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Deep State Radio

Deep State Radio

Twice a week, this podcast will take you on a smart, direct, sometimes scary, sometimes profane, sometimes hilarious tour of the inner workings of American power and of the impact of our leaders and their policies on our standing in the world. Hosted by noted author and commentator David Rothkopf and featuring regulars Rosa Brooks of Georgetown Law School, Kori Schake of Stanford University and David Sanger of the New York Times, the program will be the lively, smart dinner table conversation on the big issues of the day that you wish you were having...without the calories. Sometimes special guests will join the conversation and always the emphasis will be on providing the unvarnished perspectives others shy away from. Deep State Radio is the insider perspective on American national security and foreign policy that you can't find anywhere else. If you are enjoying this podcast, please consider becoming a member by visiting


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July 16: President Joe Biden Sits Down With Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

On the Friday edition of the DSR Daily, we cover President Joe Biden's meeting with Netanyahu, Gavin Newsom and his handling of the homelessness crisis in California, attacks on transportation at the start of the Paris Olympics, and more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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The Daily Blast: MAGA?s Repulsive New Attacks on ?Laughing Kamala? Show Hidden Weakness

In recent days, Donald Trump and MAGA media figures have ramped up the attacks on Kamala Harris?s laugh, her personality, and her temperament. That?s vile stuff, but MAGA?s strategy also suggests an inability to entertain a remarkable possibility: What if Harris?s laugh and energy are actually well suited to this moment in American politics? Jenifer Fernandez Ancona, co-founder of the progressive strategy group Way to Win, has been advising Democrats to respond aggressively to racist and sexist attacks on Harris. We talked to Ancona about whether Harris?s temperament might prove to be kryptonite to MAGA?s negativity and hate. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Inside the Miracle of Kamala Harris?s First Week on the Campaign Trail

Kamala Harris?s campaign has been an adrenaline shot in the arms of Democrats. With astonishing amounts of money being raised and a wave of enthusiasm that has been sorely lacking, the Dems are ready to take the fight to Trump in November. EJ Dionne and Jennifer Rubin join David Rothkopf to break down Harris?s incredible momentum and more.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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July 25: President Joe Biden Addresses the Nation

On the Thursday edition of the DSR Daily, we cover President Joe Biden's address from the Oval Office amidst his decision to not seek reelection, Netanyahu's address to Congress, Robert Kennedy Jr.'s fizzling campaign for president, relations between Russia and India, and more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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The Daily Blast: Pete Buttigieg Destroys J.D. Vance?s Ugly ?Childless Cat Lady? Smear

A vile quote from J.D. Vance just surfaced in which he described Kamala Harris and other Democratic leaders as ?childless cat ladies,? and spun out a whole theory based on this absurdity. Then Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg sharply dressed down Vance for poking his nose into other people?s family decisions. With this response, Buttigieg showed that Vance has invited a much larger national conversation?one that won?t help Vance and Donald Trump. We talked to Melissa Gira Grant, a staff writer at The New Republic who closely tracks Vance?s ideas, for help in illuminating what this saga tells us about the New Right?s tortured views on gender, natalism and nationalism. Listen to this episode here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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The GOP Cheers a War Criminal

Netanyahu?s much dreaded speech before Congress has come and gone. So what happened? Rosa Brooks, Alon Pinkas, David Sanger, and Ed Luce join David Rothkopf to discuss the key takeaways from the speech and why a Harris presidency could shake-up the US/Israel relationship. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Words Matter: Inside the First Days of the Harris Campaign

Just days after Biden dropped out of the race and endorsed Kamala Harris for president, we are beginning to see the first signs of a new and reinvigorated Democratic campaign. On today's episode, Norm and Kavita are back to discuss the Harris v. Trump presidential race and more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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July 24: Trump Campaign Regretting JD Vance VP Pick

On the Wednesday edition of the DSR Daily, we cover the Trump campaign's increasing regret over their VP pick, Republican leaders urging colleagues to steer clear of racist and sexist attacks on Harris, Palestinian groups ending divisions by signing an agreement in China, and more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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The Daily Blast: J.D. Vance?s Shocker on Trump and Sexual Assault Unmasks the True MAGA

This week we learned that Donald Trump?s running mate J.D. Vance repeatedly suggested in 2016 that he believed Trump committed sexual assault. Vance has since softened his views, but this saga captures the essential Vance: He knows exactly what he has now attached himself to, but sees Trump as a vehicle to accomplish some truly radical societal transformations. We talked to tech writer Gil Duran, author of a good piece in The New Republic tracing the ?techno-authoritarian? worldview driving Vance, about what his evolution from clear-eyed Trump critic to full MAGA devotee says about today?s red-pilled right?and about our politics more broadly. Listen to this episode here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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July 23: Kamala Harris secures enough delegates for nomination

