On this week’s pod, we hear more about Joe’s move from Stoke to PSG in his save and why he’s already got itchy feet. Then, inspired by the recent article on the website, we take a look at some more players that are in danger of ageing out of that ‘big move’ in their careers and need you to rescue them in FM.
Links mentioned in this week’s pod:
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5 Star Potential - www.twitter.com/5starpod | www.5starpotential.com
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DaveAzzopardi - www.twitch.tv/daveazzopardifm | www.twitter.com/daveazzopardifm | https://www.youtube.com/user/DaveAzzopardi
FridayNightFM - www.twitter.com/fridaynightfm | www.fridaynightfm.com
FMDoop - www.twitter.com/fmdoop | www.twitch.tv/doop
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