Gaura-lila has a broad side and a deep side. This class explores the deep side of Gaura-lila through Sri Gadadhara, without whom the success of the lila could not have been achieved.
Tune in as Swami Padmanabha speaks of the very unique and specific necessity of Gaura-lila and what that necessity requires from both Sri Radha and Krishna, as well as how those specific necessities creates very specific service opportunities.
The more we conceive of God as atmarama, self-satisfied, the less we feel ourselves in service to the Supreme Personality. And the more we understand that Atmarama as being immersed in an experience of love that creates its own set of intense needs, then the more opportunities the sevaka will have to offer themselves in service.
The moment of greatest necessity will increase the greatest necessity of service, and therefore, the greatest opportunity to serve.
RADICAL PERSONALISM: Revival Manifesto for Proactive Devotion.