We've just completed our annual board gaming event Gamemania which is essentially a weekend away playing heaps of boardgames and enjoying a small holiday.
Due to not being able to play Frosthaven this week we instead wanted to talk a bit about some of the games we played, and how we felt about them and their place in our game group.
It's not so much reviewing games, but more so how certain games make us feel, and how well a game works in certain group situations.
Games covered during this episode:
07:45 - Scape Goat
11:15 - Cthulhu Wars
15:31 - Seas of Havoc
21:51 - Versailles 1919
28:25 - Heat: Pedal to the Metal
36:00 - Blood on the Clocktower
47:28 - Starwars the Deckbuilding game
53:50 - Beyond Humanity: Colonies
1:02:43 - Bonanza
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