Journey with Swami Padmanabha as he explores prayer not only as a practice but also as a state of being. This pilgrimage of prayer begins at the early stages of prayer, initially fueled by selfish necessity and the perception of oneself as separate from a wish-fulfilling god. This exploration culminates at the highest ideal of being prayer, tadatmya, which involves complete self-forgetfulness in divine love through mystical empathy. This state of being is characterized by putting aside all personal agendas, fully identifying with the needs of the beloved, and being willing to change, be transformed, and sacrifice—dedicated to what is going on in the heart of the beloved.
How can we prepare ourselves right now and right here where we are so we can approach that ideal in a realistic way? How can we actually walk in that direction? How can we pace ourselves with introspection and discernment so our journey is one of sustainable transformation and evolution?
RADICAL PERSONALISM: Revival Manifesto for Proactive Devotion.