Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of _A Bootiful Podcast_! In this installment, [Josh Long (@starbuxman) talks to Spring Batch lead Mahmoud Ben Hassine (@FMBENHASSINE) about the latest and greatest in Spring Batch.
- Submit your talk to SpringOne@Explore, being held August 21-24, 2023, in lovely Las Vegas, Nevada! https://event.vmware.com/flow/vmware/explore2023lv/cfp
- I wrote an e-book looking at how to do AOT processing with Spring Boot 3. It's free - and a fairly quick read - so get it while you can! https://tanzu.vmware.com/content/white-papers/spring-boot-3
- I streamed this interview with Mahmoud live on my channel - you can watch it there, too, if you prefer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0U7tdsQd14c
- I wrote a blog looking at some of the amazing Kotlin DSLs in the wide and wonderful world of Spring https://spring.io/blog/2023/03/16/kotlin-dsls-in-the-world-of-springdom
- I did a video introducing Spring Boot 3 over on the JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2gZz8-yK7Y