Pierre Teilhard de Chardin wisely noted that, "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience." This is expressed in its fullest reach in lila, where being fully human and fully divine are fully integrated and humanness is part of one’s eternal identity. As bhakti is not a means to an goal, there is a place to consider form not just as a means, a vehicle, but rather part of the goal: to not stop being human but to be FULLY HUMAN in context of our spirituality.
Although the atma is not human, but rather consciousness, in perfection, being infused by bhakti shakti, it will be given an identity of human form to participate in lila. As practitioners we are meant to embrace our humanity in the context of our practice, and our practice in fully consideration of our humanity, neither pursuing one in exclusion of the other, but always united both in one pursuit.
From now until nara-lila, it is all about humanity and the only way to reach that experience in lila is to start here.
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RADICAL PERSONALISM: Revival Manifesto for Proactive Devotion.