Jason Mays (Working Class Music, Play Jason) and I talk about the rising cost of gear - is it too expensive? Should it be cheaper or is this the new normal? Let's talk about it!
Find Jason on:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jasontmays/
YouTube (WCM): https://www.youtube.com/c/workingclassmusic
YouTube (Play Jason): https://www.youtube.com/@JasonTMays
Grez Guitars: https://www.grezguitars.com/
Grez Guitars Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/grezguitars/
Summer School Electronics: https://www.summerschoolelectronics.com/
TourGear Designs: https://www.tourgeardesigns.com/discount/40WATT
Get you 10% off the best patch cables in the game! You can use my affiliate link or just use the code 40WATT at checkout to get 10% off your order! If you want to save even more, Patreon supporters of the show get 20% OFF! Check out my post over on my patreon page for more information!
Rattlesnake Cables using this link: 20% off their order using this link: https://www.rattlesnakecables.com/40watt/
TrueFire: https://shorturl.at/bfjGX
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