Welcome to the 5 Star Pod Christmas Special 2021! We decided to keep the proper shenanigans for the new year so that we could help out those that may have received the game for Christmas. We give you a whilstle-stop tour through what you should do before you start a save as well as provide some save suggestions in case you’re struggling for inspiration whilst you unwrap the rest of your presents! There’s also a quiz from Paddles too!
Ted Lasso in FM22: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CopaBeHsK8Y
Change Your FM22 Save Game Location: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N720ocWl0gA&t=30s
More Save Suggestions: https://5starpotential.com/fm22-blogs/wtm-tv-special
Doop’s Plug & Play Tactics Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzkX8epCDnkraVlkTZXumYHajAUkwg73p
Doop’s Post Patch Set Pieces: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQJ388sDiz4&t=263s
FM22 Custom Views - https://5starpotential.com/fm22-blogs/fm22customviews
If you've enjoyed the podcast, please leave a 5 star review on iTunes. Please use the links below to check out your wonderful hosts!
5 Star Potential - www.twitter.com/5starpod - www.5starpotential.com
Nerdphonic - Twitch: www.twitch.tv/nerdphonic - Twitter: twitter.com/nerdphonic - YouTube: http://bit.ly/NerdphonicYT
DaveAzzopardi - Twitch: www.twitch.tv/daveazzopardifm - Twitter: twitter.com/daveazzopardifm - YouTube: bit.ly/2vYcz4G
FridayNightFM - Twitter: www.twitter.com/fridaynightfm - Blog: www.fridaynightfm.com
FMDoop - Twitter: www.twitter.com/doop - Twitch: www.twitch.tv/doop
MaddFM - Twitter: https://twitter.com/MaddFM_ Website: https://maddfm.com/