20 avsnitt • Längd: 70 min • Månadsvis
| EN | Looking to deepen your understanding of the Buddha’s original teachings? This podcast features insights from various teachers explaining the Buddha’s path to enlightenment − both in English and Norwegian language.
| NO | Ønsker du å utdype din forståelse av Buddhas opprinnelige lære? Denne podcasten inneholder innsikt fra forskjellige lærere som forklarer Buddhas vei til oppvåkning − både på engelsk og norsk språk.
dnbf guide | dnbf enigma | dnbf original
The podcast dnbf original is created by Den Norske Buddhistforening. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Tidlig buddhisme er Buddhas lære som alle tradisjoner har til felles − og som ikke er koblet til en spesiell tradisjon. Hva er denne læren, og hva er kommet til senere? Ajahn Brahmali og Bhante Sujato har skrevet boken «The Authenticity of the Early Buddhist Texts» som handler om nettopp dette, og hvorfor dette er viktig. Dette er en serie på fem episoder som har sin egen nettside med notater og illustrasjoner:
Denne undervisningen ble gitt i Oslo 2024:
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Det frivillige foreningen DNBF har sammen med instruktøren produsert og distribuert denne podcasten gratis og uten reklame, men vi er avhengig av økonomisk støtte gjennom engangsgaver eller månedlige beskytterdonasjoner for vår drift og utvikling:
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DNBF-patron - https://dnbf.org/patron/
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Hvis du har et problem med denne podcasten, send en e-post til: [email protected]
Tidlig buddhisme er Buddhas lære som alle tradisjoner har til felles − og som ikke er koblet til en spesiell tradisjon. Hva er denne læren, og hva er kommet til senere? Ajahn Brahmali og Bhante Sujato har skrevet boken «The Authenticity of the Early Buddhist Texts» som handler om nettopp dette, og hvorfor dette er viktig. Dette er en serie på fem episoder som har sin egen nettside med notater og illustrasjoner:
Denne undervisningen ble gitt i Oslo 2024:
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Hvis du har tilbakemeldinger eller spørsmål om denne podcasten, send en e-post til: [email protected]
Det frivillige foreningen DNBF har sammen med instruktøren produsert og distribuert denne podcasten gratis og uten reklame, men vi er avhengig av økonomisk støtte gjennom engangsgaver eller månedlige beskytterdonasjoner for vår drift og utvikling:
DNBF-donasjon - https://dnbf.org/donasjon/
DNBF-patron - https://dnbf.org/patron/
Abonner på vårt nyhetsbrev for å motta informasjon om våre aktiviteter:
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Hvis du har et problem med denne podcasten, send en e-post til: [email protected]
Tidlig buddhisme er Buddhas lære som alle tradisjoner har til felles − og som ikke er koblet til en spesiell tradisjon. Hva er denne læren, og hva er kommet til senere? Ajahn Brahmali og Bhante Sujato har skrevet boken «The Authenticity of the Early Buddhist Texts» som handler om nettopp dette, og hvorfor dette er viktig. Dette er en serie på fem episoder som har sin egen nettside med notater og illustrasjoner:
Denne undervisningen ble gitt i Oslo 2024:
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Hvis du har tilbakemeldinger eller spørsmål om denne podcasten, send en e-post til: [email protected]
Det frivillige foreningen DNBF har sammen med instruktøren produsert og distribuert denne podcasten gratis og uten reklame, men vi er avhengig av økonomisk støtte gjennom engangsgaver eller månedlige beskytterdonasjoner for vår drift og utvikling:
DNBF-donasjon - https://dnbf.org/donasjon/
DNBF-patron - https://dnbf.org/patron/
Abonner på vårt nyhetsbrev for å motta informasjon om våre aktiviteter:
Du er velkommen som medlem, og vi har mye å tilby av aktiviteter:
Hvis du har et problem med denne podcasten, send en e-post til: [email protected]
Tidlig buddhisme er Buddhas lære som alle tradisjoner har til felles − og som ikke er koblet til en spesiell tradisjon. Hva er denne læren, og hva er kommet til senere? Ajahn Brahmali og Bhante Sujato har skrevet boken «The Authenticity of the Early Buddhist Texts» som handler om nettopp dette, og hvorfor dette er viktig. Dette er en serie på fem episoder som har sin egen nettside med notater og illustrasjoner:
Denne undervisningen ble gitt i Oslo 2024:
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Anbefal gjerne denne podcasten til dine venner!
