40 and 20: the WatchClicker Podcast
In this special edition of 40 and 20, Andrew is joined by our Editor in chief, Will for a mini audio-review of the Nodus Contrail II, which was re-released this year, with some subtle but incredibly effective improvements. Already a favorite, the new Contrail II is easily one of the best dive watches you can get at any price.
The contrail is currently available in five color ways, each for $675, at: https://www.noduswatches.com/contrail
You can see photos of Nodus' fantastic watches on instagram, @noduswatches
Check out Will's full written review of the Contrail II here: https://watchclicker.com/nodus-contrail-2/
Check us out on instagram: @watchclicker and @40and20
You can support 40 and 20 here: patreon.com/40and20
Intro/Outro Music: Bummin on Tremelo, by Kevin MacLeod (incompetch.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License Creativecommons.org/licenses/by.3.0/