100 avsnitt • Längd: 70 min • Månadsvis
Welcome to the Vanguard Tactics Podcast!
This is a podcast dedicated to the Warhammer 40,000 tabletop wargame, where we analyse the rules, new releases for the game, the competitive meta and develop strategies to help you become a more confident 40K player.
Our founder is Stephen Box, a former professional bodybuilder, model, and fitness coach who has made it is personal mission to raise the standard of the game both on and off the table-top. Stephen’s focus both here and in his 40K coaching career, the Vanguard Tactics Academy, he emphasizes sportsmanship and fair play above winning at all costs.
Your host is Dave Kolmel, a combat veteran turned lawyer who has had a passion for the game of 40K since 1995. Dave loves every aspect of the hobby, and loves talking about it with Stephen and the show’s various guests, encouraging and spreading Stephen’s motto of sportsmanship and fair play both on the podcast and at tournaments.
Come join us to learn about Warhammer 40,000, how to be a better player and opponent at the tabletop, and how to get the most out of this amazing hobby.
The podcast The Vanguard Tactics Podcast: A Warhammer Podcast is created by Stephen Box. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Hey, all you wonderful people! Apologies for the delay in getting content out. As you may have heard from the last two episodes, my microphone got severely damaged, and so I had to get a new one and I took the opportunity to upgrade my entire recording setup. We will be back next week with better sound and maybe a little bit of razzle dazzle (if I can figure out how to use this small mixing board I bought).
Thank you, everyone, for your patience!
Dave and Mike Costello review the new detachments and the rules for all of the new Death Korps of Krieg models in the new Codex: Astra Militarum.
NOTE: we apologize if there's any sound issue with Dave's mic. His cat knocked it off the table last week and now it needs to be replaced (the microphone, not the cat). I'll get a new microphone as soon as possible.
Steve and Dave provide an overview of the new army rule for the High Elves of the 41st Millenium, as well as the 8 new detachments and the major unit changes (there's a lot of them) in this new codex from Games Workshop for Warhammer 40,000.
Dave and Mike review the newest Balance Dataslate, points updates, and the biggest winners and losers of this round of updates to 40K!
Dave is joined by new VT team member TJ Lanigan to talk about the Sons of Prospero and the ways of their forbidden, corrupted magic.
And also Magnus did nothing wrong.
Dave talks with Matt Lorah and Lachlan Rigg from Team VT about what they're doing and going to do to prepare for the upcoming World Championships of Warhammer in Atlanta, GA, USA on November 22-24, 2024.
In this episode, Dave talks with Stephen and Jord about where all of the factions of Warhammer 40,000 currently sit and how the new points changes from October 2024 may likely affect them each.
Special thanks to Stat Check for all the work they do to compile the massive stats from 40K that we referred to in this episode. Please check out their full website at www.stat-check.com.
In this episode, Stephen is back to talk about all of his recent successes and lessons learned from playing the Army of Faith, rather than relying on the Bringers of Flame in order bring his #AdeptaSororitas army to victory at multiple recent events.
It's time to get bloody with Dave and Jord as they review the new Blood Angels codex and some of the changes to this historic model range.
[Note: we had some problems with sound distortion on Dave's mic, but it gets better as the episode goes on. Our apologies for sending you something less than our usual quality, but with everyone's time being limited lately, we decided to give you what we had rather than wait a couple more weeks to re-record it.]
Mike and Dave review the army rule, detachments, and some of the unique units for the new Codex: Imperial Agents for Warhammer 40K.
VT Coach Ben Jones talks with Dave about his recent run with the Space Marines of the Unforgiven chapter at the Sheffield Super Major, as well as his thoughts on how Dark Angels will fare in the Pariah Nexus and 40K 10.5 edition.
This week, Dave chats with Death Guard specialist and host of the Disgustingly Resilient podcast, Aiden Smalley, about the bringers of life and plague, the #DeathGuard in the #PariahNexus missions, and the effects that all of the changes to #Warhammer40K version 10.5 have had on this faction.
