948, commandos of the Irgun (headed by Menachem Begin) and the Stern Gang attacked Deir Yassin, a village with about 750 Palestinian residents. The village lay outside of the area to be assigned by the United Nations to the "Jewish State"; it had a peaceful reputation. But it was located on high ground in the corridor between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Deir Yassin was slated for occupation under Plan Dalet and the mainstream Jewish "defense" force, the Haganah, authorized the irregular terrorist forces of the Irgun and the Stern Gang to perform the takeover. In all over 100 men, women, and children were systematically murdered. Fifty-three orphaned children were literally dumped along the wall of the Old City, where they were found by Miss Hind Husseini and brought behind the American Colony Hotel to her home, which was to become the Dar El-Tifl El-Arabi orphanage. Part of the struggle for self-determination by Palestinians has been to tell the truth about Palestinians as victims of Zionism. For too long their history has been denied, and this denial has only served to further oppress and deliberately dehumanize Palestinians in state of Israel, inside the "occupied territories", and outside in their diaspora. Some progress has been made. Westerners now realize that Palestinians, as a people, do exist. And they have come to acknowledge that during the creation of the state of Israel, thousands of Palestinians were killed and over 700,000 were driven or frightened from their homes and lands on which they had lived for centuries.
Deir Yassin Remembered: http://www.deiryassin.org/
Palestine Remembered: http://www.palestineremembered.com/in...
Zochrot: http://www.zochrot.org/index.php?lang...
1948 LEST WE FORGET: http://www.1948.org.uk/
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Archive of "Moral Politics" series - a Seattle public access TV show.
Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land uncovers distortion in U.S. media that reinforce false perceptions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This explains how - via manipulated language, framing and context - the Israeli occupation of the West Bank & Gaza remains hidden in our news. Worse still, the Israeli colonization of the “Occupied Palestinian Territories” comes across in distorted American media as “defensive” rather than “offensive.” This celebrated documentary charges U.S. journalists with complicity in Israel's PR campaign. [ Rick Steves – well-known travel guide, host & author – cited this video as his “eye opener.” He admitted being “duped” by Israeli propaganda until watching Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land ] Shown in two parts; refer to http://www.mediaed.org/wp/about-mef Interviewees in documentary include Seth Ackerman, Mjr. Stav Adivi, Rabbi Arik Ascherman, Hanan Ashrawi, Noam Chomsky, Robert Fisk, Neve Gordon, Toufic Haddad, Sam Husseini, Hussein Ibish, Robert Jensen, Rabbi Michael Lerner, Karen Pfeifer, Alisa Solomon, and Gila Svirsky.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Archive of "Moral Politics" series - a Seattle public access TV show.
“Zionism is a racist ideology. We should all be proud anti-Zionists.” Guest Ramzy Baroud - a Palestinian from Gaza Refugee Camp Nuseirat – rails against the twice victimization of Palestinians. First, Palestinians experienced “ethnic cleansing” for their land. Second, Palestinians suffer blame for terror so cruelly inflicted by the Jewish military juggernaut Israel. Guest Ramzy Baroud is an internationally syndicated columnist and editor of PalestineChronicle.com. His latest book is My Father Was A Freedom Fighter: Gaza's Untold Story. Guest and host explore the story not told about Palestinian “culture of resistance.”
