Originally recorded 21 August 2019 via Zencastr. Produced by Talha Ahsan.
00.00 Introduction and biography
01.45 Arabic Commentaries on the Hippocratic Aphorisms project at the university of Manchester
02.25 A description of the Hippocratic Aphorisms
03.30 A survey of Arabic commentaries
04.20 Why look at paediatrics?
05.25 On the five aphorisms of paediatrics
06.55 Commentators disputing classifications within paediatrics
07.55 On the importance of Galen to the Arabic commentators Dr Kamran Karimullah
09.23 On how Galen can elucidate Hippocratic paediatrics
11.10 On translators as trained philologists as well as medics
12.39 Arabic commentators disputing Galen
14.45 Arabic commentators rejecting Galen
16.06 Gendered division of theoretical and practical medicine?
18.50 Resemblance to scriptural commentaries?
20.04 Arabic commentaries as historical sources of lost Greek commentaries
21.30 On learning Greek, Hebrew and Syriac as an Arabist
23.13 Introductory texts to medieval Islamic sciences
Medieval Islamic MedicinePeter E. Pormann + Emilie Savage-Smith (Edinburgh University Press 2007)
Islamic Science and the Making of the European RenaissanceGeorge Salibas (MIT Press 2007)
24.25 On studying a PhD for a topic not of your choosing
29.00 Forthcoming projects and on going from Manchester to New York
Mighty Have Fallen by Ruth Dinosaur (c) Dr. Emily Selove (2019) You can follow Dr. van Dalen on Twitter @elainevdalen