The Siege of Vraks was a major campaign waged by the Imperium to reclaim the world of Vraks, first from traitorous forces, and later from Chaos. Trouble on Vraks began when the rogue Cardinal Xaphan established a powerful following on the Departmento Munitorum armoury world of Vraks, proclaiming that he was acting against doubters and heretics that threatened the Emperor's divine rule. Xaphan attempted to organize a War of Faith as he established a stranglehold on Vraks, purging any who spoke out against his zealotry. However his sermons focused on the downtrodden workers and lower of Imperial society, and soon Xaphan became a man of the people. This drew the ire of the Ordo Hereticus, which became concerned that the Cardinal was amassing too much personal power and that his preachings of hope to the lower classes may result in open class warfare on Vraks. Thus the Ordo decided to dispatch the Cardinal, deploying a lone Vindicare Assassin for the job. However the assassination attempt failed, and when the attempted murder of their "savior" at the hands of the Imperial government became known, the citizens of Vraks rose up in open revolt.