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Babel: Translating the Middle East

Babel: Translating the Middle East

Babel will take you beyond the headlines to discuss what?s really happening in the Middle East and North Africa. It features regional experts who explain what?s going on, provide context on pivotal developments, and highlight trends you may have missed. Jon Alterman, senior vice president, Zbigniew Brzezinski Chair in Global Security and Geostrategy, and director of the Middle East Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies hosts the podcast along with his colleagues from the Middle East Program. This podcast is made possible through the generous support of the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates. All views, positions, and conclusions expressed here should be understood to be solely of those of the speaker(s).


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Hasan Alhasan: The Strategies of Gulf States

This week on Babel, Jon Alterman speaks with Dr. Hasan Alhasan, a research fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) based in Manama, Bahrain. Prior to joining IISS, he served for five years on the staff of the Crown Prince of Bahrain as a senior analyst on foreign policy and national security. Together, they compare Gulf states? foreign policies and their underlying strategies. Then, Jon continues the conversation with Will Todman and Leah Hickert to discuss how Gulf states handle shifts in U.S. strategies and what the Gulf expects from its Great Power partners. Transcript, "Hasan Alhasan: The Strategies of Gulf States," CSIS, July 23, 2024.
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Analysis: Iran's Presidential Election

Masoud Pezeshkian recently won the runoff election to replace Iran's late president, Ebrahim Raisi. This week, Leah Hickert speaks with Jon Alterman, director of the Middle East Program at CSIS, about Pezeshkian and the election's impact on regional politics. A new Analysis from the CSIS Middle East Program. Jon Alterman, "The Impacts of Raisi's Death," CSIS, May 20, 2024.
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Karim Haggag: Egypt's Balancing Act

This week on Babel, Jon Alterman speaks with Ambassador Karim Haggag. After an Egyptian diplomatic career that spanned more than 25 years, Amb. Haggag is now a professor of practice at the American University in Cairo's School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, the director of the university?s Middle East Studies Center, and a non-resident visiting scholar with Harvard University?s Kennedy School of Government. Together, they compare the war in Gaza to other crises in Egypt?s history, discuss Egypt's complicated relationships with Israel and Hamas, and anticipate Egypt's role in the "day after" in Gaza. Then, Jon continues the conversation with Natasha Hall and Leah Hickert to discuss U.S. diplomatic leverage in the Middle East.  Transcript, "Karim Haggag: Egypt's Balancing Act," CSIS, July 9, 2024.
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A Mezze: The Voice Inside AI's Head Speaks English

On March 20, Saudi Arabia announced that it planned to invest $40 billion into AI development. This move comes on the heels of the UAE's creation of two large language models developed within the last year. However, as these Arabic-speaking nations race for AI supremacy, they are starting behind the pack. Josh Phillips, "The Voice Inside AI's Head Speaks English," CSIS, June 18, 2024.
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Karim Elgendy: Climate Diplomacy in the Middle East

This week on Babel, Jon Alterman speaks with Karim Elgendy, an expert on climate and energy policy in the Middle East and North Africa. Elgendy is the associate director at Buro Happold, an associate fellow at Chatham House, and a senior non-resident scholar at the Middle East Institute. They talk about the geopolitics of climate change, the challenges hindering climate diplomacy, and the factors driving energy production in the region. Then, he continues the conversation with Will Todman and Leah Hickert to discuss climate's role in regional diplomacy and the public discourse around climate in the Middle East. Transcript, "Karim Elgendy: Climate Diplomacy in the Middle East," CSIS, June 25, 2024.
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Analysis: Lebanon's Dangerous Campaign against Refugees

Recently, the Lebanese government developed a plan to deport Syrian refugees who were not registered with the United Nations, which accounts for almost half of all refugees in Lebanon. Although Lebanon?s sovereignty is important, so are its humanitarian obligations and its role in regional security. A new Analysis from the CSIS Middle East Program. Natasha Hall and Will Todman, ?Lebanon?s Dangerous Campaign against Refugees,? CSIS, June 4, 2024. 
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Jonathan Rynhold: Israel's Divided Politics

