We first follow the life of the military captain Ettore Fieramosca (Hector Proudfly) and his troubled love story with Ginvenra da Monreale which ended tragically after the intervention of Cesare Borgia.
We then move to the lead up and action to one of the most famous duels in Italian history, the Challenge of Barletta (La Disfida di Barletta) in which 13 Italian knights faced off against 13 French knights lead by Guy De La Motte to defend the honour of Italian arms.
The duel would resound throughout Italian history reaching through the Italian Risorgimento to the Fascist era.
The Italians:
Francesco Salamone
Marco Corollario
Riccio Da Parma
Gugliemo albamonte
Mariano marcio Abignente
Giovanni Capoccio da
Giovanni Brancaleone
Ludocivo Abenavolo
Ettore Giovenale
Giovanni Bartolomeo Fanfulla
Romanello da Forlì
Ettore Gioveneale de pazzis
The French:
Charles de torgues
Marc De Frigne
Girout de Forses
Claude Grajan D'aste
Martellin de lambris
Pierre de liaye
Jacques de la fontaine
Eliot de baraut
Jean De Landes
Sacet de saceet
Francois de pise
Jacques de Guignes
Naute de la Faise