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This feed provides updates from the American Council of the Blind on its advocacy efforts.
The podcast ACB Advocacy Update is created by American Council of the Blind. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
This week, Claire speaks with a previous chair of the Consortium for Constituents with Disabilities (CCD) about what the organization is and how ACB is involved in the advocacy it does. CCD is made up of over 120 different disability advocacy groups; ACB has been an active member for many years, working with other organizations to advocate for the rights of people with disabilities across the board at the national level.
This week, Claire And Kolby talk about their experience in Las Vegas at the Consumer Electronic Show. The conference provided an opportunity to learn about the latest technology, advocate for full accessibility in all designs, and network with other advocates in the world of technology access.
This week, Claire and Cindy preview the DC Leadership Conference, which will take place March 14-18 at the Sheraton Pentagon City Hotel in Arlington, Virginia. Listen to find out more about the upcoming event and how you can participate.
This week, Claire had the opportunity to speak with Stephanie Flynt McEben from the National Disability Rights Network regarding the U.S. Census. In the last year, census officials took steps to change the way disability is defined, which would impact the number of people who identify as so. This would then impact government funding for the disability community. Stephanie explains the action of the disability community, including ACB, to advocate to stop the definition change before more research can be done to protect services to the disability community.
This week, Claire speaks with ACB’s executive director, Scott Thornhill, to learn more about his visit to several state affiliate conventions in 2024. As the new executive director, he has already had the opportunity to attend state affiliate conventions and learn more about the phenomenal work going on at the state level.
This week, we get to know one of our newly elected Board members from the 2024 annual Convention. Claire and Swatha spoke with Peter Heide to learn more about who he is and his hopes as a member of the ACB Board.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire and Swatha reflect on all that has happened in 2024 with special guests Deb Cook Lewis, ACB President, and Scott Thornhill, ACB Executive Director. From major staff changes to cross-country travel, come hear about it all!
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire and Swatha speak with ACB’s Audio Description Project Coordinator, Tabitha Kenlon, in addition to Brett Oppegaard from the University of Hawaii about the Descritathon, a 3 day hackathon-like event to make National Park Service brochures and exhibits accessible for blind and low vision visitors. Recruitment for Descriptathon 11 is currently underway, and these two, with the assistance of two ADP members, Pat Sheehan and Renee Arrington Johnson, talk all about it. Learn what it is, what it’s like to participate in it, why you should sign up, and how to sign up. Dates are February 25th through February 27th. Don’t miss it!
This week, Claire speaks with Will Schell from the Disability Rights Office of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) about a newly submitted report to the Disability Advisory Committee on the accessibility needs for people who are blind or have low vision as it pertains to communication functions of videogames. Will Schell oversaw the subcommittee as it explored future opportunities to make communication on videogames more accessible for our communities as videogames continue to grow in popularity across generations. To file an accessibility complaint with the FCC, call (202) 418-2517, email the Disability Rights Office at [email protected], or visit fcc.gov/dro.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire and Swatha provide a smattering of topics and advocacy issues that ACB has been working on over the last month. Topics discussed include video conferencing program accessibility, the Census, and a save-the-date for our 2025 DC Leadership Conference and Legislative Seminar.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire and Swatha preview the 4th annual audio description awards gala with ACB’s Audio Description Project Coordinator, Tabitha Kenlon and one of the hosts of the gala, Alie B. Gorrie. Listen as we tease all that is happening this year at the gala, including what it was like recording at 30 Rockefeller Center in New York City. Don’t forget to join us on November 14th at 7:30pm eastern on Peacock, adawardsgala.org, ACB Media, or on YouTube for the most glamorously inclusive award show of the year!
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire and Swatha revisit the topic of accessible voting with Microsoft's Rylin Rodgers. In this global year of elections, listen as we discuss the work Microsoft is doing to make voting more accessible for people with disabilities.
Find more information about the accessible voting options in your state at Accessible voting - Your guide to a private and independent voting experience
Access ACB's Voting Toolkit at www.acb.org/voting.
On This episode of ACB Advocacy Update, Swatha and Claire speak with Sarah Malaier, Senior Advisor, Public Policy and Research at the American Foundation for the Blind, on the long awaited Public Rights of Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG. Listen as we go through what these guidelines are and what they mean for the blind and low vision community.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire and Swatha recap a series of hearings held by the United States Access Board on AI’s impact on people with disabilities. We discuss its implications in the workplace and in transportation, and even how it can be used to enhance accessibility of both the digital environment and the physical built environment. The Access Board also solicits comments from the public on AI and its impact on the disability community. Comments are due on October 31st and can be emailed to events@access-board.gov or submitted on the Federal Register at Regulations.gov.
To access the hearing recordings, visit Artificial Intelligence (access-board.gov)
Scott Thornhill and Claire Stanley Attended the Disability:In conference in Las Vegas Immediately after the annual convention, Scott and Claire had the opportunity to travel to Las Vegas where the 2024 Disability-In conference was held. They had the opportunity to meet with several corporate partners including companies like Google, Microsoft, Athena, and many more. Listen to Scott and Claire discuss the many discussion and experiences they had that week. ACB greatly values the relationships it has with many of these companies.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire and Swatha speak with Cassie Trosper, President of Veterans of ACB and DKM First Timer Award Recipient, and Rachel Schroeder, ACB Board Member, about their experiences at ACB’s 2024 Conference and Convention in Jacksonville, FL.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Swatha speaks with Dania Douglas, Senior Attorney at the National Health Law Program, about the new rule from the US Department of Health and Human Services covering non-discrimination on the basis of disability under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. We discuss new prohibitions on disability discrimination in crisis standards of care, access to medical equipment, and accessibility standards for websites, mobile apps, and kiosks.
To learn more about the new rule, visit HHS Finalizes Rule Strengthening Protections Against Disability Discrimination | HHS.gov
To access the recording and slide deck for the webinar from NHLP, visit https://healthlaw.org/resource/webinar-section-504-final-rule/
Access comments on the proposed rule from NHLP at https://healthlaw.org/resource/comments-on-section-504-proposed-rules-discrimination-on-the-basis-of-disability-in-health-and-human-services/
To access the blog from the Administration for Community Living, visit Final Rule Implementing Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 | ACL Administration for Community Living
On this episode of ACB Advocacy Update, Claire speaks with Heather Ansley from Paralyzed Veterans of America about Congress’s long over due passage of the FAA Reauthorization Act. This bill includes numerous provisions that will improve the air travel experience for passengers with disabilities. Claire and Heather talk about key provisions of the new legislation including a pilot program to alleviate the burden of service animal attestation forms when flying.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire and Swatha speak with ACB’s Convention Coordinator, Janet Dickelman, and two members of the Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss, Doug Powell, AAVL President, and Jeff Thom, Immediate Past President, on all the things happening at the 2024 annual Conference and Convention. Register for the Conference and Convention at acbconvention.org or by calling Janet at 651-428-5059.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire and Swatha go through the recently released rule from the Department of Justice on accessibility of websites and mobile apps under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act with guests from the American Foundation for the Blind Public Policy and Research Department, Stephanie Enyart and Sarah Malaier. We go over what is in the rule and who it covers, why this rule was necessary at all, and the organized response from the disability community during the rule’s development.
Learn more about the rule from the DOJ at Fact Sheet: New Rule on the Accessibility of Web Content and Mobile Apps Provided by State and Local Governments | ADA.gov
Read an AFB blog post on this rule at Final Rule on Website Accessibility Will Mean Greater Access to State and Local Governments | American Foundation for the Blind (afb.org)
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Swatha recaps the California State University Northridge (CSUN) Assistive Technology Conference with Claire and ACB Development Officer, Kolby Garrison. We go through their experiences at the conference venue, standout sessions, and all the cool new gadgets and gizmos on display at the Exhibit Hall.
Today we’re bringing you a special edition of the ACB Advocacy Update! Claire Stanley and Swatha Nandhakumar sit down with ACB’s new Executive Director, Scott Thornhill. You’ll learn about Scott’s background, his ideas for building new partnerships, and a few of his priorities and aspirations for ACB as he settles into his new role. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear directly from Scott and get to know him!
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire and Swatha reflect on the Capitol Hill Day at the 2024 Leadership Conference and Legislative Seminar with some ACB members. We discuss particular issues that stood out to Congressional staff, the return to in-person office visits, and advice these three individuals have for anyone that wants to advocate with Congress with ACB in the future.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire and Swatha preview all that will be happening at the 2024 Leadership Conference and Legislative Seminar taking place from March 1st to 5th at the Sheraton Pentagon City Hotel in Arlington, VA. We go through the scheduled meetings, guest speakers, fun activities after hours, and our Capitol Hill advocacy day. Registration is now open to attend the conference, and ACB’s room block for the Sheraton closes on February 12th. To register, visit Take part in the American Council of the Blind Leadership Conference! | American Council of the Blind (acb.org)
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Swatha chats with an old friend and new Director of Advocacy and Governmental Affairs for the American Council of the Blind, Claire Stanley. Claire shares her background in disability rights, her previous work with ACB, and what she’s looking forward to in her new role here.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update podcast, Swatha reflects on all that happened in 2023 with guests Dan Spoone (ACB Interim Executive Director) and Deb Cook Lewis (ACB President). Listen as we walk through a year of transition and growth for the organization with staff departures and additions, ACB’s accessible currency rally in front of the White House and Treasury Department, and the 3rd annual Audio Description Awards Gala.
Continuing from where we left off in Part 1, Dan and Swatha speak with Penny Forward on current efforts in the push for fully accessible US paper currency. We highlight the 2023 Accessible Currency Rally held by ACB in front of the US Treasury Building and the White House, and the subsequent actions taken by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to demonstrate the administration’s commitment to making paper currency fully accessible to individuals who are blind and low vision. We finish on a hopeful note and look forward to future progress in this effort.
In the first installment of this 2-part collaborative podcast with Penny Forward, we discuss the history behind ACB’s advocacy surrounding the push for the United States to create paper currency that is fully accessible to people who are blind and experiencing vision loss. Dan Spoone, ACB Interim Executive Director, and Swatha Nandhakumar, ACB Advocacy and Outreach Specialist, speak with Liz Bottner, Moe Carpenter, and Chris Peterson, representatives from Penny Forward, on the 50-year history of accessible currency advocacy, including the member-passed resolutions, and the class action lawsuit against the US Department of the Treasury.
The Alice Cogswell and Anne Sullivan Macy Act On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Swatha speaks with Mark Richert, International Program Coordinator at Overbrook School for the Blind, about the recently reintroduced Alice Cogswell and Anne Sullivan Macy Act (H.R.5748 and S.2945). This bipartisan and bicameral piece of legislation would improve special education opportunities for blind, low vision, deafblind, deaf, and hard of hearing K12 students. Swatha and Mark go over the bill’s provisions, changes that have been made this time around from previous Congresses, and how members and friends can get involved and get this bill passed. Learn more about the Cogswell Macy Act at www.cogswellmacyact.org
People concerned about safety and accessibility for pedestrians have been discussing the “Public Right of Way Accessibility Guidelines” (mercifully shortened to PROWAG) for more than a decade. And on August 8, 2023, the U.S. Access Board issued this long-sought set of accessibility standards for sidewalks and streets, crosswalks, curb ramps, pedestrian signals, on-street parking, and other components of public rights-of-way. But with any long journey, there remain steps to be taken, and this month, we’ll be exploring what’s next with Chris Bell, ACB Board Member and Sarah Presley, who provides staff support to the U.S. Access Board. An understanding of what PROWAG is, what it offers, and what advocates will need to do to ensure that PROWAG helps transform the accessibility of pedestrian spaces across America, is critical, so this is a show you do not want to miss. Sponsored by
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July is Disability Pride Month, and July 26th is the anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Come listen to what the ACB Advocacy team has been up to as the administration and Congress celebrate the ADA anniversary. We go over new and proposed rule making by federal agencies, events held by the administration, and Congressional activity surrounding accessibility of new and emerging technology like autonomous vehicles.
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On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, ACB's advocacy team speaks with Heather Ansley, Associate Executive Director for Government Relations at Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA), about opportunities to improve the air travel experience for people with disabilities within the ongoing Federal Aviation Administration reauthorization process in Congress. They discuss key items of interest to the disability community, including how advocates can keep in touch with the rapidly moving reauthorization process and ensure provisions that would make air travel much more accessible and enjoyable remain in the final version of the FAA Reauthorization Act.
To learn more about PVA, visit pva.org. To keep up with all developments in the FAA Reauthorization process, visit pva.org/airtravel.
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On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, ACB’s advocacy team catches up with an old friend, Eric Bridges, President and CEO of the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB). Eric discusses his new role at AFB, including his experience at the AFB Leadership Conference and AFB’s continued partnership with ACB.
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On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, ACB's advocacy team celebrates the unofficial start to the summer season with a recap of recent news at ACB. They cover what took place on Global Accessibility Awareness Day, federal agency activity surrounding digital accessibility, and ACB's 2023 Conference and Convention.
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On this week's episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark and Swatha speak with Tabitha Kenlon, ACB’s Audio Description Project Coordinator, and Kim Charlson, Co-Chair of the Audio Description Project Steering Committee, about all that is new with the Audio Description Project (ADP). Join us as we discuss the upcoming ADP Conference, the annual ACB Conference and Convention, the Audio Description Awards Gala, and all the other projects and committee activities happening this year. To learn more about the ADP, visit adp.acb.org. To learn more about the 2023 ACB Conference and Convention, visit acbconvention.org.
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Join us for the ACB Advocacy Update as we commemorate Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) with a discussion about the importance of digital access with particular focus on the experiences of people who have multiple disabilities. Clark Rachfal, ACB Director of Advocacy & Governmental Affairs, Swatha Nandhakumar, ACB Advocacy & Outreach Specialist, Dan Spoone, ACB Interim Executive Director, and Carl Richardson, Co-Chair of ACB’s Sight and Sound Impaired Committee take part in this conversation.
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In this follow-up episode, ACB's advocacy team speak with the advocates on the ground in Chicago during the lawsuit for accessible pedestrian signals (APS). Illinois Council of the Blind President, Ray Campbell; ACB of Metropolitan Chicago President, Debbie Watson; and two other named plaintiffs and ICB members, Ann Brash and Maureen Heneghan; discuss their experiences as advocates for increased APS installation in the city and their participation in the federal court lawsuit. They also share advice for affiliates and individuals looking to partake in similar advocacy efforts in their communities. Additionally, we also discuss the events and tours occurring at ACB's convention in Schaumburg, IL.
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Join us for this week’s two-part episode of the ACB Advocacy Update! First, we meet with ACB’s Interim President, Deb Cook Lewis, to discuss her new role. Up next, ACB’s Convention Coordinator, Janet Dickelman, provides exciting updates about ACB's 2023 Conference and Convention in Schaumburg, IL. Learn more about this year’s convention at www.acbconvention.org. Convention registration for ACB members opens next week! If you need assistance in registering, you may contact Janet Dickelman at either [email protected] or (651) 428-5059. You may also call the ACB MN Office at (612) 332-3242.
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On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark and Swatha speak with Madeleine Reichman, an attorney at Disability Rights Advocates, on a recent federal court case and ruling regarding Chicago’s failure to install accessible pedestrian signals (APSs) for its blind and low vision residents and visitors at its more than 2800 signalized intersections. The case involved both DRA and the American Council of the Blind of Metropolitan Chicago, a chapter of the Illinois Council of the Blind. We discuss how the case came about, what the decision ruling Chicago is in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act means for the city and other cities across the country, and what comes next for DRA and the city of Chicago.
If you need legal assistance from Disability Rights Advocates, you may email [email protected] or call (510) 665-8644.
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Aaron Wilson, Enhanced Voting CEO, Jacksonville, FL Douglas George Town, Access Ready CEO, Pinellas Park FL
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o Karyn Campbell, Illinois Council of the Blind Education and Welfare Committee Chair, Springfield, IL
o Dee Ann Hart, ACB of Indiana Legislative and Advocacy Committee Chair, Muncie, IN
o Martin Cahill, ACB of New York Legislative Chair, West Chester County, NY
o Ian Foley, ACB of New York Immediate Past Legislative Chair, Buffalo, NY
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Issues Related to Housing Advocacy o Claire Stanley, ACB Transportation Committee Chair, Rockville, MD o Sue Crawford, ACB Member, Silver Spring, MD o Swatha Nandhakumar, ACB Advocacy and Outreach Specialist, Alexandria, VA o Jeanine Worden, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC o Billy Lynch, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, DC
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Revisit this Legislative Seminar session with Clark, Swatha ACB Interim Executive Director Dan Spoone, and Dr. Jill Heemskerk from the National Institutes on Health as we get an update on NIH’s progress in making at-home diagnostic test kits fully accessible for individuals with disabilities.
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It is time for Congress to update the accessible video and communications requirements of the CVAA. In the 117th Congress, Senator Edward J. Markey (D-MA) and Representative Anna G. Eshoo (D-CA-18) introduced the Communications, Video, and Technology Accessibility (CVTA) Act of 2022 (S. 5121 & H.R. 9333). The CVTA reaffirms our nation’s commitment to accessible communications and video technologies for people who are blind, low vision, and Deafblind. Once passed, this legislation will:
Learn more about this ACB 2023 Legislative Imperative.
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In the fall of 2022, Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) introduced The Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act in the Senate. Representative John Sarbanes (D-MD-03) introduced a version of the bill in the House of Representatives. This bill would establish clear and enforceable accessibility standards for websites and software applications. The bill uses a functional definition of accessibility, ensuring that any regulations created after this bill is passed and signed into law remain evergreen and up to date with new and emerging technology. The “Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act” would clarify that it is unlawful for the entities currently covered by the ADA to maintain inaccessible websites and applications that exclude or otherwise discriminate against people with disabilities. It would establish a clear, enforceable accessibility standard, and establish a technical assistance center and advisory committee to provide advice and guidance on accessible websites and applications. It would also authorize a study on addressing emerging technologies.
Learn more about this 2023 ACB legislative imperative.
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On March 1, 2023, Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) introduced the Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act in the House of Representatives. The goal of this act is to make home use medical equipment and devices accessible to blind and visually impaired individuals in the United States. If passed, this legislation would amend the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to establish non-visual accessibility standards for Class II and III devices with digital interfaces. Class II and III devices include devices that are more invasive and involve a higher risk of injury or death, so it is much more important that these devices are used safely and as directed. The FDA would, in consultation with the U.S. Access Board, set regulations and a final rule according to those standards. The passage of this legislation would make it easier for people who are blind and low vision to manage their health safely and independently by ensuring that product manufacturers incorporate accessible design in the beginning stages of development for home use medical devices. This bill has 32 original co-sponsors and is bipartisan with 3 Republicans and 29 Democrats.
Learn more about this 2023 ACB Legislative Imperative.
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Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), along with Senators Bob Casey (D-PA), Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), introduced the Exercise and Fitness for All Act (S. 2504) in the 117th Congress in 2021. The goal of this bill was to make exercise equipment and fitness instruction fully accessible to people with disabilities. A version of the bill was introduced in the House as H.R. 4756 by Representatives Mark DeSaulnier (D-CA) and Don Young (R-AK). Rep. Dina Titus (D-NV) was also a co-sponsor. If passed, the bill would require the U.S. Access Board to establish guidelines relating to the number and types of accessible fitness equipment gyms and other fitness facilities are required to have, require the DOJ to publish regulations relating to the guidelines requiring fitness facilities to provide accessible equipment and classes, and would ensure that there is at least one staff member at the facility that is trained in providing assistance to a person with a disability and in operating the accessible equipment.
Learn more about this 2023 ACB legislative imperative.
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Advocacy for the DeafBlind Community: What Should ACB Leaders Understand to Include the Needs of DeafBlind Individuals in Our Advocacy Efforts: Moderator: Kim Charlson, ACB Past President, Watertown, MA; Carl Richardson, ADA Coordinator, Massachusetts State House, Boston, MA; Koni Sims, ACB Board of Directors, Sioux Falls, SD; and Megan Conway, PH.D., Director, Information, Research and Professional Development, Helen Keller National Center, Healdsburg, CA
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During this session at the ACB Legislative Seminar, Representative Debbie Dingell (D-MI-06( joins Clark and Swatha to share her priorities for the 118th Congress as the new Co-chair of the Bipartisan Congressional Disabilities Caucus.
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On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Swatha is joined by Sarah Malaier (Senior Advisor for Public Policy and Research at the American Foundation for the Blind) and Chris Bell (ACB Board Member) to recap their experiences at the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, an annual policy and research conference focused on transportation and infrastructure. Swatha, Chris, and Sarah attended on behalf of ACB and AFB to advocate and influence policy and research on behalf of individuals with disabilities with regard to transportation and infrastructure. They discuss takeaways, impressions, and the importance of attending and participating in TRB in this capacity. To learn more about AFB: @AFB1921 on Twitter, and the American Foundation for the Blind on LinkedIn and Facebook. Research reports are available at www.AFB.org
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On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark and Swatha bring ACB Executive Director Eric Bridges and ACB President Dan Spoone back to map out the year ahead at the American Council of the Blind. Topics we cover include the Leadership Conference and Legislative Seminar in March, the Annual Conference and Convention in July, and the fall Audio Description Awards Gala.
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On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark is joined by Greg Stilson, Head of Global Technology Innovation, American Printing House for the Blind, regarding his and APH’s experience at the 2023 Consumer Electronics Show. We discuss Greg’s impression of CES and experience as an exhibiter showcasing technology for APH. Also, they discuss the Accessibility Leaders Roundtable hosted by the Consumer Technology Association Foundation in which ACB and APH participated. To learn more about the American Printing House for the Blind, please visit www.aph.org.
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On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark is joined by Kat Zigmont, Deputy Director, World Institute on Disability, regarding her and WID’s experience at the 2023 Consumer Electronics Show. ACB and WID were invited to participate as part of the Consumer Technology Association Foundation’s Accessibility Leaders cohort. They discuss the evolution of accessible technology and why it is important to have disability inclusion at major industry conventions, like CES. To learn more about the World Institute on Disability as they celebrate their 40th anniversary, please visit: www.wid.org.
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On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark and Swatha get to know the newest member of the Advocacy and Governmental Affairs Team, Tabitha Kenlon. Tabitha will serve as ACB’s Audio Description Project Coordinator. Learn more about the Audio Description Project at adp.acb.org.
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Join ACB advocacy team Clark and Swatha, ACB President Dan Spoone, and ACB Executive Director Eric Bridges as they recap 2022 at the American Council of the Blind. Topics include ACB’s 10K community events, the 2022 hybrid convention, key legislation introduced by ACB in the 117th Congress, and the second annual Audio Description Awards Gala.
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On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark and Swatha are joined by ACB Executive Director Eric Bridges, ACB Media & IT Manager Rick Morin, and ACB Media Coordinator Larry Gassman for a deep dive into a key program within the organization, the ACB Media Network. Learn about how Rick and Larry got their start in ACB, how it has evolved from simply being another method of consuming content to the key player and powerhouse it is today, and how you can access and consume its wide array of content.
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On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark speaks with ACB member and Vista Center Board Chair, John Glass, and Sight Tech Global Executive Producer, Ned Desmond, regarding this year’s virtual event. A Vista Center production, Sight Tech Global is the first global, virtual conference dedicated to fostering discussion among technology pioneers on how rapid advances in AI and related technologies will fundamentally alter the landscape of assistive technology and accessibility. This year’s virtual conference will take place Dec. 7 & 8. To learn more and register for free, please visit: https://sighttechglobal.com.
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of the Blind, Claire Stanley, Public Policy Analyst at the National Disability Rights Network, and Stephanie Enyart, Chief Public Policy and Research Officer at the American Foundation for the Blind, on one of ACB’s 2022 legislative imperatives, the recently introduced Websites and Software Applications Accessibility Act (H.R.9021 and S. 4998). We talk about how this bill got started, what it does and why we need it, and how listeners can get involved and build support to help get it passed. For the joint press release issued by ACB, AFB, NDRN, and NFB, visit Senator Duckworth and Representative Sarbanes Introduce Bill to Make Websites and Mobile Applications Accessible to Individuals with Disabilities | American Council of the Blind (acb.org) For the one pager, section by section analysis, and FAQ on the bill, visit Sarbanes, Duckworth Introduce Bicameral Legislation to Help Make Websites and Software Applications Accessible for Americans with Disabilities | Congressman John Sarbanes (house.gov) To contact your Representative and Senators, call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. To access NDRN’s tool for finding and contacting your members of Congress on this bill, visit Tell Congress to Make the Web Accessible for People with Disabilities! (salsalabs.org) To access NFB’s fact sheet on the bill, visit Fact Sheet: Twenty-First Century Mobile Apps and Website Accessibility Act | National Federation of the Blind (nfb.org)
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President and Co-Chair of the Audio Description Project) and Matt Ater (ACB Advisory Board Member and Vice President at Vispero) about this year’s gala. We cover how it got started, lessons learned from last year’s inaugural gala, and some of the awards being given out this year. The Audio Description Awards Gala will air on November 29, 2022 at 7:30pm Eastern. You won’t want to miss this. Learn more about the gala at Home - ACB Audio Description Awards Gala (adawardsgala.org).
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Director for the Center for Civic Design) about the work both organizations are doing to make voting accessible for individuals with disabilities. we discuss the work the Center for Civic Design is doing to make finding accessible voting information easier to access, the work Microsoft is doing in this space and why corporate engagement is important in voting advocacy, and the idea of democracy being a design problem. To find out more about the Center for Civic Design, visit Center for Civic Design To access the Accessible Voting Index, visit Accessible voting - Your guide to a private and independent voting experience To find out more about Microsoft’s voting advocacy work, visit Microsoft On the Issues - News and perspectives on legal, public policy and citizenship topics
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The scientists, writers, and educators from the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) want to make space accessible for everyone, and have created vividly detailed alt text for every photo that has been released from NASA's James Webb Space Telescope. ACB’s advocacy team, Clark Rachfal and Swatha Nandhakumar, are joined by Dr. Kelly Lepo, STScI Education and Outreach Scientist, Claire Blome, STScI Principal Science Writer, and Timothy Rhue II, STScI Informal Science Educator, during this presentation to discuss how their team have collaborated with one another to make the Webb images accessible to people who are blind and low vision. Learn more about the panelists for this event.
Experience the breathtaking images taken by the James Webb Space Telescope and share in the joy and enthusiasm of space during this engaging event!
Access the full image descriptions for the James Webb Space Telescope in the First Images Gallery under “Download Options” for each photo.
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for our listeners. Topics we cover include Rep. Sarbanes’ letter to the Department of Justice with over 30 supporting Congressional offices, ACB’s accessible at-home COVID test accessibility survey, the Federal Aviation Administration’s request for comments on airplane seat dimensions and safety, and an upcoming live event with the James Web Telescope Science Institute on the recent accessible images captured by NASA. We also provide a teaser for ACB’s 2nd annual Audio Description Awards Gala. For the Sarbanes letter - https://sarbanes.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/sarbanes-leads-colleagues-urging-department-justice-ensure-americans For the accessible test survey – https://gatech.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bdqaz5GtByY4H1I FAA Request for Comments – Request for Comments in Minimum Seat Dimensions Necessary for Safety of Air Passengers (Emergency Evacuation) | Federal Aviation Administration (faa.gov) Find out more about ACB’s Audio Description Gala at Save the Date: ACB’s 2022 Audio Description Awards Gala | American Council of the Blind
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On this week’s episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Swatha meets with our two re-elected Board members from the 2022 National Convention, Jeff Thom and Koni Sims. She learns about their history with ACB, what they’re excited to work on in their new term as director, and advocacy issues important to them. Jeff and Koni also share advice for those interested in getting more involved in ACB leadership and in advocacy more broadly.