Eva Bartlett can be found at @EvaKBartlett
Bill Dienst MD is a part of the Free Gaza Movement, an interview with him further can be found here.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Archive of "Moral Politics" alternatefocus series - a Seattle public access TV show. Hazem Jamjoum can be found at @fightapartheid
History of Palestine Zionism arrived in Palestine in the late 19th century as a colonialist movement motivated by national impulses. With the backing of Britain, the colonization project expanded and became a solid presence on the land after the war and with the establishment of the British mandate in Palestine (which lasted between 1918 and 1948). This climaxed in a revolt in 1936 against both London and the expanding Zionist colonization project. The revolt, which lasted for three years, failed to sway the British mandate from a policy it had already decided upon in 1917. The British foreign secretary, Lord Balfour, had promised the Zionist leaders that Britain would help the movement to build a homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine. During the 1930s, the Jews were just a quarter of the population, possessing 4 percent of the land. From its early inception and up to the 1930s, Zionist thinkers propagated the need to cleanse the indigenous population of Palestine, if the dream of a Jewish state were to come true. The fact that Israel was let off easily in 1948, and not condemned for the ethnic cleansing it committed, encouraged it to ethnically cleanse a further 300,000 Palestinians from the West Bank and the Gaza strip. The June 1967 war allowed Israel to take the remaining 20 percent of Palestine.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
The Center for American Studies and Research (CASAR) hosted a Book Launch and discussion with Najla Said (author) entitled "Looking for Palestine", at the American University of Beirut. 2014
Najla Said is a Palestinian writer and author, as well as the daughter of Edward Said, author of the Orientalism trilogy.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Co-hosts: Frank Morrow and Doug Kellner Researcher: Mike Jankowski Technical adviser: Brian Koenigsdorf
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Documentary Title: Uncovered: The War on Iraq (2004)
Robert Greenwald compiles a number of arguments made around the hypothetical need to invade Iraq and thoroughly debunks them through this documentary - comparative as a more reasoned variant of Fahrenheit 9/11. Greenwald is also responsible for the creation of Iraq For Sale: The War Profiteers (2006) - upcoming as Pt5
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
This is a compilation of three different clips - The first involving Eric Fair, a former Abu Ghraib interrogator, an unknown veteran, and Ethan McCord.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
First hour is two separate episodes on Mumia from DeepDishTV (2006, 2011), the third part is a feature Mumia had on Democracy Now in 2016, and we cap it off with two different interviews with Mumia's grandson Jamal Jr (1), and Jamal Jr with Noelle Hanrahan (2), both done in 2021. Final two videos were filmed by hate5six. You can reach out to some of the Mumia support team through Prison Radio, who still currently post updates on his condition up to now. Up to date Mumia PR post as of right now can be found here. Please support Mumia, Prison Radio and donate if possible
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
Documentary title: Iraq Warriors - a Graphic Story of Truth
This documentary features a number of veterans speaking on the war crimes against the Iraqi people that they witnessed. We here at AIA make no endorsement of their status as veterans or anything otherwise.
This was a project produced in 2011 by the now-defunct United National Peace Conference Media Project, sponsored by the Sanctuary for Independent Media and Hudson Mohawk Independent Media Center - both based in Upstate NY. The Sanctuary can be found here, and the HMIMC has since been absorbed into the Sanctuary (to our knowledge).
This is Part One of an ongoing series discussing Iraq's relationship with American imperialism. We have previously featured the Shocking and Awful documentary in the back catalog if you would like to listen to more on the topic.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: [email protected]
An Alternative Views feature - interview with a prominent Pravda commentator.
With Gennadi Vassiliev, the chief Washington correspondent for the Soviet newspaper Pravda, we discuss the arms race and world peace. Vassiliev provides a touching and shocking account of the horrors the Soviet people have suffered as a result of wars and revolution the past seven decades, leaving them with a sincere desire for peace. He talks about the peace movement in the USSR and discusses the Russian war in Afghanistan. Vassiliev also analyzes the Reagan foreign policy which has so destabilized the pre-existing parity of strength between the two superpowers,leaving the world a much more precariously balanced between peace and holocaust.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator
DeepDishTV feature - Documentary
Anti-communism has been such a fixture of our conceptual landscape that many of us take it for granted. This film is lively compilation of clips from anti-communist propaganda films intercut with footage taken from an international conference at Harvard University in 1989. This show is an analytic and often humorous look at America's fear of red. Highlights of the tape include segments from a US propaganda film hosted by Ronald Reagan, Angela Davis on a network talk show discussing what communism stands for and playwright/author Howard Zinn reading from a House of Un-American Activities pamphlet entitled, "100 Things You Should Know About Communism."
