In this episode of the
18Forty Podcast, we speak to the Perez family, whose son Daniel,
Hashem yikkom damo, was killed defending Israel and the Jewish People on October 7.
We’re joined by Daniel’s father, Doron; his mother, Shelley; and his siblings, Shira, Adina, and Yonatan, to hear about Daniel’s courageous life and the unfathomable loss endured by his family and the Jewish People. In this episode we discuss:
- What does living a life of sanctity and purpose mean, especially in the face of terror and tragedy?
- How did Daniel’s siblings cope with the loss of their beloved brother?
- Amid the absence of loss, how can we find the presence of purpose?
Tune in to hear a conversation about the clarity of mission that might help us heal from the trauma of October 7.
Interview begins at 28:00.
References:Jerusalem Talmud Berakhot 2:4 Parshat Sh'lachShuvi V'nechze Al H'torah by Rabbi Moshe Shapiro
Peri Tzadik by Rav Tzadok HaKohen of Lublin
Jerusalem Talmud Berakhot 1:1Psalms 121“
Brother” by Kodaline
Ezekiel 16:6The Bayit in every BayitBecome a supporter of this podcast: