A Short Walk through Our Long History
Well, here we are, about to watch a house divide against itself. It’s not going to be pretty.
I have to say, as I start this episode, that I really feel like we’re getting somewhere in this podcast. We’re at the brink of war! I mean, we’ve been building up to the Civil War for a while now, and here we are, about to see the United States fall apart. The actual fighting is going to begin next episode, and I then think we are going to linger on the Civil War topic for a few episodes. I mean, we lingered on Rome for like 12 episodes, so there is a precedent. But don’t worry, it won’t be that long.
Last episode, I talked about Kansas, John Brown, and the Dred Scott case, and now we are going to get to the events that really ended up dividing the country. And so we get to talk about John Brown. Again.
Website: shortwalkthroughhistory.com
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