In this episode, special guest Tom Lowman from the 6+++ Show and Rock and Stone podcasts joins Dave and the Handsomest Man in 40K, Jake Harding, to talk about the Grimdark Future's stout dwarves inside the #PariahNexus.
Dave and Stephen talk hard realities and reasonable expectations in the new Codex: Adepta Sororitas in light of the new points changes in the latest Munitorum Field Manual.
Rather than rush out a review of the new Codex, we decided to wait until we could discuss the new points as well, since these changes have a deep effect on the efficiacy of the Codex for at least the next 3 months.
The Handsomest Man in 40K is back on the show to talk about the beauty and majesty of muscle beach, and how you, too, should join in Ascension Day!
Mike joins Dave this week to finish reviewing the new Codex Chaos Space Marines!
Stephen gives his opinions on the army rule and first 3 detachments from the new Chaos Space Marines Codex for 10th Edition Warhammer 40K.
Michael is back on the show to help Dave review the new Codex: Adeptus Custodes for 10th Edition Warhammer 40,000!
Dave and special guest Seth "the Mad Dok" Oster from Team VT and the Signals from the Frontline Podcast review the detachments and some key model changes in the new Codex: Orks for 10th Edition 40K!
Stephen and Dave walk through the steps of breaking down a codex to help figure out where to begin, as Stephen begins his journey back to the Sisters of Battle. #AdeptaSororitas
In this episode, Stephen and Dave talk about starting a new faction, the process of digging into a new Codex or Index and deciding where to start, how to put together your first test list for that faction, and other considerations. Whether you're a veteran to the hobby or a brand new player curious about where to begin, you won't want to miss this episode!
Stephen and Dave discuss the new Codex: Tau Empire for Warhammer 40K, including the new detachment rules, enhancements, stratagems, and the biggest changes to unit datasheets.
In this episode, Dave talks with LVO winner and Vanguard Tactics coach Matt Lorah about Matt's games at the Las Vegas Open 2024, dropping Monoliths into people's backyards, and his love of pancakes.
Steve and Dave sit down to talk about how to be a good opponent at the table, whether you're in a competitive or more casual tabletop game environment and signs of someone who is not being a good opponent.
#Warhammer40K #Warhammer #GamesWorkshop #Gaming #TabletopWargames #TabletopGames #VanguardTactics
Dave is joined by special guest Adam Camilleri (from "Forge the Narrative" and "That Old World Charm" podcasts) to talk about the fate of the Unforgiven in their new 10th Edition Codex.
(Note: Sorry for the delay on this one! LVO and work slowed me down from uploading! - DK)
#AdWIP #40K #WarhammerCommunity
Steve is back to talk with Dave about recent past events, preparations for the Frontline Gaming Las Vegas Open 2024 Warhammer 40K Champs event, and listener questions from the Community Facebook page answered!
Jake Harding returns to the show to talk with Dave about the changes to the Leagues of Votann after the September 2023 Balance Dataslate and points changes, and their recent meteoric rise from Zero to Meta Hero in competitive standings.
Dave and Michael Costello review the detachments and key units in the new Codex Necrons for 10th Edition Warhammer 40,000.
The Handsomest Man in 40K, Jake Harding, is back to talk with Dave about the "good guy" half (or... at least the pro-Imperium half) of the recent double robot Codex drop from Games Workshop for Warhammer 40,000.
The Warmistress herself, Ms. Tanya Gates (@the.warmistress), joins Dave to talk about how she got into our hobby, her love of both 40K and AOS, internet trolls, and the fact that she still hasn't been harassed in person at events or game stores about being a woman playing 40K.
#warhammer40K #warhammer #women #nerds #nerdlife #womeninwarhammer #New40K #Leviathan #GamesWorkshop
Dave talks with Instagram creator, 40K Competitive Player, Tyranid fan and future mom, Ms. Kerry Liddell (aka. @k.legss) about her history with and love of our hobby, as well as her invention of the "game-cation" - travel for the purposes of escape and gaming! Please check out @k.legss on Instagram to see Kerry's amazing Tyranids and other painting creations!