Produced by DeeDee Halleck and Catherine Saalfield in collaboration with the Institute for Media Analysis (NY, NY)
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator
Co-hosts: Frank Morrow and Doug Kellner Researcher: Mike Jankowski Technical adviser: Brian Koenigsdorf
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator
This powerful program recounts the horrors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing through slides and an interview with a man who was less than a mile from the hypocenter of the atomic bomb blast in Nagasaki. in addition to his experiences, we present comprehensive pictorial and narrative documentation, first, on the incendiary raids on Japan which preceded the atomic explosions, and then on to the Hiroshima and Nagasaki raids themselves.
No More Hibakusha after intro Recorded May, 1980 Copyright May, 1980
258. HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI: WHAT PEOPLE EXPERIENCED Three short works are shown which reveal in powerful and touching reality what it was like to endure the atomic bombings in Japan. First is a 22 minute documentary, Hiroshima-Nagasaki," which contains movie footage in the cities after the bombs exploded. The documentary is so explicit and powerful that it was suppressed by the U.S. government for many years. Next is a short work containing the drawings of children and adults depicting what they saw and experienced.
Copyright March, 1985
Editorial note - 258 does contain a talk by Daniel Ellsberg - we choose not to include this as he is a war criminal and limited hangout asset. If you so desire to hear the last portion, the video file can be found on archive.org
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast
A DeepDishTV production
Per description - From One Prison: Women in jail for killing abusive husbands, Your daughter is here - young women at a detention center learn survival skills, Have You seen the Nueva Mujer Puertoriquena - puerto rican prisoners of war
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast
Export TV: Anatomy Of An Electronic Invasion
This program investigates TV Marti, the US government propaganda broadcast aimed at Cuba. Experts in both Havana and Washington D.C. discuss the implications of the "electronic invasion" of Cuba. This activity violates Cuba's sovereign borders and the 1982 International Telecommunication Union (ITU) convention. This program raises the question, "What constitutes political aggression in the age of telecommunications?" Produced by Monica Melamid and Rafael Andreu in collaboration with the Center for Cuban Studies. (Havana, Cuba)
Stone's Throw: TV From Cuba, Island In Goliath's Sea
The stereotype of Cuban television is endless speeches by Fidel Castro chomping on a big cigar. Actually, it is in many ways similar to our own: the programming includes game shows, soap operas and music videos. There is one big difference: Cuban TV is not a commercial system. It has no advertisements except news of upcoming programs and short public service announcements. "Stone's Throw" consists of two half-hour programs which include a typical mix of the form and content of everyday Cuban television, subtitled and introduced with short explanatory notes. Some of the selections included are: music programs, soap operas, children's programming, street interviews and current affairs programs. Selected and edited by Dee Dee Halleck and Monica Melamid. (NY/Cuba)
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast
To read and see more about Walter Rodney, please see (and support!) the Walter Rodney Foundation. Walter Rodney was a Marxist historian and academic that was assassinated during his presidential campaign for Guyana in 1980. Patricia Rodney and Asha Rodney are his surviving family and can also be supported through the WRF.
