Today we are discussing The Last King by Michael Curtis Ford, a standalone historical fiction novel about one of Ancient Rome's greatest enemies. We're branching out from our typical genres this week to bring you something different! Please let us know what you think of this new avenue and show! If you want to hear our format discussing something other than fantasy or sci fi, look here where we discuss the classical novel Emma by Jane Austen. (((( Insert link))))) Each week we pose a question for the audience, contact us by email ([email protected]), on FaceBook (@aherosjourneypod), on Twitter (@A_Heros_Journey) to answer! We'd love to hear from you. Follow us for the latest news and updates. We hope you enjoy the show and come back next week! If you have time please rate and review wherever you are listening! Logo by Tree-X-Hugger, Editing by Alexander Merk and John Brinton