Hvis du har tilbakemeldinger eller spørsmål om denne podcasten, send en e-post til: [email protected]
Det frivillige foreningen DNBF har sammen med instruktøren produsert og distribuert denne podcasten gratis og uten reklame, men vi er avhengig av økonomisk støtte gjennom engangsgaver eller månedlige beskytterdonasjoner for vår drift og utvikling:
DNBF-donasjon - https://dnbf.org/donasjon/
DNBF-patron - https://dnbf.org/patron/
Abonner på vårt nyhetsbrev for å motta informasjon om våre aktiviteter:
Du er velkommen som medlem, og vi har mye å tilby av aktiviteter:
Hvis du har et problem med denne podcasten, send en e-post til: [email protected]
Tidlig buddhisme er Buddhas lære som alle tradisjoner har til felles − og som ikke er koblet til en spesiell tradisjon. Hva er denne læren, og hva er kommet til senere? Ajahn Brahmali og Bhante Sujato har skrevet boken «The Authenticity of the Early Buddhist Texts» som handler om nettopp dette, og hvorfor dette er viktig. Dette er en serie på fem episoder som har sin egen nettside med notater og illustrasjoner:
Denne undervisningen ble gitt i Oslo 2024:
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Anbefal gjerne denne podcasten til dine venner!
Hvis du har tilbakemeldinger eller spørsmål om denne podcasten, send en e-post til: [email protected]
Det frivillige foreningen DNBF har sammen med instruktøren produsert og distribuert denne podcasten gratis og uten reklame, men vi er avhengig av økonomisk støtte gjennom engangsgaver eller månedlige beskytterdonasjoner for vår drift og utvikling:
DNBF-donasjon - https://dnbf.org/donasjon/
DNBF-patron - https://dnbf.org/patron/
Abonner på vårt nyhetsbrev for å motta informasjon om våre aktiviteter:
Du er velkommen som medlem, og vi har mye å tilby av aktiviteter:
Hvis du har et problem med denne podcasten, send en e-post til: [email protected]
The Word of the Buddha is a booklet and a series of talks given by the author Ajahn Brahm, where he reads out and comment on a comprehensive and deep summary of the four noble truths and the eight fold path of the Buddha.
In this final episode of Word of the Buddha, Ajahn Brahm reads out and discusses the gradual training of the Budha.
The booklet kan be downloaded as pdf here: https://dnbf.org/The-Word-of-the-Buddha.pdf
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If you have feedback or questions about this podcast, send an email to: [email protected]
The non-profit society DNBF together with the instructor has produced and distributed this podcast for free and without advertising, but we are dependent on financial support through one-time donations or monthly patron donations for our operation and development:
DNBF Donation - https://dnbf.org/en/donation/
DNBF Patron - https://dnbf.org/en/patron/
Subscribe to our newsletter to receive information about our activities:
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If you have a problem with this podcast, send an email to: [email protected]
The Word of the Buddha is a booklet and a series of talks given by the author Ajahn Brahm, where he reads out and comment on a comprehensive and deep summary of the four noble truths and the eight fold path of the Buddha.
In this episode Ajahn Brahm reads out and discusses the eight factor - right absorption, concentration or stillness − as well as summing up the eightfold path, the nature of nirvana, the true goal of the spiritual training.
The booklet kan be downloaded as pdf here: https://dnbf.org/The-Word-of-the-Buddha.pdf
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If you have feedback or questions about this podcast, send an email to: [email protected]
The non-profit society DNBF together with the instructor has produced and distributed this podcast for free and without advertising, but we are dependent on financial support through one-time donations or monthly patron donations for our operation and development:
DNBF Donation - https://dnbf.org/en/donation/
DNBF Patron - https://dnbf.org/en/patron/
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If you have a problem with this podcast, send an email to: [email protected]
The Word of the Buddha is a booklet and a series of talks given by the author Ajahn Brahm, where he reads out and comment on a comprehensive and deep summary of the four noble truths and the eight fold path of the Buddha.