On the Tuesday edition of the DSR Daily, we cover Vice President Harris securing enough delegates for party nomination, the House's hearing of Secret Service Director Cheatle, the EU addressing consumer fears over Meta's new security policy, and more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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The Daily Blast: Fox News's Awful New Kamala Harris Smears Hit Nuclear Levels of Idiocy

Ever since President Biden suspended his campaign, Fox News and right wing media have been scrambling madly for an effective attack on Vice President Kamala Harris. They?ve ridiculed her laugh. They?ve mocked her as a product of DEI. They?ve attacked her as too soft on crime and too tough on crime. All of which gets at a larger story: Kamala Harris is very hard for the right to pigeonhole. We talked to Elaina Plott Calabro, a staff writer for The Atlantic who reports trenchantly on Harris? political career, about why the right?s contortions could prove a major dynamic in the presidential race, and how Harris?s own struggle to find her political identity could now loom large. Listen to this episode here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Wow, Wow, Wow: The Harris for President Campaign Begins

After weeks of speculation, the unprecedented has finally happened. With Joe Biden officially stepping aside to endorse Kamala Harris for President, an entirely new campaign is now underway. In a special two-part episode, Tara McGowan and Simon Rosenberg join David Rothkopf to break down the dynamics of this new race, while members gain access to more insight from Rosa Brooks, Ed Luce, and David. You won?t want to miss it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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July 22: President Biden Pulls Out of the 2024 Race

On the Monday edition of the DSR Daily, we cover President Biden's decision to drop out of the presidential race, a spike in Democrat support for Vice President Kamala Harris to be the party's nominee, Netanyahu's upcoming visit to the White House, and more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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The Daily Blast: Trump's Alarming New Rant About Dictators Exposes Media's Epic Failure

At a rally in Michigan over the weekend, Donald Trump uncorked one of his longest rants ever in praise of the world?s autocrats, strongmen and dictators. He hailed Xi Jinping of China as ?brilliant? for controlling 1.4 billion people ?with an iron fist,? and described Xi, Russia?s Vladimir Putin and Hungary?s Viktor Orban as ?tough? and ?smart.? We talked to Rick Wilson, the prominent Never Trumper and Substacker, about Trump?s explicit campaign promise of authoritarian rule, the GOP?s enthusiastic embrace of it, and the media?s utter failure to alert voters to what?s coming. Listen to this episode here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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FTS: Words Matter - Breaking Down the January 6th Indictment

Original air date: August 4, 2023 If you've been watching as much coverage of the indictment as we have, then you're probably more confused than ever. Norm and Kavita are here to make sense of it all, discussing what the indictment really means, how we got to this point, and what it will mean for Trump and the Republicans moving into 2024. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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FTA: Integrity and Imagination: An Intel Community Pro Turned Novelist Looks Ahead

Original air date: July 23, 2023 They say you should write what you know. After over thirty years in the intelligence community, Alma Katsu certainly knows a lot. Alma joins Marc and David to share her experiences working in intelligence, tapping her experiences as an author, and the blurring line between fact and fiction in the world of AI. Don?t miss it.? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Siliconsciousness: How Do We Handle the Dangerous Cocktail of WMDs & AI?

The threat of WMDs already keeps us up at night. But what happens when AI makes the development of WMDs faster, easier, and more accessible? Assistant Secretary for the DHS?s Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office Mary Ellen Callahan joins David Rothkopf to discuss this unique, and growing, threat. This material is distributed by TRG Advisory Services, LLC on behalf of the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in the U.S.. Additional information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington, DC. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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July 19: Trump Recounts Assassination Attempt in RNC Speech

On the Friday edition of the DSR Daily, we cover Trump's closing RNC speech, a drone strike by Yemen's Houthi, a widespread tech meltdown, and more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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The Daily Blast: Matt Gaetz?s Weird ?AI Sex Doll? Speech Caps RNC Descent Into Madness

Today?s pod tackles a subject of profound importance: The sheer, inexplicable weirdness of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. There?s Representative Matt Gaetz?s bizarre speech, in which his face was so taut that one Republican derided him as an ?AI sex doll.? There are all the ugly ?Mass Deportations Now!? signs, the cultish rituals in which attendees treated Trump as their MAGA God King, and much, much more. We talked to Ron Filipkowski, who closely tracks the right wing as the head of Meidas Touch News. He helped us find meaning underneath all the ugliness and insanity. Listen to this episode here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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The Quadrennial Admiral Stockdale "Who Are We Why Are We Here?" Political Confusion Episode