In this episode, Dave talks with Israel "Izzy" Sanchez about the forces of the Greater Good in Warhammer 40K, the Tau Empire! They discuss the army rule, the detachment rule for the Kauyon Detachment, and each of the datasheets, enhancements, and stratagems.
The Lord of Baal, Jord Checkly, is back on the show to talk about how his LGT Blood Angel list - that went 4-1 that weekend - could and will change with the new Space Marine Codex that just dropped this past weekend.
#Warhammer40K #New40K #Leviathan
Stephen and Dave talk an overview of the new detachments in the new 10th Edition Codex Space Marines.
Jord is back to talk with Dave about the shining knights of the grimdark future: the Grey Knights. The guys talk about the entire 10th Edition Index, how to play with them or how to play against them.
Dave chats with VT Coach Matt Lorah about the cybernetic horrors of the Necron legions in 10th Edition #New40K.
Michael is back to talk with Dave about his beloved Tyranids in the first Codex release for 10th Edition Warhammer 40,000! Would YOU like to know more?!
Steve is back to talk with Dave about all of the changes in the Balance Dataslate as well as the Rules Commentary changes and the new Munitorum Field Manual points updates!
Jake is back to talk with Dave about the corrupted forces of the Warp as they invade #New40K !
Dave talks with Vanguard Tactics streamer and vampire enthusiast Jord Checkley about the 10th Edition index cards for the Blood Angels Space Marine Chapter!
In this episode, Steve talks with Kicker from Frontline Gaming about sportsmanship and 10th Edition.
Mike and Dave discuss the all-new, 10th Edition Academy course offered by Vanguard Tactics, and answer a few Rules Lawyer questions as well!
Dave and Hobby Goblin Robert Hawkins sit down to talk about the servants of Nurgle, the Death Guard, and why they really aren't as bad as you've heard! And please don't forget to check out out the Hobby Goblins at https://www.hobbygoblinscreative.com/ and on Facebook as Hobby Goblins, Inc.
Dave and Mike review the Astra Militar... Imperial Guard Index Cards for Warhammer 40K 10th Edition!
Dave and Mike sit down to talk in detail about the 10th Edition 40K Index cards for the Imperium's specialized alien hunters, the Deathwatch!
Dave and team manager of the Army eSports tabletop wargaming team and Forge the Narrative co-host Major Red Powell to talk about the Red Angel and his army of bloodlusting berzerkers, the World Eaters.
Dave and Vanguard Tactics coach Aaron Kennedy review the Index rules and Datacards for the faction with the most dakka, da Orks!
Michael and Dave dig into the Index Cards for Chaos Space Marines in this episode.
#New40K #Leviathan #Warhammer40K #CSM #Chaos #ChaosMarines #BlackCrusade #WarhammerCommunity
In this episode, Dave sits down with special guest Mitch Beard from the Sister Act 40K podcast to talk about the #10thEdition Index cards for everyone's favorite warrior women of the 41st Millenium: the Adepta Sororitas.
Dave and Jake review the Index rules and datacards for the military forces of Mars, the scions of the Omnissiah, the Adeptus Mechanicus, aka. the AdMech.
#AdMech #Warhammer40K #WarhammerCommunity
Jake Harding makes his triumphant return to the podcast to talk with Dave about everyone's favorite space dwarves, the #LeaguesofVotann for #Warhammer40K . #AdWIP #WarhammerCommunity #Leviathan #New40K
Stephen is back with Dave to talk about Warhammer 40K's favorite armored religious zealots, the Black Templars. This is a review of the #New40K Index Cards for 10th Edition 40K.
#AdWIP #Leviathan #WarhammerCommunity #BlackTemplars #SpaceMarines #Warhammer40K
Dave and Mike are back again, this time to talk about everyone's favorite power-armored super soldiers, the Adeptus Astartes (aka. the Space Marines)!! The guys review the new Index cards for the faction, including data sheets, enhancements, and stratagems.
Dave and Mike are back to start the reviews of every Warhammer 40,000 faction index, starting with the powerful, alien, Hive Mind of the Tyranids!!
Stephen and Dave sit down to talk about what will likely be the last Balance Dataslate for 9th Edition and some of the new information that has come out about 10th Edition!
Dave and Stephen talk about general theories and considerations behind building your army list for Warhammer 40,000, and what you might need to consider in 10th Edition.
Dave grills Stephen for information about the just-announced 10th Edition of Warhammer 40K!!
Dave and Mike talk about being pirates in the 41st Millenium, as Mike answers all of Dave's questions about Boarding Actions in Warhammer 40,000.
The following music was used for this media project:
Music: Melo Rock 8 by Sascha Ende Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/366-melo-rock-8 License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-licenseStephen and Dave talk about what sportsmanship and fair play actually mean in Warhammer 40,000, and when sportsmanship goes too far or gets abused.
#warhammer40K #warhammer
Michael and Dave talk about the Las Vegas Open 2023, their experiences on and off the table, and plans for the start of this new season of Warhammer 40K.
Dave and Stephen are blood red with rage for the new World Eaters Codex for Warhammer 40K!! They discuss the new Blood Tithe system, unique units, warlord traits, relics, and how they tie into the Arks of Omen secondary objectives for the new season of Warhammer 40,000.
It's an LVO-week Special!! Two episodes in one week!! For this one, Dave and Mike sit down to discuss all the new points changes for the new Arks of Omen season of Warhammer 40,000.
Stephen and Dave discuss the January 2023 Balance Dataslate for and what it means for the upcoming Arks of Omen season of Warhammer 40,000. **NOTE: the audio for Steve is a little poor quality compared to usual. Our apologies. We would have re-recorded this, but with LVO coming up and other stuff to cover, there wasn't time. Hopefully you all can still enjoy and benefit from the episode!**
It's been a very busy year in the world of Warhammer. Steve, Mike, and Dave get together to discuss the Warhammer 40K year in review and what they are each looking forward to in 2023.
Dave and Mike talk about the new regimental rules, Warlord Traits, Relics, Stratagems and orders from the new Codex: Astra Militarum for Warhammer 40,000. Also, the return of Battle Ready with James Otero from Siege Studios, to help you get your models ready for Warhammer 40K!
Dave, Stephen, and special guest James Otero from Siege Studios talk a bit about life at Siege Studios. Then Dave and Mike start their review of the new Codex: Astra Militarum, discussing some of the new and improved datasheets for the Imperial Guard!
In this episode of the Competitive 40K podcast, Stephen and Dave discuss the proper mindset for your Warhammer 40K faction, what to trust in and what not to assume when walking into every game.
Jake Harding joins Dave to discuss the post-FAQ Leagues of Votann and different approaches to building a Leagues of Votann list for Warhammer 40,000. Check out the Competitive 40K Podcast Community Facebook page to continue the conversation: https://www.facebook.com/groups/239303867004415/ Follow the hosts on Instagram: Stephen Box (@thevanguardtactics), Dave Kolmel (@infantrylawyer40K), and Michael Costello (@vt_mike_). And don't forget to check out the Academy online at www.vanguardtactics.com.
In this episode, Dave offers his legal arguments and the Honorable Judge Stephen Box issues his rulings on all of your top Warhammer 40K Rules Lawyer questions. So come listen to the only Warhammer 40,000 Rules Court in its inaugural full episode session!
Dave and Mike breakdown finish rounding up the highlights of the new Codex: Chaos Daemons for Warhammer 40,000, working their way through Tzeentch, Nurgle and Slaanesh, as well as the Undivided Chaos units and Be'lakor.
Definitely check this out if you're keen to worship the Dark Gods of Warhammer 40k or defeat them.
Dave and Mike breakdown the highlights of the new Codex: Chaos Daemons, focusing on the unique new faction rules and detachment abilities, as well as the first of the 4 Chaos forces in the book: the daemons of Khorne.
In this episode, Dave and Mike discuss the Iron Warriors rules in Codex: Chaos Space Marines for Warhammer 40,000.
Tune in for your Warhammer 40k fix as they cover Legion Traits, Warlord Traits, Relics, Stratagems and Combos!
