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疲惫娇娃 CyberPink

036 | Taylor Swift的时代和我们的青春 Modern Girlhood through Taylor Swift and Her Eras

99 min • 27 november 2023


【聊了什么The What】

无论你是Taylor Swift的忠实粉丝还是普通路人,你肯定听说过这位美国女歌手,以及她从出道以来经历的不同的“eras”(时代)对流行文化的影响。

从她高中时期固化女性形象“You belong with me”的时代,2009年金融危机后被Kanye羞辱的”受害者公主“时代,2010年中期的时代金发红裙维密秀上的时代,再到2023年她开启的全美巡演撬动几十亿美元经济活动的”eras”时代。

这期疲惫娇娃,我们以Taylor Swift在2023年的演唱会名字“Eras”为主题,回顾她2008年初出茅庐再到2023成为定义时代的流行巨星的一路。无论是循环播放她的歌,还是将她作为流行文化的符号来去深入研究,我们都在人生的不同阶段和Taylor Swift交织。每一个Taylor的时代都能让我们回溯到过去十五年的某一种人生状态,唤起一些根深蒂固的回忆和情绪。本期节目中我们深入挖掘她多年来的各种造型,职业生涯变革的颁奖典礼时刻,与其他巨星的争执以及她的音乐——并探讨这些主题如何与我们自己的成长紧密相连,以及过去十五年“女性”作为一个集体意识是如何进化和蜕变。

Whether you’re a die-hard Swiftie or just a regular person who’s not into her songs, there’s no denying the grip that Ms. Taylor Swift has had on American pop culture since her debut in 2006.

In her most recent “Eras” tour, which generated roughly $5 Billion USD for the US economy, Taylor Swift walks the audience through her many eras: the hopeless romantic princess in sparkly dresses in “You Belong With Me,” who then fell from her pumpkin carriage and claimed victimhood after Kanye’s public humiliation of her in 2009; clapping back at critics and experimenting musically with “Red;” embracing her "girl squad" of famous friends and cementing her spot as a pop culture icon with “1989;” her villainelle era with “Reputation;” and taking quaratining at home to the next level by embracing cottagecore with “Folklore” and “Evermore” during the pandemic.

In this episode of CyberPink, we take a look at how different stages of our own lives intersect with Taylor Swift’s eras and how we interacted with her – whether it’s through passionately listening to her songs on repeat, reciting the lyrics, or simply studying her as a pop culture artifact and what her popularity means from an anthropological perspective. Each Taylor era evokes memories and emotions that allow us to revisit a moment somewhere in the last fifteen years. So join us as we dive deep into her many looks through the years, career-changing award show moments, feuds with other mega stars, and her music – and explore how the themes intricately intertwined with our own growth, and the evolution of what it means to be a modern woman.

【时间轴 The When】

  • 03:00 Fearless Era:来自纳什维尔的邻家女孩和我们的青春期

  • 22:29 在2009年MTV音乐录影带大奖颁奖舞台上,Taylor和Kanye命运的齿轮开始转动

  • 37:00 Red Era:流行巨星Taylor同时也是机灵乖巧的”最大公约数女性“

  • 42:40 Taylor vs Spotify:改变音乐行业的流媒体

  • 50:00 Famous歌词的争议,和2016年前后美国流行文化的大转弯

  • 01:09:00 Reputation Era:Taylor的音乐母带和重录争议

  • 01:25:05 Midnights Era:Taylor的第十张专辑,为女性和自己创作

  • 03:00 Fearless Era: The girl next door from Nashville and our collective coming-of-age

  • 22:29 On the stage of the 2009 MTV VMAs, the wheels of fate begin to turn for Taylor and Kanye

  • 37:00 Red Era: Pop superstar Taylor as the clever, well-behaved “common denominator” woman

  • 42:40 Taylor vs Spotify: When streaming upheaved the music industry

  • 50:00 The controversial lyrics of “Famous” and America's culture shift around 2016

  • 01:09:00 Reputation Era: Debate over Taylor's master recordings and re-recordings

  • 01:25:05 Midnights Era: Taylor's tenth album, written for all women and herself

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