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The Akashic Reading Podcast

The Akashic Reading Podcast

Before you can read an Akashic Record for others it's helpful to know what the Akashics is, how to navigate through it, and how to read your own. Each episode will explore an aspect of the Akashics ranging from general information on how to access it, discussions of beings who reside there and how to interact with them, tours of unusual or lesser known areas of the Akashics, healing practices, Akashic meditations, and of course discussions about the Akashic Library and your soul book. These discussions are focused on how to help you use the wisdom you gain in the Akashics to create the life you desire and deserve.


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Working On Relationships In Your Akashic Relationship Book

Looking at how your Akashic relationship book can help you understand the full spectrum of purpose and lessons for a given event or relationship,  or even lead you to realize there weren't any at all. 

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Empowering Your Life In Relationships

Discussing how relationships are an ongoing conversation/negotiation of our personal power in interconnection with another and how to wield it, and ourselves, with gentle grace. 

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Don't Imagine but Daydream Your Way Into the Akashics

Looking at how daydreaming is a form of Akashic meditation and how to use it.

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Eldership is Leveling Up

Looking into how eldership is when we have the opportunity to shine most brightly as our essential selves.

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Using Past Lives for Healing

Talking about how Past Lives are a way to navigate our previous experiences and wisdom so we can use them to unfold our best self now.  Akashic Classes:

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Let Go of Releasing and Reclaim Your Life

Taking a close look at the spirituality fad of releasing everything to the point of self harm and how reclaiming, nurturing, and enhancing might be better options or even solutions to the problem.

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How to Get Out of Your Own Way and Read Your Akashic Record

Talking about how to use the skills you already have, via day dreaming and meditation, to access the Akashics consciously. 

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Setting Themes and Seasons for 2024

Walking through how to use Themes and Seasons, rather than Resolutions, to engage positively with 2024.

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Unsticking the Stuck Spots

Digging into how to determine what is actually stuck when you experience stuck behaviors, where they are stuck, and how to unstick them.

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2024 Year of the Wood Dragon

Talking about the energies of this coming year, the change over from Rabbit to Wood Dragon, and what it means for each of us.

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Manifest Healthy Partnership Like Baking A Cake

Looking deeply into how manifesting a healthy and loving partner is like baking a cake rather than aiming at the right target or having good luck. You probably have all the right ingredients, but how you add them, when, and how much matters on whether this cake this time will be edible or a tragic mess.

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What Does It Mean to See Energy

Looking at how seeing energy is a bit like watching a movie.  There are various genre's and what they have to say varies even within that genre so it's helpful to be able to recognize which one your seeing and learn some of the more common tropes.

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Relationship Contracts

Looking at how not all relationships are preplanned or destined.  Just as many are made in the moment in response to need, change in direction, growth, and the magic of all the unique individuals unfolding in an interconnected world.

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2 Ways to Improve Your Akashic Skills

Looking at two different ways to upgrade your akashic practice: engage in questions as part of a conversation and don't assume you know what something means right off the bat. Akashic Lvl 1 Class:

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Conversations with Animal Guides Spirit Guides and Akashic Beings

Talking about how to create a relationship with Akashic beings beyond seeing them as authorities or answer machines.

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The 411 on Soul Groups

Looking at soul groups and how we do and don't work with in embodied life.

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An Akashic Kundalini Practice

Talking about how utilize Kundalini to create relationship with the self rather than see it as a means of escape.

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The Spiritual Path of Choice

Looking at the role of choice in our lives. Not that we are all powerful, but throughout our lives our responses to events, our actions in the face of what if, end up defining us and creating the experiences from which we'll weave our soul's wisdom.  The Morrigan  Warrior meditation:

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The 3 R's for Thriving On Your Path

Talking about how the process of releasing is only one part of the healing process. To be fully effective you must also practice reclaiming and retraining.

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3 Basics for Working with Akasha Safely

Looking at boundaries, grounding and cleansing as part of a healthy, lived in Akashic practice.

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Are We Here to Learn or Apply What We Know

Diving into how to determine whether the life you're living is meant to help you learn lessons and acquire skills, provide a means to practice and enhance skills you've already learned, or live a life of service as a fully accomplished practitioner of the skills you've acquired.  My class Reading Your Akashic Record - Intermediate:

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What are Akashic Contracts

Digging into the actual ins and outs of soul contracts including how they describe our intentions to do things, learn things, and become things, --- allow us to change, add, subtract, and morph the contract continually, --- do not mandate how we achieve our intentions, AND contain no punishments.

