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兒童世界報報(Broadcast 4 Kids)

【S2EP19|兒童世界小百科】了解程式設計的重要性 - 3D Model Town魔數樂園

17 min • 26 januari 2023

我們今天要跟大家分享有關coding 程式設計的重要性。 前些日子主播好朋友Conyee還有日本先生Moto開發的ModelTown 3D魔數樂園 程式設計教學有被甄選上教育部校園數位內容與教學軟體 ,就想趁這個機會來多瞭解coding, 程式設計跟model town 這個軟體。 

什麼是編碼? coding 程式設計
我們的生活裡 什麼時候會用到coding?? 
只有在網路的世界嗎? 電玩嗎? 
Global smartphone penetration rate was 49.35 % in 2016, 78.05 in 2020.

It means that we live with computers now. Actually, we can do coding on our own smartphone. and if you made any application by coding, then you can sell it on the internet.  

It is like being a farmer. If you could grow any grain in agriculture, then you could sell it in the market.
We faced an agricultural revolution, an industrial revolution in our history, and now we are facing an IT revolution.
To build a business in an IT revolution, you need a kind of coding.

小朋友現在最喜歡的麥塊 是編碼/編程嗎? 
樂高積木? 還是機器人? 

Minecraft has been a kind of game. But After Microsoft bought Minecraft , Microsoft added Education mode into Minecraft.
It has some educational components, but it is for individual learning, not for group learning.

ModelTown you guys can join a same 3D environment and showcase your coding and building with your classmates and friends.

什麼時候可以開始學習? 有沒有什麼基本要素?(比如英文?數學? 空間概念?)
It is better that kids are over 10 years old.

Kids don’t need 英文, 數學, 空間概念. Kids need to Theoretical thinking and Causal thinking.

Because you made a source code and you ran the source code and you got the result of the source code. in some programs, kids can do as much trial and error as the kids like, like “building blocks”.

台灣的編程教育? 小學? 中學?

It is good for primary school, junior high school and high school.

可以跟我們分享一下 為什麼孩子們應該學習程式設計:
1. 提高解決問題的能力
2. 培育計算思維
3. 鼓勵堅持
4. 激發創造力
5. 有助於資訊素養
6. 培養未來職業發展技能
7. 提高信心和溝通技巧

日本和台灣孩子們喜歡ModelTown魔數樂園的 6 個理由:
1. 魔數樂園裡可以和自己的朋友一起玩耍,奔跑,翱翔
2. 魔數樂園裡可以體驗數學變化的樂趣
3. 魔數樂園鼓勵同學們線上或線下互相激勵和學習
4. 魔數樂園裡不止一種標準答案,鼓勵嘗試和舉一反三
5. 魔數樂園裡人物造型可愛,環境祥和,無暴力和競爭
6. 魔數樂園裡展現自己獨一無二的的作品和朋友分享Support this show:
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