Find out more at https://acb-advocacy-update.pinecast.co
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark and Swatha head into the August Congressional Recess with another round of advocacy updates. They cover the DOJ Uber settlement, updated COVID testing guidance, ACB's website accessibility action alert, a new AbilityOne subminimum wage rule, updated HHS and DOJ guidance on telehealth, Concept2, and Peloton.
To file a rideshare service dog denial complaint with DOJ, visit: The Americans with Disabilities Act | Beta.ADA.gov
To order the more accessible Ellume COVID-19 tests, call 1-800-232-0233 or the Disability Information and Access Line (DIAL) at 888-677-1199.cTo read the supplemental instructions for using the tests, visit: Tips for blind and low vision users of the Ellume COVID-19 tests | ACL Administration for Community Living
To read the full guidance on telehealth from DOJ, visit: HHS and DOJ Issue Guidance on Nondiscrimination in Telehealth the week of the 32nd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) | HHS.gov
Find out more at https://acb-advocacy-update.pinecast.co
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark and Swatha speak with our three newly elected members of the ACB Board of Directors, Gabriel Lopez Kafati, Rachel Schroeder, and Terry Pacheco. They discuss their history with ACB, including why they became a member, their leadership experience, why they ran for a board position, their thoughts on our first ever hybrid convention, and advocacy issues they’re excited to work on. We also find a common theme within their shared experience of ACB as a wonderful and welcoming organization for everyone.
Find out more at https://acb-advocacy-update.pinecast.co
On this episode of the Advocacy Update, we discuss the ongoing advocacy efforts to make at-home COVID-19 tests more accessible for people who are blind and low vision. Clark is joined by ACB President Dan Spoone and Immediate Past President Kim Charlson, and Deputy Director Jill Heemsker, National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering within the National Institutes of Health (NIH). To learn more and order your 12 free more accessible COVID-19 at home tests, please visit: https://acb.org/12-covid-test-2022.
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On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark and Swatha speak with Christine Kim (Trial Attorney at the US Department of Justice Disability Rights Section) and Aaron Konopasky (Senior Attorney Advisor at the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) about the recent guidance on AI and algorithmic technology and disability-based discrimination in employment released by both agencies. They discuss what AI employment technology looks like, what disability-based discrimination looks like when these technologies are involved, and employers’ obligations, and job applicants’/employees’ rights relating to the ADA and these technologies. To read the DOJ guidance, visit https://beta.ada.gov/ai-guidance/. To read the EEOC guidance, visit https://www.eeoc.gov/laws/guidance/americans-disabilities-act-and-use-software-algorithms-and-artificial-intelligence
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Modernizing the AbilityOne Program On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark and Swatha, with special guest ACB President Dan Spoone, speak with Kimberly Zeich, Acting Executive Director of the U.S. AbilityOne Commission, and two private citizen members of the Commission, Gabe Cazares and Bryan Bashin, about the AbilityOne program. We discuss ways to modernize the program, including the Commission’s Draft Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2022 to 2026, and ways to increase representation of people with disabilities, including blind and low vision people within all levels of the program and Commission. To learn more about the AbilityOne Program, please visit: www.abilityone.gov.
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20220225 Legislative Imperative 4 – Communications and Video Accessibility Amendments Act
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20220224 Legislative Imperatives 3 – Web and Application Accessibility
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20220223 Legislative Imperative 2 – Medical Device Non-Visual Accessibility Act
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20220222 Legislative Imperatives – Exercise and Fitness for All Act
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On this week’s episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark and Swatha discuss ACB’s advocacy efforts relating to accessible at-home COVID tests now available to order online and over the phone, and provide an update about ACB's 2022 DC Leadership Meetings. To order rapid at-home test kits free of charge, visit www.covidtests.gov or call 800-232-0233. To register for ACB’s 2022 DC Leadership Meetings, visit https://tinyurl.com/2022-DC-Leadership-Meetings or call the ACB Minneapolis office at 612-332-3242.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark speaks with Steven Ewell, Executive Director, Consumer Technology Association (CTA) Foundation, and Matt Ater, Vice President, Vispero, about the accessible tech innovations at the 2022 Consumer Electronics Show (CES). ACB attended CES as a guest of the CTA Foundation as part of the organization’s tenth year inviting accessibility leaders to CES. Tune in to hear about how consumer companies, both big and small, are making their products more accessible and useable for everyone. For a transcript of this episode, visit: https://acb.org/ACB-Advocacy-Update-CES-2022-transcript.
On this week’s episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, ACB Advocacy & Outreach Specialist Swatha Nandhakumar continues the New Year mini-series with Blind LGBT Pride International (BPI) President Gabriel Lopez Kafati and ACB Multicultural Affairs Committee (MCAC) Chair Cheryl Cumings. They discuss plans BPI and MCAC have for the year ahead as well as goals both organizations have for making ACB a more welcoming and inclusive place for people who are blind and have low vision. To find out more about and get involved with MCAC, visit the Multicultural Affairs Committee webpage. To find out more about and get involved with BPI, visit https://blindlgbtpride.org.
On this week’s episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Swatha, ACB's Advocacy & Outreach Specialist, kicks off 2022 with Tom Tobin and Sheila Styron from ACB’s Get Up and Get Moving Campaign with a discussion of plans and goals the committee has for the year ahead.
Clark and Swatha provide another round of advocacy updates for listeners and members. Topics include Quest, ACB's Rideshare Refusal Survey, the Department of Justice lawsuit against Uber and settlement with Urbana-Champaign, Illinois Mass Transit District, Congressional activity, and ACB’s Leadership Conference and Legislative Seminar. To access the Rideshare Refusal Survey, visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZBSM6WC. If you have any questions, please email [email protected]. Email [email protected] if you would like to participate in the Uber lawsuit.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, ACB's Advocacy & Outreach Specialist Swatha speaks to Kim Charlson, President of the World Blind Union (WBU) North American and Caribbean Region, Meryl Shecter, ACB’s International Relations Committee Vice Chair, and Sandra Sermons, International Relations Committee member, about advocacy on behalf of the global blind community. If you’d like to get involved with or learn more about WBU, email Kim at [email protected]. To learn more about the International Relations Committee, including their item donation program, visit: https://tinyurl.com/ACB-IRC.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, ACB's advocacy team, Clark and Swatha discuss two major updates regarding CVS and the disability community. They go into depth on the CVS v. Doe Supreme Court case and the rollout of Spoken RX, the company’s accessible prescription label solution.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Swatha and Clark participate in an ACB Community Event hosted by the Get Up and Get Moving Campaign and ACB Diabetics in Action. Hosted by ACBDA President, Tom Tobin, and ACBDA Advocacy Chair, Chris Gray, the program draws attention to the need for durable medical equipment to be made accessible and calls for our listeners, attendees, and members to contact their members of Congress in support of the Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act of 2021, H.R. 4853. For more information about this legislation, please visit: https://acb.org/call-to-action-HR4853.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, we preview the inaugural ACB Audio Description Awards Gala. Anthony Corona, host of Sunday Edition on the ACB Media Network, moderated a conversation previewing the Audio Description Awards Gala and what is in-store. To celebrate greatness and innovations in audio description, please join us at the Audio Description Awards Gala live on Thursday, Nov. 18, 7:30 pm, EST at www.adawardsgala.org.
On this week’s episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark and Swatha meet with Don Overton, Executive Director of Blinded Veterans Association (BVA), to discuss his role at BVA and the organization’s resources for blind and visually impaired veterans. They also discuss advocacy efforts by BVA, how both ACB and BVA can work together on key issues affecting the blind community, and how ACB and the broader public can support our veterans, including those with disabilities. ACB would like to thank all of those who have served our country, today and every day!
On this week’s episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark and Swatha meet with Andrés Gallegos, Chair of the National Council on Disability (NCD), to discuss his role and his vision for the organization. We also talk about the impact of the pandemic on the blind and low vision community, and additional topics including the importance of information and web access, and accessible currency. Learn more about NCD by visiting www.ncd.gov.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark and Swatha meet with ACB’s Multimedia Design Specialist Kelly Gasque and Nolan Trowe from Everyday Disabled to talk about alt text. They discuss what alt text is, why it’s important, and a potential project with ACB and Nolan about alt text. If you’d have ideas or suggestions for this project, email us at [email protected].
On this week's episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, ACB's Advocacy and Outreach Specialist Swatha Nandhakumar and ACB's Director of Development Tony Stephens speak with Koni Sims, South Dakota Association of the Blind President, about White Cane Safety Day on October 15th. We go into the history of the white cane, talk about its importance as a tool for independence and visibility, and discuss how the day ties into broader efforts for inclusion and equity, including ACB’s Get Up and Get Moving Campaign.
On this week’s episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark and Swatha meet with Katie Fredrick, ACB Board of Publications Chair, in person at the M-Enabling Summit in Arlington, VA. We discuss the key events at the summit, highlights from the past three days, and the joys of being at an actual in person conference after almost two years.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark and Swatha speak with an old friend of ACB, Claire Stanley, Public Policy Analyst at National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) and co-Chair of the ACB Transportation Committee, to discuss air travel accessibility and the Air Carrier Access Act’s (ACAA) 35th anniversary. They discuss the law’s relevance in today’s post ADA world, what the law means for blind and visually impaired travelers, and successes and areas of improvement regarding airline accessibility, including the ACAA Amendments Act (H.R. 1696/S.642).
If you are facing accessibility barriers or believe the airline is discriminating against you based on your disability, you may file a complaint with the Department of Transportation Office of Aviation Consumer Protection: https://www.transportation.gov/airconsumer/file-consumer-complaint.
On this week's episode, Clark and Swatha return to the roots of the ACB Advocacy Update Podcast and provide a myriad of little updates relevant to ACB and our members. Topics we cover include Social Security, accessible voter registration, Discord, and Planet Fitness.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark and Swatha speak with Guillermo Robles from ACB’s Multicultural Affairs Committee, and Gabriel Lopez Kafati from ACB’s International Relations Committee, about the month-long celebration of Hispanic heritage. Guillermo and Gabriel share what Hispanic Heritage Month means to them and their community, advocacy issues important to the blind Hispanic community, and ways ACB may be more inclusive of the Hispanic community and lift up their voices within the organization. More information about the Spanish-language community calls can be accessed by emailing [email protected].
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark and Swatha meet with Joe Nahra, Director of Government Relations at Powers Law, and co-Coordinator of the ITEM Coalition, to discuss legislative action surrounding Medicare Coverage of low vision devices. We revisit ACB’s Medicare Demonstration of Coverage for Low Vision Devices Act legislative imperative, discuss H.R. 4187, the Medicare Vision Act, and discuss current efforts to add low vision device coverage in the budget reconciliation package. ACB urges all our members and friends to contact their elected officials in support of including the Medicare Vision Act, H.R. 4187, in the budget reconciliation package.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark and Swatha meet with the 2021 DKM First Timers, Belinda Collins and Kaila Allen, and one of this year’s scholarship winners, Bhavya Shah. We talk to them about getting and staying involved in ACB, their experiences advocating for themselves both personally and professionally, and ask them for advice on getting involved in advocacy efforts both independently and through ACB.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark and Swatha, along with guest Tom Tobin discuss the Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act (H.R. 4853). We talk about how requiring medical device accessibility will enable people who are blind and experiencing vision loss to take control of their health. ACB urges all of our members and friends to contact their members of Congress in support of H.R. 4853.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark and Swatha discuss the reintroduction of the Exercise and Fitness for All Act (H.R. 4756/S. 2504) with guest Sheila Styron, ACB’s Transportation Committee Chair. We share the details of this important legislation, how it relates to ACB’s Get Up and Get Moving campaign, and urge all ACB members and friends to contact their members of Congress in support of the Exercise and Fitness for All Act.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Swatha and Clark speak with the ACB officer and board members who were newly elected in ACB’s first-ever virtual elections this July. Joining them for the conversation are ACB First Vice President Deb Cook Lewis, and Board Members Koni Sims, Kenneth Semien, and Chris Bell. Our guests share what drew them to ACB, their personal advocacy experience, and why they are excited to take on their new roles.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, we feature the second installment of a panel discussion from the ACB Conference and Convention. Carl Richardson, co-Chair of ACB’s Audio Description Project speaks with representatives from major streaming services to discuss their product’s, programming, services, and offerings. Featured guests include: Melanie Goodman, HULU; Martha Heller, Viacom CBS, Paramount+; Sarah Herrlinger, Apple, TV+; Daniel Kocmarek, Sr., Amazon, Prime Video; Mirka Pavlikova, Walt Disney Studios, Disney+; Allison Smith, Netflix; Andy Larkin, HBO Max; & Thomas Wlodkowski, Comcast, Peacock.
If you enjoy the ACB Advocacy Update, please consider becoming a member and donating to support our initiatives, like the Audio Description Project.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, we feature the first installment of a panel discussion from the ACB Conference and Convention. Carl Richardson, co-Chair of ACB’s Audio Description Project speaks with representatives from major streaming services to discuss their product’s, programming, services, and offerings. Featured guests include: Melanie Goodman, HULU; Martha Heller, Viacom CBS, Paramount+; Sarah Herrlinger, Apple, TV+; Daniel Kocmarek, Sr., Amazon, Prime Video; Mirka Pavlikova, Walt Disney Studios, Disney+; Allison Smith, Netflix; Andy Larkin, HBO Max; & Thomas Wlodkowski, Comcast, Peacock.
If you enjoy the ACB Advocacy Update, please consider becoming a member and donating to support our initiatives, like the Audio Description Project.
Help us celebrate this milestone, as we launch a goal to raise $60,000 for 60 years of success: what we are calling our $60k for 60 Campaign. Since our founding in 1961, ACB continues to strive to make an impact with important advocacy efforts and value to our community. We continue to fight for not only accessibility but pushing forward equality, diversity, and inclusion for all of those living with vision loss across the country. Of course, we could not do this work alone and we are extremely thankful for all of our members, partners, and stakeholders for their support.
