Fiction can be liberating. It offers authors latitude to think, propose, and prognosticate about real-world topics in ways that non-fiction does not allow. The ability to ask "what if?" can be an incredible tool in the national security realm that can inform real-time, real-world efforts and offer "solutions" to wicked problems. Retired Australian Major General Mick Ryan has joined the ranks of fiction writers to help leaders think about what conflict with the People's Republic of China (PRC) might look like in his new book, "White Sun War: The Campaign for Taiwan." He's in the studio with podcast editor Ron Granieri to explain why he chose narrative as a tool to continue his dedicated service to professional military education. A 35-year veteran of the Australian Army, Ryan has plenty of experience to inform his fictional account of a possible conflict with the PRC. It is both an enjoyable read and an informative guide as to what technology on the future battlefield might look like.