As the Republican National Convention approaches its end, more calls for Joe Biden to step down from the election have sprung up in the media. What possibilities are there for replacing Biden? And how is the RNC shaping the Trump campaign? Pete Dominick and Nell Scovell join David Rothkopf to talk potential Democratic heroes and MAGA celebrities - from Kamala Harris and JD Vance to Hulk Hogan and Jon Stewart - and much, much more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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July 18: Biden More Receptive to Calls to Step Down

On the Thursday edition of the DSR daily, we cover Biden's changing reception to calls for him to step down, European leaders discussing migration and Ukraine at a UK Summit, Jack Smith's formal appeal of Trump's classified documents case dismissal, and more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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The Daily Blast: Marjorie Taylor Greene?s Rage at a Reporter Hints at a Very Dark 2025

Surprise, surprise: The Republican convention is turning into a festival of media bashing. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene did something that deserves special attention: After fielding a question about J.D. Vance that displeased her, Greene erupted, repeatedly dressing down the reporter in strikingly vicious terms. Arizona senate candidate Kari Lake, meanwhile, used her convention speech to similarly smear the press. All this is a bad omen: If Donald Trump wins the election, the assault on the press is going to shift into authoritarian overdrive. We talked to Media Matters senior fellow Matt Gertz, who explains why a Trump crackdown on the press could get alarmingly far. Listen to this episode here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Who's to Blame for the Trump Cult?

With the Republican National Convention in full-swing, all eyes are on Donald Trump and running mate JD Vance. What do the decadent celebrations of the RNC tell us about Trump?s appeal? How will a pro-Putin running mate in JD Vance affect Trump?s foreign policy? David Rothkopf is joined by Rosa Brooks, Ed Luce, and Tom Nichols to analyze the current state of the Trump campaign and more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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The DSR Daily for July 17: Biden Weighs Supreme Court Reforms

On the DSR daily for July 17, we cover President Biden?s consideration of Supreme Court reform, the guilty verdict in Senator Menendez?s corruption trial, an Iranian plot to assassinate Trump, and more. We also welcome our new co-host, Minnah Stein! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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The Daily Blast: J.D. Vance?s Stunning Admission About Trump Spells Trouble for MAGA

Now that Ohio Senator J.D. Vance is Donald Trump?s running mate, everyone is combing through his old quotes, and a striking one has surfaced: in 2016, Vance warned that Trump threatened to take the white working class to a ?very dark place.? In short, Vance once understood that MAGA ideology, at its core, is really, really toxic. And that?s a big political vulnerability. We talked to Sarah Longwell, the pollster and prominent Never Trumper, about how the Vance pick will showcase the worst aspects of MAGA throughout this race and how Democrats can try to use that to win swing voters. Listen to this episode here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Words Matter: From Pennsylvania to Milwaukee - Last Week in the Trump Campaign

From an attempted assassination to the Republican National Convention, much has changed the direction of Trump?s campaign in the past few days. Norm and Kavita are back to discuss the shooting in Pennsylvania, the announcement of JD Vance as Trump?s running mate, and Trump?s ongoing legal issues. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Is Our Entire System of Justice at Risk? 

November?s election is an existential threat to our justice system. With Judge Cannon?s decision to dismiss Trump?s documents case and the Supreme Court's ruling on immunity, the power of the Presidency has grown to an unsustainable level. The Trump-Vance administration would be certain to put that power to the test. Barb McQuade joins David Rothkopf to break down the latest news and why the stakes could not be higher. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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The DSR Daily for July 16: J.D. Vance is Trump?s VP Pick

On the Tuesday edition of the DSR daily, we cover the announcement of J.D. Vance as Trump?s VP candidate, Israel allowing in more UN equipment, the defection of a high-ranking North Korean diplomat, and more.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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The Daily Blast: MAGA?s Shameless Bid to Exploit Trump Shooting Takes a Darker Turn

In the days after the horrific effort to assassinate Donald Trump, MAGA figures have widely sought to exploit this moment of national crisis, by arguing that Democrats invited or even encouraged the shooting. The leading proponent of this absurd claim is Ohio Senator J.D. Vance, and on Tuesday, Trump announced that Vance will be his running mate. We talked to Alex Shephard, a senior editor at The New Republic and author of a great new piece on this new MAGA agitprop, about why the Vance pick?and other assorted signs?suggest that the politics around the shooting are going to get a lot more poisonous. Listen to this episode here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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FTS: AAI - National Security Journalism is Even Harder than it Looks

