This episode is sponsored in memory of Rabbi Eliezer Skaist, HaRav Eliezer Daniel ben HaRav Eliyahu Dovid A"H, by his family.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, we talk to Dovid'l Weinberg—a rabbi, educator, musician, poet, and author—about the wide range of modes and levels of prayer.
Rav Dovid’l speaks with us about how prayer can be our bridge between our lonely place in the world and God’s omnipresence. In this episode we discuss:
- What is the relationship between Creation and prayer?
- How does communication between people relate to our communication with the Divine?
- If it often doesn’t seem to affect very much, why does prayer matter?
Tune in to hear a conversation about how finite humans seek to speak with an infinite God.
Interview begins at 10:24.
Rav Dovid'l Weinberg is an educator, musician, poet, and author. Rav Dovid’l teaches as a Ra’am in Yeshivat Orayta; is the Rosh Kollel of Camp HASC's Kollel Toras Chesed; is a co-founder of The Mishna Project, an educational tool which aids the memorization of mishnayos through music; played guitar for the band Omek Hadavar; and writes his own music. He is the author of Birth of the Spoken Word: Personal Prayer as the Goal of Creation and the recently published Reflections on Oros HaTorah.
“Only You” by Dovid'l Weinberg
The Lonely Man of Faith by Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Birth of the Spoken Word: Personal Prayer as the Goal of Creation by Dovid'l Weinberg.
Pirkei Avot
Chiddushei Rabbeinu Chaim Halevi Gilyonos Chazon Ish by Chaim Brisker and Chazon Ish
Halakhic Man by Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Worship of the Heart: Essays on Jewish Prayer by Joseph B. Soloveitchik
Rav Schwab on Prayer by Shimon Schwab
Siddur Tehillat Hashem
Sichot HaRan by Rebbe Nachman of Breslov
To Have or To Be? by Erich Fromm
Berogez Racheim Tizkor by David Bashevkin
Olat Reiyah by Rav Kook
A Call to the Infinite by Aryeh Kaplan
Chassidus Mevueres - Avodas Hatefillah by Schneur Zalman of Liadi
Tikkun HaKlali by Rebbe Nachman
Reflections on Oros HaTorah by Dovid'l Weinberg
Shemoneh Esrei: Exploring the Fundamentals of Faith through the Amida Prayer by Ezra Bick
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