The Iron Warriors are a powerful and resilient force to be reckoned with in Warhammer 40k so underestimate them at your peril! Will you wage war in Perturabo's name or bolster your defences in preparation for the sieges ahead?
In this episode Dave and Stephen talk about preparation for the London Grand Tournament (LGT).
He discusses his analysis of the current meta, major considerations in list building, and other tips and tricks for preparing for events.
It's always difficult to settle on a Warhammer 40k army list for a big tournament so join Stephen as he delves into his process and ensures he has no regrets once he gets to the tabletop!
In this episode, Dave and Mike discuss the Night Lords rules in Codex: Chaos Space Marines for Warhammer 40,000.
Tune in for your Warhammer 40k fix as they cover Legion Traits, Warlord Traits, Relics, Stratagems and Combos!
The Night Lords are Mike's favourite legion and the most sinister Space Marines in Warhammer 40k. Will you invoke terror in your foes or steel yourself for the coming night?
In this episode, Dave and Mike discuss The Alpha Legion Rules in Codex: Chaos Space Marines for Warhammer 40,000.
Tune in for your Warhammer 40k fix as they cover Legion Traits, Warlord Traits, Relics, Stratagems and Combos!
The Alpha Legion are the most secretive Space Marines in Warhammer 40k. Will you be caught unawares or will you use their tricks to your advantage?
In this episode, Dave and Stephen discuss The Emperor's Children Rules in Codex: Chaos Space Marines for Warhammer 40,000.
Tune in for your Warhammer 40k fix as they cover Legion Traits, Warlord Traits, Relics, Stratagems and Combos!
Emperor's Children are one of Stephen's favourite Warhammer 40k Legions and have some great history in the Horus Heresy, so you can expect a close look at a melee focussed army from a melee expert!
In this episode, Dave and Stephen discuss The Black Legion Rules in Codex: Chaos Space Marines for Warhammer 40,000.
Tune in for your Warhammer 40k fix as they cover Legion Traits, Warlord Traits, Relics, Stratagems and Combos!
On this episode, Dave and Mike finish up talking about relics, stratagems and datasheets from Codex: Chaos Knights.
On this episode, Dave and Mike talk about the army rules, warlord traits, relics, and upgrades from Warhammer 40k Codex: Chaos Knights.
Dave and special guest and VT Coach Matt Lorah discuss the Red Corsairs Legion from the new Warhammer 40k Chaos Space Marines codex, including Warlord Traits, Relics, Stratagems and the Legion-specific secondary.
Dave and Steve start their breakdown of the new Warhammer 40k Codex: Chaos Space Marines. The guys review the Army-wide rules, Detachment abilities, Warlord Traits, Relics, and psychic powers.
In this episode Dave & Stephen discuss everything you need to know about the new mission pack Nephilm, Balance Dataslate & Points Updates. What every 40k player needs to know.
This week, Dave and Stephen tackle part 2 of their 2 part review of Codex: Imperial Knights. The guys talk datasheets, stratagems, and top combos. Find the 5 step guide to starting Imperial Knights on the Vanguard Tactics website.
In this episode, Dave and special guest Kyle Grundy discuss Kyle's recent 5-1 finish at the Goonhammer GT and then delve into the state of the Tau Empire Codex in the current meta.
This week, Dave and Stephen talk the Bay Area Open, lists seen, Blood Angels and off-meta Warhammer 40k lists, as well as how awesome Assault Centurions are.
Summary: This week, Dave and Stephen tackle part 1 of their 2 part review of the new Warhammer Codex: Imperial Knights. The guys talk faction-wide rules, the Knightly houses, Warlord Traits, Relics, and the new faction-specific secondaries.
This week, Dave and Mike continue their xeno-biological investigation into the new Warhammer 40k Tyranids codex! Dave and Mike take a look at stratagems, and some key datasheets that you need to know about.
This week, Dave and Michael Costello delve into the evolutionary horrors of the new Tyranids! The guys follow the Vanguard Tactics formula of breaking down a new codex and do a review of the army wide rules, subfaction abilities, warlord traits, relics, upgrades, and some key units that they think you should give some extra attention to.