The $60k for 60 Campaign will run through July 6, 2022. Help us to meet our goal by making a contribution today for success for generations to come. Donate today at https://bit.ly/3dhK0Wz.
On this edition of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark and Swatha highlight the Health & Wellness Track of programming at the 2021 ACB Conference and Convention. Integral to the Health and Wellness Track is the launch of the ACB Get Up & Get Moving campaign on Saturday, July 17. Joining us to discuss the Get Up & Get Moving campaign, and the plethora of sessions included in the Health and Wellness Track this year, are Tom Tobin, Chair of the Get Up & Get Moving Steering Committee, and Leslie Spoone and Terry Suarez, co-Chairs of the Get Up & Get Moving Public Awareness Committee. Registration for the ACB Conference and Convention re-opens on Wednesday, July 14. To join us and be a part of the conversation at this year’s conference and convention, please visit: www.acbconvention.org.
Join ACB’s advocacy team, Clark and Swatha, as they highlight the entertainment track of the 2021 ACB Conference and Convention. Whether in-person or virtual, the ACB Conference and Convention is an opportunity for family and community to come together in a safe, welcoming, and respectful environment. Also participating in this conversation are ACB’s President, Dan Spoone, and ACB’s Convention Coordinator, Janet Dickelman, and we want you to join us for this year’s conference and convention!
To learn more about the 2021 Convention, visit: https://acbconvention.org.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark and Swatha preview the Technology Track of programming for the 2021 ACB Conference and Convention. They are joined by Jeff Bishop, Chair of ACB’s Information Access Committee. To register and join the conversation at the ACB Conference and Convention, please visit: www.acbconvention.org. Registration closes this Monday, June 28th, so make sure to register soon!
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark and Swatha highlight the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion track of programming at the 2021 ACB Conference and Convention. We are joined by Peggy Garret, Chair of ACB’s Multicultural Affairs Committee, and Gabriel Lopez Kafati, President of Blind LGBTQ Pride International. To join us and learn more about this year’s ACB Conference and Convention, please visit: www.acbconvention.org.
On Tuesday, June 8, AT 3pm EDT, ACB’s advocacy team members, Clark and Swatha, hosted a live episode of the ACB Advocacy Update about the interactive transportation programming on offer at this year’s virtual ACB Conference and Convention. Clark and Swatha were joined by leaders of ACB’s Transportation and Environmental Access Committees. In addition to the conference and convention programming, they discussed several transportation-related advocacy issues important to ACB and our members. For details on how to register for our 2021 convention, visit: https://acb.org/2021-convention-registration. To watch the video recording of this event, visit: https://youtu.be/2AakR2RpG-Y
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark and Swatha highlight the programming being offered by the Audio Description Project at the 60th ACB Conference and Convention. ACB’s Immediate Past President, Kim Charlson, and ACB’s ADP Coordinator, Jo Lynn Bailey Page join the podcast to share the programming and panelists being featured at the convention. Following the podcast conversation, stay tuned to hear an important announcement on the first ever AD Gala! To register for the ACB Conference and Convention and view the programming, please visit: www.acbconvention.org. To learn more about the AD Gala, please visit: www.acb.org/ad-gala.
On this week's episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, we revisit the ACB special event celebrating the 10th-anniversary of Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). ACB's Executive Director Eric Bridges led a conversation with digital accessibility leaders Jennison Asuncion (Co-founder of GAAD and Head of Accessibility Engineering Evangelism at LinkedIn) and Mike Shebanek (Head of Accessibility at Facebook). Together, Eric, Jennison and Mike took a look back at the growth taken place over the past decade in digital accessibility and forecast what new challenges and opportunities rest just beyond the horizon. A video recording of this live event is available at https://youtu.be/EcUy3HT6bRY. Please check-out https://acb.org/GAAD-2021 for a message from ACB’s Executive Director Eric Bridges on the 10th Anniversary of GAAD.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark and Swatha celebrate the 10th anniversary of Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). GAAD began ten years ago to recognize, celebrate, and increase awareness of digital access and inclusion. We are joined by Audrey Bush from the Association of Assistive Technology Act Programs, who shares the technology and training available through the state assistive technology programs, and Larry Goldberg from Verizon Media and Teach Access, who shares about innovations in accessible technology spurred on by advocacy, regulation, and corporate ingenuity. To learn more about the assistive technology program in your state or territory, please visit: www.at3center.net. To learn more about Teach Access, please visit: www.teachaccess.org. To learn more about the Valuable 500, please visit: www.thevaluable500.com.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark and Swatha revisit our conversation from November 2020, with a returning guest, Rachel Weisberg from Equip for Equality. Rachel shares her impressions of the Winn-Dixie appeals court ruling and how it will impact digital accessibility. Then, we speak with Peter Berg from the Great Lakes ADA Center about the technical assistance and resources available to individuals and businesses regarding how the ADA and other disability rights laws apply to digital access and inclusion. To learn more about the digital access resources available from the Great Lakes ADA Center, please visit: www.accessibilityonline.org.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark and Swatha reconnect with Mark Richert, ACB First Vice President, and Paul Schroeder, Vice President of Government and Community Outreach at the American Printing House for the Blind. We spoke with Mark and Paul at the beginning of the 117th Congress, and now we are checking in at the 100 days mark to ascertain whether the Administration and Congress are on-track with their policy priorities. Tune in as Mark rubs his crystal ball and shares what is in store for the rest of the Biden presidency!
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, we revisit a presentation from the ACB DC Leadership Conference. Ron Brooks, former Chair of the ACB Transportation and Advocacy Steering Committees, moderates a conversation with industry leaders incorporating accessibility in autonomous vehicle design, testing and development, including: Eric Danko, Director of Federal Affairs, Cruise; George Ivanov, Head of International Policy & government Affairs, Waymo; & Dave Furukawa, co-Founder, Foresight Augmented Reality. To learn more about ACB’s current advocacy related to autonomous vehicles, check out the letter in support of S. 1260 that we shared with the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: https://acb.org/support-letter-s1260.
Join us for this week’s ACB Advocacy Update with special guest host Tony Stephens, ACB’s Director of Development. Tony sits down with ACB’s Director of Advocacy & Governmental Affairs, Clark Rachfal, to talk with Audio Description Project (ADP) Committee Co-Chair Carl Richardson, and to introduce Jo Lynn Bailey-Page, who is now on staff with ACB coordinating the Audio Description Project. The episode kicks off Earth Day with a conversation on the UniDescription Project, which is a partnership between ACB, the University of Hawaii and the National Parks Service. We then dive into what’s hot with audio description in streaming media and get a preview of what is in store for audio description at this summer’s convention.
There’s still time to nominate your favorite audio described program for this year’s ADP Awards. Visit https://acb.org/2021-adp-awards-nominations for details. The FCC is also seeking comments on issues to explore around the CVAA. Tune in for more details, and email [email protected] for more information on how you can provide comments to the FCC.
On National Assistive Technology Awareness Day for 2021, Clark Rachfal and Swatha Nandhakumar were joined by Matt Ater, Vice President of Vispero, and Don Barrett, ACB Member, to discuss assistive technology: what it is; why it is so important; and what role assistive technology will play in our lives going forward.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark moderates a panel discussion to mobilize advocates in support of the reintroduced Cogswell Macy Act! ACB is joined by: Mark Richert, Interim Executive Director, AER; Linda Alsop, Director, National Intervener and Advocate Association; Howard Rosenblum, Chief Executive Officer, National Association of the Deaf; Barbara Raimondo, Executive Director, Conference of Educational Administrators of Schools and Programs for the Deaf; & Amy Parker, Assistant Professor, Portland State University. To learn how you may support the Cogswell Macy Act (H.R. 1959 & S. 813), visit: www.cogswellmacyact.org.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark is joined by fellow members of the National Coalition for Accessible Voting to discuss the gains in accessible voting over the past two years and concerning provisions of H.R. 1, and S. 1, the For The People Act. Guests on this podcast include: Maggie Hart from the Washington Lawyers’ Committee; Diane Golden from the EAC Technical Standards and Guidelines Committee; and Erika Hudson from the National Disability Rights Network. One of the items discussed is the National Coalition for Accessible Voting’s policy paper, which is available at: https://acb.org/national-coalition-accessible-voting.
ACB is celebrating a year of community! When the pandemic hit and everyone was told to shelter in place, we turned isolation into connection. From education, training, and information sharing, to peer support, socialization, and fun, learn what this growing community has meant to so many people in and outside of ACB over the past year during this week's episode of the ACB Advocacy Update.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, ACB's Director of Advocacy and Governmental Affairs, Clark Rachfal, speaks with ACB leaders about our internal voting process. Clark is joined by ACB President Dan Spoone, as well as Pat Sheehan and Koni Sims from the ACB ad hoc Voting Task Force. Voting is fundamental to our work as a membership organization, and during this conversation we learn how ACB is meeting the challenge of the current pandemic to ensure that the voices of all of our members are heard.
To read the Voting Taskforce’s recommendations for 2021, visit https://acb.org/voting-task-force-recommendations-2-20-21.
On this week’s episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, ACB Director of Advocacy & Governmental Affairs Clark Rachfal speaks with a plethora of ACB leaders regarding our ongoing efforts to make ACB a more representative and inclusive community while providing greater opportunities for future leaders. First, Clark is joined by Multicultural Affairs Committee (MCAC) Chair Peggy Garrett and MCAC Committee member Michael Garrett to discuss the intersection of diversity and disability. Then, as we discuss the organizational supports available to ACB members, Clark introduces Durward K. McDaniel Fund (DKM) Committee Chair Kenneth Semien and DKM Committee member Zelda Gebhard to share how the DKM Committee increases leadership opportunities, including the DKM First Timers’ Award and the JPMorgan Chase Leadership Fellows program. Applications for these two opportunities is April 5, 2021.
On this week’s episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, ACB’s Director of Advocacy and Governmental Affairs, Clark Rachfal, celebrates the one year anniversary of our ACB Next Generation affiliate. Clark is joined by President Amanda Selm, Second Vice President Steven Salas, and Secretary Greg Lindberg for a conversation about the founding of ACB Next Generation, the work they are doing to engage new members, advocacy issues important to the affiliate, and where they go from here. To learn more about ACB Next Generation, visit: https://acb.org/acb-next-generation or connect with them on Facebook: http://facebook.com/acbnextgen or Twitter: https://twitter.com/ACBNextGen.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark Rachfal is joined by Eric Bridges, ACB’s Executive Director, to discuss the DC Leadership meetings, and we replay the keynote remarks from Will Butler, Vice President of Community, Be My Eyes. To learn more about the DC Leadership Meetings, and the ACB Legislative Imperatives, please visit: https://acb.org/2021-leadership-conference. To watch the three days of presentations and guest speakers, visit the ACB YouTube page at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI_nLwS9Cw2Bm1IA4qIBw3Q.
During this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, we discuss how ACB scholarships further our mission of increasing independence and economic opportunity for people who are blind and experiencing vision loss. ACB Director of Advocacy and Governmental Affairs, Clark Rachfal, is joined by Rebecca Bridges, Chair of ACB’s Scholarship Committee, and two recent scholarship awardees - Amanda Lannan, and Mitchell Bridwell. The 2021 ACB Scholarships deadline is Monday, Feb. 15, and information about ACB Scholarships may be found at: https://acb.org/scholarships.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, we share a presentation from the ACB of Maryland State Convention on the focus and impact of advocacy by the disability community. Clark Rachfal provides an overview of the advocacy work being done by ACB on the national-level, while Cecilia Warren from the Maryland Department of Disability discusses the measures being implemented on the state-level. If you are experiencing accessibility barriers related to the COVID-19 pandemic, please visit the ACB COVID-19 website: https://acb.org/acb-covid19-response, reach out to your state affiliate, and contact the ACB National Office by emailing [email protected].
Join ACB as we highlight the exciting programming in store for this year’s ACB Leadership Conference. The conference will be held virtually from Sunday, February 21st to Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021. Registration is open for the conference, which will include our annual President’s Meeting and Legislative Seminar. Register for the DC Leadership Conference by visiting http://weblink.donorperfect.com/2021DCLeadershipmtgs.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark Rachfal is joined by a couple familiar voices in new places. We speak with ACB First Vice President Mark Richert, and friend of ACB, Paul Schroeder. Mark is the interim Executive Director for the Association of Education and Rehabilitation for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and is now the Director of Public Policy for the VisionServe Alliance. Paul is now the Vice President, Government and Community Affairs for the American Printing House for the Blind. With combined decades of advocacy and public policy experience, Mark and Paul share their thoughts on what policies important to ACB and our members might be addressed during the 117th Congress.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, ACB Director of Advocacy & Governmental Affairs, Clark Rachfal, and ACB’s Membership Services Coordinator, Cindy Hollis, speak about the ACB Community. They discuss the logistics of facilitating and growing the ACB community, and how the ACB community is meeting the social and mental health needs of our members and the broader community. Clark and Cindy are joined by Sheila Young, President, Florida Council of the Blind, and Matthew Vollbrecht, Founder, The Tech Juggernaut, and Certified Apple Trainer.
To learn more and become involved with the ACB Community, visit: https://acb.org/acb-community-events.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark speaks with ACB experts regarding the Final Rule on Air Travel with Service Animals from the U.S. Department of Transportation. The DOT Final Rule goes into effect on Monday, Jan. 11, 2021, and our panelists for this conversation included: Sarah Calhoun, Guide Dog Users Inc. (GDUI) President; Melanie Brunson, GDUI Advocacy Chair; Sheila Styron, ACB Transportation Committee Chair; and Becky Davidson, ACB Environmental Access Committee Chair.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark speaks with ACB President, Dan Spoone, and Executive Director, Eric Bridges, about our organizational accomplishments throughout 2020. Despite the challenges thrust upon us by a global pandemic, ACB stayed true to our core values and created opportunities to embrace, engage, and empower our community. To help us build upon our 2020 accomplishments and carry this momentum into the New Year, please consider ACB in your end-of-year giving by visiting: https://acb.org/give2020.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire and Clark discuss an important resource that can be used by all ACB members and people with disabilities. With special guests from Cyrus Huncharek, National Disability Rights Network, and Thomas Crishon, Indiana Disability Rights, we learn about the federally mandated protection and advocacy (P&A) services available to people with disabilities. The P&A system offers free disability-related legal and advocacy services to residents of their region. To find out more about the P&A in your area, visit: www.ndrn.org.
To access a transcript of this podcast, visit: https://acb.org/acb-advocacy-update-12-10-20-transcript.
In honor of International Day of Persons with Disabilities, ACB staff member Claire Stanley spoke with two ACB members, Kim Charlson and Mitch Pomerantz. Both Kim and Mitch have held, or currently hold, leadership positions in the World Blind Union (WBU). To celebrate the lives of disabled persons from around the globe, listeners of this episode will learn more about what WBU does.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire and Clark speak with Rachel Weisberg, Staff Attorney for Equip for Equality, the state protection and advocacy agency for Illinois. Rachel shares with us the legal landscape for Internet and website accessibility and walks us through several legal scenarios for digital workplace inclusion.
To find the protection and advocacy agency in your state, please visit: https://www.ndrn.org/about/ndrn-member-agencies/.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire and Clark get to know the organizations supporting our blind and visually impaired veterans. First, they speak with Don Overton, President, Blinded Veterans Association (BVA) about BVA’s peer support network and advocacy initiatives. Then, they speak with ACB’s own Tyson Ernst, acting President, Visually Impaired Veterans of America (VIVA) regarding the VIVA affiliate and the tools and resources available to visually impaired veterans. To learn more about BVA, please visit: www.bva.org. To learn more and become involved with VIVA, please send an email to [email protected].
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire and Clark discuss the recent updates in the audio description marketplace. They speak with Sam Joehl, President, ACB of Virginia, about the work of the Federal Communications Commission and their Disability Advisory Committee, and they speak with Dr. Joel Snyder, Director, ACB’s Audio Description Project about ACB’s ongoing work to increase audio description availability. To learn more about audio description innovations and to know what content is audio described, visit www.acb.org/adp.
On this episode of the Advocacy Update, Clark Rachfal is joined by representatives from the U.S. Association of Blind athletes (USABA) to discuss the third annual and first virtual National Blind Sports Day. Cat Bouwkamp, USABA’s Membership and SafeSport Coordinator shares the impact of USABA’s work on the health and wellness of people who are blind and low vision, and Paralympian Ben Goodrich shares his personal experience as a judo athlete as well as additional resources available to help ACB members and the broader community to get up and get moving. To learn more about and participate in National Blind Sports Day on Oct. 3, visit: www.usaba.org/blindsportsday/.
This week on the podcast, Claire, the advocacy and out reach specialist, and Tony Stephens, the director of development, celebrate the two-year anniversary of the podcast. They reminisce about the first episode of the podcast, and then turn to the topic of the week: national guide dog month. They both talk about their experiences as guide dog handlers. Lots of laughs ensue.
This week on the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire and Clark discuss a newly formed coalition of organizations that is working toward equal access to voting for all people with disabilities. They speak with Jack Rosen from the National Disability Rights Network, Maria Town from the American Association of People with Disabilities, and Sarah Blahovec from the National Council on Independent Living to learn more about the coalition as well as several other exciting projects to promote equal voting rights during this voting season and for future election cycles.
To learn more about the National Coalition for Accessible Voting, visit: https://www.ncavoting.org.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire and Clark recap the 2020 ACB Resolutions as adopted by the Board of Directors. They are joined by ACB Resolutions Committee co-Chair, Gabe Griffith, to discuss the work of the 2020 virtual Resolutions Committee. The episode concludes with a conversation with ACB 2nd Vice President Ray Campbell about the ad hoc task force he is chairing to modernize the ACB resolution process.
This week on the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire Stanley and Clark Rachfal discuss the launch of ACB Voices. They speak with two of the great minds behind the blog, ACB Director of Development Tony Stephens and ACB Communication Intern Anthony Corona, as well as ACB's new membership intern, Nat Ratcliffe, who has authored a post on the blog. Get ready to learn about ACB Voices and find out how you too can submit your story to the blog. Visit www.ACBVoices.org to learn more.
Clark Rachfal and Claire Stanley speak with Sarah Malaier, Public Policy and Research Advisor for the American Foundation for the Blind. They talk about their participation in the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Accessible Strategic Plan Framework. The plan is exploring all angles of accessibility in the transportation arena.
This week on the ACB Advocacy Update, ACB staff members Claire Stanley and Clark Rachfal discuss how the coronavirus has touched upon numerous areas of advocacy ACB routinely works on. They highlight issues surrounding transportation, education, and voting, as well as outline the advocacy work that has been taken up in light of the pandemic. Not surprisingly, COVID-19 has presented a myriad of new problems to tackle.
On this episode of the Advocacy Update, Claire and Clark speak with multiple guests about the advocacy work and government initiatives to ensure in-person and remote absentee voting options are accessible. We are joined by Commissioner Donald Palmer, Vice Chair of the Election Assistance Commission (EAC), as well as Carrie Chapman, President of the Iowa Council of the United Blind, and Barbara Salisbury, President of the ACB of Indiana. Commissioner Palmer shared the resources available for election officials and voters from the EAC, and Carrie and Barbara share the ongoing advocacy work in Iowa and Indiana.
To learn more about accessible voting, visit the ACB accessible voting toolkit at: www.acb.org/voting.
To learn more about the upcoming EAC roundtable on election accessibility on Aug. 19, visit: https://www.eac.gov/events/2020/08/19/roundtable-discussion-uocava-and-a....
This week, Claire and Clark speak with ACB members about their experiences surrounding education, both K-12 and higher ed, during COVID-19. The three guests offer different perspectives from blind parents, blind students, and disability service offices on university campuses, demonstrating how accommodations look different during the pandemic.
This week, ACB staff members Claire Stanley and Clark Rachfal speak with three ACB leaders who helped develop and present the Transportation Forum at this year's convention. The podcast covers the content, speakers, and take-aways from the forum.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, please enjoy this Audio Description Project (ADP) panel presentation from the 2020 ACB virtual conference and convention. Clark Rachfal and Claire Stanley were joined by Suzy Rosen Singleton and Will Schell from the Federal Communications Commission’s Disability Rights Office, and Carl Richardson, ADP Steering Committee co-Chair, to discuss the ten years of progress made by the 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility (CVAA) Act, what the CVAA law and regulations cover, and where the CVAA may be improved in the future.
This week's episode features ACB's Advocacy Bootcamp hosted by staff members Claire Stanley and Clark Rachfal during the 2020 ACB virtual convention. During this bootcamp, Claire and Clark discuss how to effectively self-advocate and the panel of advocates share their own advocacy journeys.
This week on the ACB Advocacy Update, ACB staff members Eric Bridges, Claire Stanley, and Tony Stephens provide a sneak peak of the 59th ACB Conference and Convention. They discuss what the convention will look like, what has gone into planning for the event, and how members can participate.
This week on the ACB Advocacy Update, we air the second part of an important webinar developed and produced by the ACB Special Education Committee. This podcast will teach parents and guardians about how to effectively work with their blind and visually impaired students, now that as a result of COVID, parents are playing a much larger part in their children’s educations.
On June 19, 1865, the Union Army reached Galveston, Texas, and read a federal order proclaiming that all enslaved persons in the U.S. state of Texas were now free, nearly two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed. On June 19, 2020, and subsequent to nationwide protests following the murder of George Floyd, ACB members Verlencia Somuah and Kenneth Semien Sr. share their personal experiences and thoughts about racism and disability in America.
Join some of our own ACB members and outside educators as they talk about best practices for parents to work with their blind and visually impaired students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Parents now play a bigger role in their children’s education, and this podcast will provide invaluable tools to equip such parents. This is Part 1 of a two-part episode.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark speaks with Anthony Corona, ACB’s new Marketing, Communications and Strategy Intern. During this conversation, we get to know Anthony personally and professionally, as well as hear his thoughts on advocacy and the ACB Virtual Conference and Convention.
To learn more about Anthony’s communications and advocacy work with ACB affiliate Blind LGBTQ Pride International, please visit: www.blindlgbtpride.org.
To become involved with the 2020 ACB Virtual Conference and Convention, please visit: www.acbconvention.org.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire speaks with Courtney Holthus, Advocacy Director for Disability Rights Idaho, about the importance of accessible voting and the process to file an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice Disability Rights Section. Both Disability Rights Idaho and ACB have filed ADA complaints requesting the DOJ to investigate the accessibility of Idaho’s voting process. Anyone may file an ADA complaint by phone, mail, fax, or online, and more information is available at: https://www.ada.gov/filing_complaint.htm
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire Stanley speaks with Ron Brooks, Chair of ACB’s Advocacy Steering Committee, and Sheila Styron, Chair of ACB’s Transportation Committee, about the inaugural ACB Transportation Forum to be held during the 2020 ACB Virtual Conference and Convention. Claire, Ron and Sheila discuss the genesis of the transportation forum, what it will look like during the Virtual Conference and Convention, and what it is intended to accomplish.
To register or learn more about the 2020 ACB Virtual Conference and Convention, visit www.acbconvention.org.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark celebrates Global Accessibility Awareness Day by speaking with Jeff Bishop, ACB Board Member, ACB Information Access Committee Chair, and all around nice guy. Clark and Jeff discuss how the landscape of accessible technology has changed over the past ten years with the passage of the 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010 (CVAA). Not only the law that re-instated audio description requirements, the CVAA fostered accessibility requirements for communications hardware and software that is enabling people who are blind to work remotely from home, participate in ACB community events, and produce the first of it’s kind, ACB Virtual Conference and Convention!
Registration for the 2020 ACB Virtual Conference and Convention opens today, May 21, for ACB members, and May 28, for the general public; to learn more visit – www.acbconvention.org.
To checkout the wide variety of ACB Community Events, visit – www.acb.org/acb-community-conference-calls.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, ACB Executive Director Eric Bridges speaks with Lee Nasehi, President & CEO of VisionServe Alliance. Learn about who composes the membership of VisionServe Alliance and what role they are playing within the blind and visually impaired community.
For more information about VisionServe Alliance, visit www.visionservealliance.org.
To access a transcript of this podcast, visit: https://acb.org/acb-advocacy-update-transcript-5-14-20.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire Stanley and Clark Rachfal speak with ACB First Vice President Mark Richert about the COVID-19 waiver report submitted to Congress by the Department of Education. Mark, who is serving as Interim Executive Director for the Association of Education and Rehabilitation for the Blind and Visually Impaired (AER) shares his thoughts on what is included in the waiver report, the impact of previous advocacy efforts to ensure these waivers do not weaken the Free Appropriate Public Education in the Least Restrictive Environment protections for all students, and the vigilance required by advocates as Congress interprets these waiver requests into legislation.
To read the letter that ACB and the American Foundation for the Blind co-authored to Congress regarding waivers from the Department of Education, please visit: https://acb.org/acb-afb-joint-letter-covid19.
To learn more about AER, please visit: https://aerbvi.org/.
More information about ACB is available at www.acb.org, and if you like this podcast, please subscribe, and write a review.
This week, Claire speaks with Penny Rosenblum from the American Foundation for the Blind about a collaborative research project being conducted to assess the impact remote learning during the COVID-19 crisis is having on blind and visually impaired students. We will all be excited to learn what findings are gleaned from the survey.
To learn more and consider completing the survey, please visit: www.accessengagement.com.
More information about ACB is available at www.acb.org, and if you like this podcast, please subscribe, and write a review.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark speaks with Lex Gillette, Paralympian, World Champion, and World Record Long Jumper, and Cat Bouwkamp, Membership and Safe Sport Coordinator, U.S. Association of Blind Athletes. Lex shares how he is coping physically and mentally with the delay of the 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Games, and Cat shares the work that USABA is doing to make fitness and exercise more accessible for everyone who is blind.
To learn more about Lex Gillette, check out: www.lexgillette.com.
To learn more about USABA’s Staying Fit While Staying Put, and United We Move initiatives, please visit: www.usaba.org.
More information about ACB is available at www.acb.org, and if you like this podcast, please subscribe, and write a review.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update Claire Stanley speaks with Will Butler from Be My Eyes. The two discuss what users can do with the smartphone application, and the exciting new relationship ACB and Be My Eyes launched on April 22, 2020. Listen to find out how you can take advantage of the new service!
To read the press release about the partnership, visit: https://acb.org/acb-announces-partnership-be-my-eyes
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire and Clark discuss how the pandemic and social distancing requirements are impacting the planning by states for the 2020 primary and general elections. As many states move to conduct entire elections using paper ballots and vote by mail, ACB and our members are working hard to ensure election officials offer an accessible voting alternative to vote by mail for voters with disabilities.
To read the press release and letter that ACB and more than 75 disability and civil rights organizations sent to Congress, please visit: https://acb.org/congress-must-protect-voting-rights-for-disabled-4-13-20.
To learn more about ACB, please visit: www.acb.org.
On this special edition of the Advocacy Update, take a break from binge watching to join a conversation hosted by ACB with Comcast. Join ACB’s Director of Advocacy and Governmental Affairs, Clark Rachfal, as he speaks with Tom Wlodkowski, Vice President of Accessibility for Comcast Communications, to learn how they are ensuring their products and services are available and accessible to as many people as possible.
To learn more about ACB, please visit: https://acb.org/.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire and Clark fall head over heels for the PBS Independent Lens series, Blind Love. We discuss what is so attractive to Producer Patty Zagarella about dating while blind, and we speak with Blind Lover Joni Martinez about her quest to find Mr. Right.
Blind Love is available with audio description on YouTube at: https://youtu.be/eC7ZLLMHVvY.
To learn more about ACB, please visit: www.acb.org.
