We're back off to France again for our save focus as we end up hearing more about Doop's exploits against PSG than we do about Madd's Angers save. We then shift our eyes towards those tactical systems that we've always wanted to implement in FM but for whatever reason we can never get it to work (question courtesy of Mrs FridayNightFM). Madd's also on quiz duty this week, he had a lot to prove after the last shambles we had, we'll leave you to judge how he got in this time round...
Dubbed The Next - Lothar Matthaus: https://www.westreamfm.com/blog/dubbed-the-next-episode-9-lothar-matthaus
Subscribe to the WeStreamFM YouTube channel to watch the video version here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChgMq47Tz3aZ8Do-VpvychQ
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