This week on Babel, Jon Alterman speaks with Professor Jonathan Rynhold, the head of the Department of Political Studies at Bar Ilan University and a senior researcher at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies. Together, they talk about how Israeli public opinion has evolved since October 7th, the divisions within Israeli politics, and Israeli attitudes towards President Biden. Then, Jon continues the conversation with Will Todman and Leah Hickert to discuss the dynamics in Israeli strategic thinking and President Biden?s efforts to move the conflict closer to resolution. Transcript, "Jonathan Rynhold: Israel's Divided Politics," CSIS, June 11, 2024.
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Analysis: Environmental Politics in Postrevolutionary Tunisia

Since the revolution, Tunisia has had 12 different governments. Amid chronic political instability, Tunisian institutions lack the legitimacy necessary to implement policies. Environmental policies have taken a particularly hard hit. A new Analysis from the CSIS Middle East Program. Mohamed Omar Kardous, "Political Instability and Environmental Politics in Postrevolutionary Tunisia, CSIS, April 9, 2024.
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Sanam Vakil: Iran's Trajectory after Raisi

This week on Babel, Jon Alterman speaks with Dr. Sanam Vakil, director of the Middle East and North Africa program at Chatham House and a lecturer at Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies for almost 20 years. They talk about the fallout from President Raisi?s death, how Gulf states are likely to react, and the feasibility of U.S. policy options going forward. Then, Jon continues the conversation with Natasha Hall and Leah Hickert to discuss what?s next for Iranian foreign policy and what opportunities there are for the United States. Transcript, "Sanam Vakil: Iran's Trajectory after Raisi," CSIS, May 29, 2024.
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Analysis: The Impacts of Raisi's Death

This week, Leah Hickert speaks with Jon Alterman, director of the Middle East Program at CSIS, about the impacts of Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi's death in a helicopter crash, and how it will affect Iran's foreign and domestic policy. A new Analysis from the CSIS Middle East Program. Jon Alterman, "The Impacts of Raisi's Death," CSIS, May 20, 2024.
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Nicholas Blanford: Hezbollah?s Struggle Against Israel

This week on Babel, Jon Alterman speaks with Nicholas Blanford, a Beirut-based security consultant, the author of two books on Lebanon, and a non-resident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council. They talk about Hezbollah?s evolution, its ties to other actors in the region, and the role the group is playing in the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Then, Jon continues the conversation with Will Todman and Leah Hickert to discuss Hezbollah?s deep roots in Lebanese society and the organization?s future. Transcript, "Nicholas Blanford: Hezbollah?s Struggle Against Israel," CSIS, May 14, 2024. Nicholas Blanford, Warriors of God: Inside Hezbollah's Thirty-Year Struggle Against Israel, Random House, 2011. Nicholas Blanford, Killing Mr Lebanon: The Assassination of Rafik Hariri and Its Impact on the Middle East, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2006.
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A Mezze: The Bonds of Marriage between Syria and Iraq

Desperate for stability and lured by promises of a life of luxury, a Syrian widow accepted a marriage proposal from a member of an Iraqi militia. She did not know that she would become one of dozens of Syrian women to fall victim to Iraqi marriage exploitation in the past year alone. A new Mezze from the CSIS Middle East Program. Josh Phillips, "The Bonds of Marriage between Syria and Iraq," CSIS, May 1, 2024.
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Hans Grundberg: Mediation in Yemen

This week on Babel, Jon Alterman speaks with Hans Grundberg, the United Nations' special envoy of the secretary-general for Yemen. They discuss what a UN mediator does, why successful mediation is about more than just reaching a peace agreement, and how the internationalization of conflicts complicates mediation. Then, Jon continues the conversation with Natasha Hall and Leah Hickert to discuss the tradeoffs between different mediators and why the UN separates its humanitarian work from its mediation efforts. Transcript, "Hans Grundberg: Mediation in Yemen," CSIS, April 30, 2024.
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Analysis: Iran and Israel's Cycle of Retaliation

