You may well believe that Toto and Sniffy did not lose any time diving down under water as soon as they heard their father tell them to do so. Many times before, when they were first learning to swim, they had dived down quickly like this just after they had poked up their noses to get a breath of air. And always their father or mother had swum with them out of danger.
“What was that whacking noise, Dad?” asked Sniffy, when they were once more safely back in their stick and mud house.
“That was Mr. Cuppy banging his flat tail on the water to let us know there was some danger,” answered Mr. Beaver. “Cuppy, or some of the older beavers, are always on guard at or near the dam. If they hear, see or smell danger they whack with their tails. And whenever you hear that whacking sound you little fellows must dive into the water and swim away just as fast as you can.”
“Oh, now I remember about Mr. Cuppy whacking with his tail!” exclaimed Toto. “You told us that last summer, didn’t you, Dad?”
“Yes. But the winter has been long, and all that time you have had no chance to hear Mr. Cuppy bang his tail... #story #kidsstories ✝️❣️🗺️ AcreSoft Story Classic