Original air date: April 22, 2024 With conflicts raging in Ukraine, Gaza, and beyond, the job of covering conflict and national security is more important than ever. But how do journalists provide accurate and reliable coverage? CNN national security correspondent Kylie Atwood joins Marc Polymeropoulos to discuss the unique challenges of our current national security climate and more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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SLoC: Mollie Katzen - Bread, Butter and Deep Breaths

Mollie Katzen, of Moosewood fame, is this week?s guest. Marissa and Mollie discuss the political situation and future of democracy in the U.S., but, as you might expect, the conversation turns to the power of food, more specifically how to make ourselves feel better these days. If you?ve found yourself struggling with the news, this episode is a must-listen. Bread and butter, anyone? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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The DSR Daily for July 15: Biden Urges Unity After Trump Assassination Attempt

On the Monday edition of the DSR daily, we discuss Biden?s calls for unity after an assassination attempt of Donald Trump, Israel?s latest strikes on Gaza, French struggles to form a government, and more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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The Daily Blast: Trump Assassination Horror: ?America Is Not Ready For What Comes Next?

At the time of this recording, we know little about the attempt to assassinate Donald Trump. He was hit in the ear, but thankfully doesn?t appear seriously injured. The 20-year-old gunman has been identified as Thomas Matthew Crooks. He was registered as a Republican but donated $15 to a progressive group in January 2021, and we know nothing of his motive. Political violence is absolutely unacceptable no matter who is targeted. So for now we will focus on the bigger picture: We talked to Zack Beauchamp, author of a new book called The Reactionary Spirit and a piece for Vox called: ?America is not ready for what comes next,? about whether this horror will lead to an escalation and what it says that American society is again at this point. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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FTS: Words Matter - If You Can?t Take the Heat? Talking Climate, the Border, and More

Original Air Date: July 27, 2023 It?s hot here in DC, but we?re not alone. Norm and Kavita talk climate change and what the administration can do to combat disinformation to change the conversation around climate. Additionally, we discuss what the Democrats can and should be doing to stop Governor Abbott?s abhorrent policies at the border. For all this and more, tune in!? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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FTA: Can the US-Israel "Special Relationship" Survive?

Original Air Date: July 26, 2023 The United States and Israel have long had a ?special relationship.? Yet with the Netanyahu government?s latest assault on Israeli democracy, that relationship is under more strain than ever. Former Israeli diplomat Alon Pinkas and independent journalist and author Emily Tamkin join David Rothkopf to break down the future of US-Israel relations and how the Biden administration can maintain a long-time partnership while protecting democratic values. ? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Siliconsciousness: A Conversation with an AI Optimist

Is there a silver lining to the AI cloud? With so much talk of the doom and gloom of the AI age, we?ve lost sight of the potential benefits of such a tectonic shift in technology. Michael Strain joins David Rothkopf to share why he?s an AI optimist and why its benefits have been minimized in the mainstream discourse. This material is distributed by TRG Advisory Services, LLC on behalf of the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in the U.S.. Additional information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington, DC. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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The DSR Daily for July 12: Takeaways from Biden?s News Conference

On the DSR daily for Friday, we cover the main takeaways from President Biden?s news conference, Orban?s visit with Trump at Mar-a-Lago, 500 pound bombs being sent to Israel, and more.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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WAGD: Iran?s New President - Does it Really Matter?

Iran has a new President, but will it avert a nuclear standoff with the west and Israel? The election of a ?reformist" president long seemed a far-fetched possibility. However, the death of conservative President Ebrahim Raisi in May and the election of reformist President Masoud Pezeshkian this month has shifted the political landscape and now presents numerous questions for the future of Iranian foreign policy. Ali Baez joins Heather Williams and Jon Wolfsthal to discuss the results of the election, pathways for reform, and the implications of a new government on the global stage. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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The Daily Blast: Trump?s Sleazy New ?Project 2025? Disavowal Scam Blows Up in His Face

In recent days, Donald Trump has angrily claimed he knows nothing about Project 2025, the blueprint his allies are drawing up for an authoritarian second term presidency. But CNN is now reporting that at least 140 people from the Trump administration have a hand in the Project 2025 plan. And NBC News has unearthed video showing that Trump expressly praised the plan?s creators for their work in 2022. We talked to Amanda Becker?a reporter for The 19th News and author of a forthcoming piece on Project 2025?s minutiae?who explains why Trump keeps running from Project 2025 and what its darker designs really have in store for us. Listen to this episode here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Words Matter: Dealing with the Backlash - the Democratic Party and Biden?s Future

