On News Time today, we'll meet some powerful Paralympians representing Australia! Plus, hear about astronauts, archaeology, cane toads and cheeky horses.
Quiz Questions
- 1.Where are the Paralympic Games being held this year?
- 2.What's the name of the ship that astronauts conduct experiments on? Hint: ISS
- 3.What animal has been eating fewer cane toads because of this experiment?
- 4.What dance style/s are the kids learning?
- 5.What did the horses get if they did the right thing?
Bonus Tricky Question
What's the name of the sport in the Paralympics where the ball has a bell in it?
- 1.Paris, France
- 2.International Space Station
- 3.Crocodiles
- 4.Breaking/Dabke
- 5.A treat
Bonus Tricky Answer