Sister Maxine talks with Jim Rice, editor of Sojourners magazine.
- Origins of Sojourners: articulating the biblical call to social justice
- "Advocacy journalism," bringing a social justice perspective to world news events
- Racial justice, immigration, climate change and other issues addressed by Sojourners
- Pope Francis' encyclical on the environment
- Lament and hope as part of the work of social justice
- Growing desire for personal spirituality among churchgoers and non-churchgoers alike
- Preaching social justice messages that make the comfortable uncomfortable
- Jesuit Volunteer Corps: "ruining" the complacent life
- What it means to live the experience of ecumenism
- New Media Project, thinking theologically about how and why to use social media
- The power of social media for advocating for social justice
- "Our walk of discipleship means making the world a better place for everyone"
- Jesus and the Good Samaritan, a story for all times