Leah Hickert speaks with Jon Alterman, director of the Middle East Program at CSIS, about the tensions rising between Iran and Israel, as well as the potential for regional escalation. A new Analysis from the CSIS Middle East Program.
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Hiba Husseini: Peacemaking After Oslo

This week on Babel, Jon Alterman speaks with Hiba Husseini, a Palestinian lawyer and a legal adviser to Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations for 30 years. They discuss the state of pro-peace communities after October 7th and the war in Gaza's effect on future peacemaking efforts. Then, Jon continues the conversation with Will Todman and Leah Hickert to discuss why youth are increasingly supportive of armed struggle, the pre-conditions for a new Palestinian political leadership, and the ways in which Gaza?s reconstruction could create opportunities for peacemaking. Transcript, "Hiba Husseini: Peacemaking After Oslo," CSIS, April 2, 2024.
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Analysis: Support for Refugees Erodes in the Middle East

This week, Leah Hickert speaks with Will Todman, deputy director and senior fellow with the CSIS Middle East Program, about how displacement has become a flashpoint across the region and the innovative solutions necessary to mitigate these crises. A new Analysis from the CSIS Middle East Program. Will Todman, "Support for Refugees Erodes in the Middle East," CSIS, June 5, 2023.
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Zeid Ra?ad Al Hussein: Human Rights in a Messy World

This week on Babel, Jon Alterman speaks with Zeid Ra?ad Al Hussein, the former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, a former Jordanian diplomat, and the current president and CEO of the International Peace Institute. They discuss the pursuit of human rights in a multipolar world and the role that the United Nations can play in Gaza. Then, Jon continues the conversation with Natasha Hall and Leah Hickert to explore the importance of codifying human rights into international law and the challenges of sustaining international attention on human rights crises. Transcript, "Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein: Human Rights in a Messy World," CSIS, April 2, 2024.
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Analysis: The New Forever Wars

This week, Leah Hickert speaks with Natasha Hall, senior fellow with the CSIS Middle East Program, about the U.S. strategy toward protracted conflicts, which can serve as forums for great power competition. A new Analysis from the CSIS Middle East Program. Natasha Hall, "The New Forever Wars," CSIS, January 25, 2024.
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Dana Stroul: The U.S. Defense Strategy in the Middle East

This week on Babel, Jon Alterman speaks with Dana Stroul, the former deputy assistant secretary of defense for the Middle East. They talk about the U.S. defense strategy in the Middle East before and after the war in Gaza, how the conflict has changed U.S. security partnerships with Arab states, and the lessons Israel should learn from U.S. military experience in the region. Then, Jon continues the conversation with Natasha Hall and Leah Hickert to discuss the multi-dimensional challenges of the Israel-Hamas war and the timeline for U.S. government action. Transcript, "Dana Stroul: The U.S. Defense Strategy in the Middle East," CSIS, March 19, 2024.
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Analysis: Redefining Climate Finance for a Troubled World

This week, Leah Hickert speaks with Natasha Hall, senior fellow with the CSIS Middle East Program, about the challenges of mitigating climate change through humanitarian interventions in conflict-affected countries. A new Analysis from the CSIS Middle East Program. Natasha Hall, "Redefining Climate Finance for a Troubled World," CSIS, March 12, 2024.
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Amos Yadlin: A New Type of Israeli War

This week on Babel, Jon Alterman speaks with Amos Yadlin, a former head of the Military Intelligence Directorate of the Israel Defense Forces. They discuss Israeli strategy in Gaza, the impacts of the war on Israel?s global relationships, and how this war differs from Israel?s previous conflicts. Then, Jon continues the conversation with Will Todman and Leah Hickert to discuss how Israelis weigh their international partnerships against what they perceive to be a threat to their survival. Transcript, "Amos Yadlin: A New Type of Israeli War," CSIS, March 5, 2024.
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Audio Brief: What Will the United States Do after the Drone Strike in Jordan?