Growing concerns over President Biden?s ability to remain in the election has created a divisive conversation that has rocketed to the forefront of major media coverage. How are these discontents taking shape in Washington? Norm and Kavita are back to discuss Biden?s commitment to remaining in the race, growing concerns within the Democratic Party, and the behind-the-scenes debates taking place in Washington. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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We?ve Never Seen a Moment Like This in American Politics

The current situation around the Biden campaign is unprecedented. With so many voices calling for Biden to step aside and conflict within the Democratic Party, what can we do? More importantly, how can we keep the momentum to defeat Trump in November? Tara McGowan and Simon Rosenberg are back with David Rothkopf to discuss all this and more.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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The DSR Daily for July 11: New Poll Says Most Dems Want Biden to Drop Out

On the DSR daily for Thursday, we share the latest news on a new poll that shows a majority of Dems want Biden to drop out, an announcement that Russia will counter the deployment of long-range missiles in Germany, a new report on growing anti-semitism in Europe, and more.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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The Daily Blast: Trump?s Lead Just Got Scarier?but This Dem Still Sees a Path for Biden

With President Biden forcefully declaring that he isn?t leaving the presidential race, the latest polling looks frightening. The Cook Political Report just released new polling averages showing Donald Trump leading Biden nationally by three points. FiveThirtyEight?s averages also look grim. New swing state polls show Trump dominating. But Ron Klain, the former White House chief of staff to Biden, nonetheless maintains that Biden is still the Democrat with the best shot against Trump. We invited Klain on the show, and he fielded some hard questions while making an expansive case that Biden still has a path.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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What Do NATO?s Leaders Fear the Most?

All eyes are on the NATO summit in Washington DC. What decisions will the alliance make with regards to Ukraine? How will President Biden perform? Former NATO ambassadors Ivo Daalder and Gen. Doug Lute join Kori Schake, Ed Luce, Rosa Brooks, and David Rothkopf to analyze what NATO?s leaders are looking to achieve ? and what?s at stake.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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The DSR Daily for July 10: NATO Announces Air Defense Systems for Ukraine

On the DSR daily for Wednesday, we discuss NATO?s pledge to supply Ukraine with air defense systems, an Israeli air strike on a camp in Gaza, a Russian arrest warrant for Alexei Navalny?s widow, and more.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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The Daily Blast: Surprise: Biden Is Suddenly Close to Defeating the Push to Oust Him

Although the Democratic Party remains mired in infighting over President Biden?s disastrous debate performance, congressional Democrats now appear increasingly convinced that he will survive as the nominee. They seem resigned to this even as many appear convinced he will lose to Donald Trump in November. What happened here, exactly? We talked to The American Prospect?s David Dayen, who has a good new piece called ?Why the Bid to Push Out Biden is Losing,? about how Biden seems to have shut down the opposition, what it says about the Democratic Party, and why there?s still grounds for deep anxiety about what comes next. Listen to this episode here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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The DSR Daily for July 9: Biden Condemns ?Russian Brutality?

On the DSR daily for Tuesday, we cover President Biden?s condemnation of a Russian missile attack, Israel?s latest assault on Gaza City, Keir Starmer?s pledge to improve on an EU trade deal, and more.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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The Daily Blast: Shocker: Trump?s Sudden New Abortion Shift Turns Out to Be a Big Scam

On Monday, we learned that the committee for the 2024 Republican convention is debating a new platform, proposed by Donald Trump, that purports to soften the party?s positions on abortion and same sex marriage. This will be widely interpreted as a savvy effort to woo swing voters and suburban women. But what if it?s really an expression of fear that the overturning of Roe v. Wade and the horrors it has unleashed will remain a major problem for Trump and the GOP this fall? We talked to Jess McIntosh, a Democratic strategist and longtime defender of reproductive rights, about what?s driving this shift, why it?s a scam, and how Democrats can make sure voters know it. Listen to this episode here. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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AAI: Is Settler Violence in the West Bank Being Ignored?

With the intense focus on Gaza, other critical issues in Israel have slipped into the background. Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Mark Mazzetti joins Marc Polymeropoulos to discuss the lack of coverage on settler violence in the West Bank and how Israel's rightward shift poses significant challenges both domestically and internationally. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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The DSR Daily for July 8: Stunning Results from French Election

On the DSR daily for Monday, we cover the stunning results from the French election, a horrifying missile attack on Ukraine, protests in Israel, and more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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