The Knight has awoken! The Patina defends the town and things get intense.
Content Warnings:
- Violence
- Death
- Gunshot
- Wyatt Fisher is played by Drew Mierzejewski. Drew can be found on Twitter @worldstoforge and is the showrunner for Skyjacks: Courier’s Call, an all-ages actual play podcast set in the world of Spéir, designed by James D’Amato.
- Cassidy Shard is played by Sydney Whittington. They also edit the show. Find them on Twitter at @sydney_whitt.
- Zee-o is played by Aly Grauer. Aly can be found on Twitter and Instagram @dreamstobecome Aly is also a player on and audio editor for Skyjacks: Courier’s Call. You can support both Aly and Drew by joining their Patreon
- Emma Blackwood is played by Cameron Robertson. Find her on Twitter at @midnightmusic13. and on Instagram a @reading_and_dreaming. Cameron is also a player on Tabletop Squadron, a Star Wars Edge of the Empire actual play podcast.
- Our GM and narrator is Nick Robertson. Find him on Twitter at @alias58. Nick is also the GM for Tabletop Squadron, which you can support
Music & Sound Credits:
- This podcast features the musical talents of Dora Violet and Arne Parrott. You can find Dora at You can find Arne at
- old radio Channel search sound effect by Garuda1982. Link & License.
- gunshot.wav by mark646. Link & License.
- Eastern Whip-poor-will Desert Natural Area 28 May 2016.wav by kantoesploras. Link & License.
- Principles in Action by David Hilowitz. Link & License.
- Rise by Meydӓn. Link & License.
- Memories in Love (ID 1144) by Lobo Loco. Link & License.
Art Credits:
- The official artwork for this podcast was created by Rashed AlAkroka, who can be found on Instagram and Artstation @rashedjrs.
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- Our Website
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