This week, Dave hosts a roundtable discussion with Vanguard Tactics Coaches Michael Costello (Deathwatch and Space Marines), Kyle Grundy (Tau Empire), Ben Jones (Drukhari), Matt Lorah (Craftworld Aeldari), and Nick Keever (AdMech) to talk about the effect the Warhammer 40k Balance Dataslate will have on their respective faction specialities.
This week, Dave puts Stephen in the hot seat to break down the new Warhammer 40K balance update. Stephen gives you some top tips on how to adapt along with the biggest winners and losers from the update.
This week, Stephen and Dave talk about how to break down a Warhammer 40k Codex to understand a faction, find its strengths and weaknesses, and start building a list.
How To Defeat Tau & Custodes Warhammer 40k. This week, Dave puts Stephen in the hot seat to break down the strengths and weaknesses of the current Custodes and Tau meta lists and give you some top tips on how to defeat these titans at the tabletop.
This week on the podcast, host Dave Kolmel and VT founder and head coach Stephen Box discuss the highlights of the Harlequins and Ynnari Codex. The guys talk about the evolution of the factions, the big changes from 8th edition to the new 9th edition codex and everything you need to know about the new Harlequins codex. To enrol on the free Aeldari Masterclass head over the Vanguard Tactics website.
This week on the podcast, host Dave Kolmel and VT founder and head coach Stephen Box discuss the highlights of the forthcoming Codex: Aeldari. The guys talk about the evolution of the Aeldari through the years, big changes from 8th edition to the new 9th edition codex and everything you need to know about the new Craftworld codex. To enrol on the free Aeldari Masterclass head over the Vanguard Tactics website.
Nacmund Mission Review - Warhammer 40k book review
In this episode Dave Kolmel (new host) and Stephen Box go through everything you need to know to excel at Warhammer 40k when it comes to playing the new missions.
We go over each and every mission in the new Grand tournament mission pack Nacmund.
Stephen dives deep into some top strategies for each mission and some considerations for the new and changed secondary missions.
In this episode Stephen Box interviews LVO runner up Matt Lorah on his recent success with his Custodes list.
If you are interested in attending Warhammer 40k tournaments and want to know more about what it takes to podium, how to critically analyse your army list but still play the game in the right way with sportsmanship and fair play at the forefront then this episode will be perfect for you.
Getting the most from your Warhammer 40K army
On this week’s show, VT coach and VT’s head of education Michale Costello and I sit down and discuss how you can perform at your best with your favourite army, no matter how hot it is in the meta.
Often Michael and I tend to choose off Meta armies for events as we enjoy the creative side of list building and the challenge.
If you want to hear about why we took the armies that we did to the recent GT along with some of the lessons that’s we learned this will be a great show.
We also have James from Siege Studios join us and takes us through some top dry aka (damp) brushing tips to help get your Warhammer 40k models battle ready.
If you want to see all of the details and show notes check out the blog page on the VT website.
Play. Progress. Perform.
In this episode, we talk to the Western Australian winning championship team captain Pete and vice-captain Locki all about their success as a Warhammer 40K team and the tips and tricks of how to achieve this success.
If you are into Warhammer 40K team events or have been considering creating your own team then this episode is perfect for you! Join us as we talk all about pairings, team events, what it's like working as a team in 40K and so much more!
Want to know everything there is to know about the new Orks 9th edition codex? If you are an Orks player, looking to play as Orks, or want to know the top tactics for going against the Orks, then this podcast will help you understand the top tactics, combos and abilities in the new codex along with how these apply on the table.
In this episode we are joined by VT coaches, Aaron Kennedy and Jack Downing, along with legendary Ork player Rich Kilton!
If you are a Warhammer 40K Grey Knights player or are looking to play them in the future this weeks podcast is here to help you understand the top tactics, combos and abilities in the new codex along with how to get the most out of them on the table.
If you are worried about playing against the Grey Knights and want to know some of their stronger units and combos this will be a helpful primer for playing against them.
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