Patricia Rodney on the 42 years since Walter Rodney's Assassination 2022:
Message from Dr Patricia Rodney, Chairperson of the Walter Rodney Foundation, and on behalf of the Rodney family, expressing support and solidarity for the Walter Rodney anti-imperialism today series
Dr Patricia Rodney speaking at Guyana SPEAKS about Dr Walter Anthony Rodney [27 Oct 2019]
This clip was filmed at a Guyana SPEAKS event on Sunday, 27th October 2019. My apologies for the shaky (in parts) recording. I decided, last minute, to film it on my camera but didn't have a pedestal to keep it still. The last 3 minutes of Dr Rodney's presentation are missing due to technical issues. Dr Rodney was joined at this event by the historian, Cecil Gutzmore and Reparations Activist, Esther Stanford-Xosei. The Chair was Professor Dabydeen. Guyana SPEAKS, co-founded by Dr Juanita Cox and Rod Westmaas, is held on the last Sunday of every month (August and December excepted) at the Classic in Tooting Bec, London. For further details please email [email protected], or go to our Guyana SPEAKS facebook page where all of our events are posted. We can also be followed on twitter: @JCWestmaas
Dr. Patricia Rodney- The 23rd Annual Walter Rodney Lecture - ICS (The UWI) 2021
The 23rd Annual Walter Rodney Lecture - October 15, 2021 Speaker: Dr. Patricia Rodney "Reframing October 1968: A Case for Reparative Justice" The Institute of Caribbean Studies The University of the West Indies Mona, Jamaica Tel: (876) 977-1951/970-6228 | WhatsApp 876 772 0583 Email: [email protected]
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast
Alternative Views 086: How South Africa Got the Nuke
An hour-long documentary is presented which shows that, in spite of laws and official statements to the contrary, various capitalist countries and corporations clandestinely provided the raw materials and technology which enable South Africa to build and test a nuclear bomb.
Journeyman Pictures: The Apartheid Regimes Sinister Chemical Warfare Programme (2000)
In the early 80's President Bohta was becoming paranoid about the growing unrest in the townships Project Coast was hatched to develop a biological and chemical warfare Program which would not only suppress the townships but act as a weapon in war. Project Coast involved 200 staff and cost one hundred million rand. The Roodeplaat Research Base, 15 km north of Pretoria was the centre for the research. The labs were top secret and highly protected. Inside scientists were working on the ultimate chemical, biological weapon which would be small, undetectable and cause paralysis of the muscles or death. Dr. Goosen who headed the biological Program says 'the weapon Placed in the wrong hands could have killed millions'. However luckily the project was disbanded in the early 90's when power was handed over to Mandela.
As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast
5 parter composed of:
1) Spoken letter from Sundiata Acoli
2) Mutulu Shakur Testimony on Sundiata
3) Phone Interview with Sundiata
4) Alice Squire
5) Joan Gibbs (Sundiata's Legal Support)
Sundiata was released in 2022 at 65
Two part DeepDishTV special - descriptions are below!
Part 1: "Still No Justice: Leonard Peltier"- update on the native activist, "Geronimo Pratt" - an overview of the case of jailed black panther leader, A conversation on Death Row: Christof Arnold interviews Mumia Abu Jamal
Part 2: UNICOR demo, Bobby Castillo: former control unit prisoner, Maurice Bickham Freedom Party at WBAI, kNOw inJUSTICE rally: SF, Looking back at Attica, from Lock Down USA, New York three, Jean Stewart on Disabled Prisoners, Angela Davis and Pam Africa, Marcos Dominos Edited by Ian Anderson @starsalwayslost, special thanks to Sina Rahmani and The East is a Podcast!
As always - produced by Ian Anderson @starsalwayslost, with special credit/thanks to and assistance from Sina Rahmani and The East is a Podcast.
Compiled version of three separate documentary films around South African civil rights struggles - with cleaned / revised audio (from VNS - South Africa). Video descriptions below:
Savage War of Peace
Video News Services (VNS) a South African video collective has been in operation since 1985. Created to produce video about South Africa, by South Africans, essentially for South Africans, VNS materials are distributed in collaboration with Afravision primarily in South Africa, in large part to mass organizations. A powerful analysis of the escalating violence that followed the launch of the Inkatha Freedom Party in the early 1 990's. This documentary reaches beyond the shocking images to identify forces and interests at work, and to present the views of residents and hostel-dwellers. Produced by VNS (South Africa)
Made for the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), this tape examines women's role in the South African economy. From domestic workers to professionals, a wide range of women share their experience of competing in the racist and male-dominated economy while discussing possible solutions. Produced by VNS (South Africa)
What is a Patient?
