64 avsnitt • Längd: 5 min • Oregelbundet
The completely honest and never-ending story of my personal deslobification process. As I find ways to keep my home under control, I share the truth about cleaning and organizing strategies that actually work in real life. I also share recipes, home management tips, and ways to make a mom’s life easier. This podcast is the audio version of the daily blog posts at ASlobComesClean.com
The podcast Daily Deslobification BlogCast – A Slob Comes Clean Cleaning and Organizing Audio Blog is created by Dana K. White. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
I can’t believe this podcast has been going for a DECADE!!?!? What in the actual world? Today, I’m sharing the timeline of how it formed and grew. I’m also sharing how thankful I am for y’all! Mentioned in this episode: Enter the ten year giveaway! Take Your House Back is on sale right now for […]
The post 383: 10 Years of the Podcast appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
That’s a how-interesting-so-that’s-the-way-it-works kind of “huh.” Not a Texan version of “Pardon me?” I love (affiliate link alert) my dishwand. I’ve blabbed about it already this week. And I really love using my favorite mug to keep it clean and dry and out from under dishes in the sink. But alas, about three weeks […]
The post So, A Place for Everything But Not ALWAYS Everything In Its Place? Huh. appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
Viewing every random straightening task as a full blown decluttering project. That’s ONE of my problems. As my Slob Vision cleared while I got the kitchen out of Summer Survival Mode, I shook my head and realized the spread-out-edness of all the stuff on the kitchen cabinet might be contributing to the overall messiness of […]
The post When Straightening Takes a Decluttering Turn appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
I was so proud of this thing when I bought it. I found it at Costco, but it wasn’t cheap. There also weren’t multiple options like there might have been if I’d gone looking for a salad spinning thingy in a regular store. But I wasn’t looking. I just saw it in front of my […]
The post When It’s FINALLY Obvious That It’s Time to Let Go appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
Before we begin, allow me to address all current/former English teachers/grammar nerds. I was one of you. I have purposely chosen to use artistic license in the title of this post. “Routines as the Things Up to Which I Catch” doesn’t have the same ring to it. And now I’m questioning the pluralization of “routines.” […]
The post Routines as a Thing to Catch Up To appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
I wrote this back in June, but I’m putting it at the top for those who are wondering what is going on around here for summer! I’ve been publishing some fun and inspirational stories from YOU, so keep scrolling to see those! It’s officially-but-not-officially summer!!!! Calendar schmalendar. The kids are out of school!!!! Yeehaw!!! (Read […]
The post Happy Summer!! appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
I was provided with tickets for my family in exchange for writing this post. It’s summer. I love summer. Summer is all about fun, and this post is all about fun. I am SO excited to host this giveaway for a FOUR PACK of tickets to a Hawaiian Falls waterpark!! Wahoo!!! Hmmmm. How to relate […]
The post Hawaiian Falls (Texas Waterpark) Giveaway!! appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
Father’s Day was Sunday. This year, Hubby got a new mower! Toro happens to have a really cool one that takes up significantly less storage space AND we needed a new mower AND it just so happened to be Father’s Day. Translation: This is a sponsored post for Toro that came at just the perfect […]
The post Decluttering the Garage’s Lawn Equipment Area (And a TORO SmartStow Lawnmower Review) appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
Attention: This is NOT a sponsored post. I’m not being paid a dime to write this follow-up/reality-check-report from a post I wrote in December (which was a sponsored post). I am using an affiliate link, though. Back in December, I got a new toilet. It’s the Optum VorMax from The Home Depot. It’s a “high-tech” […]
The post Is an “Easier to Clean Toilet” a Real Thing? appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
NOTE: This giveaway has closed, and Brittani A. was the winner! Summer starts in less than a week!! Yaaayyyyyyy!!!!!!!! Can you tell I’m excited?? Oh, how I love summer. I love pretty much everything about it, but it does present some challenges. Swim towels everywhere? Magically disappearing flip-flops?? How about using up every single drinking […]
The post Using DrinkBands to Reduce Dirty Cup Clutter (Review and Giveaway!!) appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
Sometimes I have the ability to see into the future. I see Future Me, deciding at the last minute to make mac ‘n cheese for dinner. (Because mac ‘n cheese is what I make at the last minute.) Future Me is in a hurry. She’s a little frazzled. She grabs the box from the pantry […]
The post It’s OK Future Me, Don’t Freak Out appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
Continuing my Saturday challenge of doing Two Things at some point in a busy day, I decided to tackle my Junk Drawers. Remember them? I decluttered them long ago, in this post where I first came up with my two decluttering questions. They needed re-decluttering. Oh boy, did they. My clue that it was time […]
