Lyttleton and Nell were in the gayest spirits that morning as they sped briskly onward through forest and over prairie, talking cheerily of the sweetness of the air, the beauty of the woods, and exchanging many a little harmless jest, no thought of danger troubling them.
They were several miles out from the town when they espied a small cloud of dust far ahead which seemed to be rapidly drawing nearer.
"What is it?" cried Nell, reining in her pony, while she sent an anxious gaze in the direction of the approaching cloud. "Ah, I see, it is a man riding as if for life." "After a doctor, I suspect," observed Lyttleton; "some one hurt, perhaps."
"But he must have passed Dr. Clendenin," returned Nell, "so it can hardly be that." And as the man at that moment came dashing up she turned her pony aside to let him pass.
Instead he halted close beside them with a suddenness that nearly threw his horse upon his haunches.
"Go back," he panted; "turn right around and go back to the town as fast as you can make your beasts move; don't spare whip nor spur, for there's no tellin' but the woods may be full of Injuns this minute. They've found Captain Herrod lyin' dead and scalped in the woods, and I'm out to rouse the neighborhood; for of course... #story #kidsstories ✝️❣️🗺️ AcreSoft Story Classic