Sister Maxine with guest Sister Rita Malavisi, of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart, in Melbourne, Australia.
- Asylum Seeker Resource Center in Melbourne
- Growing up in Australia in an Arabic and Italian family
- 106-year-old grandmother, three Catholic nuns, and other spiritual influences
- RSJ foundress Mary McKillop, Australia’s first canonized saint
- In service to the world: Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Sacred Heart
- Sister Rita’s ministry with asylum seekers fleeing persecution in their own countries
- Displacement, family separation, and survival
- Educating students about social justice through visits to the immigrant detention center
- “Nun on the Run” in the Melbourne Marathon: advocacy and fundraising for asylum seekers
- Studies in Religious Formation at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago
- At home in the intercultural setting of Catholic Theological Union
- “Do all you can with the means at your disposal, and calmly leave the rest to God.”
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