On January 28, a drone reportedly piloted by forces connected to Iran killed three U.S. troops at a base in northeast Jordan and wounded more than two dozen more. The strike is the highest casualty event the United States has had in the Middle East in more than a decade, prompting questions about how the United States will respond. A new audio brief from the CSIS Middle East Program. Jon Alterman, "What Will the United States Do after the Drone Strike in Jordan?" CSIS, January 29, 2024. Jon Alterman, "'What Will the United States Do after the Drone Strike in Jordan?': Audio Brief with Jon Alterman," CSIS, January 30, 2024. For more spoken word summaries from CSIS experts about their latest reports, white papers, and commentaries, please listen to the CSIS podcast Audio Briefs.
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Amb. David Satterfield: Humanitarian Aid in Gaza

This week on Babel, Jon Alterman speaks with Amb. David Satterfield, the U.S. special envoy for Middle East humanitarian issues. They discuss the crisis in Gaza, the challenges of getting aid to civilians, and the role of humanitarian assistance in ending the conflict. Then, Jon continues the conversation with Will Todman and Leah Hickert to discuss other humanitarian crises in the region and the U.S. government?s competing interests.  Transcript, "Amb. David Satterfield: Humanitarian Aid in Gaza," CSIS, February 20, 2024.
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Audio Brief: A Different Two-State Solution

With violence between Palestinians and Israelis at its highest levels in decades, voices have risen again in favor of a two-state solution. Reviving the idea will require redefining some terms, including "two," "state," and "solution." A new audio brief from the CSIS Middle East Program. Jon Alterman, "A Different Two-State Solution," CSIS, January 10, 2024. Jon Alterman, "Audio Brief: A Different Two-State Solution with Jon B. Alterman," CSIS, February 2, 2024. For more spoken word summaries from CSIS experts about their latest reports, white papers, and commentaries, please listen to the CSIS podcast Audio Briefs.
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Bader Al-Saif: Kuwait's Perceptions, People, and Progress

This week on Babel, Jon Alterman speaks with Bader Al-Saif, a U.S.-trained Kuwaiti academic. Together, they discuss Kuwaitis? perceptions of the Israel-Hamas war, U.S. geostrategy, and where Kuwait itself is headed almost 35 years after Iraq?s invasion of the country. Then, Jon continues the conversation with Will Todman and Leah Hickert to explore the perceptions and use of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict elsewhere in the region. Transcript, "Bader Al-Saif: Kuwait's Perceptions, People, and Progress," CSIS, February 6, 2024. Bader Al-Saif, "?????? ??? ?????... ??? ????? ??????? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ?????? [Kuwait after the Invasion... Between Missed Opportunities and Prospects for Crossing into a New Kuwait], Al Majalla, August 3, 2023.
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Analysis: Environmental Action in Tunisia

This week, Leah Hickert speaks with Will Todman, deputy director and senior fellow with the CSIS Middle East Program, about Manish Msab, the first environmental movement to defeat the Tunisian government in court. A new Analysis from the CSIS Middle East Program. Will Todman, "I Am Not a Dump: Mobilization and Environmental Action in Tunisia," CSIS, January 3, 2024.
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Yana Abu Taleb: Environmental Peacebuilding in Jordan

This week on Babel, Jon Alterman speaks with Yana Abu Taleb, the Jordanian director of EcoPeace Middle East, a trilateral peacebuilding organization that seeks shared solutions to environmental issues affecting Jordan, Israel, and Palestine. Together, they discuss EcoPeace?s development over the past 30 years and the unique challenges it faces today. Then, he continues the conversation with Natasha Hall and Leah Hickert to explore how grassroots activism and peacebuilding vary in different political contexts. Transcript, "Yana Abu Taleb: Environmental Peacebuilding in the Arab-Israeli Conflict," CSIS, January 23, 2023.
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Analysis: Climate Entrepreneurs in the Middle East

This week, Leah Hickert speaks with Will Todman, deputy director and senior fellow with the CSIS Middle East Program, about how entrepreneurs can help regional governments adapt to climate change. A new Analysis from the CSIS Middle East Program. Will Todman, "Entrepreneurs Can Help the Middle East Adapt to Climate Change," CSIS, January 3, 2024.
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Rafat Al-Akhali: Yemen on the Brink

