"O Wallace, forgive me! Not for worlds would I have hurt you so if—if I could have helped it." Mildred's voice was full of tears, and she ended with a sigh that was half a sob.
His head was turned away so that she could not catch so much as a glimpse of his face.
"It is just what I expected when you went away," he answered huskily; "but I don't blame you. I've always known I wasn't half good enough for such a girl as you."
"No, don't say that!" she cried, almost eagerly; "you are good enough for anybody, Wallace; you are noble and true and brave; and father says that with your talent and industry you are sure to make your mark in the world."
"What do I care for that now?" he returned bitterly. "You have been my inspiration, Mildred; it was for you—to... #story #kidsstory AcreSoft Story Classic ✝️❣️🗺️ acresoft.com acresoft.contactin.bio