On this sacred occasion of Srila Prabhupada's disappearance, the series How to Rediscover Krishna in Our Lives emphasizes the pivotal role of sadhu-sanga in deepening our connection with Krishna. In the Bhakti tradition, it is understood that the path to truly knowing Krishna is illuminated through the association of sadhus. Even at the highest stages of prema, sadhu-sanga continues to be a central and profound expression of devotion.
Tune in to explore how to reconnect with the sadhu after their passing and reflect deeply on the question: Who is Srila Prabhupada for me now? Is he merely a historical figure from the past, or is he an active, guiding presence in my life today? Is my relationship with him vibrant and alive? We can learn to engage with him not as a distant memory or a "museum piece" but as a loving presence here and now.
This invites further contemplation: This extraordinary person transformed my life—how willing am I to continue transforming in his light? Who is Srila Prabhupada for me in my life today? And perhaps just as importantly, who am I for him today?
Watch on YouTube https://youtube.com/live/XxeNDnZ5aUw
RADICAL PERSONALISM: Revival Manifesto for Proactive Devotion.