This episode is sponsored by Dani and Nechamie Silberberg-Chitrik, in appreciation of the 18Forty Podcast and the work it does in having meaningful and thought-provoking conversations across all areas of Jewish life. In this episode of the
18Forty Podcast, we talk to Sara and Avi Schwartz about the life and loss of their daughter, Yakira Leeba Schwartz A”H. Additionally, we speak with Shelley and Ruvan Cohen about Nathaniel Cohen A”H.
As we move toward Tisha B'Av, we hear two stories of how
chesed has brought comfort to individuals enduring the most devastating losses. In this episode we discuss:
- What does it mean to live the fullest life possible with a disease such as muscular dystrophy?
- What is it like to care for a child who is very sick?
- What occurs during the days after the loss of a child?
Tune in to hear a conversation about how we stay anchored and full of faith and loving-kindness amid the most difficult times.
Shelley and Ruvan Cohen interview begins: 11:40.
Sara and Avi Schwartz interviews begin at 57:29.
Pirkei Avot 1:2“
A Mother’s Kaddish: Mourning for My Son, From the Women’s Section” by Shelley Richman Cohen
Elokai Neshama Lamentations 3Rashi on Lamentations 3:21Become a supporter of this podcast: