Sister Maxine Kollasch with guest Sister Clara Kreis. Joining by phone is Sister Tere Maya.
(02:37) From Greek Orthodox to Catholic: Sister Clara’s journey
(07:30) Attending Greek school while growing up in Germany
(10:20) Ministry with children and youth in trauma
(13:58) Research tools for assessing satisfaction with life
(18:20) How life satisfaction generally improves as you get older
(19:46) Sister Tere talks about the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word and the Life Satisfaction Survey for Catholic Sisters
(22:47) Surprising findings from the Life Satisfaction Survey
(33:30) Sister Clara at the intersection of many cultures: German, Greek, the deaf community, the U.S.
(36:44) Listener question: How can I move beyond my current friends without it feeling like I’m “holier than thou”?
(40:00) Sister Clara’s last disco dance before becoming a nun
(44:00) Making choices for ourselves vs. judging others for the choices they make
(47:00) Listener question: Is unhappiness in my job God’s way of saying “Move on.”
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Intro/outro music by Wild Carrot