The post Less. appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
It was 2:48. I needed to be at my kid’s school by 3:00. The school is five minutes away. It was officially an awkward pause in my day. What could I possibly accomplish in seven minutes? But it was a Monday, and Monday is Laundry Day. And I was rocking Laundry Day on that particular […]
The post Using an Awkward Pause to Finish Laundry Day appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
Like almost every mother since the beginning of time, I found myself thinking, “How did my son not see that huge mess??” My 13yo recently had a highly brag-worthy modeling job. The back of his head will appear on the cover of my mother’s book that will release in September. That’s the bigtime, y’all. Anyway, […]
The post Someone Has to Teach Them appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
It was the next Saturday. I had another small pocket of unclaimed time, and I decided to try my Two Things strategy again. This time, I followed my Visibility Rule the way it’s supposed to be followed. Don’t declutter something guests will never see. Declutter something out in the open that I’ve stopped seeing. Like […]
The post The Next Saturday: Decluttering Two (Or Three) More Things appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
I started to title this, “More Ideas for Stuffed Animal Storage” but stopped myself. It’s not about storing. It’s about containing. By “it” I mean the way I have to think about my home to keep it from getting out of control. Storing means finding a place (or many places) to put things. Containing means […]
The post More Ideas for Containing Stuffed Animals appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
I think about this question. I get asked this question. But any decluttering progress I’ve made has NOT been because I had an answer to this question. The best answer is simply, “Less.” I need less. Or fewer. Whichever is grammatically correct for the situation. Less refers to something that can’t be counted. Fewer is […]
The post How Many Do I Need? Not that many. appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
One of my best/for-realest excuses reasons for clutter is I don’t have much storage space in this house. Really. I don’t. I have a tiny coat closet, one cabinet in the gameroom, and a pantry. But y’all, I’ve seen storage CLOSETS in other people’s houses. Like, closets for no other purpose than storing stuff. One […]
The post Finding Storage Space in My House appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
Monday morning, my husband drank his coffee out of a cereal bowl. To be fair (to my slob self), our cereal bowls do have handles and could technically be called really big mugs. But still . . . I hadn’t washed dishes since last Friday. I know. I KNOW I have to do dishes. I […]
The post My Special Circumstances (for Today) appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
I’m rather behind posting some decluttering “projects” I’ve done over the past month. The weather has been beautiful, and we’ve had lots of randomness going on each Saturday. But a few weeks ago, I decided to do Two Things. I knew I couldn’t get EVERYthing done that I should/desperately-needed-to do, but I could do two […]
The post The First of Two Things: Clearing My Bathroom Counter appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
On Monday, I wrote a big ol’ post (seriously, it was long) about losing my keys and being reminded (for the ba-jillionth time) that having more of something does NOT make my life easier. It doesn’t. I know that. I‘ve learned learn that lesson over and over. But . . . I do love my […]
The post But . . . I LOVE My Extras!! appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
Wait. You saw that picture and clicked over because you thought it was a before pic? Oh. Well, this is uncomfortable. That’s not a before picture. It’s actually a celebration picture. Here it is without all the extra bloggy stuff: It’s a success picture because it’s an “organizing solution” that works for us. And it […]
The post Organizing Kids’ Rooms: Containers (Used Correctly) WORK!! appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
There was cause for great celebration in SlobLand last night!!! We found the keys to our Camry!!!! Lost keys happen. They happen around here way too often. But this was a very special case of Seriously, Do These Things Happen to Other People or Just US!?!?!?! The (way too long) story: We bought our Camry […]
The post Fewer Things. Less Frustration. appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
Remember the game that became a victim of the One In One Out rule? There it is, sitting in the a Donate Box for the second time. On the day it was deemed “outgrown” it went straight to the Donate Box. That’s where things go when they’re identified as clutter. Pants too small? Take it […]
The post When the Donate Box Becomes a Normal Part of Life appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
I’ve been asked a certain question many times since I published this post explaining how I have learned to declutter without making a bigger mess. The game-changing decluttering strategy? Taking things where they go . . . now. Right now. Not making piles of stuff to deal with later. In my distractible world, “later” doesn’t […]
