On this week’s podcast we’ll head to Japan to see how Doop's doing in the Pentagon Challenge, hopefully Madd has been back to Ikea & Dave’s still wondering how to pronounce Mr Peter’s first name. After last week’s Golazo list we thought we’d actually take that look at Matias Soule and with a bit of luck we’ll have tangents galore to fill this hour!
Link on re-training player positions: https://www.footballmanager.com/the-byline/retraining-players-success-fm21
5 Star Potential - www.twitter.com/5starpod - www.5starpotential.com
DaveAzzopardi - Twitch: www.twitch.tv/daveazzopardiTwitter: twitter.com/daveazzopardi
FridayNightFM - Twitter: www.twitter.com/fridaynightfm
FMDoop - Twitter: www.twitter.com/fmdoop - Twitch: www.twitch.tv/doop
MaddFM - Twitter: https://twitter.com/MaddFM_ Website: https://maddfm.com/