** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
(Please also note, I keep saying SCENARIO 6 instead of SCENARIO 9)
The group heads straight to scenario 9, and decides to delve deeper into the catacombs of deadly undead dead things.
Gaz has a couple of little accidents and decides to take it easy, and Detty the Drifter (along with some sick Boneshaper plays, and Death Walker... err things) takes the group to a cliffhanger right on the last card flip. We talk about the scenario, as well as battlegoals and DPS meters.
After scenario 9 we head back to Frosthaven for our outpost phase, and Detty asks Gaz a surprise question regarding the characters in play.
**Very mild spoilers on road event at 4:25 - 6:54, and outpost event at 53:35 - 54:08**
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