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005 | 和妈妈聊聊青春变形记 Mom, have you watched “Turning Red”?

62 min • 2 maj 2022




How do you tell a coming-of-age story? As teenagers, we tell our friends stories that minimize our mothers’ roles in anticipation of our independence; mothers, in turn, exchange stories about their meticulous planning and their level of insight on the children’s growth. In the end of the day, we like telling stories about our own growth, our own control and independence, and a child’s coming of age is equally a story of growth and discovery for the mother. “Turning Red” is a story about a girl and her mother’s growth as she comes of age, their miscommunicated heart-to-hearts, and their parallels of evolving womanhood. In honor of this parallel, we brought two daughters and two mothers into this conversation about womanhood and motherhood.


  • 2:00 对电影的第一印象:监控拆一下,谢谢

  • 6:30 如何面对儿女的青春期、叛逆情绪和身体始改变带来的性别体验

  • 17:25 带着时代的焦虑做妈妈:改革开放时代的阶级焦虑,移民生活的生存焦虑

  • 25:30 在“生孩子我的生活就会彻底结束”和“想要拥有一个做母亲的人生体验”之间疯狂横摆

  • 38:50 和孩子的平等对话是可能的吗?妈妈经历过哪些纠结和反思?

  • 49:30 孩子生了孩子的话,即将做姥姥或者奶奶的妈妈们如何看待身份的再次转变?

  • 2:00 First impressions of the movie: stop spying on my life please

  • 6:30 Struggling with the budding independence of your teenage child

  • 17:25 A mother’s anxiety as a reflection of their class and their immigrant status

  • 25:30 Will my life be over when I have a baby

  • 38:50 Is it possible to have an equal conversation with your child?

  • 49:30 How are the moms thinking about their upcoming transition into “grandmahood”


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