On this special edition of the Advocacy Update, Clark and Claire present on an open call of the ACB Advocacy Services Committee chaired by ACB Board Member, Jeff Thom. Clark and Claire discuss the provisions that may impact ACB members in the third COVID-19 stimulus package passed by Congress and signed into law by the President on Friday, March 27, as well as the other legislative and regulatory priorities on which ACB is actively engaged. To conclude the webinar, Clark and Claire listen to member concerns and respond to member questions. You may share advocacy-related issues with ACB by emailing: [email protected], or by calling: 1-202-467-5081.
To learn more about upcoming ACB community events similar to this webinar, please visit: https://www.acb.org/ACB-community-conference-calls.
This week, Claire Stanley and Clark Rachfal speak with Marcie Roth, President and CEO of the World Institute on Disability. Marcie has a long career history in accommodating persons with disabilities as it pertains to emergency preparedness. The three talk about what needs to be done to provide emergency services to persons with disabilities during the COVID-19 crisis.
To learn more about the World Institute on Disability, visit: https://wid.org/
On this special edition of the Advocacy Update, the ACB Information Access Committee conducted a member webinar with Larry Carter, National Partnerships Manager, U.S. Census Bureau. Larry shared with ACB members the who, what, when, why and how for completing the 2020 U.S. Census.
To learn more about the 2020 U.S. Census, please call or visit: 1-844-330-2020, or www.2020census.gov.
To learn more about ACB, please visit: www.acb.org.
This week on the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark Rachfal and Claire Stanley are joined by ACB Membership Services Coordinator Cindy Van Winkle. The three discuss the recent changes in everyday life due to the spread of COVID-19 and about the many virtual meetings ACB is holding to keep the community connected in this time of social distancing.
To learn more about ACB's community conference calls, visit: https://acb.org/ACB-community-conference-calls
This week on the ACB Advocacy Update podcast, Claire Stanley speaks with Heather Ansley from Paralyzed Veterans of America. The two discuss the first in-person meeting of the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) Advisory Committee. Learn about the committee members, the topics they will be advising on, and how you can help provide valuable input to the committee.
To learn more about Paralyzed Veterans of America, visit: https://pva.org/
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, join Claire Stanley as she speaks with two ACB members about recently proposed amendments to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) that will impact those who fly with their guide dogs. ACB encourages all guide dog users to submit comments regarding this proposed rulemaking.
For instructions on how to file comments, please visit: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/02/05/2020-01546/travelin...
This week on the ACB Advocacy Update, join us as we highlight some of the people and presenters who attended our DC Leadership Meetings. Listeners will hear ACB members reflect on their experiences during the meetings, as well as the legislative seminar lunchtime presentation from Managing Director of the Signal Group, Charles Cooper.
This week on the ACB Advocacy Update, Clark Rachfal, Claire Stanley, and Eric Bridges speak to a very exciting guest - the one and only Tony Stephens! Tony will be returning to ACB as our new Director of Development. Join them as they talk about his new position and what he will be bringing to ACB.
Link to transcript: https://acb.org/ACB-advocacy-update-2-27-20-transcript
On this episode of the Advocacy Update, Claire and Clark speak with Karen Woon, Vice President of Marketing, Guide Dogs for the Blind, about the new docuseries, Pick of the Litter, streaming now on Disney+. Karen shares the exciting work that went into filming and accurately representing the long journey for six puppies to become trained guide dogs. Included in this series is ACB’s own, Claire Stanley, and her new guide dog, Tulane!
To learn more about Guide Dogs for the Blind, visit: www.guidedogs.com.
To learn more about Disney+, including how to watch Pick of the Litter with audio description, check out the Audio Description Project: https://acb.org/adp/disneyad.html.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire and Clark speak with Margaret Hart, Counsel, Washington Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs, about the passage of S.B. 94 in West Virginia. For far too long, voting with a paper ballot by mail has been the only way to vote absentee in most states, which disenfranchises many voters with disabilities from having equal access to absentee voting. In West Virginia, the passage of S.B. 94 allows voters with disabilities to mark, cast and verify their ballot electronically. On this podcast, we discuss this issue and the great work of ACB, the Washington Lawyer’s Committee, the state of West Virginia and others who made this policy change happen. To learn more about the Washington Lawyer’s Committee, please visit: www.washlaw.org. To read the ACB press release on this issue, please visit: https://www.acb.org/ACB-commends-WV-accessible-absentee-voting.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire and Clark discuss the looming application deadline for the 2020 ACB scholarships. First, they speak with ACB Scholarship Committee co-Chair, Denise Colley, about the important role these scholarships play in furthering the ACB mission, and the new scholarship partnership between ACB and the American Foundation for the Blind. Then, they speak with Sasha Somuah about how receiving an ACB scholarship has positively impacted her life and personal advocacy. To learn more about the ACB scholarships, including how to apply by the Friday, Feb. 14, deadline, visit: www.acb.org/scholarships.
To access a transcript of this podcast, please visit: https://acb.org/ACB-Advocacy-Update-2-6-20-transcript
This is preparation information for the Legislative Seminar recorded by The American Council of the Blind Membership Services Coordinator, Cindy Van Winkle.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire and Clark discuss the ACB Legislative Seminar and the three legislative imperatives for 2020. To learn more about the 2020 DC Leadership Meetings and Legislative seminar, including how to register, please visit: https://acb.org/2020-DC-leadership-meetings.
A transcript of this podcast is available at: https://acb.org/ACB-advocacy-update-1-23-20-transcript
Update: We fixed the low volume issues that existed in this edition of the podcast.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire and Clark speak with Heidi Simon from America Walks. They discuss the overlapping missions of our two organizations, and the work that we are doing to make our neighborhoods and cities more pedestrian-friendly.
To learn more about America Walks visit: www.americawalks.org.
A transcript of this podcast is available at: www.acb.org/ACB-advocacy-update-1-16-20-transcript.
This week on the ACB Advocacy Update, ACB Advocacy and Outreach Specialist Claire Stanley speaks with Stacy Cervanka from the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB). ACB and AFB are working together to encourage Congress to include language in the 2020 Surface Transportation bill that would positively affect the transportation rights and access for blind and visually impaired Americans.
A transcript of this podcast is available at: https://acb.org/ACB-Advocacy-Update-Transcript-1-9-20
On this, the final Advocacy Update podcast for 2019, Clark Rachfal, ACB Director of Advocacy and Governmental Affairs, Eric Bridges, ACB Executive Director, and Dan Spoone, ACB President, discuss the organizational progress and advocacy accomplishments of 2019 and tease what ACB has planned for 2020. This was a year of transformation and growth for ACB, made possible by our members, partners, and of course individual supporters.
On Dec. 5, the ACB Information Access Committee (IAC) hosted an evening webinar on accessible shopping, technology, and home appliances with special guest J.J. Meddaugh, Author, Access World. ACB Director of Advocacy and Governmental Affairs, Clark Rachfal, and IAC Chair, Tony Stephens, led this discussion on what is naughty and nice in terms of accessibility, highlighted tips and tricks to improve the shopping experience, and shared ways that we can overcome the challenges when smart appliances fail the test on accessible interfaces for customers who are blind and visually impaired.
To listen to the full webinar, including listener Q&A, visit the ACB Radio Special Events page at: http://acbradio.org/special
To learn more about Access World and read the 2019 Holiday Gift Buying Guide, visit: https://www.afb.org/aw
A transcript of this podcast is available at: https://acb.org/ACB-Advocacy-Update-12-12-19-transcript
On this episode of the Advocacy Update, Claire and Clark spoke with Barbara Raimondo, Executive Director, Conference of Educational Administrators of Schools and Programs for the Deaf, about reintroduction of the Cogswell Macy Act (H.R. 4822 & S. 2681). Named for the first deaf student to be formally educated in the U.S. and for Helen Keller’s beloved teacher, respectively, the Alice Cogswell and Anne Sullivan Macy Act will strengthen the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act to improve results for deaf, hard of hearing, blind, visually impaired, and deaf-blind children, including those with additional disabilities. More information about the Cogswell Macy Act is available at: https://cogswellmacyact.org/. To learn more about ACB, please visit: www.acb.org. A transcript of this podcast is available at: https://acb.org/ACB-Advocacy-Update-12-5-19-Transcript
Traveling for the holidays, or need some personal time away from the family? The ACB Advocacy Update has you covered! On this podcast, Claire and Clark discuss all things audio description with Dr. Joel Snyder and Carl Richardson. We highlight the great work of the Audio Description Project, including the Benefits of Audio Description in Education Contest, as well as the 16th Audio Description Institute, and the rapidly evolving landscape of streaming services providing accessible user interfaces and audio described programming.
Register for the 2020 BADIE Contest and submit an audio description review before Dec. 6, 2019, by visiting: https://www.acb.org/adp/articles/badie2020.html.
To learn more about the ADP Audio Description Institute, visit: https://acb.org/2020-audio-description-institute
To access a transcript of this podcast, visit: https://acb.org/ACB-Advocacy-Update-11-28-19-transcript
Calling All Actors! On this episode of the Advocacy Update, Clark spoke with starlet of the stage and screen, Marilee Talkington. Through personal and professional advocacy, Marilee has developed and launched the Access Acting Academy and will host the first-of-it’s-kind Professional Actor Training Program specifically for blind and visually impaired artists. This free flagship program will take place in Los Angeles, Jan. 6 - Feb. 7, 2020, and applications are being accepted through Nov. 30, 2019.
More information about the Access Acting Academy, including how to apply for the Professional Actor Training Program, is available at: www.accessacting.com, and more information about Marilee Talkington is available at: www.marileetalkington.com.
A transcript of this podcast is available at: https://acb.org/ACB-advocacy-update-11-21-19-transcript
For this episode of the Advocacy Update, Claire and Clark spoke with Kelly Gasque, Executive Assistant and Multimedia Design Specialist for ACB. This is the second podcast in our two part series on ACB’s online presence. Kelly shared with us the work that she does to coordinate and update the ACB website and social media platforms, and we discussed how this information is used to amplify the advocacy and governmental affairs work of ACB. To learn more about ACB, please visit: www.acb.org. A written transcript of this podcast is available at: https://acb.org/ACB-advocacy-update-11-14-19-transcript
Join Claire and Clark as they speak with Jeff Bishop, ACB Board Member, and part of the critical team that keeps ACB up and running on the Internet. During this conversation, they discuss the work being done to modernize the ACB and ACB Radio websites, and how these tools are used to enhance ACB’s advocacy efforts. To learn more, please visit www.acb.org and www.acbradio.org. Share your feedback with us at [email protected].
A transcript of this podcast is available at: https://acb.org/ACB-advocacy-update-11-7-19-transcript
Apple will launch their new streaming video service, Apple TV+, on Friday, Nov. 1, 2019. On this episode of the Advocacy Update, Claire and Clark spoke with Joe Strechay, Associate Producer, about his work as a blindness consultant on the new series, See, and the accessibility features of Apple TV+. Additional information about the Apple TV+ service is available from the Audio Description Project at: https://acb.org/adp/index.html.
A transcript of this podcast is available at: https://acb.org/ACB-Advocacy-Update-10-31-19-transcript
For National Disability Employment Awareness Month, Claire and Clark spoke with Dan Kelly from IFB Solutions. We discussed the employment opportunities available to people who are blind through the AbilityOne Program, and ACB‘s advocacy efforts to address the challenges posed by recent changes to procurement policies for the U.S.Department of Veterans Affairs.
To learn more about this issue, please read ACB Resolution 2019-03: https://www.acb.org/resolutions2019.
To access a transcript of this episode, please visit: https://acb.org/ACB-Advocacy-Update-10-24-19-transcript
This week on the ACB Advocacy Update, Advocacy and Outreach Specialist Claire Stanley speaks with two ACB members. Chris Bell postulates about necessary policies and state action to prevent safety hazards, and Joanne Stombaugh shares her personal experience with e-scooters and her involvement in related advocacy.
This Advocacy Update is the first part of a two part series on micro and shared mobility services. Claire and Clark spoke with the Acting Executive Director of the Micromobility Coalition, Ryan McConaghy, about the proliferation of e-bikes and -scooters around the country. We discussed the role for these new services in the transportation ecosystem, and the need for these services to integrate seamlessly with public rights of way and maintain pedestrian safety. To learn more about the Micro Mobility Coalition, please visit: https://micromobilitycoalition.org/. To access the written transcript of this podcast, please visit: http://acb.org/ACB-advocacy-update-10-10-19-transcript.
Please share your feedback on this podcast and the written transcript with us at: [email protected].
On this special edition of the Advocacy Update podcast, we wait with bated breath to learn if the U.S. Supreme Court will rule on Domino’s v. Robles, and whether Title III of the ADA applies to websites. In the meantime, please enjoy the audio only of the National Press Club event on digital accessibility and work place inclusion, where ACB Immediate Past President, Kim Charlson, participated. To learn more about ACB, visit our website: www.acb.org, and to listen to Kim’s perspective of this event and the issues discussed, please visit the ACB Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/AmericanCounciloftheBlindOfficial/videos/493135....
This week on the ACB Advocate Update, Claire and Clark speak with Pam McGonigle, Director of Development for the United States Association of Blind Athletes (USABA), about the exciting world of accessible sports. As ACB works on promoting the Exercise and Fitness for All Bill (S.1244), let’s learn more about accessible sports and athletic programs.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update podcast, Clark and Claire are joined by Jenine Stanley, Explorer Community Manager for Aira. We discussed how Aira may be used as a tool to navigate inaccessible products and services, whether when dealing with household appliances and exercise equipment, or forms and websites online. Jenine shared with us how ACB members may utilize five free minutes of Aira to complete small tasks, as well as how to find locations, services and products that offer free Aira service. Be sure to take advantage of free Aira service at ACB state conventions and let us know how the service is working for you at [email protected]. To learn more about Aira, visit www.aira.io.