The post How to Not Get Distracted from a Decluttering Project (by Other Decluttering Projects) appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
We now return to our regular decluttering-focused programming. Whew. I have quite a bit of lessening to share. That has been my focus lately. Life has been crazy, but I’ve tackled several areas even without time to actually finish them. I’ve been celebrating “less.” I may not be able to call it Before and After, […]
The post Where I Would Put It vs Where I Would Look For It appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
It’s over! Sorry if you missed it! If you want to be sure you don’t miss time-sensitive information in the future, be sure to sign up for my email list. There are multiple options here! All links in this post are my affiliate links! That’s how I get to call this crazy blogging […]
The post Last Day, and One Resource That Makes The UHB Worth the Money All By Itself appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
So sorry, but the bundle has ended. If you want to be sure you don’t miss future time-sensitive things, sign up for my free newsletter here. I had big plans to make a video with one of the characters from my Clutter Avoidance video series. It was going to be me explaining how to look […]
The post A Few Highlights of the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
This post contains affiliate links alongside totally free inspiration. When my husband and I got married, things were pretty smooth that first year. I’d heard horror stories from newlyweds about adjusting to living together, but we got lucky. I think part of it was that we were so grateful to be together after our opposite-sides-of-the-world […]
The post Two Very Different Women Who Cooked for Their Families appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
I have e-books. I’ve come up with ways to keep my home under control, to be able to let non-immediate-family members come inside on a weekly basis. I can tackle a decluttering project with confidence and know I’ll make progress (if not finish) in whatever time I throw at it. I share all these things […]
The post Whatever Works for YOU appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
So sorry, but the bundle has ended. If you want to be sure you don’t miss future time-sensitive things, sign up for my free newsletter here. Affiliate links in this post! Two years ago, I participated in the first Utimate Homemaking Bundle. This year, my e-book, Drowning in Clutter? is included in the same sale […]
The post Ultimate Homemaking Bundle 2015 appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
When I was a kid, I told people I was allergic to coconut. I wasn’t. Don’t worry. I’m appropriately remorseful now. I just didn’t want to eat coconut and it was a great way to get people to stop pushing their macaroons on me. Now, I really am allergic to chocolate. Really. It’s an allergy […]
The post Allergic to Paper appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
Reader Question: i relate to you so much so i feel i can ask you this….how do you stop judging yourself when things get on top of you? like when i go to a friends i find i’m judging myself on how their home is compared to mine. i was wondering if you’ve been through […]
The post Ask Nony: How Do You Stop Judging Yourself? appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
Full Disclosure: Even though I’ve written about my love of purchasing chicken in bulk from Zaycon many, many times, they offered me a product from their extensive line for writing about it again. I jumped at that chance. I’m also using my own referral link so I can build up credit for my next chicken […]
The post Why I Purchase Chicken in Bulk appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
I don’t like awkward pauses. I’m that person who fills the seven-minute-lull in party conversations with sometimes-funny-sometimes-not remarks. This school year has been full of awkward pauses as we haven’t been able to develop a rhythm to our days. I’m blaming Junior High. The year started with football before school, leaving the house at 6:30 […]
The post Using the Awkward Pauses appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
Ahhhhh, that cute bench. That bench I ordered from eBay years ago, and was sure would solve our shoe storage issues. Back in 2012, I finally accepted that instead of collecting shoes, it was collecting stuff. It was a catch-all spot that I couldn’t keep clear, so I got rid of it. That was a […]
The post Finally Decluttered. I’m Pretty Sure We’ve Officially Tried Everything Now appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
This morning, my Slob Brain registered my own annoyance that there was one-too-many phones on my kitchen counter. For two days, there have been two phones in that space. But lest you think two days isn’t that bad, I should admit that there has been one-too-many phones in that space for months. And months. A […]
The post Two Second Task: Pitching the Completely Useless Counter-Space-Taker appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
In case you’re new around here, let me explain something. I truly believe the #1 thing I have to give to my kindred slob spirits is permission to keep going. Photo-proof that “after” photos turn back into before photos, and it’s okay to tackle that same space again instead of throwing my hands up in […]
