Wake up, Joel! Wake up! I bring you good tidings, my lad!" It was Abigail's voice ringing cheerily through the court-yard, as she bent over the boy, fast asleep on the hard stones.
All the long Sabbath day after the burial, he had sat listlessly in the shady court-yard, his blank gaze fixed on the opposite wall. No one seemed able to arouse him from his apathy. He turned away from the food they brought him, and refused to enter the house when night came.
Towards morning he had gone over to the fountain for a long draught of its cool water; then overcome by weakness from his continued fast, and exhausted by grief, he fell asleep on the pavement.
Abigail came in and found him there, with the red morning sun beating full in his face. She had to shake him several times before she could make him open his eyes.
He sat up dizzily, and tried to collect his thoughts. Then he remembered, and laid his head wearily down again, with a groan.
"Wake up! Wake up!" she insisted, with such eager gladness in her voice that Joel opened his eyes again... #story #kidsstories ✝️❣️🗺️ AcreSoft Stories Classic acresoft.com cointr.ee/acresoft