This week on Babel, Jon Alterman speaks with Rafat Al-Akhali, a Yemeni who went from being an exchange student in Canada to being a youth activist, a government minister, and then a development consultant. Together, they discuss youth activism in Yemen, the international community's responses to protracted conflicts, and the outlook for Yemen's future. Then, Jon continues the conversation with Will Todman and Leah Hickert to explore the problem of ?brain drain? and how it affects conflict-affected societies. Transcript, "Rafat Al-Akhali: Yemen on the Brink," CSIS, January 9, 2023.
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Audio Brief: China's Essential Role in the Gulf States' Energy Transitions

China has established itself as an essential partner in Gulf states' energy transitions. However, Western governments have been reluctant to compete head-to-head with Chinese enterprises in the renewables sector in the Gulf. A new audio brief from the CSIS Middle East Program. Faris Al-Sulayman and Jon Alterman, "China's Essential Role in the Gulf States' Energy Transitions," CSIS, December 11, 2023. Jon Alterman, "'China's Essential Role in the Gulf States' Energy Transitions': Audio Brief with Jon B. Alterman," CSIS, December 11, 2023. For more spoken word summaries from CSIS experts about their latest reports, white papers, and commentaries, please listen to the CSIS podcast Audio Briefs.
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Danny Hajjar: Today's Arab Music

This week on Babel, Jon Alterman speaks with music journalist Danny Hajjar about the changing Arab music scene. They talk about the rise of Arab hip-hop, how increasing connectivity influences the way Arab artists produce and distribute music, and what the next big thing will be. Then, Jon continues the conversation with Natasha Hall and Leah Hickert, discussing soft power, censorship, and music.  Transcript, "Danny Hajjar: The Evolution of Arabic Music," CSIS, December 20, 2023. The songs sampled in this episode can be found on the "Today's Arab Music Playlist" on Spotify.
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Analysis: Human Rights in a Multipolar World

This week, Zeid Qiblawi speaks with Natasha Hall, senior fellow with the Middle East Program at CSIS, about the reversal of human rights norms in an increasingly multipolar world. A new Analysis from the CSIS Middle East Program. Natasha Hall, "Breaking Point: Human Rights in a Multipolar World," CSIS, November 30, 2023.
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Renad Mansour and Farea Al-Muslimi: The Cost of Political Settlements in the MENA Region

This week on Babel, you will hear excerpts from Jon Alterman's recent discussion with Chatham House experts Renad Mansour and Farea al-Muslimi, alongside the CSIS Middle East Program's Natasha Hall. They discuss a recent Chatham House report, which argues that although political settlements have been resolving more conflicts in the region, these elite bargains are actually prioritizing stability over accountability, leaving citizens to pay the costs. Then, Jon, Natasha, Renad, and Farea discuss how this phenomenon has played out in Iraq, Lebanon, and Libya, and the potential way forward. Transcript, "Renad Mansour and Farea Al-Muslimi: The Cost of Political Settlements in the MENA Region," CSIS, November 28, 2023. Renad Mansour, Tim Eaton, and Lina Khatib, "Rethinking Political Settlements in the Middle East and North Africa," Chatham House, September 20, 2023.
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Analysis: The Ripple Effect of Water Insecurity

The Middle East is experiencing a water crisis exacerbated by climate change, inefficient water use, and decades of resource mismanagement. Water insecurity not only aggravates pre-existing vulnerabilities; it also drives instability, conflict, and displacement. In this short episode of Babel, Leah Hickert speaks with Natasha Hall about why the region's business-as-usual approach to water is becoming more costly by the day. Natasha Hall, "The Ripple Effects of Water Insecurity," CSIS, May 4, 2023.
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Rula Hardal: Life as a Palestinian Citizen of Israel

This week on Babel, Jon Alterman speaks with Palestinian-Israeli scholar and activist Rula Hardal about her life in both Israel and the West Bank, what reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians would look like, and the concessions that each side needs to make for a sustainable path forward. Then, Jon continues the conversation with Will Todman and Leah Hickert, discussing past moments of crisis in the Middle East, and why some become inflection points, while others don?t.  Transcript, "Rula Hardal: Life as a Palestinian Citizen of Israel," CSIS, November 28, 2023.
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Audio Brief: Israel Could Lose