The post Re-Decluttering Is a Real Thing appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
I’m more than a little bit excited to be asked to be a Keynote Speaker at the Professional Organizing Summit in April! Me! For real, y’all!!! It has been my dream for a long time to be the bridge between people whose brains work like mine and the professional organizers who want to help. I’m […]
The post I’m Speaking at a Professional Organizing Conference! appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
I’m all about finding solutions for chronic messes. Solutions that actually work. For years now, I’ve been singing the praises of my wash-the-dishes-every-single-night-and-put-them-away-every-single-morning method. The one I blab on and on about in my book, How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind. That method works. It totally does. It changed the way my […]
The post How to Avoid Piles of Dirty Cups and Glasses appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
Last year, for the very first time ever, I thought about making a Prank Dinner BEFORE April 2nd. Go me! I posted pictures on Facebook, and the response was great, though it was tinged with a little “Ummmm, thanks for the idea NOW THAT IT’S TOO LATE!” So here I am, remembering to post it […]
The post Super Easy (and Awesome) April Fool’s Day Dinner Prank appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
It was a perfectly good envelope. A perfectly good, big envelope. There was no reason to pitch it. No reason at all why I couldn’t re-use it. And aren’t envelopes (especially big ones) the stuff of dreams? Just imagine filling them with photos or coloring pages or full-sized papers that needed be kept together. Or […]
The post Factoring in Travel Time appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
Skirt hangers. In my mother’s mind, they’re God’s gift to skirt-wearers. I know this because she has been giving them to me. Over and over. Year after year. Always with a hopeful look upon her face. Hopeful that this item which is the Ultimate Skirt Hanging Solution in her own closet will change my […]
The post It’s Not About Fitting In More Stuff appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
Did you notice my lovely new red dutch oven in this post? My mother gave that to me for Christmas after I noticed its lovely redness while we shopped together. It sat in my garage for a month or so until I remembered it when I was making four meals of pot roast for the […]
The post In With the New, Out with the Old appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
Last summer, I bought a new purse. I went to a home party and the salesperson logic just made so much sense. And I needed a new purse. Really. I did. It had one feature that’s a must for me. The cross-body strap. When I lived in Thailand, my purse-buying habits changed forever. When the […]
The post Give Me a Space and I Will Fill It appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
Here we go. One of those posts. The back story: Almost every time I post something on Facebook about running my dishwasher, or about how irritatingly important it is to empty it, or about how finally grasping the routine of running it each and every night was the game changer for my kitchen, someone bemoans […]
The post Five Truths about Cleaning the Kitchen that are Still True If You Don’t Have a Dishwasher appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
My daughter will turn 9 next month. That’s crazy talk. Since the party-planning has already started, I looked at this randomly-appearing item with my anti-T.P.A.D glasses on. (T.P.A.D. = Time Passage Awareness Disorder = a totally-made-up-by-me condition) These cute little party favor boxes were from her birthday party two years ago. I know it was […]
The post When One Will Do appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
We’ve had a few “snow” days lately. Some more legit than others. On one of the first, I did a double take when I saw Hubby’s feet. He was wearing the strangest, pink-heeled socks I’d ever seen. Only after a moment of real confusion did I realize I was seeing his heels. Like, the skin […]
The post Don’t Hesitate When He’s Ready to Say Goodbye appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
I love hearing how this mama is using what she’s learning to help her daughter: Hi, Dana: I love your blog, but who doesn’t? The idea of decluttering one box at a time was just what I needed to attack (and defeat) my closet last month. I’m the one who posted on Facebook that I […]
The post Using Timers with Kids – Reader Story appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
You know I love to time myself doing various tasks. This simple thing helps me break through my delusions that I don’t have enough time to tackle a spot that’s been bugging me for way too long. Here’s an email from one of you who did the same thing: Mornin’ Nony, I copied you! First […]
The post From the Mailbox: Timing a Procrastinatable Task appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
Clutter guilt is a real thing, y’all. I did a whole video series (or two) about it. When someone (me) stresses over the possible uses, possible future need, and possible life-threatening consequences of NOT keeping something, it’s only natural to also stress over the nobleness or lack of nobleness of various decluttering methods. Irrational Stress […]
