0:00 Introduction: sadhu sanga, a gathering for Istagosthi, is rooted in the highest reach
10:00 How can we understand “our guru stands before us as our greatest potential” so that we do not think that reality as a mere copy/paste, as if I am meant to become them as opposed to being myself?
22:20 It seems like everyone is, in a sense, simultaneously a guru and a disciple, even “outside” of bhakti. Do you agree?
36:36 Reflection on the “momma duck and duckling example” in regard to raising individuated children and that extension to guru/disciple relationship
43:35 Regarding saving the life of Sri Radha-Krishna on a daily basis in lila, I had never thought of developing a relationship with Them as a couple and serving that relationship. I conceived that my relationship would be directly with Krishna. Thinking of serving Them as a couple rather than directly, seems more natural.
55:35 Reflection on how we are guru as in each interaction with everyone, we have the opportunity to teach them that they are lovable or not.
56:58 Giving and receiving in the “ordinary” moments
1:10:44 Do we over-idealized and over-emphasized the “moment of death”?
1:22:18 Regarding God being mystery not just to us, but also to himself. How do we harmonize that with Bhagavad-gita saying that God knows the past, present and future?
Watch on YouTube https://youtu.be/f8H5GhIx_a0
RADICAL PERSONALISM: Revival Manifesto for Proactive Devotion.