On this episode of the Advocacy Update podcast, Claire and Clark discuss digital accessibility. As more aspects of our everyday lives are interconnected with the Internet and technology, it is more important than ever to ensure access for people with disabilities. If you encounter inaccessible hardware, software, websites or mobile applications, let the ACB National Office know at [email protected].
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire and Clark are joined by Sara Conrad, President, Council of Citizens with Low Vision International (CCLVI). Sara shared her journey as an ACB member and the work of CCLVI. To learn more about CCLVI, visit www.cclvi.org. Please share your podcast feedback with ACB at [email protected].
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update podcast, Claire and Clark speak with Mark Richert about the ACB resolutions process. In addition to being the newly elected ACB First Vice President, Mark is the most recent past Chairman of the ACB Resolutions Committee and the voice of resolutions at the ACB annual convention. Mark shared insights regarding how resolutions are introduced, debated and passed. You may learn more about the ACB resolutions at www.acb.org/resolutions, and please share your podcast feedback with us at [email protected].
It’s a Bird…It’s a Plane…No, It’s a Flying Dog!
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update podcast, Claire and Clark discuss the new final enforcement statement regarding service animals by the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration. Listen and learn about what passengers with service animals should expect while flying, and what policies airlines may implement. If you experience discrimination due to your service animal during air travel, please contact ACB at [email protected].
ACB press release: https://acb.org/2019-DOT-FAA-service-animal-statement
Final Enforcement Statement: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2019-08-21/pdf/2019-17482.pdf
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire and Clark speak with Chandrika (Shani) Jayant from Volkswagen. Shani is the Principle Universal Designer of Inclusive Mobility for the Volkswagen Group of America. Shani shared Volkswagen’s work on autonomous vehicles, silent cars and inclusive vehicle designs. If you have feedback on this podcast, or ideas for future podcasts, please send them to [email protected]. To learn more about the American Council of the Blind, please visit www.acb.org.
Call to Action!: The Medicare Demonstration of Coverage for Low Vision Devices Act, H.R. 4129, was introduced by Representatives Maloney and Bilirakis. Claire and Clark discuss the importance of this bipartisan bill and encourage all listeners to contact their elected members of Congress during the August Recess to support this legislation. Members of Congress may support this legislation by cosponsoring H.R. 4129 in the House of Representatives, and by introducing a companion bill in the Senate. Contact your Representatives and Senators by calling the U.S. Capitol switch board at: 1-202-224-3121, or visit www.house.gov/representatives and www.senate.gov. A press release for the bill is available at: https://acb.org/maloney-bilirakis-bill-low-vision-devices.
Happy 29th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act! On this episode of the Advocacy Update Podcast, Clark Rachfal is joined by Amanda Tolson, En-Vision America, and JoAnn Stephens and Carrie Farber, Walmart, to discuss how Walmart is making the ScripTalk accessible prescription solution available at all Walmarts and Sam’s Clubs throughout the U.S. To get started with ScripTalk: call En-Vision America at: 1-800-890-1180, or speak with your local Walmart or Sam’s Club pharmacist today! If you have any feedback or questions about getting setup with ScripTalk, please let us know by emailing: [email protected].
This week on the ACB Advocacy Update podcase, join Claire Stanley and Clark Rachfal for a conversation with Minh Ha, President of ACB Students. During this podcast we learn a little about Minh, how she became involved with ACB, what’s new with ACB Students, and what Minh and ACB Students have in store for the ACB convention in Rochester this week! To learn more about ACB Students, visit: www.acb.org/affiliate-acbs or follow @ACBStudents on social media. As always, please share your podcast feedback and ideas with ACB at: [email protected].
Join Claire Stanley and Clark Rachfal this week as they meet with ACB’s new Membership Services Coordinator, Cindy Van Winkle. Claire and Clark get to know more about who she is, where she comes from, and what she hopes to bring to ACB.
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update Podcast, Clark Rachfal is joined by Matt Ater to answer the question everyone is asking: “Who is Vispero?”
Matt explains that ACB members most certainly know Vispero through their products and services offered by: Enhanced Vision, Freedom Scientific, Optelec, and the Paciello Group.
Clark and Matt conclude the conversation by teasing some, but not all, of the special announcements and promotions that Vispero will have at the ACB 58th annual convention in Rochester, NY.
To learn more about Vispero, visit: www.vispero.com.
To register for the ACB annual convention, visit: www.acbconvention.org.
And, please share your ideas for future podcasts with us at: [email protected].
Transcript of the Advocacy Update Podcast:
Automated: 00:02 You are listening to the ACB Advocacy Update.
Clark Rachfal: 00:12 Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of the ACB Advocacy Update Podcast. My name is Clark Rachfal. I'm the Director of Advocacy in Governmental Affairs for the American Council of the Blind, and today it's just me. Clair is out in San Rafael, California at Guide Dogs for the Blind, training with her new potential guide dog. If you'd like to learn more about what it's like going to a guide dog school and training with a dog, you can check out the Facebook Live video that Claire just did and that is on the American Council of the Blind Facebook page. Today we are joined by a friend of ACB who works in the accessible technology space, and that is Matt Ater, with Vispero. Say hello, Matt.
Matt Ater: 01:14 Well, good afternoon, Clark. How are you doing today?
Clark Rachfal: 01:17 Doing well. And yourself?
Matt Ater: 01:19 I am doing wonderful. It's a beautiful day outside. Of course when people listen to us, you never know what the weather's going to be like, but life is good.
Clark Rachfal: 01:28 That's great. I know a lot of our listeners are excited for the role that Vispero's going to play at the ACB Annual Convention in Rochester, and we'll certainly get to those activities here in a bit but, Matt, why don't you share with the listeners a little bit about yourself and your background?
Matt Ater: 01:49 Sure. So I've been in the, I'll start with kind of the assistive technology field, prior to accessibility, but assistive technology field since I guess 25 years now. I've graduated from the University of Alabama with broadcasting degree and came back up to the DC area and decided that I wanted to go into more of the training and consulting field and spent a few years training federal employees around the country on how to use screen readers at jobs, teaching them how to use braille displays. I think government agencies, video magnifiers, large-print software, things of that nature.
Matt Ater: 02:36 I did that for a couple of years, then went to go work for a nonprofit in Washington DC running the assistive technology department where we did a lot of training of end users, again, across the United States, so that was five years of my career. I did that. And then in early 2000s I did a little bit of a stint in working with the product lines and then eventually jumped into running government contracts for... I did about six years of running a project for the Social Security Administration, running their assistive technology support services. Which included installing equipment, training the users, configuring the software, deploying the software, providing a help desk, full-level support for any of the employees within that agency.
Matt Ater: 03:41 And I jumped out of assistive technology for a few years to just kind of learn IT services and then landed into accessibility for four years. I joined Vispero, at that time Freedom Scientific, and I'll give a little background on who Vispero is in a few. But I joined Freedom Scientific in 2014 to start a consulting division for Freedom Scientific. They found that they had a lot of customers who were in corporate environments needing support and training and configuration and customization and scripting and all of these kinds of things so basically we started a group to support those larger customers to make sure that software was working right when people went to work.
Matt Ater: 04:34 Eventually, after a year, I started getting more into the accessibility side of it and a started with two employees and grew to about 25 employees and then later we acquired another company which added another 40 employees and then another year bought another company that had another 10 employees and got to a point where I said, "Well, it's time to change again." So I'm still with Vispero but I moved back, not running the consulting practice now and more helping large enterprises look at the total package when it comes to all of our product lines and brands within the Vispero family of brands. So that's kind of the last 25 years wrapped up into a few minutes.
Clark Rachfal: 05:29 That's fascinating, Matt. Do you have a history as an assistive technology user, especially at your time at the University of Alabama and throughout your career?
Matt Ater: 05:40 Boy, it's a flashback when you think about going to college, pre-Windows. I was born with a condition called hydrocephalus, water on the brain, and when I was six years old the water pressure cut off blood supply to the optic nerves so I've lost most of my vision in my left eye and my right eye is about 26/100 tunnel vision. So I am a screen reader user today. It's funny, I've always told people my vision didn't get worse as time went on, technology just got better to the point that I became lazy and wanted to listen instead of see the screen.
Matt Ater: 06:24 I can use large print but it takes a lot of time to read it and it's tiring on the eyes and so I use screen readers and braille at this point. I carry a handheld magnifier in my bag and I carry a braille display with me everywhere I go to type into my phone. And I have large-print software on the computer as well as a screen reader but from the day-to-day I would rather listen to the computer than I would try to see it with my eyes.
Clark Rachfal: 06:56 Yeah. I think a lot of people that have low vision or deteriorating vision probably have a similar story. So for me, personally, I have Leber's congenital amaurosis and I started out with large print and magnifiers, then moved to CCTVs. My introduction to accessibility software was ZoomText and then ZoomText Level 2 with speech and now JAWS. So I'm very familiar with those products in the Freedom Scientific portfolio. But that's only one aspect of the work that Vispero is doing now. I think a lot of our listeners are probably familiar with Freedom Scientific but is there anything new going on with Freedom Scientific, whether that's JAWS, Fusion, ZoomText or anything else?
Matt Ater: 07:48 Yeah. I definitely can dive into that. I think it would be great for me to kind of break down what Vispero is because a couple of years ago we were sold and then acquired and merged with Optelec and then eventually some other companies and I'll go through all of them. So I think everybody's probably been confused with all the name changes.
Clark Rachfal: 08:13 Sure.
Matt Ater: 08:17 Think of Vispero as more of a holding company. It's somewhere that deals with our dealer channels and things of that nature. But most customers we have have relationships with our actual companies and brands. And you just said that most people are familiar with Freedom Scientific because of JAWS and ZoomText and Focus Braille Displays and RUBY handheld magnifiers and lots of other stuff with Fusion and so on. And I think with every person, they have their preference in terms of what brand they feel comfortable with.
Matt Ater: 08:56 So in this family of companies we have the four brands of Freedom Scientific, which we just ran through the majority of those products. Then Optelec, which is primarily video magnification. They do have a standalone scan-and-read system and they have traditional handheld magnifiers, as they call them, professional products that are mostly sold through the doctor channels. And then primarily you're talking about things like the ClearView. I'll talk about the ClearView GO in a little bit. Compact handheld magnifiers, the Compact 6 and so on.
Matt Ater: 09:42 And then the other hardware company that's part of this family is called Enhanced Vision. They're based in Huntington Beach, California. They're, again, worldwide and the product lines are things like Merlin, Jordy. They, of course, have the Pebble handheld and some other things like that. When you look at all of the products, they're very similar in nature but have a different maybe look and feel. And probably like going to try on different shirts, and you find a shirt that fits you. This technology is very personal to people.
Matt Ater: 10:27 As we know with braille cells and we know with large-print devices, and even with screen readers with voices, I'm perfectly fine using Eloquence, like you are, but the next person wants to use Vocalizer because it's more soothing to them listening to it. And so if you look at those three brands, and I'll get to the fourth in a minute, what you're talking about is three companies who make very similar hardware. The buttons are slightly different in each product. The features are primarily the same. But the buttons are different, the color may be slightly different. The shape and size of the screen may be slightly different.
Matt Ater: 11:09 And we'll continue to keep those brands because they're very unique to the markets they fit. The distribution channel that is across Vispero family of companies is unmatched in this space. A dealer in Texas covers certain products and the guy in Minneapolis covers different products and there may be a different dealer, but they may hit different customer bases. And that's why they can still be multiple brands within a family of products is because they have different customers. And when you think about the number of people who are buying direct from us, it's small in numbers compared to the numbers of people who are buying from the local channels.
Matt Ater: 12:00 The fourth company is called the Paciello Group and this is the one I mentioned that a couple of years ago we acquired and it was really to boost the accessibility services that Freedom Scientific was doing and then later we also acquired a company called Interactive Accessibility and so the three companies consulting practices are all merged into one called the Paciello Group and we can shorten that and just call it TPG. Let's just keep it simple because it's easier, right?
Matt Ater: 12:38 The neat thing about this is that it's very complementary to selling software. Because we have customers all around the world who are challenged with accessibility issues and sometimes people say, "Well, it's because JAWS doesn't do something right." And there's always a chance that that can happen. But at the same time, it's a lot to do with whether or not people code things correctly. So this is why it's very complementary to the software side is because we get to, now, when people have concerns or issues and whether it's a website you're trying to buy shoes on or a kiosk you're trying to access and work with, obviously you may be using JAWS on that or ZoomText or some other product. But now we have the consultants who actually can work with those companies to solve their problems.
Clark Rachfal: 13:36 So, Matt, what makes TPG, or the Paciello Group, different from other accessibility consultants for websites, whether that's web accessibility standards or 508 compliance within the government? There's a lot of companies that say that they can do accessibility but it seems like very few actually can. So how does the Paciello Group go about it?
Matt Ater: 14:04 So, there's a couple of things. It's a mix of products and people. I think we have some of the smartest people in the field. The folks that are working at TPG have been in this quite a long time, they've helped write a lot of the standards. They understand stuff. Additionally, we have a very strong what we call a user experience background. A lot of people refer to it as UX. I've always said that we're so focused on compliance rather than usability and at some point don't we need to be focused on whether or not people can perform tasks rather than compliance?
Matt Ater: 14:43 Compliance is checking a box. But can actually people use your product? That's different. And I think that's what TPG gets right is that we're not just about compliance, we're also making sure that people can use what they built. It's interesting, TPG, companies worldwide, folks in several countries, the majority of the work is in the US and some in Europe and some in Canada. But the kinds of people we bring in, it's about the people and that's really what it comes down to is people make up consulting. And really good consultants, it's amazing, not amazing because I know these folks, but it's great to hear from customers about how great the services have been.
Matt Ater: 15:43 There's a company we've been working with recently who people come to us a lot of times because we own JAWS and ZoomText and so they assume that we can fix it because of that rather than helping them fix the code. And what I love the most is watching the large number of employers working with us not for necessarily just working in external websites where people can buy goods, but they're concerned about whether or not their applications can work so that a person who's blind or low vision or any other disability could actually work at that company.