The Israeli military is the most formidable fighting force in the Middle East. And yet it is quite possible that the war in Gaza will be the first war in Israel?s history that the army has fought and lost. A new audio brief from the CSIS Middle East Program. Jon Alterman, "Israel Could Lose," CSIS, November 7, 2023. Jon Alterman, "'Israel Could Lose': Audio Brief with Jon Alterman," CSIS, November 10, 2023. For more spoken word summaries from CSIS experts about their latest reports, white papers, and commentaries, please listen to the CSIS podcast Audio Briefs.
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Khalil Sayegh: What We Get Wrong About Gaza

This week on Babel, Jon Alterman speaks with Palestinian political analyst Khalil Sayegh about what people get wrong about Gaza, the spread of misinformation, and why grassroots peace efforts need to change in the aftermath of the conflict. Then, Jon continues the conversation with Natasha Hall and Leah Hickert, discussing the war's information landscape and the challenges of grassroots peacebuilding. Transcript, "Khalil Sayegh: What We Get Wrong About Gaza," CSIS, November 14, 2023. Jon Alterman, "Israel Could Lose," CSIS, November 7, 2023.
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A Mezze: Chat GPMufti

A recent flurry of Islamic experimentation with artificial intelligence has been met with mixed results. A new Mezze from the CSIS Middle East Program.
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Neri Zilber: Inside Israeli Politics During Wartime

This week on Babel, Jon Alterman speaks with Tel Aviv-based journalist and analyst Neri Zilber about the war in Gaza, how Israelis are thinking about what comes next, and what it means for the region. Then, Jon continues the conversation with Natasha Hall and Leah Hickert, discussing Arab states' reactions to the conflict and the circumstances in which they might assist in managing post-war Gaza. Transcript, "Neri Zilber: Inside Israeli Politics During Wartime," CSIS, October 31, 2023. Neri Zilber, "Fears Grow the Israel has 'No Plan' Agreed for Postwar Gaza," Financial Times, October 24, 2023. Jon Alterman and Daniel Byman, "The World Can't Solve the Israel-Hamas War without Egypt," CSIS, October 25, 2023. Neri Zilber, "As Biden Arrives, Israel's War Aims are Ambitious, but Incomplete," the Christian Science Monitor, October 17, 2023.
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Analysis: Developments in the Israel-Hamas War

Just over two weeks after Hamas invaded Israel, Leah Hickert speaks with Jon Alterman, director of the Middle East Program at CSIS, about the latest developments in the Israel-Hamas war. A new Analysis from the CSIS Middle East Program. Transcript, "The Outlook for Israel's Military Campaign against Hamas," CSIS, October 23, 2023. Jon Alterman, "President Biden Heads to Israel," CSIS, October 17, 2023. Jon Alterman, "Hamas and Israel: The Current Situation and Looking Ahead," CSIS, October 11, 2023.
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Dalal Mawad: The Port of Beirut Explosion Through Women's Eyes

This week on Babel, Jon Alterman speaks with Lebanese journalist Dalal Mawad about her new book, All She Lost. The book weaves together women?s stories as they grapple with the 2020 explosion at the Port of Beirut, its aftermath, and the underlying pathologies that have contributed to Lebanon?s troubles. Then, Jon continues the conversation with Will Todman and Leah Hickert, discussing the role of women and collective memory in political and social developments throughout the region. Transcript, "Dalal Mawad: The Beirut Port Explosion Through Women's Eyes," CSIS, October 17, 2023. Dalal Mawad, All She Lost: The Explosion in Lebanon, the Collapse of a Nation and the Women who Survive, Bloomsbury Publishing, August 3, 2023.
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A Mezze: Fishing for Food Security

In the desert region of Tindouf in southern Algeria, the sun beats down on sandy expanses that are home to little more than a network of refugee camps. But in August 2021, a group of Sahrawi refugees were bustling inside a building studded with rectangular pools and filled with tons of tilapia?literally. A new Mezze from the CSIS Middle East Program.
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Khalid Ikram: Egypt's Economic Crisis

