A Curious Yogi with Bobbi Paidel
How can your life get better with yoga, or how can your yoga get better with your lifestyle?
Today, I touch on 5 non-yoga habits that have skyrocketed my practice and give you some insight into how they might look in your life.
Check out all the shoutouts I mentioned in the episode:
➖ 10-week sadhana and satsang meetup beginning December 5th. Join here: momence.com/s/97481981
➖ Book: Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker
➖ If you're inspired to support World AIDS Day please visit: tribeoflambs.com/donate/world-aids-day/
➖ Podcast Episode on Living Peace through Ahimsa: rss.com/podcasts/acuriousyogi/734136/
➖ Book Atomic Habits by James Clear
There are some interesting points to contemplate and experiment with. Let me know how it goes.
Thanks for listening!
in oneness,
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💭 Want to go further into your understanding of yoga sadhana? Let’s share in the journey together at www.bobbipaidel.com/connect 🙏♥️✨