Hello, dear ones!
This week the Arcturians brought through a fairly lengthy message (with some attuning light language), as well as three main points regarding this time of change. They start out by informing us that this shift is not unlike the shift in our evolution to homo sapiens from neanderthal/cro magnon, etc. However, this evolutionary stage will take place in a much shorter amount of time. Next, they give us three tips to help during this change: (1) Remember that you are part of a collective, (2) Gather in a community on a regular basis—You will find your community if you are looking, and (3) Receive the energy/vibrations of the stars by stargazing more frequently.
Love and light,
Other resources I mention in this episode:
Kryon's Message - https://youtu.be/BqhBROCh2NY
Sal Rachele's Book
My YouTube Playlists:
Messages from Elementals
Lemurians & Other Ancient Peoples
If you feel guided to have a Personalized Light Language Healing or Activation Session, please feel free to get in touch so you can experience this amazing way of connecting with your Higher Self!
Send me a DM or email at: [email protected]
Find me on IG: @activationswithjj
YouTube: Activations with JJ