The history of the health sector in South Africa is one of struggle. Since 1990, public health workers have engaged in several strikes aimed at improving their basic conditions and challenging the state's racist attitudes. This tape reveals the recent struggle from the workers' point of view. Produced by VNS (South Africa)
As always, created in coordination with Sina Rahmani / The East is a Podcast, and produced by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost)
Fidel Castro died in 2016 as one of the greatest leaders of the free world, having liberated Cuba and led them through the troubles of the 90s to modern times
Documentarian Saul Landau died in 2013, but a youtube channel of his documentaries (incomplete) is maintained on youtube by his son, Greg Landau. Landau was astonishingly well traveled and has films and a rich history connected across the world with so many that are similarly no longer with us.
Per the video description:
A documentary film from 1968 produced by the KQED Film Unit, which in the words of narrator Richard O. Moore: "Is about three veterans of Mississippi [of the Civil Rights movement] who have become peace spokesman for the new opposition activist. It traces their thought and action over the past year, as they see themselves moving from demonstration to political organizing." Features interviews, speeches and political reflections from Mario Savio ("for the new radical politics"), Stokely Carmichael ("speaks for Black Power") and David Harris ("for the non-violent draft resistance"). At one point, Savio expresses his opinion that: "Protest doesn't work and it's something which is very clear now." All three men are wrestling with how to change the direction of U.S. domestic and foreign policy and are united in their opposition to the Vietnam War. Includes scenes of mass demonstrations, arrests and also interviews and speeches by: President Lyndon Johnson; Julian Bond (25:11); Robert Vaughn (25:24); Suzanne Goldberg (Savio's first wife); William Appleman Williams; Herbert Marcuse and Bobby Seale. This film was directed by Moore, Saul Landau and Irving Saraf, with additional photography by Philip Greene. This is indicated by subtitles. Opening graphic designed by Carrie Hawks.
Some of the audio was cleaned up, enhanced. This is From Protest to Resistance, released in 1968. As always, this feed is maintained in part by Ian Anderson at @starsalwayslost - feel free to contact with questions, requests, concerns etc.
Amiri Baraka was a leading figure in the Black Arts Movement, and poet. He passed in 2014, investing 50 years of his life into black radical politic, marxism and anti-zionism. This episode is comprised of interviews primarily from the 2000s.
Edited together by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost)
Amiri Baraka was a leading figure in the Black Arts Movement, and poet. He passed in 2014, investing 50 years of his life into black radical politic, marxism and anti-zionism.
Edited together by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost)
Recorded Dec 1969. Edited together by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost)
Julius Nyerere was the leader for twenty years of the socialist experiment of Tanzania, where many Marxist scholars went to study in Dar es Salaam - including Walter Rodney. This can be read about in ROAPE! Nyerere personally acribed to and built the philosophical basis of Ujamaa - a Tanzanian adaptation of Marxist policy as it pertained to the needs of their own people.
As always, put together by Ian Anderson @starsalwayslost
To read and see more about Walter Rodney, please see (and support!) the Walter Rodney Foundation. Walter Rodney was a Marxist historian and academic that was assassinated during his presidential campaign for Guyana in 1980. Patricia Rodney and Asha Rodney are his surviving family and can also be supported through the WRF.
As always, put together by Ian Anderson @starsalwayslost
Interviews between 1976 and 2003 with Robert Mugabe, the revolutionary socialist president of Zimbabwe up until 2017. President Mugabe died in 2019, two years after stepping down from his leadership position. Rhodesia and everyone involved with it will rot in hell
As always, put together by Ian Anderson @starsalwayslost
The lecture can be found here, in a lecture given for the University of California. Gerald Horne is one of the most prolific writers and historians we still have today, and his books can be bought through a variety of storefronts, including this one.