This week on Babel, Jon Alterman breaks down Egypt's economic crisis with Khalid Ikram, a veteran economist and consultant for over a dozen major international development organizations. They talk about the Egyptian military?s role in the economy and how Egyptian policymakers can alleviate the current crisis. Then, Jon continues the conversation with Will Todman and Leah Hickert, discussing how other governments in the region handle their economies in comparison to Egypt. Transcript, ?Khalid Ikram: Egypt's Economic Crisis,? CSIS, October 3, 2023.
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Viewpoint: Data Dead Zone

Conflict and instability hinder water data collection in the Middle East, thereby complicating water management strategies that could contribute to more equitable development and sustainable peace. A new Viewpoint from the CSIS Middle East Program.
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Tarek Megerisi: Libya's Crises

This week on Babel, Jon Alterman speaks with Tarek Megerisi, senior policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations. They talk about the ongoing conflict in Libya and the interests of international actors in the country. Tarek also discusses the recent flooding that devastated the city of Darna, and how the last decade of conflict contributed to the degradation of key infrastructure in Libya. Then, Jon continues the conversation with Will Todman and Leah Hickert, discussing the ways natural disasters challenge governments in the region.  Tarek Megerisi, ?The politics of catastrophe: Morocco, Libya, and how Europeans should respond,? European Council on Foreign Relations, September 13, 2023.  Transcript, ?Tarek Megerisi: Libya?s Crises,? CSIS, August 8, 2023 Photo credit: SeeSaw Foto.
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A Mezze: Tunisia's Hunger Games

Amid widespread shortages of basic products in Tunisia, grocery store owners have become like black marketeers in one manifestation of Tunisia?s growing food crisis. A new Mezze from the CSIS Middle East Program.
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Ghaith Abdul-Ahad: Iraq Through Iraqis' Eyes

This week on Babel, Jon Alterman speaks with award-winning Iraqi journalist Ghaith Abdul-Ahad. During the conversation, Abdul-Ahad discusses the fallout from the war and U.S. occupation, his career reporting from Iraq, and the ways that working alongside leading journalists influenced his work. Then, Jon continues the conversation with Natasha Hall and Leah Hickert, discussing the legacies of sectarianism in Iraq and Lebanon. Ghaith Abdul-Ahad, A Stranger in Your Own City: Travels in the Middle East's Long War, Penguin Random House, 2023. Ghaith Abdul-Ahad, "Guns, cash, and frozen chicken: the militia boss doling out aid in Baghdad," The Guardian, March 20, 2023. Transcript, "Ghaith Abdul-Ahad: Iraq Through Iraqis' Eyes," CSIS, August 22, 2023. Photo credit: Rena Effendi.
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A Mezze: Baaloul Verde

Baaloul is not like most towns in Lebanon for two reasons. First, its inhabitants do not use any of Lebanon?s most common languages; instead, the lingua franca is Spanish. Second, it has reliable electricity. A new Mezze from the CSIS Middle East Program.
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Haneen Sayed: Lebanon's Economic Crisis

This week on Babel, Jon Alterman speaks with Dr. Haneen Sayed, an international development expert and former lead specialist at the World Bank. During the conversation, Dr. Sayed discusses the roots of the economic crisis in Lebanon and how the international donor community can play a more constructive role. Then, Jon continues the conversation with Will Todman and Marty Pimentel, discussing the effect of sectarianism on Lebanon's political economy and the legacy of protest and civil war.?? Haneen Sayed, "How Better Social Protection Can Strengthen Lebanon's Social Contract," Carnegie Middle East Center, June 14, 2023.   Jon Alterman and Jihad Azour, "The Middle East's Economic Outlook," CSIS, January 10, 2023. Transcript, "Haneen Sayed: Lebanon's Economic Crisis," CSIS, August 22, 2023.
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A Mezze: Keeping Iraq's Solar Community on Message

Amer al-Azaawy founded a small solar company in Baghdad. With little public awareness about the benefits of solar energy and no government support, he decided to take matters into his own hands. A new Mezze from the CSIS Middle East Program.
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