5 Star Potential | A Football Manager Podcast
This week we are dropping the interview with Nic Madden, Senior Match Producer at Sports Interactive. We will bypass our regular save update as there is an even more significant update to be discussed and that is the latest blog/press release from Miles on behalf of the studio which gives us some insight on the performance of FM23, the status of FM24 and perhaps most excitingly, the future for FM25 and beyond with some significant studio changes and transformations in the pipeline across all elements of the game.
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5 Star Potential - www.twitter.com/5starpod | www.5starpotential.com
Nerdphonic - www.twitch.tv/nerdphonic | twitter.com/nerdphonic | https://www.youtube.com/nerdphonic
DaveAzzopardi - www.twitch.tv/daveazzopardifm | twitter.com/daveazzopardifm | https://www.youtube.com/user/DaveAzzopardi
FridayNightFM - www.twitter.com/fridaynightfm | www.fridaynightfm.com
FMDoop - www.twitter.com/fmdoop | www.twitch.tv/doop
MaddFM - https://twitter.com/MaddFM_ | https://maddfm.com/ Guest this week Nic Madden - https://twitter.com/NicMadden3