On today's show, we head to a tiny town fighting to save a bush bird, before inspecting an important statue. We'll learn about a dino discovery, and head to an awesome festival of First Nations art. Then it's time for the Wow of the Week.
Quiz Questions
- 1.What's the name of the bird the locals at Ongerup are trying to save?
- 2.What was mistakenly added to Pearl Wallace's statue?
- 3.Garumbatitan morellensis is a kind of sauropod. Can you name another?
- 4.In which state is the Tarnanthi Art Fair being held?
- 5.What's the word for when animals like wombats and echidnas glow under UV light?
Bonus Tricky Question
What makes the animals able to glow under UV light?
- 1.Malleefowl
- 2.A beard
- 3.South Australia
- 4.We said brachiosaurus and diplodocus... but you might know another one! Brontosaurus, apatosaurus, gigantasaurus... the list goes on.
- 5.Biofluorescence
Bonus Tricky Answer
Proteins in their skin or fur