In this episode Ajahn Brahm finish off the teachings the sevent factor of mindfulness, og starts reading out and discussing the eight factor − absorption, concentration or stillness.
The booklet kan be downloaded as pdf here: https://dnbf.org/The-Word-of-the-Buddha.pdf
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If you have feedback or questions about this podcast, send an email to: [email protected]
The non-profit society DNBF together with the instructor has produced and distributed this podcast for free and without advertising, but we are dependent on financial support through one-time donations or monthly patron donations for our operation and development:
DNBF Donation - https://dnbf.org/en/donation/
DNBF Patron - https://dnbf.org/en/patron/
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If you have a problem with this podcast, send an email to: [email protected]
The Word of the Buddha is a booklet and a series of talks given by the author Ajahn Brahm, where he reads out and comment on a comprehensive and deep summary of the four noble truths and the eight fold path of the Buddha.
In this episode Ajahn Brahm reads out and comments on the last part if nirvana through mindfulness of breathing − how mindfulness of breathing complete the seven enlightenment factors.
The booklet kan be downloaded as pdf here: https://dnbf.org/The-Word-of-the-Buddha.pdf
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If you have feedback or questions about this podcast, send an email to: [email protected]
The non-profit society DNBF together with the instructor has produced and distributed this podcast for free and without advertising, but we are dependent on financial support through one-time donations or monthly patron donations for our operation and development:
DNBF Donation - https://dnbf.org/en/donation/
DNBF Patron - https://dnbf.org/en/patron/
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If you have a problem with this podcast, send an email to: [email protected]
The Word of the Buddha is a booklet and a series of talks given by the author Ajahn Brahm, where he reads out and comment on a comprehensive and deep summary of the four noble truths and the eight fold path of the Buddha.
In this eposide Ajahn Brahm reads out and discusses the seventh factor of the eight fold path − mindfulness. The focus is nirvana through mindfulness of breathing, how mindfulness of breathing completes the four focuses of mindfulness.
The booklet kan be downloaded as pdf here: https://dnbf.org/The-Word-of-the-Buddha.pdf
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If you have feedback or questions about this podcast, send an email to: [email protected]
The non-profit society DNBF together with the instructor has produced and distributed this podcast for free and without advertising, but we are dependent on financial support through one-time donations or monthly patron donations for our operation and development:
DNBF Donation - https://dnbf.org/en/donation/
DNBF Patron - https://dnbf.org/en/patron/
Subscribe to our newsletter to receive information about our activities:
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If you have a problem with this podcast, send an email to: [email protected]
The Word of the Buddha is a booklet and a series of talks given by the author Ajahn Brahm, where he reads out and comment on a comprehensive and deep summary of the four noble truths and the eight fold path of the Buddha.
In this episode Ajahn Brahm reads out and discusses the seventh factor of the eight fold path − mindfulness. Mindfulness of mind-objects, the five hindrances, the seven enlightenment factors, the five components of existence, the six sense bases, the four noble truths and summary of satipatthana.
The booklet kan be downloaded as pdf here: https://dnbf.org/The-Word-of-the-Buddha.pdf
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If you have feedback or questions about this podcast, send an email to: [email protected]
The non-profit society DNBF together with the instructor has produced and distributed this podcast for free and without advertising, but we are dependent on financial support through one-time donations or monthly patron donations for our operation and development:
DNBF Donation - https://dnbf.org/en/donation/
DNBF Patron - https://dnbf.org/en/patron/
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If you have a problem with this podcast, send an email to: [email protected]
The Word of the Buddha is a booklet and a series of talks given by the author Ajahn Brahm, where he reads out and comment on a comprehensive and deep summary of the four noble truths and the eight fold path of the Buddha.
In this episode Ajahn Brahm reads out and discusses the seventh factor of the eight fold path - right mindfulness. He continues the mindfulness of the body − the four postures, full comprehension of the purpose, the bodily parts, elements, charnel ground contemplations, benefits of mindfulness of the body, arising and passing away. Then mindfulness of experience and mindfulness of the mind.
