From the Academy Award Best Picture “CODA” to horror blockbuster "A Quiet Place", and to Marvel's introduction of its first deaf superhero Makkari, are we catching a tide shift of deaf representation on the big screen? In this episode, we tried to unpack the disability narrative in Chinese popular culture with our two guests - special education teacher Yiru Chen, and PhD candidate on disability law Renci Xie, highlighting ableism in those tropes, and attempted to imagine a version of pop culture that includes and elevates those disadvantaged.
05:51 “宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来”的“感动中国”叙事的陷阱
12:32 残障体验的多样性和个性教育计划(IEP)的重要性
19:00 “健全中心主义“是什么?中国的残障者需要面对哪些独有的挑战?
34:20 残障的定义是什么?是一种缺失,还是一种流动的状态?
46:30 那些需要破除的刻板印象——“卖拐”,轮椅街舞,惹人怜爱的残障女性
1:01:00 “我们需要创造一个对弱者友好的社会”
05:51 The “motivation porn” trap of creating content on disability
12:32 Disability is a diverse experience and the importance of Individuality Education Programs (IEPs)
19:00 What is "ableism"? What unique challenges do people with disabilities face in China?
34:20 What is the definition of a disability? Is it “an absence”, or a state in flux?
46:30 Stereotypes that need to be dismantled
1:01:00 "We need to create a society that is friendly to the disadvantaged"
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