The post Giving What I’ve Been Given appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
Please read that title pronouncing “again” as “aGANE.” It sounds better that way. I have no idea how many times I’ve washed the item in the picture above. I’m pretty sure, though, that I’ve washed it more times than I’ve worn it. It’s the belt for a cute and sporty pajama set that Hubby and […]
The post I Shall Never Wash This Item Again appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
I think Hubby brought these home. It was sweet, really. Someone had them at work and he thought he’d be nice. Except our kids don’t really like them. I know (from experience) that they’ll sit and sit and sit and end up at the bottom of the snack basket, waiting for an official Decluttering Project. […]
The post Perfectly Good Candy appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
I was listening to my own podcast (a rare thing, since I don’t edit them) about the Head Explosion Rule as I cleaned up the kitchen this morning. So when I ran across that glass lid-thingy in the picture, and began to feel a physical, head-exploding sensation come over me, I knew just what to […]
The post Using My Head Exploding Rule to Declutter appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
It’s 2:20 on Wednesday afternoon, and other than a quick, not-a-real-post on Monday, I haven’t blogged this week. We had “snow” days on Monday and Tuesday, which were really Ice Days. The roads were bad, so school was canceled, but we managed to get out with friends to have a BLAST “sledding” in our laundry […]
The post Priorities – And Sledding without Snow appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
Last week was crazy. School fundraisers and dentist appointments that involved hours in the chair to have a 30+ year old filling ground down so I could be fitted for a crown (and that I’d completely forgotten was an appointment that would last most of the day) and title transferring for the inlaws new car […]
The post Reality Check 2/23 appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
Look at this cute, odd velvet bow-type-thingy. My daughter and I worked in her room on Monday while the kids were out of school for President’s Day. When I ran across the bow, I knew I recognized it. I just couldn’t quite place it. She knew. Grammy gave her a jean jacket for Christmas that […]
The post If I Don’t Know What to Do With It . . . appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
I recently received this email from Tara McDonough and had to share! I just wanted to share an anecdote of what happened yesterday in my deslobification process. Our family of 4 (+ a 100 lb dog) is moving in the next couple of weeks. We’ll be losing close to 1,000 sq ft of “junk space”! […]
The post Using the Container Concept When Decluttering with Kids appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
I was doing the right thing. Even though I’d messed up and NOT started the dishwasher the night before, I was starting it that morning. Yay for getting back on track. And the kitchen really looked nice. Clean counters. Mostly clean sink. Except for that one measly cookie sheet that wouldn’t fit into the dishwasher […]
The post A Clean Kitchen in One Minute and 3.58 Seconds appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
Last week’s Reality Check: I’ll start with a possible excuse for not actually posting this on the 16th. The kids will be out of school, so unless it’s ready to go and they sleep late (pretty pretty please?), it may not happen. Monday – I got posts scheduled out for the week, which always takes […]
The post Reality Check 2/16 appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
My mom made that pink dress out of the same fabric from her bridesmaid’s dress for her sister’s wedding. Such fantabulous memories, but I have no plans to have it vacuum packed and framed and displayed in a place of honor for generations. My mom made that dress too. It’s gold lamé. It has a […]
The post What to Do with Old Prom Dresses appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
I’ve talked about this particular spot in my kitchen before. This almost-impossible-to-clean spot. My dislike of climbing up on counters at the age of 41 is the reason I’d pretended to not see those cobwebs in the top picture? What? You don’t see them? Oh good. Maybe the people who have been in my home […]
The post Two Second Task: Now You See (Might) See It. Now You (Hopefully) Don’t. appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
Last Tuesday, I posted this cutesy little pic on Instagram: Ummm, I planned to spend “some time that morning” cleaning it up. I’d been putting off cleaning this mess because it just made more sense to wait until my 7th grader was done sawing styrofoam for a school project. I’m excessively logical like that. Meanwhile, […]
The post The Day it Snowed Inside My House In Texas appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
I’m a hemmer. Not the kind who follows through on the logic of buying a way-too-long pair of pants for a bargain price. I’m a hemmer/hawer. Like, I take a while to do things that shouldn’t take any time at all. Because I hem and haw about it. So I’m (ridiculously) proud to announce three […]
The post Three Things I’ve Thrown Away Lately appeared first on Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean.
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