This audio was cleaned up by Ian Anderson, who can be found @starsalwayslost
"If you continue the struggle, you will be free" - Leila Khaled
This is a small compilation of the few english clips of Leila Khaled we have available online. As always, put together by Ian Anderson @starsalwayslost
The Leonard Peltier Mixtape includes voices from Nick Estes, Harry Belafonte, Jean Roach, Kathy Peltier, Spike Moss, Carol Gokee, and of course Leonard Peltier. Big thanks to Nick Estes (@nickwestes) and Sina Rahmani (@urorientalist) for their coordination in making this happen.
Monday Feb 6 2023 is a Day of Solidarity for Leonard Peltier, marking the beginning of his 48th year of imprisonment by the American settler colonial occupation.
You can also visit https://www.whoisleonardpeltier.info/ for more information, which is run by the International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee, a group of people who have access to him in prison in Florida and are coordinating actions towards his release.
The mixtape is bookended by a Rage Against the Machine tribute to Leonard Peltier and the Ode'min Kwe Singers
Shocking and Awful is a 2006 documentary released by Deep Dish TV - a former local grassroots media organization. To my knowledge they no longer exist, though some channels of social media still are available, including their Facebook page, and archive.org page, which currently rehosts a number of their video projects.
There are portions best watched as video in coordination, along with subtitles as necessary. The next two parts will be released shortly.
Part 9: Empire and Oil Part 10: Channels of War: The Media is the Military Part 11: Resistance at Home Part 12: Baghdad
As always - edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), special thanks to Sina Rahmani (@urorientalist) for his help and coordination with this project
Shocking and Awful is a 2006 documentary released by Deep Dish TV - a former local grassroots media organization. To my knowledge they no longer exist, though some channels of social media still are available, including their Facebook page, and archive.org page, which currently rehosts a number of their video projects.
There are portions best watched as video in coordination, along with subtitles as necessary. The next two parts will be released shortly.
Part 5: Dance of Death Part 6: Erasing Memory - The Cultural Destruction of Iraq Part 7: Globalizaton at Gunpoint - The Economics of Occupation Part 8: The World Says NO to War
As always - edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), special thanks to Sina Rahmani (@urorientalist) for his help and coordination with this project
Shocking and Awful is a 2006 documentary released by Deep Dish TV - a former local grassroots media organization. To my knowledge they no longer exist, though some channels of social media still are available, including their Facebook page, and archive.org page, which currently rehosts a number of their video projects.
There are portions best watched as video in coordination, along with subtitles as necessary. The next two parts will be released shortly.
Part 1: The Real Face of Occupation Part 2: Standing with the Women of Iraq Part 3: National Insecurities Part 4: The Art of Resistance
As always - edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), special thanks to Sina Rahmani (@urorientalist) for his help and coordination with this project
The lecture was hosted by Rania Masri, as a part of their Narratives of Hope series on Malcolm X back in 2015.
Ajamu Baraka can be found at his Twitter @AjamuBaraka
His website is AjamuBaraka.com
From his bio: He is currently an editor and contributing columnist for the Black Agenda Report and a writer for Counterpunch
(To be clear, and also because this is a speaker that is still alive, I have cleaned the audio and am rehosting it with no intent of ever making money off of it, I personally deeply admire Mr Baraka, his convictions, and his wealth of knowledge and experience)
Daniel's work can be found at https://danielibnzayd.wordpress.com/
The project, larger, can be found at https://www.jamaalyad.org/prjt/prjt_malcolm-x/start
Compiled by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost)
Gamal Abdel Nasser was the leader of the first Egyptian national liberation movement, and foremost leader of pan-arabism.
Produced as always by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost)
A series of close interviews with Libya's Colonel Qaddafi, the leader of the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
As always, compiled by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost)
Bantu Stephen Biko was a South African anti-apartheid activist. This mixtape blends interviews with him and discussions of his legacy.
Compiled by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost)
An archival tour through the 2019 coup d'etat in Bolivia and how the MAS (Movement for Socialism) took back power.
Compiled by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost)
An archival deep dive into the myriad regime change schemes targeting the Venezuela's Bolivarian Revoultion and the media frenzy surrounding them.
Compiled by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost)
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.