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The Seekers Path

Talking about the adventures and challenges Seekers go through as they unlearn wrapping their head around lessons and goals to learn the way of co-creating an unfolding life.  The Tor:

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Ways of Finding The One

Talking about how to manifest a partner rather than a solution to a problem or a remedy for pain.

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Emotions are the Language of the Soul

Talking about how emotions are the wisdom of your soul and how to listen to and implement that wisdom in your life.

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Who's In My Soul Group?

Working through what it takes to recognize who is or isn't in your soul group, why they are in your life now, and what opportunities are there for you both moving forward from here.

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How to Work with Your Psychic Gifts or Clairs

Getting into the details about what clairs are, how they work, how to work with them, and how you can choose to incorporate them into your life.

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Honor Your Non-Negotiables

Taking a deep dive into how you can identify and admit to yourself what your non-negotiables are, incorporate them into your choices, decisions and boundaries, then act on them to make them a fundamental part of your path and your life.

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How To Use an Akashic Problem Solving Box

Talking about the ways you can expand your Akashic practice by including an Akashic Problem Solving Box.   Akashic Level I Class:

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Unlearning Through Relationships

Looking at how to use the common "What if" question to unwind negative life lessons and unfold who we truly are.

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Meditation, Mindfulness, Trauma, and the Megaphone

Looking at how meditation and mindfulness practices are not a virtue in and of themselves, they may not be a good fit for your spiritual path and can heighten or enhance trauma if not engaged in with skilled support.

Pat Ogden "Sensorimotor Psychotherapy: Interventions for Trauma and Attachment "

Bessel Van der Kolk "Overcoming Trauma Through Yoga: Reclaiming Your Body"

David Treleaven "Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness: Practices for Safe and Transformative Healing."

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Working with Kundalini Akashically

Looking into working with Kundalini as a means to unfold and unpack our higher selves and Akashic wisdom into our embodied lives.

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How to Have Healthy Chakras

Taking a deepish dive into Chakras and how it's better to have a relationship with them than to artificially force them to flow, spin, radiate or balance.

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Reading the Pages of Your Akashic Record

Talking about the logistics of actually reading from your soul book vs. getting information downloads, having experiences, or channeling.

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Recovering the Wisdom of Past Lives

Digging into the various ways you can retrieve past life experiences and information as well as how to understand it all in context once you have it.

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How to Actually Read Your Akashic Record or Soul Book

Looking at the difference between accessing information and answers verses actually reading an Akashic record or soul book.

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Manifesting Your Best Life Through Your Akashic Record

Digging into why and how to manifest your practical life and spiritual path via your soul book and it's Opportunity Map.  Online Courses:

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Write the Story of You

Working through how to rewrite your personal narrative to heal old wounds, bring closure, tie up loose ends and change surviving into thriving.

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Relationships and Money - How to Value Yourself

Discussing how money is the language of value while relationships are the act of valuing, both of which we use to discuss our own worth and the worth of others.

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The Magic Manifestation Trunk

Talking about how to quickly and cleanly manifest things via one aspect of your Akashic room.

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4 Techniques for Clear Spiritual Answers

Talking about how to aim your questions and requests at the sweet spot which gets you clearer answers and better manifesting results.

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Relationships and Your Soul Purpose

Discussing how relationships are one means we use to further the unfolding of our spiritual path.

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The Fields of Unfolding

Talking about how to see and activate new options for your path in this life. The Fields of Unfolding meditation:

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Enhance Your Intuition

Discussing how the technique for accessing your intuition isn't as important as putting in the hours.  Because intuition is a skill and like any skill you get out of it the amount of effort you put in.

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Steering Your Spiritual Path: Need To - Have To - Get To

Diving into how to hear our soul speaking through our own words and to use them to steer us on our spiritual path.

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Using Akasha to Heal Your Life

Digging into how Akasha heals holistically which means it treats all the areas and aspects of the self to thoroughly transform what has been a negative into wisdom and a path forward.

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Akashic Conversations With Your Past Lives

Discussing how to access your past lives to get helpful advice on how to navigate this one.

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The Can vs The Will of Manifesting

Talking about how in manifesting it's not just about you concentrating your will. You also need to attend to the context in which you're manifesting to determine if such a thing is possible within your current situation.

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The Mirrors, Self-Sabotage and Bypassing of Soul Level Connections

Taking a deep dive into how a desire for soul level connection is actually self-sabotage and avoiding actual relationship with negative consequences.

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Being Yourself and On Your Path in Overwhelming Times

Digging into how to shrug off the "shoulds" and expectations which can drive a sense of overwhelm and instead tailor your spiritual path to support you in unfolding in chaotic times.

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