早在1996年,约翰·巴罗在赛博空间独立宣言里宣称:“工业世界的政府,你们这些疲惫的、肉身和钢铁塑造的巨人们,我来自赛博空间,人类思想的新家园。我代表未来,请求代表过去的你们不要再打扰我们。我们不欢迎你。我们聚集的广场上没有你的主权。” 而二十六年后,我们一天的屏幕时间不少于18小时;微博和推特上绵延不绝的悲剧24/7不间断的和企业微信的滴滴声、和短视频上的“不要贴不要贴不要贴贴”、小红书上的光鲜生活、B站、王者荣耀等等无数个产品一起,争抢着我们的注意力、情绪和时间。
小阿的RSS3项目: https://rss3.io/
Back in 1996, John Barrow declared in the Cyberspace Declaration of Independence: "Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from Cyberspace, the new home of Mind. On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You are not welcome among us. You have no sovereignty where we gather.” Twenty-six years later, our screentime racks up to 18 hours of screen time a day; Twitter and Weibo doomscrolling competes with Slack notifications, TikTok challenges, the glamorous Instagram life and countless products vying for our attention and our time. We can’t help but wonder: Is this version of the internet something we should simple accept? Recently, the framework of Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 as a way of describing the progression of the internet dominated the conversation. This episode is the musing of four burntout female tech workers, as we look back on the promise of freedom and collaboration of Web1.0, and the prevalence of surveillance capitalism in Web 2.0. We also talked about our hopes and dreams and reservations on this new version of the internet.
We talked about -
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