Matt Ater: 16:27 And I think that's the most powerful thing that we can bring to the table is that if an employer needs something to work on the job, what better company than the one who makes the screen reader, and the large-print software, to be able to tap into that resources. And even though Freedom Scientific and TPG are separate companies, we still have reach back into them to solve problems. And this other company, they had 50 low vision and blind employees who were being impacted by inaccessible applications so we're in there installing JAWS and ZoomText and things like that and training the users. But we recognized we needed accessibility help and we brought that in from TPG to solve the problems. And that's when it's powerful.
Clark Rachfal: 17:13 Yeah. That's great that employers are able to invest in their employees and make sure that they not only have the productivity tools that they need to be successful but that they optimize the work setting for those tools so that their employees can be highly productive and succeed at their work. One of the other companies that you mentioned, I'd like you to talk a little bit more about, and that's Optelec. Can you talk a little bit about the product offerings within that portfolio?
Matt Ater: 17:48 Yes. So the three main products right now, one's called ClearView. That's a desktop magnifier, obviously. You mentioned you've used them before. They called then CCTVs back when you and I were younger, right?
Clark Rachfal: 18:03 Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Matt Ater: 18:05 Back in the day when they were wood-paneled and things like that. Yeah. Today the ClearView C with speech, it's pretty cool because it does both the magnification but if your eyes get tired during the day or you just need a little help, you can touch the screen in the bottom corner and it actually becomes an OCR product, Optical Character Recognition. So it can take a picture of something and read it back to you.
Clark Rachfal: 18:36 Oh, wow.
Matt Ater: 18:36 It can do it in large print, change the color, change the font, whatever you need to do to make it easier to read it. And of course that's the kind of Cadillac, it's the highest end, it's the biggest unit, it's big screen, that kind of stuff. And you'll see it in VAs today, you'll it in libraries, different places like that, and of course end users as well.
Matt Ater: 19:03 The ClearView GO is a brand-new product which we'll have at the ACB Convention this summer. It's a foldable CCTV or video magnifier that you can carry with you. I'm not sure the weight. I guess I should probably know all the stats, but just go to the table and ask them. It folds up and so it's great for schools. It has a distance camera so a student could sit at a desk and go to read the chalkboard or the blackboard or the whiteboard or the smart board or whatever board they're using today. I said I would want to use it. I'm not even in school any more. I don't plan to go back to school. But just the fact that it's a transportable product; it's pretty cool that I can actually carry it around.
Matt Ater: 19:59 There is a ClearView speech device that does OCR, and it's kind of like a small... I'm trying to think of what would be a good example of the shape or size. It's not much bigger than a shoebox on its end. And of course it can take a picture of something and read it to you. Traditional kind of OCR with different voices and such.
Matt Ater: 20:26 And then the Compact 6 is a touch screen, six inch, handheld camera that you can carry around and be able to read print, that also does OCR. So, once again, I think it's not uncommon for people with low vision is their eyes get tired during the day to want to have something read it to you. So you can just touch the screen, hit a button, and then it just reads the document to you, whatever it sees in its camera.
Clark Rachfal: 20:58 That's great. Thanks, Matt. I know that these are products that a lot of ACB members, whether they already have or are losing their vision due to diabetes and diabetic retinopathy or, for our older members, if they're losing their vision due to macular degeneration or some other either age-related or degenerative condition, these low-vision devices provide a lot of services. One of the main benefits of them is that with the video capabilities and the OCR capabilities, even as your vision deteriorates, this is equipment that will remain useful over time. Ever since 2013, ACB's been working to introduce legislation that would provide for Medicare and Medicaid coverage for low-vision devices such as these.
Matt Ater: 21:55 I think it's amazing to me that we're the last country in the world that won't pay for things out of insurance or some other form. This type of technology for blind and low vision. They do it with other disabilities but just not blind and low vision.
Clark Rachfal: 22:11 Yeah. And it was only recently that white canes became classified as durable medical equipment. So hopefully we can make progress here on this issue so that low-vision devices and remove the eyeglass exclusion that's in place at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services so that these devices as well as eyeglasses and contacts can be classified as durable medical equipment.
Clark Rachfal: 22:41 So you highlighted for us a lot of companies, brands, and products that are under the umbrella of Vispero. And I know that here in two weeks or so you'll be involved with the M-Enabling Summit, which our listeners are familiar with because we had a guest, not from Aerosmith but from Leonard Cheshire, Steve Tyler, come on and talk about... ICT and the M-Enabling Summit. What role will Vispero be playing at M-Enabling?
Matt Ater: 23:19 We're going to have people attending the show this year and kind of exploring the different sessions. We have different relationships throughout the industry because of obviously our product lines and our accessibility, so we'll obviously be there as well to visit with our customers, talk about some of the accessibility things they're going through today. Obviously show some of the new tech that we have coming out, as well. I think that it's been nice to have a conference that's in the DC area. I think it's good to bring government into things, which is one of the things that happens here at this conference, as well.
Clark Rachfal: 24:12 I agree. It's great to have a conference here in front of companies and policy makers and it sounds like it'll be a great turnout for the M-Enabling Summit. But I'm glad that you're saving all of the big guns for the ACB Annual Convention, which is in Rochester, New York, this summer, July 5th through 12th. And also thanks to Vispero for being a diamond-level sponsor of the ACB convention. And you guys are hosting an event and will be giving a presentation at the convention. Can you talk a little bit about the session that your colleague will be hosting, I believe, the morning of July 7th?
Matt Ater: 24:56 Yeah. I actually think show's the 6th. It's on Saturday. Whatever day Saturday is. I'm off on my days. So that would be the 6th, I think.
Clark Rachfal: 25:09 Yeah, you're correct.
Matt Ater: 25:10 Yeah, Douglas Gerry's going to do a presentation on our software and, by the way, the first 50 people who attend it... Let's see what it says here. They'll have a 50% discount on our home software licenses and for those people who don't know about the home software licenses, this was a big deal that we did this year. We put in some new technology that allowed us to sell licenses online and basically if you're going to use it for home use, you can get JAWS I think it's for $90 and ZoomText for $80. And it lasts for one year. So it's a subscription-based license, it's not a perpetual license. But at the same time it's less than what you would pay for an SMA if you were paying for an SMA every two years.
Matt Ater: 26:04 So this is to make sure that more people at home get access to JAWS and ZoomText and so, once again, when Douglas does his presentation, the first 50 people who come will get a coupon for it that will allow them to get 50% off, and they have to use it before the end of September. I'm not sure the exact date but it'll be on the document. So just make sure that if you get one of those, don't let it expire because it's worth a savings of $45 or $40.
Matt Ater: 26:39 So what is Douglas going to show? So I would say that one of the neat features is a new feature came out with JAWS that's part of JAWS and Fusion called Picture Smart. And this allows you to take any picture that's in your photo library on your computer or on the web or in a document and actually have JAWS figure out what it is and describe it to you. Very similar to what you may get on Facebook or you may get on your iPhone, or you may use another products like Seeing AI to determine what a picture is.
Matt Ater: 27:14 Well, now it's built into your Windows PC with JAWS. So if you need to figure out what a picture is, you can just do a application's key, which is Shift+F10 as well as another key for it, when you're highlighted on the picture in the folder on your computer, and then, say, recognize with Picture Smart. I think there's also a keystroke for it. But if anybody can remember all the keystrokes, it's not going to be me.
Clark Rachfal: 27:43 Yeah. And I hope Doug doesn't steal all your thunder because then you will be presenting in front of the general session at the ACB Convention as well.
Matt Ater: 27:53 Yeah, exactly. I'm excited about that. I think it's Tuesday morning that I get to come and talk and so I'm very excited about it. I'll obviously talk about new things that are happening with the company, probably, again, go a little bit over who Vispero is. Half the people don't even know how do you spell it, how do you pronounce it? There's probably lots of ways to do that. But just so everybody knows, it's www.vispero.com. In fact, if you want to know more about what we're doing, one of the things we also did is we released a video recently and it's on the Vispero homepage and it has audio description as well as captioning and you can sit down and watch a good video on some of our user stories. So it's pretty cool.
Clark Rachfal: 28:45 Matt, thank you so much for joining us today. I know that you and Vispero will be very popular at the ACB Convention, especially in the Exhibit Hall. I'm sure you'll get a lot of people coming up to you asking you about products, they'll want demonstrations, hands-on testing and all that good stuff, so thank you so much for your time.
Matt Ater: 29:07 Yeah. And if I can, I'll just give you two more specials at the show just so people know. There'll be 20% off of the home licenses at the booth, so if you don't get those 50% off licenses, you can get the 20% off. And then we're going to have 20% off all hardware. So if you need a new braille display, a new video magnifier or a handheld, any of the technology we build that's hardware of any of our brands, then you can get those as well at a 20% discount. So definitely come by and see us.
Clark Rachfal: 29:42 That's fabulous. Thank you for doing that for the ACB members and those in attendance at the Annual Convention. Everyone just remember that the early registration for the ACB Convention runs through June 23rd and you can register at acbconvention.org. That's www.acbconvention.org. So, again, Matt, thank you so much for joining us on the Advocacy Update Podcast. We look forward to seeing you in Rochester.
Matt Ater: 30:14 Take care.
On this installment of the ACB Advocacy Update Podcast, Claire Stanley and Clark Rachfal discuss how the inaccessibility of exercise and fitness equipment may prevent some ACB members from getting their beach body prior to the 2019 ACB annual convention in Rochester, NY.
Claire and Clark are joined by Richard Thesing, Mobility Fitness, to discuss the higher obesity rates of Americans with disabilities; how exercise and fitness equipment could be made more accessible; and the introduction of the Exercise and Fitness for All Act of 2019.
To learn more about Richard’s work, visit http://mobilityfitness.org, and please send your ideas for future podcasts to [email protected].
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update Podcast, Claire Stanley and Clark Rachfal speak with Chris Gray, an ACB member and the Executive Director of the Missouri Council of the Blind, about his experience being blind and living with diabetes.
The inaccessibility of diabetes durable medical equipment is a public policy imperative for ACB and our members.
More information about this issue is available on the ACB website: http://acb.org.
If there are other advocacy related issues that you would like ACB to feature on our podcast, please email: [email protected].
For this installment of the ACB Advocacy Update Podcast, Claire Stanley and Clark Rachfal are joined by Steve Tyler to discuss the 2019 M-Enabling Summit.
Steve is the Director of Assistive Technology for Leonard Cheshire and is an active participant in the Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies (G3ICT).
The M-Enabling Summit is dedicated to promoting accessible and assistive technology for users of all abilities.
With its theme of “Accessibility: Transforming Users’ Experience”, the 2019 M-Enabling Summit will provide a platform for empowering technologies and focus on next-generation innovations and breakthroughs for users of all abilities.
To learn more about the 2019 Summit, visit: www.m-enabling.com, or e-mail: [email protected].
On this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update Podcast, ACB staff members Clark Rachfal and Claire Stanley talk everything Amtrak. Topics covered include: the accessibility of the Amtrak website, app and phone system, staffed and unstaffed Amtrak stations, as well as accessibility planning for new Amtrak trains. More information about the American Council of the Blind, visit: www.acb.org.
On this week’s episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, ACB staff members Claire Stanley and Clark Rachfal interview Carol Tyson, an advocate from the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund.
The three discuss numerous advocacy issues surrounding transportation and the work many different advocacy organizations are doing to fight for greater access to transportation.
Join Claire and Clark on this edition of the ACB Advocacy Update as they discuss the importance of audio description. They are also joined by Sheila Young, president of the Florida Council of the Blind, who talks about her experience submitting comments regarding audio description with the Federal Communications Commission.
This week on the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire Stanley and Clark Rachfal speak with Kelly Egan from Sprint about her experiences as a blind individual and also discuss the exciting accessibility endeavors that Sprint is currently working on.
Special guest Cory Kadlik joins Claire Stanley and Clark Rachfal on this week’s episode of the ACB Advocacy Update.
Cory was a JPMorgan fellow scholarship recipient for our 2019 Leadership Meetings and is a member of the Next Generation committee.
The three discuss Cory’s experience attending the President’s Meeting and Legislative Seminar in February.
This week on the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire Stanley, Clark Rachfal, and guest board member Katie Frederick recap the three imperatives ACB will be focusing on this coming year.
The podcast also features Matt Handley’s phenomenal presentation from the Legislative Seminar.
This week on the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire Stanley speaks with ACB’s new Director of Advocacy and Governmental Affairs, Clark Rachfal, to learn more about him and what he will be doing at the national office.
On this week’s episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire Stanley and Eric Bridges discuss this year’s leadership conference and legislative seminar. They also review the three imperatives that will be discussed at the seminar and brought to Congress by our ACB members.
This week on the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire Stanley and Margaux Joffe from Verizon Media will discuss the Disability Collection - a growing collection of stock photos that authentically portray people with disabilities in everyday life.
To view the Disability Collection, visit www.thedisabilitycollection.com.
This is the ACB Advocacy Update for January 19, 2019
This episode covers the week from Monday January 7, 2019 through Sunday January 13, 2019.
This is the ACB Advocacy Update for January 4, 2019.
This episode covers the week from December 17, 2018 through December 23, 2018.
This episode covers the week from December 3, 2018 through Sunday December 9, 2018.
This episode covers the week from Monday November 26, 2018 through Sunday December 2, 2018.
This episode covers the week from Monday November 19, 2018 through Sunday November 25, 2018.
This episode covers the week from November 12, 2018 through November 18, 2018.
This episode covers the week from November 5, 2018 through November 11, 2018.
This episode covers the week of Monday October 29, 2018 through Sunday November 4, 2018.
This episode covers the week of October 22, 2018.
This episode covers the week from October 15, 2018 through Sunday October 21, 2018.
This is the ACB Advocacy Update for the week of October 8, 2018.
Update on the Marrakesh Treaty and more on this episode of the ACB Advocacy Update.
This is the first episode of the ACB Advocacy Update brought to you by the American Council of the Blind.
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