The booklet kan be downloaded as pdf here: https://dnbf.org/The-Word-of-the-Buddha.pdf
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If you have feedback or questions about this podcast, send an email to: [email protected]
The non-profit society DNBF together with the instructor has produced and distributed this podcast for free and without advertising, but we are dependent on financial support through one-time donations or monthly patron donations for our operation and development:
DNBF Donation - https://dnbf.org/en/donation/
DNBF Patron - https://dnbf.org/en/patron/
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You are welcome as a member, and we have a lot to offer in terms of activities:
If you have a problem with this podcast, send an email to: [email protected]
The Word of the Buddha is a booklet and a series of talks given by the author Ajahn Brahm, where he reads out and comment on a comprehensive and deep summary of the four noble truths and the eight fold path of the Buddha.
In this episode Ajahn Brahm reads out and discusses the seventh factor of the eight fold path − mindfulness. What is the four focuses of mindfulness, and starting to discuss the first focus - the body.
The booklet kan be downloaded as pdf here: https://dnbf.org/The-Word-of-the-Buddha.pdf
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If you have feedback or questions about this podcast, send an email to: [email protected]
The non-profit society DNBF together with the instructor has produced and distributed this podcast for free and without advertising, but we are dependent on financial support through one-time donations or monthly patron donations for our operation and development:
DNBF Donation - https://dnbf.org/en/donation/
DNBF Patron - https://dnbf.org/en/patron/
Subscribe to our newsletter to receive information about our activities:
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If you have a problem with this podcast, send an email to: [email protected]
The Word of the Buddha is a booklet and a series of talks given by the author Ajahn Brahm, where he reads out and comment on a comprehensive and deep summary of the four noble truths and the eight fold path of the Buddha.
In this episode Ajahn Brahm reads out and comments on the second factor right motivation, then bypassing right speech, action and livelyhood because it is self-explanatory, continues on sixth factor right endeavour/effort − the endeavour to restrain, abandon, develop and maintaining.
The booklet kan be downloaded as pdf here: https://dnbf.org/The-Word-of-the-Buddha.pdf
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If you have feedback or questions about this podcast, send an email to: [email protected]
The non-profit society DNBF together with the instructor has produced and distributed this podcast for free and without advertising, but we are dependent on financial support through one-time donations or monthly patron donations for our operation and development:
DNBF Donation - https://dnbf.org/en/donation/
DNBF Patron - https://dnbf.org/en/patron/
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If you have a problem with this podcast, send an email to: [email protected]
The Word of the Buddha is a booklet and a series of talks given by the author Ajahn Brahm, where he reads out and comment on a comprehensive and deep summary of the four noble truths and the eight fold path of the Buddha.
In this episode Ajahn Brahm reads out the final passages defining right view − the stream-winner, causes for the arising of stream winning, what is the view of a permanent essence, the words of another, stream winning and the seven in the water simile, jhananagami, the scent of "I am", free from all speculative views, the three characteristics and dependent origination.
The booklet kan be downloaded as pdf here: https://dnbf.org/The-Word-of-the-Buddha.pdf
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If you have feedback or questions about this podcast, send an email to: [email protected]
The non-profit society DNBF together with the instructor has produced and distributed this podcast for free and without advertising, but we are dependent on financial support through one-time donations or monthly patron donations for our operation and development:
DNBF Donation - https://dnbf.org/en/donation/
DNBF Patron - https://dnbf.org/en/patron/
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If you have a problem with this podcast, send an email to: [email protected]
The Word of the Buddha is a booklet and a series of talks given by the author Ajahn Brahm, where he reads out and comment on a comprehensive and deep summary of the four noble truths and the eight fold path of the Buddha.
In this episode Ajahn Brahm reads out what is right and wrong view accord to the Buddha − the four noble truths, the good and the bad, unprofitable questions, the five basic fetters, unwise contemplations, the six views about the soul, the two extremes and the middle doctrine, views and discussions about the soul and wise contemplations.
The booklet kan be downloaded as pdf here: https://dnbf.org/The-Word-of-the-Buddha.pdf
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If you have feedback or questions about this podcast, send an email to: [email protected]
The non-profit society DNBF together with the instructor has produced and distributed this podcast for free and without advertising, but we are dependent on financial support through one-time donations or monthly patron donations for our operation and development:
DNBF Donation - https://dnbf.org/en/donation/
DNBF Patron - https://dnbf.org/en/patron/
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If you have a problem with this podcast, send an email to: [email protected]
The Word of the Buddha is a booklet and a series of talks given by the author Ajahn Brahm, where he reads out and comment on a comprehensive and deep summary of the four noble truths and the eight fold path of the Buddha.
In this episode Ajahn Brahm reads out and comments the third noble truths − the cessation of suffering, nirvana and full awakening is described. He then continues with the fourth nobel truths − the way leading to the cessation of suffering, and starts describing the eight fold path, starting with right view − and how to know what is right view.
The booklet kan be downloaded as pdf here: https://dnbf.org/The-Word-of-the-Buddha.pdf
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If you have feedback or questions about this podcast, send an email to: [email protected]
The non-profit society DNBF together with the instructor has produced and distributed this podcast for free and without advertising, but we are dependent on financial support through one-time donations or monthly patron donations for our operation and development:
DNBF Donation - https://dnbf.org/en/donation/
DNBF Patron - https://dnbf.org/en/patron/
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The Word of the Buddha is a booklet and a series of talks given by the author Ajahn Brahm, where he reads out and comment on a comprehensive and deep summary of the four noble truths and the eight fold path of the Buddha. c
In this episode Ajahn Brahm finishes of the first nobel truths, then starting on the second nobel truth − the noble truth of the origin of suffering − about our wanting/craving, the origin of wanting, dependent origination, karma and inheritance of deeds. In the end Ajahn Brahm starts teaching the third noble truths − the noble truth of the cessation of suffering.
The booklet kan be downloaded as pdf here: https://dnbf.org/The-Word-of-the-Buddha.pdf
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If you have feedback or questions about this podcast, send an email to: [email protected]
The non-profit society DNBF together with the instructor has produced and distributed this podcast for free and without advertising, but we are dependent on financial support through one-time donations or monthly patron donations for our operation and development:
DNBF Donation - https://dnbf.org/en/donation/
DNBF Patron - https://dnbf.org/en/patron/
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If you have a problem with this podcast, send an email to: [email protected]
The Word of the Buddha is a booklet and a series of talks given by the author Ajahn Brahm, where he reads out and comment on a comprehensive and deep summary of the four noble truths and the eight fold path of the Buddha.
In part 2 of the Word of the Buddha, Ajahn Brahm is reading out and commenting the noble truth of suffering − including the five components of existence, dependent origination, the three characteristics of existence, the anatta doctrine and the three warnings.
The booklet kan be downloaded as pdf here: https://dnbf.org/The-Word-of-the-Buddha.pdf
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If you have feedback or questions about this podcast, send an email to: [email protected]
The non-profit society DNBF together with the instructor has produced and distributed this podcast for free and without advertising, but we are dependent on financial support through one-time donations or monthly patron donations for our operation and development:
DNBF Donation - https://dnbf.org/en/donation/
DNBF Patron - https://dnbf.org/en/patron/
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If you have a problem with this podcast, send an email to: [email protected]
The Word of the Buddha is a booklet and a series of talks given by the author Ajahn Brahm, where he reads out and comment on a comprehensive and deep summary of the four noble truths and the eight fold path of the Buddha.
In this first part Ajahn Brahm reads out and comments the four noble truths of the Buddha, and goes deeper into the first noble truth, including the definition of the five components of existence.
The booklet kan be downloaded as pdf here: https://dnbf.org/The-Word-of-the-Buddha.pdf
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If you have feedback or questions about this podcast, send an email to: [email protected]
The non-profit society DNBF together with the instructor has produced and distributed this podcast for free and without advertising, but we are dependent on financial support through one-time donations or monthly patron donations for our operation and development:
DNBF Donation - https://dnbf.org/en/donation/
DNBF Patron - https://dnbf.org/en/patron/
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You are welcome as a member, and we have a lot to offer in terms of activities:
If you have a problem with this podcast, send an email to: [email protected]
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.